"Are you sure this'll work?"

"Definitely, we're guaranteed to be seen from space with this setup!"

Chrom sighed to himself; it wasn't the first time he'd questioned the life choices he'd made, but standing on the roof of the Smash Mansion with a tie-wearing ape, about to activate a device that he barely understood, talking to a little blue kid who spoke in technical terms that sounded like another language to him, was especially starting to make him do so.

He looked out over the sea of unplugged christmas lights and various other paraphernalia that would, according to what Rock had said over the radio, shine so bright they'd be seen from space (Which he had a very limited understanding of, it being explained to him as "From very, very high in the sky"), when he plugged in the two ends of the chord he was holding in his hands, He briefly turned to Donkey Kong with a look that said, 'you'll catch me if I fall, right?', which was responded to with a smile, nod, and a thumbs up.

He took another deep breath, and plugged the two ends in, and….

Nothing. Confused, Chrom unplugged them and plugged them back in again, and again, until…

"Wait! Chrom, don-"

the lights in the mansion flickered a bit, but in a second, all the lights had lit up brightly across the mansion's lawn- a smash symbol made of christmas lights being the largest and most obvious thing.

And it was also the last thing Chrom saw before he passed out from electrocution.

When he next awoke, he was surrounded by familiar faces; his loyal tactician and best friend, Robin, his loving daughter, Lucina, and a very apologetic and embarrassed Megaman. The little robot altered between frantic yet sincere apologies, and more of the technobabble that baffled Chrom so much.

"So...Did it work?" He asked as he came out of his half-conscious stupor.

"Well…" Rock began sheepishly, "No, Turns out, well…I bought faulty christmas lights," He looked down shyly, "Everyone's been so busy with Christmas that I didn't want to bother anybody, so I went out and bought some myself! The salesperson said they were the best possible Christmas lights, and they were so nice, I didn't think they'd lie! They even complimented my sweater!" Rock gestured to the sweater he was wearing; A striped, red, white, and green-colored sweater with the words 'world's best son' stitched onto it that Doctor Light had made for him.

Chrom sighed and struggled to get to his feet, "Sounds like I need to teach a clerk about taking advant-AGH!" He nearly fell over, but was immediately caught by Robin and Lucina and helped back into his infirmary bed.

"Please, father, " Lucina said, taking his hand and looking concerned, "just concentrate on healing."

Chrom sighed, but upon seeing his daughter's face, finally relented, "Very well...So long as you and Robin are by my side, I'll be on my feet in no time."

Robin smiled and gave a warm chuckle, "I'm sure you will, old man."

Chrom rolled his eyes and smiled at Robin, "Am I really that stubborn?"

All three shared a brief but joyous laugh before Samus walked in, adjusting her arm cannon,

"Rock, are you ready? Let me help you get a refund for those Christmas lights…"

"I'll be there in a minute, Samus! And please, don't use your arm cannon on the clerk!"

Rock briefly turned back to Chrom with a smile and a "get well soon" before following after Samus.

"So…" Chrom began once the three of them had been left alone, "How've things been while I was out?"

The pair began talking about how Peach had gotten out the mistletoe and gone around trying to get different couples to kiss, and how Mario and Pac-Man had had more eggnog then they could handle and had begun shouting Christmas Carols at the top of their lungs, and very soon the laughter and joy had started up again.

Chrom understood very little about this holiday, but if this was anything like how it normally was, maybe it wasn't so bad.

Except for the electricity burns. He could really do without those.