Kikkie: Season 4 is here...and I have completely forgot the orginal idea for this story. But don't worry, I have one in mind. Might change the summary soon, but still keep my dirty magic on it ;)

"That's not Deku."

Katsuki spoke to the three classmates he called in. Izuku, who was in the next room, was chained and bound to a bed. His neck had a dog collar around it with four chains. Two to the wall, and two the bedpost, leaving him restrained to the bed. Mezo, Rikido, and Koji were watching him intensely, while also standing by the door. From the looks of it, Izuku was sleeping soundly.

"What do you mean?" Momo asked. She, along with Shouto and Tenya were the only three students Katsuki called in after putting Izuku down for sleep. How you may ask, he put a large amount of sleeping medicine into both his food and drink. Knocking the crazy boy out.

"Today…I had sex with Deku." Katsuki started. Tenya, who didn't know, gasp.

"Sexual intercourse is against the-I KNOW THAT DUMB-ASS!" The hot head screamed as he stands up from his seat. Momo rolled her eyes at him before pointing to Katsuki.

"Continued." She spoke. The blonde male lets out a low growl before continuing his explanation.

"This…wasn't the first time I had sex with Deku." He started. "Deku and I always had…a unique relationship. We didn't agree to be in anything romantic, but we both had urges that needed to be tended to. So, we decided to be friends with benefits. So, on certain days, I would sneak to his room or he would sneak to mine and we would fuck."

"You and Izuku?" Shouto says in disgust.

"Yea…not that bad," Katsuki muttered. "When Deku and I had sex in the classroom, I notice something. Something that has been on my mind for a while now, but I think it was proven now."

"What is it?" Momo asked.

"Has Deku used his Quirk at all since he came back?" Katsuki asked. The three teens look down to the ground to think. Their minds wander as they think of the last past month since Izuku had gone evil. It then hits them, Katsuki was right!

"He hasn't used his Quirk," Momo muttered. "In fact, there is no evidence of him using his quirk at all!"

"He's been relying on skill and intelligent since he has gotten here!" Tenya said. "So, what do you think he is Bakugou!?"

"I don't know, but I do know one thing." Katsuki started. "That thing in there isn't Deku. When he came…he didn't release."

"What?" Shouto asked.

"When Deku cums he lets out electricity when he does. That thing didn't." Katsuki growled. "I don't know what that thing is."

"You know, I have been having a theory since Midoriya came back." Momo started. "Midoriya seems to talk to us, but he doesn't seem to know us. I feel like, I am meeting someone new. If he's supposed to be under the influence of a quirk that turns him evil but does it also change the feelings of the ones around you?"

"I don't understand," Tenya says.

"It feel like it is him, but I get this feeling I don't know him. I don't know how to explain it, but I get this feeling that the Midoriya we see, isn't ours."

"As long as it has Deku's face, you didn't mind fucking it," Shouto growled. In a flash, Katsuki rises from his seat to attack the male. Only to stop when he heard his classmates next store screaming for help, then a loud thump and glass crashing was heard. All four students burst through the door, readying themselves for the worst. But they weren't prepared for what they say.

"Where's Midoriya!?" Tenya asked as he runs over to Mezo, who was on the ground with a large piece of glass sticking from his side. His other two classmates were in the corner, their bodies shaking in fear as they stared up at their classmates.

"He…He…" Koji started. His normal skin color of peach was pure white. His eyes were filled with tears as his legs refused to leave his chest.

"He broke free somehow…" Rikido spoke. "We were watching him like a hawk! Then someone knocked on the door. Next, think I knew, I went flying into the wall, and Mezo was attacked!"

"Who attacked you?" Katsuki growled.

"We don't know…" Mezo started. "All I saw was…black electricity. It threw me into the window but it didn't kill me."

"So Izuku does have a Quirk?" Tenya asked.

"No…the one who attacked me looked and sound just like Denki. But, it wasn't him." Mezo says as his eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" Tenya asked.

"Denki…his hair was down and he was wearing pink sunglass," Mezo explained. "And the way he talked, he sounded smart, as if he knew what to do and how to do it. It was frightening."

Denki? Where the fuck is Denki?" Katsuki growled.

"He's should be in the lobby with Mineta! Their watching that stupid show!" Momo shouted. Before she knew it, Katsuki and Shouto went flying out of the room. At full speed, the two-run two floors down to the lobby, and just as Momo said, Denki was sitting on the couch. Next to him was Mina and Mineta, all three of the youngsters were staring at the TV screen with widen eyes. Fascinated by the show before them. They were so focus that they didn't even notice the two huffing males leaning against the walls.

"He's here," Shouto whispered. But Katsuki refused to listen to him. Walking over to Denki, he grabbed his blonde locks, then let out a large explosion into his face, causing the blonde to fly forward straight into the TV screen. Mina is the first to react, while Mineta drops his popcorn bowl.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Mina shouted as Katsuki ignores her screams. As Denki removes himself from the TV screen, shockingly without scratching his face, he looks over to Katsuki with fear.

"Dude…" He started. Being grabbed by the collar, Katsuki raises him up before placing his hand to his face.

"Next one will blow your fucking skin off!" He shouted. "WHY DID YOU LET DEKU GO!?"

"DEKU WAS IN THE HOUSE!?" Denki shouted as he fears for his life, showing everyone his complete knowledge of the situation, which was none. Learning this quickly, Katsuki sets him down onto the ground.

"So you were here all night?" Katsuki asked. The electric-using male nods his head.

"Yea! You can ask Mina and Mineta! They'll bounce for me!" Denki shouted.

"Why are you so pissed at Denki, he didn't do shit!" Mina shouted.

"Denki freed Deku!" Katsuki shouted. Only to be soon eating his words when he heard a yelp coming from behind him. Shouto looks behind him to see Momo being held but the neck with a knife pressing against the chest. Momo's eyes were wide, but that was nothing compared to what everyone was looking at. The person holding the Knife.

"Holy shit," Mina muttered as her eyes met to Momo's capture.

It was Denki! Or rather, someone who looked exactly like Denki. Just as a mirror was to reflect an exact image, the person everyone was looking at was indeed Denki. But the male didn't exactly look like Denki. His hair for one wasn't like the males, for it was gelled and slicked back. He on top of his head were pink clear sunglasses. His outfit looked just like Denki's superhero costume, but his jacket at a furry coat top.

His expression was different compared to Denki. His eyes seemed to have black circles under them, creating a tired look that was similar to Izuku. He seemed both tired and mad at the same time, but the thing that got to the kids was…well his appearance!

"Took you, idiots, long enough." Denki or rather other Denki spoke.

"I told you they are not stupid," Izuku muttered as he crosses his arms. "Is it just you?"

"For now. But now that we have her, everything will be completed." Other Denki chuckled. "Did you get the DNA samples?"

"Each and every person." Izuku chuckled before pulling out a long blade dagger. He presses it against Momo's exposed chest, cutting the smooth skin between her luscious breasts.

"Oh, Shouto is going to love you." Other Denki chuckled as Momo's eyes widen in fear. Tears begin to form in her eyes as her body freezes, refusing to move.

"THE HELL!?" Katsuki shouted as he gets into a fighting stance. Suddenly, Izuku moves the blade up to Momo's neck. Pressing the tip against her fossa jugularis sternalis, making a small line of red fall down between her breast. Momo's eyes widen as more tears begin to fall down her eyes. Her chest rises and her body begins to shake. Shouto, who was closer, see's her panicking.

"Keep calm Momo!" Shouto shouted.

"Yea, do as your boyfriend…or rather ex-lover says." Other Denki spoke. His speaking pattern was way off from Denki. He spoke as if he had a high IQ and wasn't an idiot!

"Let her go!" Katsuki growled.

"We can't do that, we need Momo here to open a door for us." Deku chuckled before removing the blade from her neck. "From the conversation I heard, you guys figured it out."

"That's your not Deku?" Izuku asked.

"Close, I am Deku. But not the one from YOUR world." Izuku chuckles before looking over to Momo. "I am from a different world. Mirrored to yours I guess, but the difference is…I didn't become a hero."

"I can see that," Shouto muttered.

"No, I didn't get a quirk, nor did I get to become apathetic hero Katsuki!" Izuku chuckled. "But I don't need a Quirk, I am the best of the best, and I can beat anyone's ass if they try."

"You sure can," Mina muttered. Izuku just gives her a wink before twirling around towards Shouto. With the blade still in his hand, he points the tip at Shouto the second he stops dancing.

"Its time for me to go, follow us and you will have to explain to your teacher why there is a dead student." Izuku chuckles as the Other Denki raises his hand. Black electricity begins to form in his hand, a completely different color from their Denki Quirk.

"Cool." Shouto muttered.

"Dude!" Denki shouted. The other Denki lets out a low chuckle before touching the wall. His hand admits a large sum of black electricity that crawled its way up towards the lights of the room. Soon, the pulps popped and the TV exploded, causing a black-out in the Lobby and soon the whole entire school.

"MOMO!?" Mina screamed as she jumps over the couch in the dark. She soon falls down to the ground when she ran face forward into Katsuki's back. When they hit the ground the light came one, revealing an open door but no Deku of Other Denki.

Kikkie: Yes, yes! I will change and get to it later. Have a good day and thank you for reading!