Sup? NeoShadows here after a whole year to continue this story! Told ya's I'd be back! Had about three chapters already finished when I went dark, so ya don't have to worry about me going away again. Maybe. You know the old saying; Life finds a way.

Anyway, I'm glad to be continuing with this story. I really had high hopes for it when I was coming up with it. I had to go back to playing Fire Emblem Awakening to familiarize myself with the story; Fell back in love in an instant. Still remember my first wife, Maribelle. I will go to war, swear to god; Maribelle best girl. Got my forged legendary blade ready to cut anyone who dares to say anything.

Since my disappearing act over a year ago, I did have time to play the newest edition to the Fire Emblem series; Fire Emblem Three Houses. That game itself would also be a reason why I hadn't been updating either. Spent about over a hundred hours on the Golden Deer path alone. And now I'm restraining myself from starting the next paths.

After a long wait, it's about time to return to our story. But first, Reviews!

Yexius: Christmas miracle, huh? Then would you call this Valentine's miracle; despite it being a week old?

Frost Wolf: I really do suggest playing some Fire Emblem, if ya haven't. Truly a fun game if you love tactics like I do. Jaune will have some interesting effects to the world of Fire Emblem, that's for sure. Fun ones at that. And if ya haven't noticed yet, Multiplayer was indeed updated recently. I'm back, bitches!

TalonIbnLaAhad: My old comrade; are you there? Do you still continue to fight in the revolution? Or have you succumbed to the sweet nectars of tequila? Know that your boi is still here! Fighting the good fight, awaiting your return! I still believe that you're there, somewhere!

NinjaFang1331: I can't think of any good Fire Emblem fics involving Jaune, so I was eager to write this. I've gone through the entire Jaune section of RWBY's crossovers, but couldn't find one that held my interest or excited me. Hopefully, I can change that.

Spartastic4: You are right about that. I think it's obvious that the Lucina he meets again won't be the same one that dragged him into this new world. Speaking on pairings; Secret~! I've already got them made up, so there's no changing them at this point.

Goetia923: I'd have to say Male Robin. For reasons. And I'm much more familiar with writing the male avatar than the female avatar.

Dragoon109: Glad you stuck around. And I would have to say that Jaune doesn't have much skill right now. He's got promise, that's for sure. But this is at the start of Initiation when his combat skills were sorely lacking. That will change though as the story moves on.

That's it for now. Get to scrolling!

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to either RWBY or Fire Emblem. Both are exclusively reserved to Rooster Teeth and Intelligent Systems/Nintendo.

Currently wrestling with a bitch of a sore throat. But that does let me stay in bed and play plenty of games in my own room for once. No more sharing with the little brother, no siree. Just me, the dogs, and the long library of games I got stacked up for me to finish.

...That, and all those doujins saved in thy old phone. Don't judge me, we all know the shoes fits on the other foot; perverts.

Chapter 2: The Huntsman Who Fell From the Sky.

Awaking with no memories of who you are, where you are, or how you got where you are, was a strange sensation to find oneself. It was an alien experience that was truly hard to describe since Robin lacked past experiences to compare remotely. Robin had no idea who he was in this world, only that his name was Robin and that he had mysteriously found himself napping in an open field without a care in the world. It was only when a traveling group of strangers had discovered him that Robin had realized what was wrong with him. He had amnesia; he had no recollection of any past event in his life. His birthday, his age, his family, even his favorite color! No matter how hard he tried to recall anything about himself, not a thing could be found in that empty plain that was his memories! It was just a complete blank; his mind was empty to any past event he had ever been apart of. What he did seem to know was that his name was Robin, he had white hair, he was pale, his eyes were brown, and he had the oddest six-eyed tattoo on the back of one of his hands.

While his memories were gone, he still seemed to retain basic knowledge, how to write, how to speak, recognize the basics of the world around him, even how to fight and use spells of all things! For whatever reason, it appeared he had tactical knowledge as well and used it to his advantage as he leads Chrom and the others against an invading band of bandits. At least he knew that his muscles hadn't forgotten how to move about while in combat. Otherwise, his memories before his death would have been pretty lackluster. But other than what he believed to be basic knowledge, he had nothing else to go from. All he had on him when Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick had found him were the robes on his back, a brass sword, a Lightning Tome, and a creepy birthmark on the back of one of his hands.

And the strange thing was, compared to everything else since he had awoken as a new person, was the fact that he didn't feel any inkling of sadness at the loss of his memories. It was weird. Robin honestly felt indifferent to the whole ordeal he found himself in. Almost as if he was better off without those memories he might never get back. It was worrying to feel that way, definitely something he was going to have to look into in the future.

Well, if he lived to see that future.

"Chrom, what are those?!"

"Robin, I'm going to be completely honest with you; I have absolutely no earthly idea what those things are. What I do know is to ask questions later, and get to stabbing."

What had at first begun as a peaceful night under the stars had quickly devolved into a night of terror and flames for the small band of warriors known as the Shepherds. Skipping back a few steps to avoid a downward chop from a rusted ax, Robin aimed his palms to the grotesque living corpse staring him dead into his very soul with glowing red eyes. Yellow sparks danced around Robin's fingertips before blasting away the monster with magical lightning that burned away the decaying flesh. The low-level lightning spell was enough to stun it for a few moments, more than long enough for Robin's bronze blade to finish the job. With a well-aimed swing for its neck, the amnesiac tactician lobbed its head off with one quick slash.

And like the other horrific monsters of rotten flesh, the living headless corpse vanished into ribbons of darkly purple miasma. Hopefully back to wherever they came from. Robin didn't have much time to ponder on the matter though. Where one living dead fell, another charged back in with the same ferocity as their brothers amid the burning fields. Robin flinched at the speed the corpse was running at him, noticing the attire of the monster as a swordsman with the retained speed of its former class. His magic was nowhere near fast enough to counter the drawing slash of a swordsman, and he wasn't confident in dodging such an attack. He was defenseless.

"Fear not, oh, helpless stranger! For the Archest of Archers is here!"

The Risen swordsman was ready to cut Robin to pieces with one more swift step, only to pause as several arrowheads pierced its chest from behind. While it may have already been dead, the damage it had suffered was enough to stop it in its tracks. Its red eyes twitched, groaning lowly before one more arrow digging straight through its forehead put an end to it. Through the dying miasma of the undead, Robin made out the bowing figure of the eccentric blue-haired archer aiding them in their struggle.

Said Archer smirked proudly at his accomplishment, "I dare say, though they may appear undead, even they become stunned at my profound skills! The sheer sight of such magnificent skills sends them to the graves!"

"That, and you just shot those piles of crawling shit dead, Frills!"

Caught by surprise at the oh so alluring voice, the so-called Archest of Archers spun around to come face to face with a rather cruel-looking ax blade. If he weren't so charming or dashing, he would have screamed in fear. But luckily for him, the ax-wielding monster had a rather deadly looking spear piercing its chest. Reduced to darkness, Virion found a rather boyish faced woman with short red hair, decked out in red armor atop of a horse. Immediately, he set aside the battle around him, and the flames raving the land and gave the woman a gentleman's smile that illuminated the burning forest ground.

"My dear Sully! You are as beautiful as a dew rose plucked out from the greenest of gardens on the gods' planes themselves, even when splattered with the blood of your enemies! Oh, won't you be mine!?" he cried joyously.

Sully gave the flirting archer a look of disgust and spat to the side. An action that would normally gross one as noble as Virion, but only served to strangely attract him.

"Get your head in the game, Frills! In case you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of a burning forest surrounded by a horde of undead! One wrong step into that La la land of a head of yours here, and you're dead! Though maybe that would be a good thing, save the world the trouble of dealing with your shit." Sully scoffed while spinning the lance in her hand around. From her left, an undead swordsman jumped at her with its blade moved to stab her side through. She didn't pay it much mind, parrying the stab as her horse proved its metal by swinging its head at the monster. Stunning it, she pierced her lance through its head and ripped its skull off, dropping it dead.

Virion looked aghast, moving his hand to his chest dramatically. How could his battlefield sweet say such things to him?! Unless Sully genuinely was concerned for his well being! That's it! So shy was the maiden's heart, she had no other way of communicating her feelings other than barbed words and veiled threats. Indeed a rose with many, many, many thorns! All the more beautiful!

In Virion's breakthrough, he had forgotten about the significant fact that he was indeed in the middle of a battle. And the undead soldiers had enough brains to take advantage of that. Three of the undead charged at the man as he was stroking his chin, a smirk of revelation on his lips as he nodded without a care in the world. Sully grit her teeth, commanding her horse to close the small distance to save the idiot.

But while to many Virion appeared to be a showboating flirt, he was not a man of lies. If he said, he was the Archest of Archers than he was.

Sensing the danger behind his back, Virion spun around the stabbing blade aimed for his spine. He put some flair behind his dodges as if he was dancing around several partners. It was enough to stop Sully from intervening. Jumping far back from a series of wild slashes, Virion reached for his back and spun an arrow around his finger before aiming. He didn't even need to shut one eye for focus, sniping the left eye of the undead. He turned back to the last two corpses, lined up his bow, and fired two quick shots before they could make another move. All while looking as handsome as ever.

Robin wasn't sure what to make of the odd man as he observed Virion return to wooing Sully amid battle. Was this common? He knew he had amnesia and all, but was it normal to court while fending off living corpses? He had a lot of reading to do on social etiquette when he had the chance to venture into a library.

"Robin, your six!"

Such things would have to wait when the battle for their lives came to an end. Hopefully wherever Chrom and his allies were taking him would help with his loss of memory. At the sounds of gurgled growls, he batted away another swing for his head from a corpse, cutting it down with his blade while watching out for the others around him. Chrom had placed his trust in him, a stranger he had only just met today, and left him to command their small band of warriors. He wouldn't lose that kind of a once in a lifetime trust so easily.

"Chrom, watch my back! I'll cover range with my Thunder spells while you keep the enemy off my blind spots! Frederick, cover Lissa and make sure not a single hair on her head is so much as grazed! If you spot any of us wounded, carry her over to heal! Sully, focus on the enemy and wipe out as many as you can! And Virion, weaken those in Sully's sight and pick off the stragglers that escape her finishing blows!" Robin yelled over the sounds of clanging steel and roar of spreading fires.

No one among the fighters argued with the white-haired tactician, following his orders with simple nods as they fixed their battle formations to his words. For whatever reason, they trusted in Robin's guidance. Even Sully and Virion, who hadn't even spoken to the man, had no reason to argue with his commands. When in the heat of battle, all they could do was trust in their comrades.

Running by an undead ax-man with a waist slicing swing, Chrom guarded Robin's back as the tactician began repeatedly firing Thunder spells left and right. It seemed he wasn't wrong in taking in the strange white-haired man. Robin was proving to be a great asset since he had found the amnesiac in the field. There was little doubt in the prince's mind now; he was going to have Robin join the Shepherds when they returned to the castle.

Ridding another corpse from the burning forest field, Robin began to focus his attention on the more significant threat plaguing them. Literally. Positioned a safe distance away from the warriors was a behemoth of a monster, bulked with muscles, seething red eyes, and an odd mask protecting its face. It watched over the battle, clutching onto a well-polished Hand Ax, away from harm. Ducking under a wide swing and blasting another of the undead abominations with a quick lightning incantation, Robin noted the way it observed the lesser of its kind fight and commanded them with grunts and moans. It looked like he just found the boss of the monsters.

"Chrom, I believe I've just found our main target!" Robin shouted over his back, gaining Chrom's attention. Chrom turned back to Robin, spying over the tactician's shoulder, the hulking corpse leading the undead.

"I'm guessing we're going after the big lug?" Chrom grinned as he swept his sword, Falcion, in a wide arc to kill off several weakened corpses.

"If we take out the commander, then I believe the enemy will lose focus and even fall back. Without a leader, they'll be nothing more than headless chickens without direction. We'll leave what's left of the monsters to the rest. We'll deal with the commander and regroup!" Robin commanded with a grin of his own. Despite the severity of the situation, he couldn't help it. Fighting seemed to be something his muscles remembered rather well, and he was even enjoying the feeling of his blood pumping and heart racing.

With the new strategy in mind, the two cut down the last of the enemy in their way and charged over to the commander insight. A few of the undead ran straight for them to get in their way, but either fell to their blades or were dismembered and rendered unable to fight. The commander of the undead let out a guttural moan, eyeing the Robin and Chrom running closer. It had one thought in mind.

"KilL. . .pRinCE. . .KIll. . .veSsAl."

The battle between the pawns of a dreaded god and the warriors of blessed god raged with the licking flames surrounding them. As it had been foretold many times over across the rivers of time. For it was fate.

But when a pebble drops into a river, the ripples were bound to change its original flow. And the many streams connected to said river.

Once again, above the sky of the Shepherds, an odd gate of energy made of magical arrays appeared over their heads. The reemergence of the gate was enough to stop Chrom and Robin in their tracks. They grew more on edge, knowing what the first one had brought with it. It was the cause of the quake and the rise of the undead soldiers. Who knows what it would bring again.

"Reinforcements?" Robin guessed, readying his lightning tome and sword for whatever dropped down.

Chrom was unsure, remembering the masked blue-haired swordsman who had protected his sister, Lissa, when the monsters appeared, "We can only pray to Naga it's not another monstrosity."

While they were distracted by the gate, the commander of the undead wasn't. It charged at the two with a bellowing roar, its strands of dirty, damaged hair whipping back as it raised its hand ax high. It had only one thought in mind, and that was to kill everything in sight.

Whatever was emerging from the gate finally came through, dropping something down like an anvil. The night sky and smoke obscured what had fallen through as the gate blinked away. What they could make out looked to be a body.

Said person's eyes blinked as they fell. A wave of deja vu hit him. Did another Death Stalker hit him?

'What's going on? All I remember is stepping into that weird eye. Am I-!'

All those watching the body fall gaped. The commander stopped, confused when it noticed a shadow over its muscular body. It was when it tilted its head up that it found blond hair blocking its sight. And then pain, if it could feel it.

Jaune shouted in pain as his skull collided with another, more larger skull. He fell to the ground, along with a heavy thud from whatever he hit with a groan. What the hell did he hit?! A damn boulder?! The pain made him roll around the grass, clutching his head with tears in his eyes. Was he bleeding? It felt like he was bleeding.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Jaune got back up while rubbing his aching head to take a look around. Immediately he noted the fires on the grass, the smoke rising into the night air, the scary flames rising from cracks like lava, and the people staring at him with slack jaws. Taking a look at the people, he was reminded of the armor he had seen from the old days of the Great War on Remnant. Kind of like him, except for his jeans and Pumpkin Pete's hoodie. Ruby would have called their weapons and gear old school, classics.

In his observations, Jaune finally noticed the odd...things standing still, just as surprised as everyone else. At least he believed they were surprised since he couldn't see with the strange masks over their faces. They kind of reminded him of-

"Are those...zombies?" Jaune squeaked with a gulp. The inhuman beings had grotesque skin, stitches, red eyes, were splattered with blood, and slouched like zombies. One of them had lost an arm!

A horrifying, groaning growl reached Jaune's ears, causing his back to straighten as something stood back up from behind. He could feel the very earth shake under his feet. Painfully slow, Jaune turned his head around to find a bulking mass of dead flesh standing behind him with seething red eyes. His blue eyes fell up to follow its sick green arm and found an ax raised.


The commander roared, slamming its hand ax down with enough force to part the air with an audible whoosh. Jaune had no idea what was going on right now, but he knew one thing. He had to move. His arm flew for Crocea Mors and deployed the shield just in time to place it over the shadow of the ax. His knees buckled from the thunderous chop, his hair blowback by the small shock wave breaking the earth under him. It was like a crack of thunder had gone off and hit his shield! All of his strength was needed to keep up his guard!

"This is not an Ursa! This is not an Ursa, this is not an Ursa, this is not an Ursa!" Jaune frantically repeated to himself while fighting to stand against the giant's ax.

At the sound of the blond stranger's struggle with the commander, Robin and Chrom broke out of their surprise and moved. Swords swung to their sides, the two dashed in to slash at the beast's ribs. Dark purple blood sprayed from the wounds. It was enough to drop its attack on the blond with a roar. Jaune gasped in relief from the dropped weight of the ax blade and jumped far back from the nightmarish beast, easing his hammering heart as he took a moment to get another look of his surroundings.

'Where...where the hell am I?' Jaune gulped anxiously before finding himself throwing his shield up. One of the zombie knockoff's broke out of its stupor and rushed him with a wild swing of its rusty sword. Blow after blow scratched Jaune's shield in its attempts to maul him. All while its bright devilish red eyes glared into Jaune's terrified blue.

One second he was following after the mysterious girl, Marth, to escape a horde of Grimm, and the next, he was dropped into what could only be described as a war-zone between the living dead! Jaune knew he wasn't an expert on the world outside his humble little village, but he knew for a fact that the dead did not walk among the living. His heart wouldn't stop racing with each swing of the corpse's sword slashing against Crocea Mors, pushing him back bit by bit. He was too shell shocked at the situation to do anything more than block. Who wouldn't be? This wasn't exactly what he signed up for.

Jaune grunted deeply as the zombie spun on its foot to gather momentum for a wide swing that knocked his shield away. He was wide open, wide-eyed as the monster's stitched mouth stretched in victory. Its rusted blade gleamed, warning of a fatal blow. Jaune's aura was still gone when he landed in a strange environment. He would die if the sword connected; he just knew it.

Instinct had been born in that very moment from the adrenaline and panic coursing through Jaune's veins. The war aged gray blade of Crocea Mors was a blur in Jaune's eyes, cutting through the air before he knew what was happening. The rusted blade in the Risen's grip stiffened, stopping a few inches from scraping against Jaune's adam apple. Its red orbs fell, finding Jaune's long sword stabbing right through its chest. Jaune's entire body was trembling in fear, the realization that his sword was running through human flesh shaking his core with horror. Dead or not, it was a human body, nothing like the Grimm he had been slaying earlier before.

The corpse twitched, a haunting gurgle escaping its lips to glare straight at Jaune with scorn. It wasn't giving Jaune any time to question his actions as it moved to continue its killing blow. Again, Jaune's body moved without his consent. Twisting the long blade in the monster's chest, he ripped it out swiftly before decapitating its head in one wide swing. The reflex was completely unlike Jaune, stunning him still to watch the animated corpse reduce to bellowing smoke.

Something broke through the slowly dispersing smoke of the corpse's death, shooting right through faster than Jaune could react to, and pierced his shoulder. Jaune shouted in pain, blood gushing from the arrow piercing straight through flesh, muscle, and bone. He dropped his shield and held the punctured wound. Dropping his guard in an instant.


Gritting his teeth in pain and anguish, Jaune looked up with a deep frown to find the attacker a safe distance away from the knight with an arrow notched to take him out for good. He couldn't dodge like this; the pain was too much for him. This was the first time he had ever been hurt this badly. Not even the slashes from the Beowolves earlier could compare, though that could be in thanks to his aura being up back then. He struggled to get up and at least attempt to evade the arrow, only to stagger as the Risen's bow let out an audible snap of its bowstring.

Jaune shut his eyes, waiting for the arrow to hit its marker. But it never did. He heard a metal clang close by him, an animal's deep breathing and clop of feet, and an amused chuckle.

"If you're going to be flinching like that, then you should think twice about dropping into the battlefield, kid. A real warrior doesn't shut his eyes in battle after all."

Opening his eyes, Jaune looked up to find a short red-haired woman in cavalier red armor on horseback. He blinked, almost mistaking her for a man with her gruff voice and unkempt hair. But she was, without doubt, a woman, the kind who looked to be a hit with the ladies despite her gender. He gulped anxiously at the sight of her horse, noting how big and menacing it appeared compared to the ones he'd seen back home. Was it him, or was it glaring at him?

Remembering his situation and what the female knight had done, Jaune nodded thankfully with a grimaced smile. He was struggling not to show it, but the arrow in his shoulder hurt like hell.

"Thanks for the save, Ms-"

"Sully, call me Sully, kid. Don't get formal on the battlefield, you hear? There's no need for that shit here. Not when the blood's spilling every which way." Sully scoffed mirthfully before her ears twitched. She motioned her horse to turn slightly, catching the eye of another arrow firing towards them. She spun her lance, deflecting the arrow as if she were swatting a fly before aiming. Before the Risen could even notch its bow, it found its head run through by bronze steel.

"Great, now I got to grab my lance. I'm surprised that worked so well, normally you need a spear or pike for a hit like that to do real damage." Sully said to herself with pride in her voice. She looked back to the blond knight, noting his free hand gripping onto the arrow lodged in his shoulder with a slight frown, "Want some advice? Stay out of the fight and find a place to hide. A greenhorn like yourself isn't suited for this." she said sternly before commanding her horse to lead her to her weapon.

Greenhorn? Jaune would have felt insulted if it wasn't true. With a struggled sigh, he watched the cavalier knight ride off into battle with some envy and shame. This wasn't exactly a good example of a first impression. He was standing frozen in the middle of a battlefield with an arrow in the shoulder. Guess he couldn't hate Sully for truth. Hell, he wasn't sure what was going on right now.

It was true. He was a total greenhorn in huntsman standards, let alone huntsman in training. He wasn't cut out to be a warrior. That was what they all told him, over and over again. He was weak, untrained, in over his head. He may have even been a coward.

The fighting was growing louder around him. People he didn't know fought for their lives against monsters who rose from the dead. The entire situation he had literally been dropped into didn't make sense. Jaune was beginning to wonder if he was dreaming. Maybe this was all just a bad dream. And yet, despite how everything wasn't making any sense and could all be a nightmare, Jaune couldn't run away with his tail between his legs like a coward. Not when it would only prove everything everyone had ever said about him right. Even if sitting back was for his good, he still wanted to prove himself as a warrior! And he'd be damned if he shuffled off while others fought.

Jaune ground his teeth, his hands tightly gripping the arrow's tail, "Maybe she's right, but I can't just run and hide!" he growled before snapping half of the arrow off with a deep groan. He wasn't an idiot, ripping the arrow would leave him with a gushing hole; better to leave the rest in his body than bleed out.

Reaching down for Crocea Mor's shield that lay by his feet, Jaune turned around to find the behemoth of a corpse fighting a white-haired man and blue-haired swordsman who strangely enough reminded him of Marth. From what he could guess, that thing appeared to be the boss of the weaker troops. It was like something out of one of his video games when he thought about it. And what better way to stop a hoard of enemies than taking out the leader? Taking a deep breath, Jaune rose his shield up as he watched the duo of warriors stagger the boss back with their crossing blades.

Jaune still had no idea what was happening, where he was, or if he could even go home right now. But he knew he couldn't just hide and wait for the battle to blow over. He needed to act. No, he wanted to act. He refused to be some noodley blond coward!

"Here goes nothing!" Jaune clenched his teeth, ignoring the clogged up hole in his shoulder and charged straight ahead at the boss with a battle cry. He ran in with his shield up, passing by the two stunned strangers and bashed his family's prized shield into the monster's chest with all his weight as it raised its hand ax high. The boss had forgotten about the blond knight, entirely focused on its real objective. The sudden tackling shield came out of nowhere for it, stunning it as its massive body stumbled back with a groan. It rose its heads to the dark sky, roaring in anger before taking a swipe at the white shield. The ax screeched against Jaune's shield, the force of the swipe ringing his arms and damaging his pierced shoulder. Blood spurt from said wound.


As the boss moved to strike Jaune again, a bolt of magical thunder hit it mid-swing. From Jaune's left, he made out a billowing white cape and the familiar glinting blade in the blue-haired swordsman's hand. Chrom dashed in, slashing a carving line across the boss's chest in its stupor from Robin's spell. The slash further drove the boss mad, retaliating with a wild swing to Chrom's side. Jaune moved quickly, stepping in front of the swing with his shield blocking the ax. He swallowed a rasping gasp from the pure force, swearing his arms were ready to break as they trembled from the strain. But to his delight, he could make out a slight pulse of white around his arms.

'Just a little longer. I can keep this up before my aura even returns!'

Jaune dug deep, shouting as he pushed the monster's heavy ax hand back and stabbed his sword forward. The Risen boss moved its left arm to block, only for the old blade to pierce through its forearm and splatter its blood on its face. Jaune ripped his sword out and skipped back, avoiding the downward chop of the ranged ax splitting the earth. Several small bolts of thunder struck the Risen boss's back, turning its attention to Robin. Spellbook in hand, Robin concentrated in the face of the behemoth changing its sight to him. He scowled grimly, watching it raise its ax and take aim.

"When its stunned, hit it hard! Its suffered enough damage, it can't keep up any longer! Both of you!" Robin shouted as his spellbook began to spark wildly, addressing both Chrom and Jaune, "Make it count! I won't be able to use any more magic after this!"

A blur of silver cut straight through the air between Jaune and Chrom at the end of Robin's command. Together, their eyes went wide in alarm as they followed the path of the sawing hand ax. The ax tore through Robin's right shoulder with ease, splashing crimson onto the burning earth just as the white-haired tactician unleashed all the stored up lightning he had been gathering. A wild bolt of thunder was fired to sear the Risen chief's rotten flesh by the cannon-like impact. It howled in anguish; its large body lit up with lightning to paralyze it in a coat of searing bolts.

A fabled blade and a war born blade pierced the back of the Risen and protruded through its pecs to cross another in sudden retaliation. Jaune and Chrom grimaced, digging their blades deeper as it fell to its knees as the sparks on its skin died. It growled lowly, struggling to stand up and smash the two with its bare fists alone. A bronze blade suddenly touched its neck, stopping it as it looked up to see narrowed brown eyes and white hair. In a low distorted voice, it rasped.

"V-vESSaL. . ."

Robin blinked, swearing he could have heard it speak. But as he watched it move its bulky arms to attack, he swung his sword. The bronze blade cut through the thick muscles and tendons in its neck, flinging its tainted blood in the air. The haunting red light in its eyes died, its head falling to the ground with a thump that echoed in the air.

With a silver lance stabbing through the last of the monster's heads, Frederick noted that the last of the creatures had died with his kill. He removed his weapon from the cloud of smoke and surveyed the calming battlefield. Whatever those abominations were, it didn't appear that they would be coming back to attack. He wasn't sure how they had come to being, recalling only how he caught a few of the monstrosities walking out of odd gates from thin air. Magic, no doubt. But what kind of sorcerer was able to summon a literal battalion of warriors like that?

At least the fighting had stopped with the death of the leader of the monsters. Frederick gazed after the back of his liege, relieved to see Chrom with little more than a few scratches and singes from the battle. It wouldn't do well to return to the halidom with the Exalt's brother worse for wear even if Lissa could heal her brother's wounds. Frederick frowned, watching as the white-haired amnesiac, Robin, began speaking with Chrom. He was still wary of the man and his apparent loss of memories. For all they knew, the stranger could have set everything up for the head of the next in line of Ylisse's halidom. It would be foolish to think otherwise! But no, Chrom was quick to trust this Robin and even put him in charge of their battle plans.

Frederick sighed and massaged his temple. Great as a man, Chrom was, he was too naive. Too trustful. One day it may even lead to his demise. Which was why Frederick was by his side, to make sure such things never happened to his liege. Though, even he had to admit that Robin's strategies had been a great help in the last two battles they had been in. And in all that time, the tactician could have stuck a knife in Chrom's back in their battles together, yet didn't. Perhaps Robin was just an unfortunate fellow with amnesia who found himself caught up in their troubles. The Great Knight would have to wait and see.

Blond unkempt hair caught Frederick's attention suddenly, causing his eyes to narrow at the unfamiliar face next to his charge. And again, his wariness was raised.

Jaune blinked, his eyes unfocused as he leaned on his kneecaps with sweat pouring down his dirty and bruised face. Well, that was thing. He breathed a shaking breath, swallowing a lump in his throat. His body was sore, the fight with the hoard of Grimm and now the undead taking their toll on him. Even as he watched his aura coat his arms as a sign of returning, he was too tired to even feel relieved. He was way out of shape. He needed to stop slacking off and get to some serious training if he wanted to be a huntsman.

'Wait, where the hell am I?!' Jaune finally remembered where he was, or lack of where he was. Where on Remnant was he? Anxiety attacked his core at the strange surroundings and people around him. When he had followed after Marth he had no idea what to expect. Only that it would lead him away from the hoard of Grimm after his blood. He threw caution to the wind to save himself. Funny, he ran away from one battle only to be dropped into another. He'd be chuckling if it weren't for the fact he was dead tired and lost in an unfamiliar land.

Speaking of Marth, where was she? He followed after her, so she had to be close by. Maybe she could explain to him where he was. Better yet, she could send him home! She had to!

"Are you okay, friend?"

Jaune tried standing up, only for a strong hand to ease him up by his shoulder. He found concerned blue eyes staring at him with a small smile. The face.

"M-Marth?" Jaune spoke softly as his eyes struggled to stay open.

Chrom looked at the blond knight strangely, "Actually, the name's Chrom. Though I am a descendant of the Hero King." he chuckled, helping the blond up on his feet with Robin's help. He eyed the stranger in interest, noting the blond knight's odd attire. Like Robin, he didn't appear to be Ylissean. And he fell out of a strange gate like the blue-haired stranger from earlier. Where was the swordsman anyway?

Chrom searched the area and eventually caught blue-haired swordsman with the odd butterfly mask over their eyes some distance away. Seeing as they both came from the gate, they must have been allies of sorts. Marth? That's what the blond said. Was that the stranger's name?

No need for wondering. Better to ask this 'Marth' about all that had happened. And get the knight the help he needed. Lissa would fix his wounds with no problem.

Remembering that he never got a name from the blond knight, Chrom was ready to ask the knight. But Robin looked to his new friend with a small smile and shake of his head, pointing out to the worn-out the knight in their arms. All it had taken was one moment of ease for the young blond to pass out from his own exhaustion.

"We'll have to wait for introductions later, Chrom. It seems he's had enough excitement for the night." Robin said amusingly as the two began to walk over to the rest of their friends with the blond knight over their shoulders, "Is this a regular thing for you? Picking up strangers wherever you go?"

Chrom shrugged his shoulders with a grin, "Frederick says that I just have that kind of aura around me. I don't get it, but if it means meeting new people and friends along the way, I don't question it. After all, it's how I met you!"

Robin quirked brow. And was that a good thing? He shook his head at the odd man, a small fond smile growing on his face. Well, he couldn't deny how lucky he was to have been found by Chrom and his little merry band. He wasn't sure where things would go from here, following Chrom to wherever he was heading. But he knew that it just felt right to go along with the man who had taken a chance on him from the moment they meet.

Almost like an invisible bond had been formed.

"Is that a bunny? Really?"

"Oh, I think it's adorable! I wonder where he got the strange shirt from?"

"I don't believe I've ever seen such strange commoner clothing before. It's foreign, no doubt about that. And made of fine material, if not a bit worn. I wonder if he's from noble blood? His shield does appear to have a family crest."

"You should have seen him! He just dropped out of the sky and headbutted that monster! I've never seen anything like it!"

Strange voices tickled Jaune's ears as his face twisted in his sleep. He groaned, turning in his bed while one of his hands moved to shut off whatever was disturbing his dreams. He was having a good one too, of becoming the greatest huntsman of them all and a beautiful girlfriend by his side. He had become a huntsman so great, they had only referred to him as The Huntsman!

". . .The Teach is not a roster, punk."

The dream was ripped away from Jaune, his eyes snapping open as haunting red eyes and stitched lips popped up in his mind. It all came back to him in an instant as he sat up, startled and gasping deeply as sweat ran down his face. His first day at Beacon, meeting the sweet, weapon nerd Ruby Rose, Initiation and running into his partner for the next four years, his aura being unlocked and-

'My name is Marth. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jaune.'

The otherworldly stranger, Marth. Jaune remembered the woman who's meeting had resulted in him being dropped in who knows where. He frowned as he gazed around his surroundings, finding himself in some kind of Great War aged clinic and unfamiliar faces gathered around his bed. He could make out bandages and gauze wrapped around his chest plus the smell of medicine in the air.

"Where am I?" Jaune asked softly, mostly to himself with an anxious frown. The second those words left his mouth, a grinning light blond pigtailed girl popped in front of his face. He jumped back slightly at the new face.

"Good morning, stranger! It's nice to finally meet you! Names Lissa, and you're in the medical facilities of our little castle!"

Jaune stared at the energetic wearing blond girl oddly. She kinda looked familiar. Wait, was she there during the whole fight with the living dead? He could have sworn he saw hair like her's bouncing around the battlefield with a staff in hand and a large knight following closely behind. Getting a good look at the girl, he couldn't help but be reminded of Ruby. Kinda dressed like her too; same energy. Was that what they called a Combat Skirt?

"Uh, hey? Nice to meet you, Lissa. Name's Jaune, Jaune Arc." Jaune introduced himself with a grin.

To the side, a curtly blond curled woman in a pink troubadour attire quirked one of her fine brows curiously.

"Arc? Despite your rather...plain appearance, it appears as if you bear a family name. That would explain the crest on your shield." the blonde woman said to herself in fascination. She couldn't help but lean in closer to better observe the bed ridden boy's features.

Jaune couldn't help but stare at the regal like woman mumbling about nobility. He blushed, drawn in by her fine appearance and sophisticated tone of voice. The pink outfit certainly did a fine job to accent her curves and make her cream white skin pop out. And those hauty eyes. He was starting to wonder if he just had a thing for that type of woman. It would explain why he thought Weiss was beautiful despite her crabby attitude.

Wait, his shield? "Where's Crocea Mors?!" Jaune asked in a panic, head swinging back and forth in search of his precious weapon. The old war weapon was quickly found in the hands of a blond man with spiky hair slicked back, revealing his forehead and tan skin. Jaune noted the lack of shirt and muscles proudly displayed, slightly irking him.

"Is that the name of this thing? The Teach like!" Vaike grinned as he marveled at the still deployed shield in his hands. It was pretty fancy despite its plain appearance. He'd never seen a shield with what looked like a sheath attached to it. Must have been some kind of new technology. If Miriel had a look at it, she'd probably never put it down until she dismantled it. Better in the Teach's hands if you asked him. Seeing the bedridden blond reach for it, Vaike decided to be a nice guy and hand Jaune his weapon.

Jaune breathed a sigh of relief to have the familiar weight of Crocea Mors back in his hand. After the day he had, he needed something familiar. He gave Vaike a grateful smile before surprising everyone in the room by collapsing the shield back into its sheath form.

Vaike's jaw dropped as he pointed his shaking hand at the sheathed blade and shield, "W-What the hell was that!? Since when could shields do that!?" he asked incredulously.

Sumia, a gray-haired woman with hair tied back in a ponytail and pink armor was just as awed, staring at Jaune's weapons with stars in her eyes. While she wasn't all too fascinated with weapons, even she was marveling at the transformation she had seen. Maribelle was further intrigued, having stepped closer to Jaune to inspect Crocea Mors.

"How fascinating. I don't believe I've heard word of such a technology rising in Ylisse. Your sheath has the function of doubling as a shield as well, how convenient." Maribelle mused.

Lissa, unlike the others, wasn't too impressed. If anything she was skeptical.

"It is pretty cool, but doesn't the sheath weigh the same as the shield?"

Jaune had been enjoying the sudden attention his plain weapons were getting for a change. In Beacon, it was just an old classic. Nothing special about its transformation compared to a sniper rifle/scythe. One would even say it was classic or retro. So, it felt awesome to hear praise for the relic he wielded into combat. But then Lissa had to bring him down as he slumped.

"Yeah, it does." Jaune groaned. At least he was finally used to the weight he was lugging around his waist. The first time he got it, he couldn't stop tripping over himself with the added weight messing up his steps. He blushed again when he noticed how close Maribelle had gotten in her inspection of Crocea Mors along with everyone else. With how close she was, he could catch a whiff of whatever perfume she was wearing. Not to mention there was just something about her face, stern yet regal that held his heart in a vice. Plus his eyes couldn't help but stray to her rather perky lips.

Remembering her status as a lady, Maribelle coughed into her hands before giving Jaune a polite smile, "Forgive my rudeness, good Sir. I am Maribelle of Themis, the noble daughter of the Duke of Themis. It's a pleasure to meet another noble such as yourself." she introduced herself with a curtsy.

Vaike grinned widely with a thumb jerked to his face, "Name's Vaike! But you can call me Teach!" he said boisterously.

Sumia waved kindly with a nervous smile, "Hello! My name is Sumia and it's a pleasure to meet you!" she said with a cheerful smile.

"And my name is Kellam. It's good to meet you, Jaune!"

Jaune felt a shiver run down his spine at body-less voice speaking to him so casually, "What the hell was that!?" he shrieked in alarm.

Off to the side of the room, a rather bulky suit of armor that would normally stand out in any situation, sighed. If you had a well trained eyed, or dealt with the spiritual arts, you'd make out a man with short brown hair and eyes reminiscent of a fox.

"That was me, Kellam, over here, in the big suit of armor?" Kellam said sullenly with a storm cloud overhead. And he had hoped he finally found someone to notice him with two new arrivals. Jaune, noticing the down mood of the rather sensitive suite of intimidating armor that appeared out of thin air, waved his hands around frantically in apology. How the hell didn't he notice a guy like that in the room?!

"S-Sorry about that, Kellam! I didn't mean any offense by it! I'm, uh, still kinda out of it! Yeah, that's it!" Jaune grinned, sweating nervously as he came up with an excuse, "I'm still sore from my fight with those monsters back there. One of them must have bashed me good in the head is all!"

Kellam's face brightened up at the lousy and convenient excuse that he naively fell for. Jaune almost felt bad. He had a feeling this wouldn't be the first time he would be coming up with excuses for the poor wallflower of iron. It was a good thing he was a pretty good liar when he needed to be.

Easing back into his cot, Jaune was brought back to the reality of the situation he was in. He had no honest idea where he was on Remnant. Was he on Remnant? That was a serious question he needed to be answered after finding himself crossing what looked like a magical gate. Good thing he could use his bedridden condition to his favor.

"Actually, where am I? I can't seem to remember much before fighting the monsters." Jaune held his head gingerly, feigning to still be wounded. He got looks of concern from Lissa and Sumia for his question.

"Oh, don't tell me you have amnesia too?!" Lissa pulled at her twintails in frustration. First Robin, now Jaune? "At least you remember your name. Robin wasn't so lucky, poor guy forgot his name for a good few minutes before it came back to him. Just how much of your memory is gone?" Lissa asked with a pout.

Enough to get him by without being looked at as if he was insane for saying he might be from another world.

One might call Jaune dim. And idiot. A dunce. But he wasn't ignorant.

As a dork, he had played plenty of video games and read plenty of comics. He had a love for such material. Jaune couldn't help himself for escaping into the stories of heroes and villains when he was always known for being weak. Since he came from a family of heroes, it was only natural to have a love for such things. It was a gravitation pull. Being a dork, he had played scenarios close to what he was facing right now. Scenarios that had seemed fun and adventurous, but now sent a chill of dread to his body.

There was a very popular trope where Jaune came from in the field of writing, movies, comics, and anime. Someone would find themselves randomly teleported into another world. Stuck in a world of fantasy. Left to venture a strange new reality opposite of his own. The theme or trope was known as Trapped in Another World.

Just looking at the infirmary Jaune found himself resting at told him plenty. If anything, Jaune might be in one of the many villages separated from the major cities and academies. That was a possibility. But as weird as it sounded...the air felt different. It felt alien. If possible, the air tasted sweeter. The setting he found himself in felt as if he was back in time, to the days of The Great War. It didn't appear that they had any technology at all, not even a simple IV bag or even lights. It was then that the realization that he could no longer be in his world truly hit Jaune.

The blond knight gulped anxiously, feeling dread grip his heart.

Did that mean...he could no longer go home? To his family? To his friends? To where he belonged? Was he really in another world? That shouldn't have been impossible. Like something out of a scenario to one of his video games. He was a stranger in a foreign land, nothing like his world. He had no idea about the culture, to what was right or wrong, of the kind of people inhabiting the world.

And he had no idea if it was even possible to return home.

Jaune grew quiet, worrying all those in the room. His blue eyes weren't as bright as before, dulling in his fearing thoughts. No one knew what to do. Lissa was apprehensive, her hands slowly reaching over to the blond before stopping. He wasn't like Robin. When their new tactician had realized he had lost his memories, he hadn't grown too upset. It was almost as if the loss of them were a silent relief to him that he didn't understand. But Jaune? It looked like his world had been turned upside.

He looked like such a nice guy. Lissa hated to see anyone upset.

Cracking open the door to the room, Chrom walked in with a smile, ready to greet the stranger who had fought alongside them so bravely. He had some business relating to reporting the gruesome abominations that appeared out of nowhere to a certain Exalt, so he left the care of the blond knight to the others. He blinked, finding a room filled with a solemn air. Well, this wasn't what he was expecting.

Usually, when you threw Vaike into a room the place became lively and loud. From the looks of it though, the shirtless ax wielder wasn't sure what to do and looked concerned as the others. Chrom looked to Jaune, finding the blond knight sitting in his cot with a grief-stricken expression.

The prince of Ylisse sighed with a shake of his head.

"It appears we've found another stranger with a story to tell. I'm guessing you're not from around here, Jaune?" Chrom said knowingly with a small smile.

Jaune grew tense, stunned when Chrom had guessed his name. He had never introduced himself to the blue-haired swordsman during their fight. And he had only just introduced himself to the others. How did he know?

Seeing the shock and confusion on both Jaune and the other Shepherds faces, Chrom explained.

"Our friend, Marth, wasn't able to explain everything, unfortunately. He wasn't much for talking. All he had to say was the world was teetering on the brink of calamity before vanishing from the battlefield. I wish he hadn't left, we could always use capable fighters." Chrom muttered to himself with a frown. The swordsman could fight very well from what he had seen, and another fighter to the roster would have been helpful, "But before he left, he did tell us to take care of his friend in his stead. For some reason, he wouldn't stick around to see if you were alright and left in a hurry. Are the two of you planning to meet up again once you've recovered by any chance?" he asked curiously.

Jaune shook his head, "Not that I know of. She didn't mention anything about meeting up. Then again, she did drag me into this mess to begin with." he muttered the last bit to himself.

Chrom quirked a brow in curiosity, "From the sounds of it, it appears you two weren't exactly close."

From the tone of bitterness in the blond knight's voice, it didn't appear like the two had been willing companions.

"Well, we only just met moments before I found myself fighting corpses alongside her. She literally came out nowhere with those...things trailing her. We pretty much met by chance and found ourselves fighting together. All I got out of her was her name, and that was it."

Interesting, Chrom inwardly hummed. From the way Marth spoke of Jaune, she was truly concerned for his well being. She spoke of him as if he was some treasured comrade. She spoke as if it held history between the two. Marth almost didn't want to leave him at the moment. But for whatever reason, she trusted Chrom, a stranger, to watch over Jaune. And yet the blond knight had no idea who she was?


"Did you say 'she'?" Chrom asked slowly, getting a nod in response.

"Yeah, she. What? Did you think Marth was a guy?" Jaune chuckled, only to get nods from both Chrom and Lissa. "You're serious?"

"Well, Marth was pretty cool, heroic, and dashing." Lissa gushed. She still remembered how the mysterious swordsman had come out of nowhere to save her from the monsters. Like the actual hero king of old, Marth. Any girl in her position as damsel would have swooned as she did!

"And, you know," Chrom coughed awkwardly into his fist with a pink blush on his face, "She didn't exactly look like a woman with that...physique of hers."

"You mean she was flat?" Vaike blurted.

Jaune cringed as the three women inside the room glared coldly at the dense tan blond. Even he knew better than to say that. Thank god for having seven sisters to teach him what not to say to a woman. He did blush when he recalled how he discovered Marth's gender. 'I think I can still feel them.' That was going to be a hard memory and sensation to forget.

They were so soft!

"Moving on." Chrom coughed into his fist, hoping to steer the conversation away from Vaike being murdered by the female Shepherds, "If you don't know who she is, how did you two meet? You said that she came out of nowhere with those things? From what I remember, you both fell out of a portal from the sky. I may not be adept in magic or would begin to pretend to understand it, but I don't ever recall any kind of magic that could transport another person and monsters."

"What about Teleport?" Lissa added.

Maribelle shook her head with a small frown, "Teleport is a unique magic that can only be used by certain clerics using rare staffs. And what you described to me doesn't appear to be anything like a Teleport spell."

Jaune shrugged his shoulders before crossing his arms with a scowl.

"I can't say I know either. I was in the middle of training to be a Huntsman before she dropped out of the sky onto me too. It wasn't long until I found myself fighting side by side with her to fight off some monsters that wanted to touch this weird gate she had summoned and followed after her. Then I'm the one dropping into another fight." he said tiredly, "I didn't even know magic exists."

That was certainly a mind-blower right there. Then again they used magical stones that granted magic in his world, so it wouldn't be too far fetched.

The comment about magic certainly took Chrom back, but he was a little more interested in something else the blond knight had said, "Huntsman? I don't believe I've ever heard of such a title before."

Jaune bit the inside of his mouth. It was official, this wasn't his world. Even a hick like himself knew what a Huntsman was. It was a common terminology. You'd truly have to be living under a rock to have never heard of Huntsman or Huntress in his world.

They were warriors who dated back to the Great War and possibly further back. In the face of Grimm, a new breed of warriors had been born to combat the wave of negativity that had taken a fearsome and terrifying physical form. It didn't matter how far away from either of the great cities on Remnant you were; everyone on Remnant knew without any doubt what a Huntsman was. For Huntsman were part of the everyday life of Jaune's world.

Jaune swallowed the hefty lump in his throat with the best smile he could muster. He couldn't panic now. Not here, not when he would only further screw things up in setting. As always, he had to fake it. Lie. He had to do whatever he could to remain cool and normal. He had to act like he belonged.

"A Huntsman is a warrior that fights beasts, powerful ones that normal people can't fight against. I guess you could say they're like mercenaries." Jaune explained as best he could. Seeing as this wasn't...his world, he couldn't tell them that he was being trained to fight monsters born from the darkness of humanity. That would be alarming, and hardly believable.

Then again, they had all just fought a small army of zombies. Who were they to judge?

"So, you are a trained warrior? I suspected as much. You certainly handled yourself rather well against those monsters. Though Sully said you were an amateur." Chrom chuckled, "But I could see that you were a warrior! Tell me something, Jaune. Why did you help us? If what you say is true, you had no reason to jump into the fray and risk your life for strangers. For all you knew, we could have been the bad guys."

Jaune stared at the blue-haired captain bluntly, "I'm pretty sure it was obvious who the bad guys were. Besides, you don't need a reason to help someone in trouble, you just do it. It's all part of being a Huntsman, helping others in need however you can. Can't say that I'm a proper warrior though, I haven't even passed my Initiation. I guess you can say I'm still a fledgling."

"A fledgling, huh?" Chrom grinned, "Well I can't say that a fledgling would have the guts to run straight into a situation like ours just to lend a hand. It's damn impressive and a quality that suits a warrior."

"Chrom?" Lissa frowned knowingly. She knew that look in his eye far too often. It's how they got Virion, and Sumia, and Sully, and Vaike, and Robin. She was beginning to suspect her brother had a problem.

Jaune was confused as he found Chrom leaning closer eagerly. Why did be feel a shiver of trepidation run down his spine at the look in the swordsman's eyes? He grew even more confused when he found Chrom extending his hand out to him. It was then that he noticed something odd on his open sleeved shoulder.

An odd tear-shaped birthmark, one he could have sworn he had seen somewhere.

"Jaune, I like your stuff! You said that you're training to be this Huntsman, a great warrior that battles monsters that no ordinary person can, right? Then what better way to learn how to fight those monsters than by joining my Shepherds!"

"Shepherds?" Didn't that mean that they herded sheep? How was that supposed to make him a better warrior?

Seeing the disbelieving stare, Lissa explained, "The Shepherds are a militia that protects the borders of Ylisse from invading forces. Bandits, rogues, assassins, and from what we've seen, the undead soon enough." she grumbled.

"Like an army? You want me to become a soldier?" Jaune wasn't sure what to make of that. A Huntsman was basically a mercenary in his world that mostly dealt with Grimm related matters. What he was hearing was more of what Atlas did with their Huntsman, taking them in to become soldiers that dealt with both Grimm and enemies of their country. Not to mention he had no plans of staying in this new strange world.

But where did that leave him at the moment? Jaune had no idea where to go from here. As much as it pained him and nearly sent him off into hysterics, he was no longer back in Vale. He wasn't on the continent of Sanus. He didn't want to openly admit it yet, but it was possible that he really wasn't on Remnant anymore. If he wanted to somehow find a way back home, he needed to start somewhere. Gather information, look into these gates that brought him into this world, and find someone to help him find a way back. Jaune wouldn't kid himself, he was no genius. He was a blond of average intelligence, maybe slightly lower than average if he was honest. He would have to find some kind of wizard or something to take him home. He almost lost his composure with a snicker at the thought.

Jaune sat up straight in thought. The more he thought about it, the more the proposal sounded like a good idea. He shoved the anxiety and fear of the known into the back burner of his mind, deciding to deal with that mass of emotions later. Right now, he needed to stay cool and make plans; If anything, it would help to keep him distracted.

If he joined this militia, he had a lot of opportunities to study this world. He could go search around the lands, ask around, and gather an idea on how to go home. After all, if whatever he had crossed could bring him to this strange world, who says it couldn't bring him home? Hell, he could try and look for Marth. She was the reason he was stuck here in the first place. Maybe she had the answer? Not to mention the idea of training with other warriors sounded appealing. A grin grew on his face.

What did they say about real-world experience? A day out in the world was worth more than a year in school? Compared to the other Huntsman and Huntresses in training, Jaune was severely lacking in combat experience. But this opportunity could help to fix that. This was his chance, his chance to become the warrior, the hero that he always fantasized about!

"So? What do you say?"

Chrom's voice snapped Jaune out of his contemplation. His blue eyes landed on the man's welcoming hand and found himself grinning widely.

Unlike Beacon, Jaune didn't have to cheat his way in. He was being offered to join alongside others who were actual warriors. Even knowing he wasn't on the same level as them, Chrom was still offering him to join without even knowing a thing about him. It was almost like a fresh start.

Mind made up, Jaune clapped Chrom's hand.

"Seeing as I don't really have anywhere to go, I guess I don't have any other choice!" Jaune agreed with a beaming grin on his face.

The addition of the newest Shepherd was greeted with a cheer from Lissa and Sumia, and a rough pat on the back from a grinning Vaike. Jaune flinched from the rough gesture but held his grin as he shook Chrom's hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he could make out Maribelle smile politely. And if he looked closer, he would see a certain suit of armor clap.

It was a new world, and Jaune could honestly say he was scared at the unknown that was ready to greet him once he stepped out of the room. But at least he could say he wasn't alone.

This was a chance. And he'd be an idiot if he didn't take this opportunity to grow for a change.

Dropped off into a new world that's certainly not your own? Fighting monsters of the undead with no real skills? Have no idea how to possibly get home, or survive?

Simple, Lie! Having no other skill than to lie your way with some luck, you will have to make your way in this new world on the only real good advice you were ever given; Have some confidence! The rest will sort itself out. After all, compared to a world where people fought creatures born to fed on negativity, what's the worst that you could get caught up in?

It's a new start. To story already written and completed. What difference could you possibly make?

I'm going to have some fun with this, yes I am. I already got three more chapters ready to go after some editing. I can assure you, not everything will be the same as the original story. I ain't the kind of guy to write rewrites with small changes here and there. That's not a story, that's dull ass writing.

For anyone who has in mind questions involving adding elements or characters from the other Fire Emblem games, I will say that I won't be doing anything major, other than things such as DLCs like Multiplayer. I guess I'll have to call them Xenologues, won't I? I'll try to set one up with the next chapter.

And for those who don't know of my new updating schedule, I'll explain. Updates will come a certain order, starting from Multiplayer, A Huntsman's Awakening, A Jaune of All Trades, and A Certain Influx of Time Traveling Misfits. So, we'll have to wait until next month for an update. This is just so I don't get drained from writing or put with too much pressure.

Read and Review! It's common courtesy.

NeoShadows fading in and out.

Next update: February 30th-A Jaune of All Trades.