Apologies for the late updates, I'm back working my two jobs as I had both off over Christmas so please bear with me with updates I will try and get them to you as soon as I can.

Dear GUEST reviewer…AKA Grammar Police! AKA now the pain in my ass!
In case I didn't make it perfectly clear in my Falling for the Unknown story to which you commented on EVERY chapter pointing out silly errors…. Just STOP! At first it was appreciated but now it is getting on my nerves and frankly, boring. Surly you have better things to do than point out silly errors in people's stories?
Last time I checked Fanfiction was for FUN. So now, nor in any future stories that I may write, do I want your comments. Hate to break it to you and it may come as a shock but I am HUMAN and guess what? Like all other humans and writers on this site, I make mistakes. I notice mistakes on other people's stories but I don't go out of my way to comment on every chapter as it's pretty clear on what they meant. I don't need you commenting about mistakes I've made then giving me a definition of the words. No matter how many times I check the chapters there will be mistakes so if you can't handle silly errors in mine or other people's stories then please refrain from reading any further. I work two very demanding jobs and this is my way of escaping reality, I don't need people picking at my work like nit pickers. It's petty.
And as for your comment about how I would or wouldn't say something…please bear in mind that we may be from different countries. Everything I write is something I personally would say.

ANYWHO! I apologise to my lovely and loyal followers. Rant over!
On with the story!

"I can't believe that place was a bust." Kate grumbled as she slouched in the back of the SUV and looked over to Ana as they headed to Grey House, Sawyer driving them. "They advertised it so well online."

Ana sighed as she looked over to her friend. "I know, I thought it was the perfect building. I was convinced poor Sawyer got the wrong address." She sighed before glancing to Sawyer. "Sorry Sawyer."

Sawyer looked in the rear-view mirror and smiled. "No need to apologise. I doubted myself for a second when we pulled up." He looked ahead to the road once more.

Ana looked to Kate and sighed a little. "Should have known as soon as Sawyer pulled up outside something was off. They must have been hoping for a quick sale online or something and got those pictures from online somewhere. No one in their right mind would buy that building. I saw three rats before we even entered. I feel like I need to go and get a tetanus shot." Ana shuddered before she looked to Kate. "What Christian is proposing is sounding very promising."

"It'll be weird though…" Kate commented looking to her.

"What do you mean?" Ana asked with a slight frown. "Weird how?"

"Well, all your schools in New York have their own building. People walk past and they know it's your schools…here we're going to be inside Grey House…it's a first for us."

"I know, but maybe it can also be the beginning for us. Yes, so far, we have been independent with our own buildings and we can still do that in less fortunate areas, but maybe with us working in Grey House it will encourage other companies to reach out to us and ask for us to start up childcare provision in their buildings. It may encourage more people to go back to work, especially when they're due to come back from maternity. It has many, many possibilities." She looked to her. "Which is why I'd like you to come into partnership with me."

Kate frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I want us to be equals. A fifty, fifty split. Own half the schools with me. It'll be our business. Kate you're my best friend and soon I'm going to have my hands full with a little one…you are the only one a trust to make sure OUR schools are right on form and providing the best for all the children out there. I trust you enough to know that you'll make the right decisions whilst I'm off."

Kate looked to her completely shocked. She was happy working FOR Ana, but now to be business partners? She didn't know what to say. She was overwhelmed. "Ana are you sure?" She asked looking to her. "I mean…these schools are YOUR hard work…"

"That you have a massive help in making successful…please, Kate…"

Kate smiled and held out her hand. "You have yourself a business partner."

Ana smiled shaking her hand. As they stopped outside Grey House she looked out the window before she smiled to Kate. "Let's go. Christian said he might be in a meeting but we can just go up to the tenth floor and start looking around." Climbing out of the car as Sawyer opened the door for her, she headed into Grey House, Kate beside her while Sawyer followed behind. Heading inside, she headed over towards the elevator. Everyone knew who she was so no one thought twice about stopping her. Getting in she pulled out her phone and text Christian.

From: Ana
To: Christian
I'm here. I'm going straight to the 10th floor with Kate xx

His replay was instant.

From: Christian
To: Ana
Okay baby I'll try and be quick as I can, stuck in a boring meeting atm. I'll be done as soon as I've finished up xx

Sliding her phone into her bag, Ana stepped out of the elevator as they reached the tenth floor. Seeing the space, Ana's mouth dropped slightly. It was completely empty and the space was bigger than she ever could have imagined. "Oh wow…" She breathed looking around. "I never imagined it would be this big…"

Kate chuckled looking to Ana. "Really? You know who your boyfriend is right?"

"I know but I guess I've only seen his floor…and I suppose with the desks and offices it doesn't look as big…." She glanced to Sawyer. "What was on this floor before?" She asked curiously.

"I believe it used to have gym equipment, but due to everyone's tight schedules it was just wasted space. Mr Grey had the equipment moved to Escala and is used in the gym there."

"Well I'm thrilled it's empty, I love working with a blank canvas." Kate beamed grabbing out her phone along with her sketch book and pencil.

"It's definitely big enough." Ana commented looking to the space before looking to Kate. "Maybe we should have bought Elliot with us. We're going to need to build…"

"It's cool I can sketch and show him our plans. He can always pop in and see for himself when he has a spare morning or afternoon."

Ana nodded as she looked around, trying to work out what she wanted in her head. "Okay…I think maybe we should have two separate rooms for the children. One room for two and under and then another room for three and above, both rooms need to have the doors security coded. A reception desk near the elevator so people can check their children in and also an office for us." She glanced to Kate. "This can be our focus until the word gets out that we are in Seattle. We may be popular in New York but we will need time for us to earn our reputation here."

Kate nodded as she started to sketch away in notepad before looking up. "The floor to ceiling windows in this place are incredible. Just to be able to look out at the view from this floor will be exciting for the children."

Heading over to the windows, Ana gave it a little tap.

"What you thinking?" Kate asked looking to her.

"Each window that they can access will need a clear plastic shielding on them."

"May I ask what for?" Came Christian's voice as he stepped into the room more. Looking to his girlfriend he couldn't help but smile. He had been watching her since she had mentioned about what she wanted and he found it such a turn on seeing her in control like that, knowing what she wanted.

Looking up hearing Christian's question, Ana smiled to him. "Let's say you have a member of staff with an adorable little boy. We'll call him…Tommy. But Tommy is in his terrible two stage and he pretty much likes to throw anything he can get his hands on when he's having a tantrum. Now, without the plastic shielding, little Tommy could throw something and it could completely shatter the window…now I know it's an unlikely scenario that he could throw something that hard to break the glass…but never underestimate a child. The plastic will not only protect the window from breaking, but will protect the child from any broken glass but they'll be able to look out the window and see the world in front of them in a safe way without the worry of the window breaking for any reason. Safety is number one in my schools. I don't care if you have the best windows the world can buy. They need a plastic shielding on."

"Then consider it done." He told her with a smile. He knew nothing about her profession so he was in no position right now to be questioning her.

Ana smiled to him. "Don't worry it's not expensive. The guy who done the windows in New York will do it for us. He's reasonable."

"Baby you know money isn't an object here." He told her as he moved over to her. "So, what do you think of the space?" He asked looking to her.

"It's an impressive space. I didn't realise how big it would be." She smiled. "Kate's drawn some sketches, we'll need to build a little but I'm sure Elliot…"

"He'll do it." Christian cut in with a smile as he moved his arms around her.

Ana smiled and nodded. "Okay. Well until the building work is complete, we can't really pick out other equipment. I'll make a folder on my laptop and mark what equipment is needed and we can buy it closer to the time." She looked around before looking to Christian. "How many of your employees have children?" She asked looking to him.

"I'm not sure." Christian commented with a frown. "I'd assume most of them…"

Ana nodded. "Okay we when we know a rough idea how many children we can expect and their ages we can work on the ratio side of things and interview for staff."

"Ratio?" Christian asked looking to her. "What is that?"

"So, every childcare setting has a child to adult ration. It depends on the age of the children. Like children who are under two there is three children to one adult, children who are two are one adult, four children and so on. We can worry about all that kind of stuff later. Right now, let us just concentrate on getting it built and ready." She smiled. "Do you have something in mind you'd like to call it?"

"Like what?" Christian asked with a frown.

"I don't know…this building is Grey House so why not something like Grey's Daycare? It doesn't have to be anything complicated and you want something that the child can pronounce too."

"Grey's Daycare it is." He told her with a smile.

"I'd also like the number of the guy who installed your security system. I'd like one on this floor, separate to the rest of the building."

"Oh, you won't need his number. He's here in the building." He told her with a smirk. "We can set up a meeting if you like?"

Ana nodded. "Yeah okay. Once Elliot has built what we want it be good for us to have a meeting to set up security." She looked to Kate. "How's the rest of the sketches coming?"

"Good." Kate told her coming up to her and showing her the drawing. If we have Elliot build a wall here, we can have a small reception desk here where the children can be signed in then through the door here then have the two and under room here and then the other room over here. Have the office here in the middle of the rooms so all rooms still get the view and as much natural light in as possible."

"We still have a lot of space here…" Ana mumbled as she looked at the sketch.

"Dining area?" Kate suggested. "That way we can mingle the children during their lunch or snack time, building on their social skills and interaction with other children, not just children their age."

Ana nodded. "Yeah, have a table in the middle then maybe just by here have a small kitchen. It doesn't need to be big, just have your basic equipment to make them lunch. We can look for a cook when the kitchen is built in."

Kate nodded as she sketched away, getting as much down as possible.

Feeling eyes on her, Ana looked at Christian she smiled seeing him staring at her. "What?" She asked looking to him.

"Just seeing you now…seeing how passionate you are." He smiled. "I'm so proud of you baby. I might not have been there when you started this business but seeing you now and being able to see you work..." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. "You are incredible."

Moving her arms around him, Ana smiled as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I'm just as proud of you. You don't have to do this…but you are and you have no idea how much your employees are going to appreciate it. You do amazing things for the world…and now your colleagues are going to see how amazing you truly are. You may be this hard cut, mean CEO…but you have a heart of gold and I can't wait for your employees to see it."

He pouted. "I don't want people to know I'm a good guy…"

Ana chuckled. "I know. Be the mean, ruthless CEO in the business world, but let your employees see that you're not as ruthless as they may think. You can't buy people's affection with money." She told him tapping his nose.

Christian kissed her head, giving her bump a rub he smiled thinking of his son all snug her stomach. "How was that place you checked out?" He asked looking to her.

"Ugh. Total waste of time." Ana grumbled. "Talk about false advertising." She rolled her eyes before smiling to him. "So, this little project here is going to be our main focus for a while."

Christian nodded. "Well when you guys have everything sorted, we will sit down and talk salary. And before you object to anything, yes I'll be paying you."


"Ana I'm not letting you do this for free. You're technically going to be working here in my building and I pay all my staff."

Ana looked to him before sighing. "Okay…but I'll be showing you figures of what normal people pay…I know you say money is no object here but it will have to be. A place like this, things will always need buying and replacing. Equipment, toys, food, staffing…we can talk about what you want to charge staff for their children to come to nursery and how we can make it affordable to them."

"Okay we will discuss it at another time when this place is looking more like a daycare. For now, how about we head upstairs and have some lunch? I can ask Andrea to run to the deli for you?"

"Oh my god that would be amazing. I'm starving and my feet hurt."

"Kate you joining us?" Christian asked looking to her.

"No thanks, I'm meeting Elliot for lunch. I can run these sketches by him if you like?"

"Yes please." Ana smiled. "Tell him any questions and just give me a ring or he can wait till he seems me Sunday at his parents."

Kate nodded as she put her sketchbook away. "I'll catch you guys later." She smiled and waved as she headed off.

Ana waved back before she leant into Christian and kissed his chin. "Your son needs feeding." She whispered. Seeing as they hadn't told anyone apart from Taylor, Sawyer and Gail that they were expecting a boy yet, they were keeping it hush hush from everyone else until they saw their families. Their families didn't even know she was going for her scan so it will be a nice surprise for them on Sunday when they reveal their baby's gender to them all.

Pressing a kiss to Ana's lips, Christian held her close as he headed to the elevator. Pulling out his phone he text Andrea and asked her to go and get some food for Ana and himself before sliding it back in. Wrapping both arms around Ana he lent his head down on hers. "How's your stomach been? You kept your breakfast down?" He asked looking down to her.

Ana nodded. "Yeah, I've been okay, bit sluggish than normal today but I put that down to lack of sleeping. Honestly, I think I just ate way too much. No three course meals for me anytime soon." She chuckled and snuggled into him. "Can't wait to have a nap later when I get home." She mused with a smile.

"Can have a nap on my sofa in the office if you like?" He suggested down to her. "It's pretty comfy."

Ana looked up to him. "You have work to do and we both know if I am here that you won't get any work done." She mused with a smirk to him.

Christian pouted. "Okay fine." As the elevator reached the twentieth floor, he stepped out with Ana and headed over to his office, noticing Andrea was gone he knew she had gone to get their lunch. Going inside his office he led Ana over to the sofa and sat down with her, pulling her onto his lap he kissed her head and held her close, his hand rubbing over her baby bump.

Snuggling into Christian as he pulled her onto his lap, Ana sighed happily and closed her eyes briefly, relinquishing in the feeling of Christian's touch. She loved his touch and so did their son as now he was giving his daddies hand a swift jab. "He knows when it's you." She whispered with a smile. "He always goes crazy when you rub my bump."

Christian grinned feeling the baby against his hand. Hearing Ana he looked to her. "He does?"

Ana nodded. "Yeah, used to feeling like when your stomach rolls over on a roller-coaster but now it's definitely a kick." She looked up to him and smiled. "He knows who his daddy is."

Christian smiled as he lent in and pressed his lips to Ana's. It amazed him how happy this woman made him. He knew when they were younger, she would forever hold a special place in his heart and now just having her back in his life was the best feeling ever, but to have her as his. His everything. To say she is the mother of his son and the love of his life was the best feeling in the world seeing as it wasn't too long ago, he never thought he would have this, but thanks to Ana, he had everything he could have ever wanted. For once he was looking forward to what the future held for them.