Of Broken Glass, Brooms, and Band-Aids

Sometimes When Looking Down, We See Nothing But Shatters, But We're Still Breathing

Levi gets pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of breaking glass, followed by a curse.

When he takes a glimpse around the corner, he's greeted by the sight of Hange squatting, fragments of glass covering the floor at her feet.

"This some new experiment of yours?" He steps inside the kitchen and moves forward until he's standing before her.

She looks up and gives him a small smile that doesn't quite reach her eye. "Ah, well, Levi, not this time. My, uh, hold just slipped." She waves a hand at him.

He frowns and kneels down, reaching out to her. "You're bleeding." She looks down as if just now noticing the red color coating her fingers, and a droplet drips to the floor.

She swallows.

"Oh." The word hangs between them, and they stare at each other for a few moments.

"Yeah, oh." And Levi grips Hange's shoulder and helps her up and steers her toward the sink. "Wash your hands," he orders. "I'll be right back." And Hange nods, hissing softly when cold water hits her hand.

After carefully drying her injured hand, she flops down on a nearby chair, suddenly feeling exhausted.

She'd wanted to put down a glass but miscalculated the distance, and before she knew it, the glass tilted and fell to the floor. At that moment, looking at the mess before her, she just wanted to sit down right then and there, and cry. The list of the reasons why was long. Way too long. And that scared her. Because looking at the tiny fragments at her feet; she had to remind herself; it's not the same.

A hand comes up, careful fingers touching the bandages over her left eye.

She knew it was likely that she wouldn't regain any sight anymore. It was a small price to pay, given the lives they led. But still, it stung.

She breathes out a long sigh and closes her eye for a moment. She tries to calm her mind, tries to stop the imagines from playing back over and over again, tries to stop the what-ifs from circling around in an endless sickening cycle.

But it doesn't work.

It never does.

She opens her eye again and leans backward, staring at the ceiling, tracing the lines in the dark, brown wood.

Levi was back quickly, carrying a broom. Of course, he was.

"Here," he holds something out to her; it was a band-aid. It was a freaking band-aid.

She couldn't help the chuckle. They fought battles were people got torn apart and eaten, had seen stuff that made most sleepless, even though she wouldn't say they were peaceful sleepers. And now because of a small cut, Levi was standing in front of her, offering her a band-aid?

She laughs again. It sounds a little rough in the otherwise empty kitchen, and she winces inwardly.

He frowns again. "What?" But Hange shakes her head. "No no, it's nothing." And she takes the band-aid from him. He raises an eyebrow. "I just don't want you to bleed over all those important documents you still have to sign, shitty glasses." And he turns his back to her.

She gives a small smile and watches while he swipes the tiny glass fragments on a neat pile.

She feels a grateful spark of warmth in her chest.

Some things never change; no matter what.

Hope you enjoyed this little story. Tell me what you think :)

All the mistakes are mine.