Chapter Sixteen: Volume Two

Some New Arrivals

An Atlesian airship landed at the Beacon Academy landing pad, the hanger bay doors opening up to allow various students to step out. A set of four students in Atlas Academy uniform stepped out, taking in the Valean sun.

One of the boys, the leader, Boris Nevada, was tall and imposing, with tanned skin and dark blue eyes with black hair tied in a ponytail that reached his shoulders.

"Well, we have arrived, boys." He declared. "And I must admit, it's a nice change of pace from the usual winter of Atlas."

His brother, Kennard Nevada, was a buff young man, his hair was black like his brother, but his hair was shorter and he had violet eyes.

"I agree, Brother." He nodded. "I can see why our cousin preferred coming here."

The next two members of their team were taking in their surroundings; one was looking about with a massive grin on his face, while the other simply looked on with an impassive expression. The excited one, Herber Aouli, had short, light brown hair that was combed back and styled in a tuft, and had gray eyes. The more serious one, Sunil Agni, had dark brown hair that was spiked, and had light blue eyes.

"Vale sure does have its perks." Herber declared with a smirk. "I bet there are plenty of fine ladies in this region!" He looked over to Sunil. "Wouldn't you agree, Cousin?"

"I hope I don't need to remind you that we're here for the Vytal Tournament," Sunil said in a serious tone. "We're not here to drool over airheaded gold-diggers."

"Come on, Cousin, not all women are like that!" Herber frowned at his cousin. "Sure, there are a few bad apples, but some of them are sweet like cherries!"

"While I do agree with that statement, Herber, Sunil has a valid point." Kennard declared. "We are here as representatives to Atlas Academy and bring honor to our home region in the Vytal Tournament."

"Let's not argue over something so trivial," Boris said as he turned to his teammates. "Sunil, why don't you and Herber head inside and find our room? Kennard and I will handle our family reunion."

"Of course, sir." Sunil nodded.

"You got it, Boss!" Herber gave a thumbs up before he and his cousin departed.

"Come, Kennard." Boris gestured. "Let's see if we can find our cousin!"

Not too far away, another airship landed, this one from Mistral and the first to step out was a tall, intimidating young man with a built figure with black hair that reached his hip held in a ponytail with a long red ribbon and he had dark red eyes. He wore a pair of black jeans with red linings and a sleeveless red shirt with red military-type boots.

Anvar Cethin looked about his new surroundings and let out a sigh.

"So, this is Vale," He said in an unimpressed tone. "I still don't understand why Pyrrha would rather attend a school in such a place."

"My, such vibrant colors!"

Anvar was shoved to the side as a young woman rushed past him, before she stepped out onto the landing pad, looking about her surroundings with an exciting look. She was a head taller than Anvar, had long black hair put up in a high ponytail held with a dark purple ribbon, a pair of dark purple eyes with slit pupils and had a thin yet impressive hourglass figure, wearing a purple skintight one-piece suit that hugged her form, along with a pair of baggy black pants tied at the ankles and a pair of black tabi boots. She also had a panther tail, swishing about excitedly.

"The city looks absolutely gorgeous!" She declared with twinkles in her eyes. "The bright, vibrant colors, the various wonderful fashions of the people, and most of all, the amazing atmosphere! Vale is truly a country to behold!"

Straightening himself up, Anvar dusted himself off and was about to tell off his exuberant teammate, but someone else had already beaten him to it.

"Rhys, you need to control your excitement." Another young man said. "You're bound to hurt someone with that kind of energy."

Rhys Rainbow Razzmatazz turned to see her other two teammates emerge from the airship.

One of them was Zelophehad Xiuhcoatl. While he was only a head shorter than Anvar, he was still tall and gave off an intimidating presence; his long black hair pulled back into a low knotted ponytail and had turquoise eyes. He wore a loose muscle shirt and a pair of light blue jeans and a pair of dark blue shoes.

The one beside him was Ellen Blossom. She stood a head shorter than Zelophehad, making her shorter than her teammates, wearing a pink and light violet dress with pink cherry blossom patterns, a pair of black shorts that hugged her form, and a pair of pink high heeled shoes. Her long, brown hair reached her waist and she had beautiful green eyes. She was well known for being a very beautiful young woman in all of Mistral, right behind Pyrrha.

"My apologies, but I simply can't control myself," Rhys said. "I lose myself in the beauty of the cultures and the fashions of the other kingdoms! They're just so dazzling!"

"Doesn't mean that you must run down everything in your path," Ellen said with hands on her waist. "Honestly, you're going to end up hurting someone with such recklessness."

Rhys frowned as she rubbed her arm, "My apologies."

"Just don't let it happen again," Anvar said sternly. "Now, let's have a look around."

With a nod, Rhys happily skipped ahead, with her teammates following behind.

'And if Pyrrha is here,' Anvar thought to himself bitterly. 'Then her rotten brother somehow wormed his way here as well.'

Meanwhile, another airship landed, allowing several teams of students to step out onto the landing pad. One of the students that stepped forward, wearing a pair of red shorts, a brown shirt with a flame design, and a pair of red and white sneakers. He had long, brown hair tied in a long braid and had brown eyes with slit pupils and had an athletic figure and a brown monkey tail wrapped around his waist.

Looking around, Saraf Alger let out a happy sigh, before looking back at the airship.

"Let's go, guys!" He called. "We're finally here!"

His other companions emerged from the airship. The first one, Rhonwen Kenna, was a young woman with a slim figure, had short brown hair and green eyes. She wore a red tank top that showed off her stomach, a pair of red and black shorts, and a pair of black shoes.

The second one, Flint Fino, was as tall as Saraf, his long brown, spikey hair reaching his waist was held up in a ponytail, had dark red eyes, and wore a set of red and black robes and a set of tabi boots.

The last one, Edan Poloma, was tanned and athletically built, wearing a necklace of bells around his neck and various tattoos around his torso, had spikey, dirty white hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a pair of white, baggy pants, a pair of tabi boots and no shirt, showing off his muscles and torso.

"So, this is Vale," Flint remarked, looking about his surroundings. "I was wondering when the headmaster would let us come to a different country."

"Man, the place looks radical as fuck!" Edan declared with a grin. "I can't wait to check out some of the famous hotspots!"

"We can do that after we get settled in," Rhonwen said.

"And settle in we shall!" Saraf agreed with a smile. "Come on! Time to find our room! Then after that, we go look for my baby cousin!"

The final airship, no doubt coming in from Vacuo, allowed the students to step off, some of the students were none other than Team NDGO and Team BRNZ.

Another such student stepped from the airship, tall and tan-skinned, black hair put up in a ponytail, his emerald-colored eyes looking about his surroundings and he wore a set of green and white robes with a pair of white sandals.

Hunter Aither sighed happily at the sight of his new surroundings, "Vale certainly lives up to its reputation."

One of his companions emerged from the airship, this one being a head taller than Hunter, having neatly brushed black hair, golden eyes and light skin and wore a set of robes that seemed to match Hunters.

"I'm glad we made it." Drake Forrest declared. "I've heard many things about this country and I've been looking forward to visiting."

Another student stepped down, wearing a pair of beige shorts and sandals, a green and black shirt and a bottle of what seemed to be alcohol clenched in a fist. He had tanned skin, messy black hair that spiked up, a pair of blue eyes, and was shorter than his companions and a chubby yet built frame.

"Hopefully they have good liquor here!" Oran Meade declared before taking a sip of his drink. "Maybe something better than the kind back home!"

Their final companion stepped out, her being a tall, beautiful, dark-skinned woman with a toned muscle hourglass figure and towered over her teammates, a green and white tunic that showed off her well-toned thunder thighs, black leg-wraps around her calves and wore a pair of black sandals and bandage wraps. She had slitted black eyes that matched her beautiful, long hair that reached her waist. She also had a tiger's tail that swished as she walked.

"I look forward to the fighters in the tournament." Jade Adira declared. "I wonder if my rival from Atlas will be participating."

"Given the history between you two, I'm certain he'll show up." Forrest said.

"Well, let's waste no more time!" Hunter declared. "Let's head to our guest dorm and get situated!"

After their talk, Loki and Yang were on their way to Ozpin's office to see Raven, but instead they ran into Sting and the rest of Team SCPO. After explaining that they needed to see Raven, Sting said that she was sent out on a mission, so they needed to wait until she returned. The two were confused at first, but Sting managed to explain to them that things were settled between Raven and Ozpin, at least for now. He then directed them to the ballroom, where Team CFVY was supposed to be handling decorations, but can't due to a mission running longer than expected.

So, those responsibilities fell upon RWBY and LNTC, as part of their punishment…

In the ballroom, both teams were moving stuff around, hanging up decorations and setting up tables, with Teams JNPR and SSSN helping out, while Patrick and Corrin watching over them.

"You know, you guys didn't have to help." Blake pointed out. "This punishment is meant for us and Lunatic, after all."

"Hey, we're fine with it," Sun replied with a grin. "Besides, it didn't feel right letting you guys do all the work."

"Yeah, it's only fair that we help out." Jaune agreed.

"Well, it's nice of you to do so." Ruby smiled.

"Glad we can help out!" Nora declared loudly.

"Still, it's inconceivable that this got shifted onto us," Nirnasha complained.

"You keep using that word, Nirnasha." Loki said to the necromancer. "I don't think it means what you think it means."

"Regardless, this was the best punishment we could get," Weiss interjected. "Besides, this is our chance to truly make the dance something to remember!"

"Thinking of going big, Snow Angel?" Turoc teased with a smirk.

"Less talking and more working." Patrick declared with arms crossed.

"You could help, ya know," Loki called back.

"If we did that, then it wouldn't be much of a punishment for you, now would it?" Corrin smirked.

After several hours, it looked like the four teams made some progress; the many tables were set up and had coverings on top, there was more than enough space for a dance floor, at the end of the ballroom was the stage where the DJ station was at and several long tables were set up for the food and drinks.

After most of the preparations were complete, the lot decided to take a break, sitting at a picnic table outside, while JNPR and most of SSSN went off to get more supplies for the preparations, leaving Sun and Neptune with the rest of the gang.

"I must say, you've made pretty good progress," Patrick admitted after a swig of his drink. "I've no doubt that we'll be done before tomorrow."

"Here's hopin'." Turoc chuckled, before noticing Blake reading a book. "Hey, whatcha reading there, Shadow Cat?"

"A story about Nyx the Battle Cat." The cat-Faunus declared, showing the cover of the book. "It's called Nyx and the Three Thousand."

"The war for Faunus independence?" Turoc lit up with a grin. "That's actually my favorite story! Especially since it's based on a true story!"

"A story about a young girl that was born into slavery before breaking free of her captivity." Blake declared with a passion. "She raised an army and founded Menagerie, becoming the country's first queen. She later led the three thousand Battle Cats into war against the human tyrant, Argo. In the end, she was killed in battle and her son killed the tyrant in return."

"Sounds like one hell of a tale," Sun remarked. "Still, it sounds awesome!"

"I'm glad you think so, Sun," Blake said with a smile. "Perhaps one day, I'll read it to you, if you're interested."

"Sounds like someone's asking for a date. ~" Yang teased before receiving an elbow to the ribs from Blake.

"This was actually one of the first books Patrick read to me when I was young," Blake revealed before looking to the coyote-Faunus. "I've treasured this book ever since."

"I'm glad you did." Patrick smiled back.

"Well, as lovely as this conversation is," Weiss said as she stood up. "It's best we finish up."

"You sure are interested in this." Neptune chimed in. "It's almost like you see this as more of a regular task than a punishment."

"That's because it is." Weiss declared. "Plus, it will give our teams a good reputation for planning such an important event!"

"Same Weiss as always." A voice called out. "Always looking to capitalize on things."

Everyone turned, Weiss sharply, to see Boris and Kennard Nevada approach.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Weiss said slowly, before running at them with uncontrolled glee. "COUSIN BORIIIISSSS!"

She practically jumped at Boris, who caught her by wrapping his arms around her waist, smiling.

"Cousin Weiss!" He declared with a gleam in his eye as he set her down. "It's so good to see you again!"

"I just can't believe that you're here!" Weiss said in a happy tone, before turning towards Kennard. "You as well, Kennard."

"It's good to see you as well, Cousin." Kennard smiled before bowing.

"Yo, Weiss, you know these guys?" Yang asked as she and the others approached, minus Patrick and Corrin.

"Ah, my apologies," Weiss said before straightening herself out. "Everyone, these are my cousins from Atlas; Boris and Kennard Nevada."

"Both members of Team Bioshock of Atlas Academy." Boris declared proudly with a nod. "And me as its leader."

"We will be participating in the Vytal Tournament as well as the dance," Kennard added. "Hopefully, things will go smoothly."

"Well, I'll have you know that we've been hard at work with the preparations for the dance." Weiss declared proudly. "We've been working hard to make sure things are just right!"

"We've only been working with this as part of our punishment," Ruby said with a roll of her eyes before earning an elbow to the ribs from Weiss.

"Punishment?" Kennard repeated with a raised brow. "For what, Cousin?"

"We were investigating the White Fang without permission." Yang shrugged.

"Don't make it sound like that!" Weiss snapped at her blonde teammate.

"Isn't that what we did though?" Cenric asked in a blunt tone.

"The White Fang," Boris repeated bitterly. "Still trying to start some sort of race war."

"I'm afraid it will only get worse if something isn't done," Blake said in a sad tone, remembering the fight between Adam and Nirnasha, and the rally.

"Hopefully, the day will come when humans and Faunus can live in unity." Kennard declared. "Sadly, there are always those who hold racial hate."

"So long as there are racists; humans and Faunus, the world will never know peace." Turoc sighed.

"Well, we'd best get back to work!" Patrick declared, standing up. "Break times over!"

"We'll speak more later, Cousin," Boris said to Weiss. "Now, Kennard and I must head to our guest dorm."

After the Nevada Brothers left, LNTC and RWBY resumed working and were soon joined by JNPR and the rest of SSSN. At a distance, Cinder watched them work, or rather her eyes were trained on Loki as if she was studying every detail of the young man.

"It's been so long, since we last met, Loki." She said silently, as though she was reminiscing. "Soon, you will know the truth."

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city, the sound of horses galloping can be heard, then three horses dashed through the forest, their riders wearing different colored cloaks. The first one, Gunnar Flanagan, wore a red cloak over a set of heavy black and red armor, had silver hair and crimson eyes, and had a cybernetic left arm, a massive scabbard on his back and he rode a red horse.

The second one, Amos Alban, wore a white cloak, wore a set of silver leather armor, and a black cowboy hat with a set of pistols holstered at his sides and rode a pale white horse. He had black hair and a pair of grey eyes.

And the third one, Lyssa Garnet, wore a black cloak, had an hourglass figure, and a set of sleeveless metal armor. She had long magenta hair that reached her hip, held up in a ponytail, and had onyx colored eyes.

The three horsemen come to a stop on a hill, gazing over the forestation and towards Beacon Academy in the distance.

"So, this is where our brother is now," Amos remarked, lighting a cigar.

"It would seem so, brother." Lyssa nodded. "It took some searching, but we've finally found him."

"Best we not keep him waiting then." Gunnar deadpanned. "He's been laying around long enough."

And so they rode forward, heading straight for the academy.

And finished! Took some time, but I've present you with the new chapter! Sorry for not much happening, this is simply introducing some of the new OC's I've come up with. A lot of them are based on Dynasty Warriors characters, and boy there are a lot of them! Don't worry; I'll clarify who they are in future chapters. Until then, I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to review!

Also, huge thanks to moguera for his help with coming up with the OC's and their Semblances! Please feel free to check out his stories, show him some love!