Akihisa was in the middle of the roof falling apart in the battel against Class 2-A when he noticed a piece of falling bell tower about to hit Yuuko and he ran and charged.

Yuuko looked scared and screamed as she was knocked to the ground by Akihisa but her eyes widen as she saw the falling bricks and watched in horror as one hit Akihisa's on the head she paled and let out a shocked, "he saved me!"

As Himeji Minami and Yuuko all screamed as Akihisa was on the ground covered in broken Bricks the back of his head Bleeding.


Akihisa's point of view

My vision flickered in and out one moment I was looking at Yuuko's shocked pale wide eyed face, unable to hear a thing around me.

then it went black and I heard a women scream as another one sound panicked as she said, "He has brain damage we need to operate! Calm down it's just brain surgery!" She clearly sounded worried.

then I saw a crying lady doctor in a mask before it went black and I saw strange flashes of that slowly turned into monstrous versions of my friends.

The monstrous wolf like version of Yuuji laughed out, "Dumbass finally broke the pea!" he laughed cold and mockingly

A monstrous bat version of Himeji was holding her gut laughing her ass off pointing to me with her fused wing hand thing as she said, "After all those blows it finally broke! Well I guess you really are hard headed you just finally got hit by something harder then your numb skull!"

A bat like version of Minami laughed and held her gut as she coldy said, "Oh snap there goes the brain!"

the Cat girl version of Hideyoshi hide her mouth behind her paw and laughed " come on now he felt the pain his skull isn't numb!"

Kouta's monster version looked like a vampire chuckled as he mockingly said, "Well I guess he'll get so stupid he'll reset at smart now! Won't that be funny as hell!"

At that point I woke up trying to scream! I said trying, I was in a hospital bed in a hospital gown I held my head feeling bandages as I tried to scream but nothing but a small hacking sound would came out.

My eyes widen as I kept trying to get something to come out! Anything I was shaking and shivering as I felt pale cold clammy and sweaty that is when I saw the panic button and hit it a lot in blind panic hoping someone would come someone would help me! Someone could at least tell me what's wrong! WHY CAN'T I SPEAK!

I then noticed the female doctor come in and sigh as she noticed me trying to speak but nothing came out and to my shock she hand me a mini chalk Board with an eraser on a string and a piece of chalk and she sadly said, "Don't waste your time Akihisa! The blow to the head damaged the speak center of the brain. You no longer the ability to speak!"

My eyes widen as everything went black I was fainting.

Return to third person point of view.

the doctor sighed and put the board and chalk on the stand next to him as she sadly touched his face and said, "Poor thing! This happens and his parents asked who you where! And I won't let that creepy sister anywhere near you after what she said!" She shivered at the memory and added, "And how she said it!"

the doctor then left out and called out, "Nurse Mr. Yoshi woke up and fainted form the news."

A moment later she noticed A girl and asked, "yellow miss?"

the girl smiled and happily said, "Yuuko Kinoshita" She then looked nervous and cleared her throat, " I'm looking for Akihisa's room he pushed me out of the way of the falling wall at school! Is he ok?"

the doctor sighed and put a hand on her shoulder and form the look on Yuuko's face she said what she thought, "Well good news bad news time I guess, Good news he'll live, Bad news is thanks to brain damage your boyfriend will never speak again!" she then sadly left the blushing wide eyed Yuuko, as she point to the room and sadly added, "he's in there go to him!"

Yuuko was red but walked in just in time to See Akihisa wake back up and yuuko moved her hair behind her ear nervously as she spotted the board and asked, "Akihisa I'm sorry! If I had seen I this won't have happened!" she sound sad.

Akihisa then grabbed the board and chalk and wrote and held up the words, "If the school didn't make my avatar able to touch anything this won't have happened."

Yuuko blinked and thought about it before she sat down in the chair next to him and shyly added, "good point.. the whole fighting for school supplies thing seems like a strange way to teach teamwork now that I think about it!" she seemed like she was just starting to question it.

Akihisa then held out the board after changing the words to say, " it's not teamwork it's war time strategy with sacrificial pawns like me and all!"

Yuuko blinked and muttered for a moment before saying, "ok I can see it being able to be seen that way but the whole thing is just being taken to seriously I mean if you think about it it's just a video game with your health and attack being based on your test scores to make learning fun!" she seemed unsure about it for the first time!

Akihsia wiped the board and wrote again before turning it around and saying, "your brother the one you call a failure knows what he wants to be when he is done with school and is taken steps to get ready, What do you want to be and what are you doing to make it happen?"

Yuuko muttered as her eyes widen and one twitched as that sentence went over in her head, She was Class a the best yet she had no plans after school. Her brother was Class f the worst but had plans for after school. She was going to peak in highschool, while her brother would at least be ready for the real world. She held her head muttering confused unable to think of a reply or why the teacher won't remind them to do this.

then Akihisa held out the board changed to say, "See? The school doesn't care about students or learning just test scores. They use hate to get you to score higher so they look better, but as all we focus on is test scores we are unready for the life. Hold on I'm out of room" He then started to change it again

when done he showed it to continued, "The school Gets more money for higher test scores, and the students suffer and leave filled with hate and a superiority complex."

Yuuko blinked reading it unable to counter it and stunned at the high diction he just used as her eyes widen and a tear shed, "… all those times I was mean to my brother over his grades! I was mocking him because I was the loser who peaked in high school and I was jealous he would have a life!" She wiped her tears away before she heard coughing and looked up to see Akihisa changed his board.

It now said, "I know. My sister is under the same logic that the common skill of cooking is useless when millions of people make money cooking for people who don't have the skill. She too had this stupid grades only matter thing beaten into her head."

Yuuko sighed sadly as she thought over the school year was mean to lower classes, belittled them just studied and past tests with no human interaction other then hand in the paper and listen to the teacher read form a script, fight in what only could be called gang wars, get coagulations on winning said gang wars, and what was going to be all of her school life.

No friends to depend on in hard times, no dating as that would mean less studying so she would be alone, No idea what to do with her life or what she want to do, And more importantly no future as she would be lost on the road of life!

Yuuko held her head an eye widening as she cried and sadly said, "I wish I was Himeji! She faint in the test and got zero and got put in the not worth reprogramming room." She said sadly.

Akihsia held up his board once more making a sound a strange one that showed he lacked the ability to make words or anything close to them to get Yuuko to read what was now written on the board. "And to think I stupidly started this to try and get her into Class a because I thought she belonged there. I guess the blow to the head knocked some Sense into my cerebrum."

Yuuko Blinked in shock as she got up and touched his face and stunned said, "I think it did more then knock some sense into your head Akihisa I think.. I think the baka got knocked out of you!"

Akihsia blink and wrote on the board, "You think I have gained Acquired Savant Syndrome form the damage to my speak center making my brain rewrite itself to deal with the damage?" Yuuko said nothing but she took to the board and point to it

Akihisa read what he wrote and blinked before taking it back and changing it to say, "that is good evidence for your hypostasis Yuuko."

Yuuko smiled and hugged Akihsia in Tears and snuggled him, "You saved me! In more way to one Akihisa.. Remember that you're a hear!" She then closed her eyes and kissed him on the head making Akihisa blush as they heard a German yell.

where they turned to See Minami screaming in German in the hall way and Himeji crying in her hands saying, "I NEED ICE CREAM!"

Yuuji's smiled and gave a thumbs up, "the hotter Kinoshita Twin nice job man! Nice job!"

Kouta's jaw dropped as he said, "for once I missed the picture!" he said stunned.

Hideyoshi as screaming in rage it looked like he was on fire as he yelled out with murder in his voice "MY SO CALLED FRIEND AND MY SISTER!"

Akihsia quickly pulled out off the Tag on his head and point to it saying "Brain damage!"

Hideyoshi read it and cracked his Knuckles and sighed as he said, "Well Look like I need to finish scrabbling it then!"


Akihsia held up the board as he point to what he wrote the chalk no almost gone as he said, "I gained Acquired savant syndrome, meaning I thanks to my brains speak center's damage my brain as rewired itself making me smarter to make up for the lose of speak. Also need more Chalk or maybe my phone back so I can get a test to speak application!"

Yuuji read it and blinked and took a step back as he held his hands up and blinked and said, "Akihisa is that you in there?"

Akihsia then used to last of his chalk to write out, "Well One fames quote on the Psychology of the self is Memory is self Memory is identity. I have all my memories so I am Akihisa."

Minami read it and fainted and Kouta blinked in shock and let out a stunned, "WHO ARE YOU!?"

to be continued.