This AU is a little different then most fanfictions about the Tourney at Harrenhal, the main focus will be Ned and Ashara, but the usual subjects about the tourney will still be present. It will develop into something a bit different than many AUs but I hope it can be credible and enjoyable to read. It will contain explicit sexual scenes, so everyone is warned.

To start, a small Prologue.

Rhaegar Targaryen

Red Keep, King's Landing, Crownlands, Year 281 AC

Rhaegar stood near the window of his room, watching the night sky of King's Landing. It was one of those days in which the full moon lighted the city's narrow streets. It was a sight that always fascinated him but today he had more pressing concerns in his mind to worry about.

"My Prince."

Rhaegar heard his closest allies greet as they entered the room. His best friend, Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning; Ser Oswell Whent, the Dark Bat, both members of the Kingsguard and Jon Connington, Lord of Griffin's Roost, a loyal companion since Rhaegar's days as a squire.

"Please take a seat," Rhaegar said as he pointed them free chairs, the ones he usually gave the visitors he received. "I assume my father is asleep by now?"

"He is, My Prince." Ser Oswell replied. "Prince Lewyn is guarding his room with Ser Gerold."

"Good to know," Rhaegar said. "What about the Lyseni?"

"He is not a problem for now," Arthur explained. "Ashara assured me he is already in his room, sleeping or not, he is there."

"I doubt his «little birds» are listening either," Jon remarked. "We seem to have some room to talk, at least until someone begins to suspect something is amiss here."

"So we can conclude that we won't be disturbed for a while," Rhaegar said and they nodded. "Very well. Let us begin then." he proclaimed. "I've called you all here, to discuss my father's increasingly erratic behavior. The amount of sentences he has seen passed, since Lord Tywin's resignation, is, to say the least, abysmal, considering Lord Tywin has been off his position for less than a fortnight." he further explained. "Furthermore, my mother refuses to admit, but she is being mistreated more often as well. The scars and bruises she desperately tries to hide prove as much."

"Your father gets aroused every time he burns someone, he believes that he is a dragon…so more burnings as punishment mean more arousal on his part as well…" Oswell explained with a sickened face. "We all repudiate it but there is nothing we can openly do about it, we made vows to protect him."

"I'm aware of that," Rhaegar confessed in a plain tone. "That is the main reason we are here, to discuss how to remove my father from the throne."

"Rhaegar, I'm sure that you know, that your father already believes, that you are planning in dethroning him since Duskendale." Jon said worriedly.

"Yes, those rumors have reached me," Rhaegar confessed. "Yet my father is mad and no one can deny it. Not even his most fierce supporters can deny it," he explained. "And since he believes I'm already conspiring against him, perhaps it would be better, for the realm especially, that I indeed take the throne from him."

"The Lyseni will know about your plans before you even have the chance to make a move against your father," Oswell said. "He is too dangerous."

"Yes, Lord Varys is indeed dangerous and most likely will find out about the plot. I can't deny that." Rhaegar said. "But if I manage to gather enough support from the Great Lords, then there is nothing my father can do, he will have no support left."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Arthur inquired, now more interested in the conversation then what he had been at first.

"A Great Council." Rhaegar replied.

"A Great Council?" Jon asked incredulously. "You of all people should know that Great Councils never end well. They always lead to more problems rather than fixing them!"

"I know about the outcomes of the previous Great Councils, Jon," Rhaegar assured. "But I'm willing to take the risk as there isn't a better option. I don't wish to kill my father or to have a war at my hands, I want the realm's prosperity."

"Can you guarantee that the Great Lords will support you?" Arthur asked. He was a man of few words, he always went straight to the point without taking any long roads to get there.

"I have talked with Elia last night, she assured me that Dorne will most likely support me, as they are wishes for another Dornish Queen," he said. "And Lord Tywin has already admitted in public that he prefers me over my father," Rhaegar said. "As for the others, I'm sure they all see me as a better option then my father, but we do need to confirm it."

"And how do you propose we do that without raising suspicions?" Arthur asked. "Do I have to remind you that to avoid conflicts afterward, you must be universally acclaimed by everyone?"

"It seems that we have arrived at the problem I have been facing these past few days and led me to call you all here," Rhaegar admitted with a shy smile. "I need a cover up for this plot of mine, but I can't seem to find any good solution…"

"Well…you could use a tourney as a cover," Oswell suggested. "Everyone likes to partake in a tourney. It helps to showcase the children and power of a House."

"That's all true Oswell," Jon said. "But if the Prince suddenly organizes a tourney, everyone will suspect something is amiss."

"Well if that seems to be the problem, I have an alternative," Oswell said. "Last time I visited my brother, Walter, after we defeated the Kingswood Brotherhood, he told me he was going to organize a tourney not to long from now, for my beautiful niece Arisa's sixteenth namesday. We could use my brother's tourney as a cover."

"So that's your alternative?" Jon asked incredulously.

"Why yes! No one will suspect a thing and no one can trace it back to us." Oswell explained. "At least not to Rhaegar."

"You are forgetting about the Starks and Greyjoys, Oswell. They don't partake in tourneys," Arthur said. "To get their attention, we would need very lavish prizes. Can your brother provided them?"

"I'm sure my brother can offer large rewards if it's needed…" Oswell said while he probably was calculating the numbers in his head.

"If any of us wins the Tourney…then no extra money needs to be spent." Rhaegar deduced aloud. "We can, therefore, set the rewards higher."

"And if we don't win?" Arthur asked turning his gaze back to Rhaegar.

"If we don't win, then I shall pay the extra money myself," Rhaegar said as he turned to Oswell. "I think it's a good idea, Oswell, will your brother approve?"

"Of course he will!" Oswell assured him, almost taking it as slight. "He is fond of you and besides it will help him find good matches for his children and not to mention that he is honor seeking and his ego will only boost if he holds a tourney that even Starks and Greyjoys attend."

"Then it's settled then, have your brother informed of our plan, Oswell." Rhaegar commanded.

"As you wish, My Prince. It shall be done in the morning." Oswell assured. "I shall send a trusty messenger to deliver it as I fear the ravens might not be safe for the situation we are about to get ourselves in..."

"I couldn't say wiser words." Rhaegar agreed.

"And if the Lyseni finds out, what do we do?" Jon asked concerned.

"I was thinking on using a courier…someone to gather the information and then pass it to us." Rhaegar said.

"And who do you have in mind?" Jon inquired.

Because Rhaegar hesitated a bit too much, Arthur quickly understood who he was going to suggest… "You wish to use my sister?" Arthur asked aghast. Sometimes, he did wondered if his friend could actually read his mind…

"Well…she was the one I had in mind…" Rhaegar admitted.

"No! I can't allow that!" Arthur ranted. "She is my sister and if something happens to her I will…"

"Nothing shall happen to Lady Ashara, Arthur," Rhaegar assured him. "She is a capable woman who knows how to handle delicate information, better than any of us here," he explained. "Furthermore, she is loyal and no one will suspect a beautiful woman dancing with men who give her information for a plot that no one is certain about." Still seeing his friend worried, Rhaegar continued: "You can watch her if you so wish, making sure no one harms her in the process."

"Oh, I will do that, don't worry," Arthur said with a very serious look. "But if something happens to her, I won't be calm as you see me here." Arthur was very much like him in that regard, both rarely got angered, but things certainly wouldn't look bright for whoever finds himself in the pointy end of Dawn, Arthur's greatsword.

"Rhaegar there is something else that has been concerning me…" Jon said.

"And what is that, Jon?"

"What exactly are the Starks, Arryns, and Tullys doing?"

"In my opinion, they are preparing for war." Arthur stated.

"A war?" Oswell asked intrigued. "Against who? Us?"

"That is the question we all should ask ourselves, Oswell…" Rhaegar remarked. His own theory was that they were tired of waiting for someone to depose his father and were going to do it themselves and by war if need be. If such was the case, then Rhaegar could rally their forces to his cause and get all the support he needed to dethrone his father. However…if he failed or they didn't comply, then, there could be a large war in the making… "Whatever they are planning, they could be the key to our success. We must muster their support for our cause." he said.

"They have at least three kingdoms on their alliance, potentially four if we add the Baratheons in the mix, enough to do more damage than the Blackfyre Rebellions and perhaps rival with the Dance of Dragons." Jon further explained.

"We will see how it goes Jon," Rhaegar said. "It's also to note, that it's getting late and you all should take your leave, for we have been here perhaps for too long and some «little birds» might be suspecting something is happening around here.

"You should rest as well, My Prince," Arthur suggested as he got up from his seat. "With your permission."

"I will, do not worry," Rhaegar assured them. "Permission granted."

The three of them bowed to him and then exited his room. Rhaegar decided to return to the window and watch the city for a few more minutes. This has to work, for the sake of the realm, and mine…

Thank you for sparing time reading and I hope everyone has a nice day.