Chapter One

A/N: So I decided to start on my latest obsession with Riverdale. What can I say, it a guilty pleasure. As I rewatching for the fourth time, I decided to give my OC who I've been toying with a go. This starts on Season 1 Episode 5: Right before Jason Blossom's memorial. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own of the Riverdale characters only my own OC.

Jughead narration: Every town has one. A spooky house all the kids avoided. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom Family's mansions with it's very own graveyard. And, trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason. Linked in death even as they were in life.

Fred had waltzed into Archie's room, after listening to Archie pummel his punching bag with rigor. Despite the recent debacle, with the revelation of his son's relationship with Ms. Grundy, he couldn't help but feel guilty himself. "Hey, Rocky."

"Hey." Archie stopped, looking at his father.

The older man walked in quietly, "You know, I never thought I'd say that I miss you playing your guitar, but..."

"Sorry Dad. Just trying to get back in fighting shape for the field."

"So, this is all for football?" As Archie began punching his bag, Fred steadied it. Archie stopped looking at his father, "Coach Clayton's about to set the starting line-up, name a new captain." Another jab thrown towards the bag, "It's like you said. Football gets me a scholarship, which gets me to college, where I can study music."

Fred looked down watching as his son, developed a drive towards his future, one he didn't want for Archie. He had hoped for his son to work with him at the Andrews construction but to see his son like this, beating himself up over his mistakes, it was an image he never wanted. "Captains get scholarships."

"Yeah," Fred said softly. "I-uh- have someone who might have another opinion."

Archie looked at his father, who had gestured towards the doorway. Emma. "Yeah, I heard you were turning into a meat head." Archie smiled looking at his sister. "What are you doing here?"

He was surprised. Exuberant, but surprised. Tearing off his boxing gloves, he moved towards her as she stepped back.

"Whoa there, Capt. One, you're sweaty as hell and two, you are most definitely a jacked up meathead now." He laughed as Emma's face cringed.

"Well I missed you, peanut." She rolled her eyes at her loathsome nickname awarded by her twin. Fred smiled as he signaled Archie to come join them downstairs.

Emma blew on her cup of tea in the kitchen, as Archie had showered, appeasing his sister's request. "Better?"

"Much." He smiled at her as she took a sip. Fred had already retired for the night, leaving the sibling to talk. Something they haven't been able to do in a while, as they became caught up in their lives. "So, I hear music is now your thing?"

Archie exhaled, "Uh, yeah. Dad even sound proofed the garage. So, I think he is coming around to the idea." She nodded, waiting for him to add to it, yet he chose not to. Inhaling deeply, she followed up. "And the music teacher, Grundy? Was she the muse?"

A deer in headlights, Archie knew he wouldn't be able to evade Emma's line of questioning. "Well, I guess sort of. I'm guessing dad told you?"

"And mom. Don't worry, I talked mom down. At least she wasn't ugly." He shook his head and smiled. The two stayed quiet for what seemed to be hours, until Archie broke the silence. "Did you hear about Jason?"

"Oh.. yeah. Cheryl has kept me quite informed. So sad. I mean I was never close to him but I do love Cheryl, so it hurts to see her like this. She's, however, become fixated on micro-managing and chaos. Which leads me to ask, who is this Veronica Lodge and why did you kiss her?"

The red head rolled his eyes, knowing his sister's antics about getting the whole truth and nothing but. As he explained the origins of Veronica and their drama with Betty on the night of the semi-formal along with all the other drama brewing at Riverdale High, Emma became intrigued by his lack of discussion regarding Jughead. She had known they grew a part as he deflected her questions about the boy in the crown beanie over the summer, she had chosen to not pursue.

In turn, he had began to grill her. "So why did you come back?" Her eyebrow raised. "Not that I'm not happy, but don't you have school?"

"Yeah, but I just really missed home." He waited for her to expand on her reasoning, "Mom knows. Her and dad have been talking and I think they both are in agreement that maybe, it was time to come home, for good. To start school here."

He smiled at his sister. He moved to standing next to her and envelope her in a tight hug, "Well, Peanut, I hope you stay. I really did miss you."

Archie wrote in his notebook as the rest of the group approached him. Jughead, Kevin, Betty and Veronica decided to search for Archie at lunch, finding him by the field. They sat down as Veronica looked at Archie, ending their prior conversation. "What about you, Archie? How's life in a PG world?" Veronica stated as she set her back down behind him, on the bleachers of the football field. he group stared at her confusingly, "PG. Post-Grundy. What, too soon?" She ate her fry as he looked back at his notebook.

"Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity captain. So I'm not thinking about anything else right now."

"And you're back to being boring." Veronica stated blatantly.

"-Plus, my sister is back in town."

Kevin's ears perked up as he heard the insinuation of Emma Andrews. "Emma is back? Like here, in Riverdale?" Archie nodded as the brunette smiled fiercely.

Veronica's eyebrows furrowed, "Wait. You have a sister? Why is this the first I am hearing of this?"

"She lives-lived with my mom in Chicago, but from what I am guessing, she wants to come back home. She's talking to my dad about it today."

"How old is she?"

"Our age. And she's Archie's twin. Trust me, you will love her. Talk about snarky, cold and funny." Kevin gushed.

Betty smiled at the red-head, knowing she might be the perfect antidote to all of his latest issues. "Arch, that's really good. I know how much you missed her."

While the rest of the group carried on about Archie's mystery twin, according to Veronica, and football, Jughead remained silent. He had always liked Emma, she was quiet around him but from what he had heard, she had amounted to something short of a wildfire. Whereas Jughead, Archie and Betty clung close to one another as kids, Emma stayed in the company of Cheryl and Kevin, who later had their falling out. Even as the trio broke, she remained in contact with one another. Even as the summer of 8th grade passed and Jughead, dealt with the struggle of his mother and sister's departure, Emma remained kind to him. Dare he say, they began to become close. Yet, just as all good things, it had abruptly came to an end as she said her goodbyes to her bother and father, to Riverdale in general.