Sorry if I took like a month to finish chapter 2. I've just been busy since I'm still in school, But hey I've managed! So here you go guys, Chapter 2 for you! :D

This also takes place 1 and a half year before the buu saga. Giving time for Sakura to adjust and train herself in the usage of KI.

Authors note: I don't own any of the DBZ characters nor Naruto.

Day's like this are a rarity for a certain pink-haired Kunoichi

It's not every day that you wake up to find yourself in the woods, especially when you remember being in a different place at a different time. And it's especially not every day that you find yourself looking at your reflection in a nearby lake to find a long pink fuzzy appendage lingering above your head, wiggling about. Turning her head, Sakura's emerald orbs follow the pink appendage all the way down to see it attached, just above her buttocks. To say the least, she screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL-" Waving her arms in panic, she finds herself falling forward into the water of the lake with a loud splash, scaring away the nearby animals. Flailing, she swims up to grip on the moist dirt and pulls herself up, sputtering out water.

Shakily, she turns her head hoping it was just an illusion on her part, only to see that the pink appendage still there, dripping wet as its owner. Groaning, she allows her body to go limp, face planting into the dirt. She could feel the appendage going limp as well, laying on the back of her legs and she groans once again.

Was this what Vados wished for her? If so, then what is a fuzzy tail going to do to help her with saving the universe?!

'What's a tail going to do to save her home?'

Grinding her teeth, she pushed back the thought of her home, not wanting to attach herself to the feel of longing for her friends. She's a big girl now and she knows it, she could handle herself, she made the choice of doing this and she must stay to her duties. She'd fought in war and survived, if she can't do this then all her effort would be for nothing.

Her friends' beliefs are NOT nothing.

Fueled by her thoughts, she pushed herself up from the dirt, and glances down at the limp appendage and sighs, "I pray hope this is all just a joke."

"What's a joke?"

Instincts kicks in at the sudden voice, automatically she reaches down to her pouch to pull out her sharp kunai, and before she knows it, she's on top of her target- the edge of her blade pressing threateningly underneath the soft skin. She could feel the fear rolling off the figure beneath her, and she takes a moment to look down into onyx eyes; glistening with fear, shock, but also wonder?

It took her a few second for realization to hit once she realized how tiny the figure was, and the fact that the voice she just heard was that of a child. Who still looks her with that same expression, even when she jumps away from him; emerald eyes filled with horror and regret. The kunai that was in her hand disappeared, having to flung it away at her own fatal mistake when she moves away from the boy.

"I-I..." Words caught in her throat, she stares on at the boy in shock at her own actions. She watches as he sat up, tiny fingers lingering on the small cut underneath his chin when her kunai nicked at him as she pulled away. Seeing the tiny droplets of blood oozing out, her body moves without her knowing, hands slipping underneath the boy's chin who flinched at the touch but have yet not backed away from her. Seeing the injury triggered the medic kunoichi, allowing herself to go on an auto-drive to heal.

Channeling her chakra, a warm vibrant green glow admitted from her palm and the tiny cut that printed the boy's skin was soon gone, as if it wasn't there in the first place. Pulling her hand back, she allows herself to take a deep breath of relief, knowing that the boy was now okay although the blood that lingers on the tip of his fingers didn't make the Pinkett feel any better.

"That was cool!"

Blinking rapidly, she gapes at the boy as he stares up at her in amazement, like the event just a moment ago didn't affect him at all. Even the fear had disappeared, replaced with childish wonderment, looking at her hands as if it was a miracle of some sorts.

The boy grins up at her, his finger pointing at his chest as it puffs up proudly, "My name is Goten! That hand glowing thingy was so cool and the way you move so fast with that knife thingy was awesome!"

"Uh..." Was the only thing Sakura could say, bewildered at the sudden event,""

"No problem!" Tilting his head, Goten blinks up at the Pinkett, eyes now filled with admiration, "Not even my big brother, Gohan, can do that hand heal thing that you just did! And he's a Super Sa-i-yan?" His brows furrowed as he spelled out the words.

"A Super Saiyan?" Confusion laced into her voice, Sakura looks down at the boy, "What's a Super Saiyan?"

"Oh, it's when my brother's hair turns yellow and his eyes turn blue! And he also gets super strong, it's very cool! Although..." Goten's face switch to one of a sheepish expression, hand rubbing the back of his head, "Mom said that whenever Gohan is turning into a Super Saiyan, He becomes a delinquent and that I should never do that again."

"A delinquent huh?" Sakura could feel a smile makes its way on her lips as she fondly thought of a certain blonde friend of hers.

'Definitely a delinquent, alright.'

Although the last sentence caught Sakura's attention, "Again? You mean you can turn Super Saiyan?"

"Yeah, I can show ya if you want. Just don't tell my mum, okay?" Seeing the Pinkett nodding, Goten grins and jumps back, making sure to keep a good distance between him and Sakura. Pulling his hand into a fist by his side, he slowly starts powering up his Ki, "Alrighty, here I go...Ah-"


With a loud yelp, Goten immediately powered down at the sound of a loud male voice echoing through the forest; Sakura having heard the voice as well, perks up, eyes narrowed in alert, another kunai hidden underneath the right side of her black sleeves that wasn't ripped. After a moment, A teen burst out through the bushes and Sakura tensed at the sharp feeling of power that lingers from the newcomer.

Goten turns, his expression turning into one of happiness once he noticed the new arrival and he immediately sprung forward at the figure, arms held out in a grabbing motion.


The teen didn't hesitate to open his arms allowing the boy to wrap around his neck in a koala-like hug, though Gohan was smiling, it didn't stop him from staring at Sakura, his black orbs piercing into her emerald ones as she stares back; air around them slowly growing tense.

And sweet lil' Goten being oblivious to the change around him jumped back with a satisfied grin on his face, "Hey big bro! I want ya to meet someone," grabbing his brother's sleeves, he pulled the teen towards the Pinkett; not noticing the way she tensed as they draw near, "Her name is...uh."

"Sakura." She allows a small smile to crept on her face, the tension in her body loosen a bit and turns her gaze to the teen, keeping eye contact with him, "My name is Sakura Haruno, Pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, Names Son Gohan." He nodded his head eyes still gazing at her, and if he noticed the pink fuzzy appendage waving from behind her, he didn't say anything; as he turns his head to Goten, bending down and gripped the boy's shoulder, "Hey Goten, why don't you go on home. Mom's got lunch waiting for you."

"Aw, but what about you? Aren't ya coming?" The boy smile switch to a small frown, "Don't ya wanna come eat with me too? I'm sure Miss Sakura is hungry as well, right?"

Sakura perks up like a deer caught in headlights and she allows a small nervous laugh to escape her lips, 'Why me.' "Ah...well." A soft rumble emerges from the depths of her belly and if you were to compare her face to ones of a cherry, the outcome would be pretty extraordinary, "O-Oh, It's fine. I can find food on my own."

Gohan chuckles shaking his head; as the tense air around, them lessens making Sakura release a breath that she had hold, and he ruffles Goten's hair receiving a yet adorable pout from the Boy, "Don't worry, I just want to talk to Sakura for a bit and then we'll be coming home for lunch. How's that?" After a moment, he got a hesitant nod in reply and Goten steps back and looks at Sakura, the pout still lingering, "I guess I'll see you later then, Sakura."

"Yeah, I'll be fine Goten. Go on ahead." The two teens watched the boy disappeared into the woods, and Gohan took his time to observe the newcomer from the corner of his eyes. Back home when Gohan finished studying, he had felt a powerful energy not far from his home before it dispersed, leaving him confused and worried; seeing that his brother was still out in the woods. The last time he ever felt such an energy was back then just when he was just a young child at the start of the time where he had trained, the beginning of facing his first known threat to earth; although one of their enemies had turned sides, gaining them a prideful yet helpful ally even though it took the destruction of a planet and the death of Frieza.

He was certainly glad for his mother excellent timing for lunch to check out this unknown source and to find his brother. So, imagine his surprise when he finds his brother with an unknown Saiyan female whose hair was surprisingly the color of pink. Seriously, pink hair! He'd never seen a pink-haired Saiyan, better yet a female Saiyan who's eyes were also to his own surprisingly thought, the most beautiful shade of emerald. Adding to the fact that her tail was pink as well, already established that it was most definitely natural. Vegeta once said that a natural color for a Saiyan was black, brown, or dark brown; besides the exception of half-breeds, but that thought was cut out to him at the appearance of the girl in front of him.

'Maybe she's a half-breed like me?' He mentally questions to himself, as he fully turns his body to the Pinkett, catching her full attention now. Sakura felt herself freeze once more at the stare that seems to pierce through her and tenses once again, fingering the kunai underneath her sleeves.

Gohan took note at the tiny movement of her fingers and his eyes narrows, making Sakura's own eyes stare right back, not wanting to back down. Seconds, minutes has pass, silence hanging between them, even the birds that were chirping just minutes ago has gone silent leaving the wind to be the only sound among them.

"Why are you here?" The question sounded more like a demand as Gohan's masculine voice breaks the silence, eyeing the Pinkett with passive stare, "If you're here to harm this planet, then I'll have to politely ask you to leave."

Emerald orbs seem to widen in surprise, and for a second, her eyes seem to flash furiously at his words before it disappears leaving her to solemnly gaze at him, "No, I'm not here to harm anyone." She lowers her gaze down to the dirt, brows furrowed and a small frown on her face, "In fact, I don't know why I'm here. One moment I was talking to her then I was knocked out and woke up here."

"Her?" Gohan's brows rises slightly, "Who's her?"

"O-Oh, Uh...She's an angel. Blue-skin, white-hair, holding a staff and this tall." She lines her hand to a degree of what she thought was the angel's height and continues, "Told me something about the universe being endangered and needed my help."


"Yeah, something about the power of Ki and that the 'wish' would help me." She takes a moment to look up at the sky, mouth tighten in thought, "Although, I'm starting to have my doubts. What does having a tail got to do with Ki anyways?" She asked, as if Gohan had all the power to answer her question. But as she turns her head to look back the teen, she blinks in surprise at the teen that was gaping at her, jaws dropped so wide that she inwardly cringed; wanting to close the boy's mouth from anything that wants to fly in. It didn't help that there were a few insects flying around them as well.

"Y-You m-mean, y-you don't know?!" Gohan stutters, bewildered at what the Pinkett just said. Something about wish and the endanger of the universe, now this? His head was starting to hurt just thinking about it.

"Know what?"

"That you're a Saiyan!" He all but yelled, his voice echoing throughout the forest scaring away some of the birds.

The pink-haired Saiyan only stares back at him, her face expressing their confusion and she said the one question that'll wish Gohan was back home studying besides being anywhere but here; and a certain Saiyan prince to scream and bellow.

"What's a Saiyan?"

The aftermath lead to more questions than answers and the black-haired teen decided to call it a day and invited the pink-haired Saiyan for lunch, deeming the girl to be a non-threat; Especially after that question. Gohan suggested that they should probably have some food in their system and would probably explain more about the situation more clearly until then. Sakura agreed with the idea and followed the teen through the woods back to his home, it didn't help that she was hungry, maybe that was why she was very blunt in her explanations.

After a moment of walking they came clear into an open field where a dome-like house settles, and Sakura took her time to observe the landscape in awe, admiring the mountains. Gohan walks up to his home, smiling as he cups his mouth with his palms, "Hey mom! I'm home!"

Just when he finished shouting, a woman suddenly burst out of the door and immediately head straight for her son, not noticing the guest behind him. Goten soon follows, his head peeking from the doorway watching his mother nag his brother, giggling at the nervousness that appears on Gohan's face as he waves his hand in motion. His eyes soon move towards a familiar pink-haired girl, taking notice of her amused expression and Goten smiles widely, running out the door towards their guest.


The Pinkett didn't have time to move away as an orange blur collided with her, sending her down on the dirt with a hyperactive boy on top of her; who grins down and happily waves. Goten's shout has also caught the attention of their mother, who's hands were now on her hips as she stares down at Sakura with a reprimanded look. Gohan could only hope his mother won't do anything to rash that'll leave their guest uncomfortable.

"Goten get off her. I did not teach you to act like that, especially around strangers," Chi-Chi scolds, and Goten just laughs nervously before jumping off to allow the pink-haired Saiyan to stand, brushing off unwanted dirt. Chi-Chi then turns to Sakura, mouth tilted into an unapproved frown, "And just who're you?"

"My name is Sakura, my apologies." She inclines her head, not fully bowing. The only time she'll ever fully bow to someone is her Hokage and Sensei, no one else. Chi-Chi seems to settle down a bit, although she still stares at Sakura with a keen eye, "Alright, I'm Chi-Chi and these are my sons. Gohan told me you were quite hungry and since you have some respect, I'll feed you. Now, come on in."

Together, all four of them entered the warm home with Chi-Chi in the kitchen and the three of them sitting around the dining table. Sakura lay her head on top of her palm, a small smile making its way on her lip as she watched the interaction between the two brothers. Her gaze moved from the brothers to the kitchen, where an amazing scent of food waver from the doorway. She really does wants to help even if she was a guest at a household, she can cook herself a decent meal occasionally. She returns to gazing at the brothers, who just finished talking and are now looking at her.

"Hey, Sakura-chan! Big bro just told me that you're a Saiyan like us!" Goten exclaimed, bouncing in his chair excitedly, "I was so happy about that heal thingy that I never noticed your tail!"

"A Saiyan?!" Foots steps could be heard from the kitchen until Chi-Chi pops her head out the doorway, a horrified look on her face, "You're a Saiyan?!"

Sakura nervously laughs and nods, "Apparently I am a Saiyan, judging by my tail..." The pink fuzzy appendage unravel itself from her backside and waves freely out in the open where the whole son family could see. Chi-Chi face pales a bit, "O-Oh dear, that means I not only need to feed 1 nor 2, but 3 Saiyans?!" Sakura worriedly gaze at the woman as her skin pales a bit more.

"I-I'll be right back, the food must be ready by now..." Chi-Chi all but said as she mumbles to herself about bills, disappearing into the kitchen, leaving the son family plus a Pinkett to stare at the doorway with concern. Gohan sighs, still gazing at the doorway, "I hope I'll be able to get into school soon. I really do want to help my mom."

Emerald eyes flicker in surprise, "You mean, you don't go to school?" A headshake from Gohan answered her question as he folds his arms, "I was home schooled, mom told me I'll be able to go to school next year. I'm hoping to be a scholar when I grow older."

"That's nice." Sakura hums, not exactly all that interested. It wasn't her fault that she was never interested in the civil side of things, she was a shinobi and will always will be. She already sealed her fate when she stepped foot in the academy and graduated by the age of 12, where she was put in a team that she had promised to protect with her life. In her world, it was either you live, or you die, no acceptation. She learns that the hard way back when she was younger, although she just wishes she had forgone the fan-girl persona that she had.

' I'm pretty sure I don't feel that way about Sasuke anymore,' She inwardly cringe at the thought, 'It now feels like having a crush on a brother. Very wrong.'

A strong delicious scent snaps her from her thoughts, making her look up at the once bare table filled with different types of food that'll make her mouth water if not for her strong self-control. The other two brothers weren't fairing very well, already reaching out for the food before a pair of chop sticks slaps their hand away. Chi-Chi puffs her cheeks, hands on her hips as she waves her chops stick angrily at them.

"Not yet boys, sit down. I still haven't brought out all the food yet." Chi-Chi disappears once again in the kitchen, but not for long as she walks back out holding multiple plates and setting it on the table. Sakura gaps at the amount of food. Were they supposed to eat all of this?! Sure, she was hungry, but she knows that her appetite wasn't THIS big, at least theirs aren't either, right?

"Alright, you guys can dig in." Chi-Chi smiles, taking her seat next to Sakura. The pink-haired Saiyan nods and was just about to start grabbing some meat until a quick moment swipes them all away. She blinks once, twice, and slowly turns her head to the right where Gohan munches happily on the meat; cheeks stuffed. It didn't help that he started grabbing all the other food as well, the lil brother of the son family following his brother right behind him in swiping all the food. A tick mark slowly appears on the Pinkett forehead, fist tightening around the chop stick in her hands, snapping it half. A stifled laugh next to her takes her attention away from the hungry duo and she turns her head to look at Chi-Chi.

"They're a hungry bunch, Aren't they?" The woman mused, glancing at them before turning to the female next to her, "Here, you can have some from my side, they know better to take any food from me." Chi-Chi slides over some of her plates over to Sakura, who gratefully thank her and digs in on the delicious food.

Soon, all the plates were empty save for the four people who were now full from their feast. Although half way through the feast, Sakura was mostly staring at the brothers in shock as they consume the food as if their lives depend on it. The only one who were taking their time to eat was Chi-Chi, who was eating slowly taking her time.

A soft sigh escapes the Pinkett lips, arms stretched above her allowing her back to give a satisfying crack. Chi-Chi was already gathering plates to wash them, and Sakura stood up from her seat, willing to help for the lady's hospitality. She gathers the rest of plates and heads to the kitchen, where Chi-Chi was already drying the cleaned dishes. Stepping near her, Sakura drops the plates in the sink and started washing them up, much to the woman's protest. But the Pinkett was stubborn, so Chi-Chi had no choice but to accept the help. Leaving both to work in peace.

"You don't really have to help me. I'm used to doing this all the time for my husband and sons." Chi-Chi speaks, not turning her head from the task of putting up the dry dishes.

"I know, I just want to do this as a thanks for feeding me and allowing me in your home." Sakura replies, scrubbing away the stains on the plate and cleansing it underneath the water, "I'd rather do something than sit around and do nothing..." she hands over the clean plate to Chi-Chi who automatically takes it from her and dries it with a cloth.

"You're awfully polite for a Saiyan. Respectful too," A pink brow rise at the comment, "Most Saiyans I've met have been rude and bone-headed. Except my sons of course, and just maybe my husband."

"Geez, are Saiyan some type of terror or something?" Sakura only meant for the question to be a joke, but when she turns her head to see the serious expression on Chi-Chi's face, she thinks otherwise.

"No, they've tried to destroy earth before. If it weren't for my husband, we...wouldn't be here..." Chichi trails off, her eyes glazed in thought. Sakura stood still in shock. Saiyan's could destroy planets? Just what is this world, better yet, what is this universe? She shakes her head and continues to clean the dishes, taking her mind away from the thought. Although, she does wonder where the woman's husband is and why he isn't here.

Silently, both females finished cleansing and setting up the dishes. They both walked out into the dining area where both brothers were laughing and chatting to one another, before stopping once they realized they were finished. Goten happily calls her out waving his hand to the seat next to him, a small smile makes its way on her lips and she walks over to him and settles down. Chichi walks over to take a seat next to her oldest son, before they all focus their attention on the pink-haired Saiyan.

"Alright, So I guess you guess want an explanation on how I got here, right?" They all nodded, and Sakura closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, "Then sit back. Cause this is going to be a long story." With that, she explains how she battles against an enemy (She didn't want to say she battled a goddess) and got pulled into a portal, where she had met Vados, and the task given to her. She told them all about how they arrived on an unknown planet filled with 'green people' to grant a wish that was meant for her and how she blacked out and woke up to where she was now. Meeting Goten and Gohan.

She never told them about the war. About how she almost died, and basically everyone that was a part of the war. The ten-tails, Madara, the goddess, her family, and friends. Everything. She knew she couldn't return home, at least not yet. Not until she's strong enough and finish what she promised to Vados.

The rest of the son family seems to be in shock at what they've just been told, taking in all the information. Gohan was the first one to snap out of his daze and stares at Sakura with a kin expression of pity, along with Chichi; but Goten only seems to stare at her wide eyes filled with a hint of admiration. He's one of the weirdest children the pink-haired Saiyan ever met.

"Goodness to think you've been not only taken from your home, but to be tasked to do this?" Chichi shakes her head, and looks at Sakura with a determined expression, "You're staying here. You can take the guest room and I won't take any answer. You're staying here and that's final." She reprimanded, cutting off Sakura who was just about to open her mouth in protest.

"Gohan, I want you to train dear Sakura-chan here. And if you finish your studies, you could also do a bit of training as well," Gohan mouth dropped wide open at his mother request and Goten jumps up in his seat, "Mom, Can I join them! Pretty please?"

"No, you're still too young. Maybe when you're older I'll think about it," Goten adorably pouts and lowers his head, earning himself a hair ruffle from his brother. Gohan lowers his hand and turns to his mother, tilting his head in confusion, "What brought this on, mom?"

"Nothing," Chichi hums, turning towards a doorway that leads to the bedrooms, "Let's just say I was just reminded of something." She walks away but before she could disappear behind the corner, she turns her head, "Oh I forgot, you must be tired from talking for hours. I didn't even realize the time. Boy, don't forget to show Sakura to her room, Okay? After that, go to bed."

"Okay mom!" Both boys reply, not willing to deny their mother, making her smile and continue her way to the master bedroom.

Gohan sighs, steering himself to face the female Saiyan, "Come on, I'll show you to the guest room." Sakura nods and follows him out the doorway with Goten close behind. She listens intently as he explains the location of the bathroom and the rooms. They stop at a door next to Goten's room and pushed it open, revealing a plain looking bedroom with a single window near the bed, a drawer next to it, a closet, and a bare desk in the far corner.

"Well, welcome to the guest room Sakura," Gohan gestures, earning a giggle from the Pinkett. The pink-haired Saiyan steps inside, taking her time to observe her room, and settles down on the bed. Looking up at the two boys, she smiles, "Thank you very much."

"Heh, It's no problem. After all that explanation, I think it's reasonable on why we should help you," Gohan says, stepping back until he was near the door, "Anyways, we should rest. I want you to be full of energy in morning when we start our training tomorrow."

"Training?" Hearing the confusion laced into her voice, Gohan grins, "Yep, starting tomorrow at 6am. I want you up and ready to learn about KI. We got to get you strong fast if you're gonna start saving the universe, ya know?"

"Ah, okay. I'll be sure to wake up by then," She replies, nodding. Gohan claps his hands together, "Great! Go on and take a rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning. So G'night, Sakura."

"Thank you and Good night, Gohan." With a wave the teen disappears down the hall, leaving her and Goten in the room. The little boy walks over to her and jumps up to sit at the bottom of her bed, before turning to face her.

"I wish I can train with you and Gohan. It's not fair." A pout appears on his lips, receiving a giggle from the Pinkett and a head ruffle; making the boy pout even more.

"I'm sure you'll be able to train with us one day. You just got to be patient."

"But waiting is boring!" Goten whines, wanting to stomp his foot but his two short legs wouldn't reach the floor, not until he grows in a few years. Sakura pursued her lips, she thinks for a moment for a sudden thought came to her mind. Snapping her fingers, she gains the attention of the small boy.

"How about I make you deal," Goten immediately focus on Sakura, a witted smile on her lips now that she had boy's full attention now.

"If you can find out about the 'Will of Fire', I'll be sure to try and ask your mother to train you much early. How's that?"

"The will of fire?" Goten brows furrows in confusion, "What's a will of fire? I've never heard of that before."

"That's why I want you to find out," Emerald eyes twinkles knowingly, "Until you figure it out, come tell me and I'll let you know if you got it right or wrong. No cheating."

"Hey, I'll know about it before you know it!" Goten all but promised, jumping off the bed and plants his feet on the ground. He looks up at the pink-haired Saiyan and points, "I'll have you and Gohan train me, I'll find out about that Will of Fire without cheating! Just ya wait and see!"

'Believe it!'

Shaking her head, she pushed away the image of her blonde friend that appears in her mind and softly smiles down at the boy, "I'll be waiting then."

"Kay, I guess I should be going to bed now, but I'll find out about that Will of Fire thingy," Goten yawns, turning his body to slowly walks out of the room. But just as he was about to go, Sakura calls out to him.

"Goten, wait."

"Hmm?" He turns his head to see her stare at him with an unreadable expression on her face. He noticed that her eyes tend to be lingering underneath his chin and he stops. Sakura emerald orbs flashes apologetically for a second and her lips tilted down into a soft frown. She opens her mouth, her voice strangely soft.

"I'm sorry."

She watches as his face flashed in shock for a moment before a look of understanding seems to wash over his face just for a second, and just for a moment his onyx eyes seem to gleam knowingly; surprising the pink-haired Saiyan.

"It's okay. It's not your fault, I don't blame you for a second." With that he disappears beyond the doorway, closing the door on his way out. Leaving Sakura to stare at it, eyes wide. She stays still for a moment, before a soft smile makes its way on her lips.

'You're forgiven.'

"Thank you, Goten." She all but whispers, before settling herself underneath the covers. She makes herself comfortable and stares up at the blank ceiling, her mind whirling from the events that have happened this past day. It's amazing that she was even treated nicely by these people, had it been any other village or someone else they would've been wary and attacked her head on. Better yet, they would think she was crazy by all the nonsense that she had said, even if it were real.

Had Vados known they were going to do this? Was that why she sent her near them? She wonders if this all been planned from the start, she wouldn't be surprised if it was. It's a great trait to plan your moves before facing challenges head on, it's what she learned from a certain Nara.

Thinking about that, she wonders if her friends missed her. If they are right now figuring out a way to find her, bring her back home to the village. She sure missed them all, Naruto, Ino, Tsunade, Shizune, Kakashi, Sasuke, and everyone. She could probably do anything right now just to see them one last time, but she knew it wasn't possible. Not until she finishes the task given to her.

Sighing, she turns her body and glances out the window. The view was beautiful from her point of view and the sky filled with stars, reminding her the time she watched Vados changed the landscape around her. She once heard that each star had a story, and each one a planet home to many life-forms. She gazes at each star, tracing the patterns until she could feel drowsiness catching up to her. She yawns and slowly closed her eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep.

She dreams of blue eyes and whiskers, followed by a woman with a similar purple diamond on her forehead; just like her. Next to them was a man with an eye-patch and a teen with a hair styled like a duck's butt.

Unconsciously, she smiles in her sleep. Never noticing the light glow that admits from underneath her shirt, just above her belly before it disappears.

And that's the end of the chapter, Don't forget to stay tune for more! For now, I gotta start working on the next chapter. Don't forget to leave a review and criticism. I'll be sure to read them and fix my mistakes.