He knew he could wait.

He could be patient.

Because he knew.

Without a doubt, he knew Jan Di was his soul mate.

And he knew she felt the same way, she'd said as such many times.

So he knew he could wait.

He could wait until the inevitable.

Until the shine wore off of their new relationship.

There was so much drama and history between Guem Jan Di and Gu Jun Pyo, of course they'd try to make it work.

But it was impossible.

He knew them both too well. As strong a personality as Guem Jan Di was she would not forever let him treat her like a doormat.

The excuses and apologies piled up and Yoon Ji Hi faithfully helped his two best friends patch it up, again and again. For as long as she wanted it, he would help her.

Because one day he knew she would stop wanting it.

Going from being banned from seeing each other, to in love, to apart, to engaged would throw anyone. They'd never truly dated, or spent much time together. Not more than a few months at a go.

The closest they came was the six months HE, Yoon Ji Hoo, was away in Paris. For as soon as he was back they were drawn together, and only the guilt of hurting Gu Jun Pyo kept them apart.

It was always a matter of timing and Ji Hoo was always a firm believer that his time would come again.

Unflinchingly he waited at her side, knowing the inevitable could be just around the corner for them.

He held onto hope even when they announced a wedding date, almost immediately after arguing about whether they were even truly engaged.

She was still nervous about the whole thing, and Ji Hoo knew this all too well, for this to be her idea.

Jan Di had acquiesced and agreed to make it official.

Biting his bottom lip when he heard the news, he could see the false cheer in Jan Di's expression. Inside this was killing her, and Gu Jun Pyo didn't care or notice.

'He doesn't deserve her.' his jealous mind whispered.

Cross with himself for not being there sooner, for missing the alarm, he waited to catch her alone.

Pulling her aside, in the spacious restaurant Gu Jun Pyo clearly picked out for their announcement, he gave her his most serious expression.

The one he knew could make her cave and admit the truth. The one that showed he wasn't fooled.

He shut his eyes in bliss when she threw herself into his arms.

"I can't. I can't." she repeated as a mantra.

Nodding knowingly, Ji Hoo cradled her in his arms.

It was here.

It was finally starting.


AN: Came to me so I wrote it down, what do you think?

JanHoo 4EVA