It has been about a year since Abe, Dariela, Jackson, and I had arrived back in Africa. Dariela had given birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Isaac, and he looks just like his Abe. Jackson and I had managed to plan a wedding even though we had been helping rebuild what we had in Botswana. Dariela had moved down to Africa after everything was over and it had been nice having someone I was close to, other than the boys.

The week before the wedding Jamie had come down with Logan and Clementine. Jamie and Logan had gotten together surprisingly and even got engaged. Clementine lived with Jamie and Logan since Jamie was the closest to Mitch, but they came down to visit for Christmas. The boys had been making sure everything is step up for the big day.

When the day comes I wake up bright and early. It's odd not waking up next to Jackson and even weirder thinking that in a few hours I will be Mrs. Jackson Oz. As soon as I get up I start to get ready. As I start with my hair, Jamie comes into the bedroom. Jackson had spent the night at Abe and Dariela's. When she comes in she sits a plate of eggs and toast next to me.

"I know you're stressed, but we gotta make sure you eat something. You eat, I'll do your hair."

I sigh and nod, eating some of the food as Jamie starts to work on my hair. Before long Clementine comes in with Dariela. "Hey, Kat!" Clem smiles as she walks in.

"Hi Clem, are you ready to be my flower girl?"

"Of course," Clem comments with a smirk. I can see why Mitch was so extra protective of me when we were working together if you didn't know any better you'd think Clem and I were really related. "So what are we gonna do with my hair?"

"Why don't you get changed into your dress and we can do your hair when you get back."

Clem nods and smiles, heading to the closet, where her, Dariela, and Jamie's dresses are. Clem is going to walk down the aisle with Isaac, since he is going to be my ring bearer, and Dariela and Jamie are my bridesmaids. Jackson had picked Abe and Logan as his groomsmen. The girls are going to walk down the aisle alone.

When Clem comes back from getting dressed, Jamie is finished with my hair. So I trade places with Jamie and start on Clem's hair. "So do you want it curled, do you want it braided, what?"

Clem thinks for a moment, "Curled."

I smile and nod before I start curling Clem's hair. Jamie and Dariela get dressed and start on their makeup and hair, "Hey, Kat. Did you want us to wear the pink lipstick or the red?"

"Pink, it matches everyone's skin tone better."

"You got it." Dariela nods as she finished up her makeup. When I finish Clem's hair, Jamie and Dariela help me into my dress. It's not that it's hard to get on, but it is a mermaid and it has a lace up back, so I need a little help.

Once the dress is on I put my makeup on, before looking in my floor length mirror. As I stand there Jamie walks over and puts her head on my shoulder. "You look perfect..."

I take a deep breath and nod, "I wish Mitch was here…"

Jamie nods, "me too…"

Dariela takes a deep breath, "Yeah, so do I…"

Before long we hear a knock on the door, "Is everyone decent?" Abe calls out as he slowly opens the door.

"As long as Jackson's not out there with you." Dariela comments. Before her husband pokes her head into the room.

As his eyes look over all of us, he smiles, "You all look beautiful. We are ready to start if you ladies are."

We nod and head out. Since we are having an outdoor wedding we have some screens set up in the back so that Jackson can't see me until I start down the aisle. Abe and Logan head up to the altar to stand with Jackson and wait for us before we head down the aisle.

Jamie first, then Dariela, then Clem and Isaac, and finally me. When I turn the corner to start down the aisle I see the girls, in their long, dark purple dresses, flowing in the wind. When my gaze moves to Jackson it's like I can't see anyone else in the world. As I walk down the aisle Jackson smiles and his eyes begin to tear up, as do the girls' and the boys'.

When our ceremony is over, we have the reception in a dance hall that hadn't been destroyed during the animal revolution. As the nice goes on we start with the speeches, Logan going first.

"Uh… excuse me, everyone…" Logan speaks into the mic and clears his throat as everyone looks at him. "Uhh… When I met Jackson and Katherine we were trying to find a cure for the animals. Well, they were, I was lying to them and the whole team. But… even after that, they still accepted me into their family. They accepted me and gave me another chance and that really speaks volumes to the type of people Jackson and Katherine surround themselves with. They are some of the best people I have ever known and they haven't let anything stop them. Nor do I think they ever will… So… To Kat and Jackson."

Jamie is the next to go up.

"Like Logan, I didn't know Kat and Jackson until we were brought together to save the world. But we quickly became a family. Jackson or Katherine was always positive, even if the other one couldn't be. They knew that if we all gave up that it would be over. They fought to keep our family together on more than one occasion and did whatever it took to keep us together. So, I guess what I really wanna say is Thank you. When I met the group, I didn't have a family and I was alone in the world. But thanks to you guys, I have a fiance, a niece and a nephew, sisters, and even brothers. So thank you for showing me that I have a family, no matter what."

Dariela is the next to give her speech or toast, which they want to cause it.

"When I met Jackson and Katherine I had just lost my unit, the only family I thought I had, and when I came on board to help the team, I didn't know that I would fall in love with every single one of them. Not only did I find my husband, but I found sisters and brothers as well. I know that we have had our ups and downs. But hey, what family doesn't right? But no matter what we have gone through, we always come through for each other when it counts. Jackson and Katherine taught all of us, that family isn't who you're born to, but who you love, who loves you, and who you would die to protect. During our adventure Kat and Jackson put their own lives a risk so many times for the safety of the group and are two of the most amazing people I have ever met, so I wish you all the luck in your future and I pray that someday you will be able to add to our family, because you two deserve that and so much more."

Abe goes next.

"Unlike many of our friends, I knew Jackson and Katherine from the beginning. Having grown up with Jackson, I never thought he would settle down. But the day he met Kat, I knew I was wrong. When Kat visited our camp in Botswana during a family vacation, I knew I had lost my best friend. I knew I had lost him to a woman who would never let him lose his way. A woman, who would make sure that he never took everything he had for granted, and a woman who would make sure that he knew his own worth. Katherine, I don't think there is a better person out there for Jackson, I have seen the two of you fight, I have seen you two head over heels, and I have seen you two in the best of times and in the worst, but I never thought you two wouldn't make it. I knew that you two would stick with each other to the end. You two have brought this family together and you are the glue that holds us together and I know that… I know that Mitch would say the same if he were here… with us today…" Abe's voice starts to break as he finishes his speech.

When Abe finishes Jackson heads up to give his wedding speech.

"Uh… hi everyone… I'm not sure what else there is to say, our family seems to have said it all." He chuckles softly before taking a deep breath, "Katherine, you have been with me through the loss of my mother, the loss of my father, the loss of our child, and the loss of one of our close friends. But you have been nothing, if not resilient through it all. You were the rock that the rest of us looked to in our times of crisis. And I hope I give you half of the support you have given us over the years, if I can do that, I know we'll have a happy life together."

I smile up at Jackson as I eyes fill with tears. Before I head up to give my speech.

"Hi, everyone, I knew you're probably tired of speeches right now, but don't worry, I'm the last one… I also know that it isn't traditional for the whole wedding party to give speeches, but our family is nothing but untraditional… Everyone in my family has come up here and told Jackson and I are the reason they are here. That we brought them together and held us together. But what they fall to realize is that we would be nothing without them… We wouldn't be able to do half of what he did without them… And…" I take a deep breath, "And without two members of our family sacrificing themselves for us, we wouldn't be there…" I look down, "But I know that they did it in love and that's what we are here to celebrate today. Not just the love Jackson and I have from one another, but for the love, we have for every single person in this room."

As I step down from the stage Jackson walks up to me and kisses me deeply, placing his hands on my cheeks. "I love you so much, Mrs. Oz."

"I love you, Mr. Oz."

As Jackson and I chuckle softly together, I hear Abe on one of the mics. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe it is time for the married couples first dance."

I smile up to Jackson as he takes my hand and leads me out to the middle of the floor. As Jackson looks up to Abe and a slow song begins to play.

When I look into your eyes,

It's like watching the night sky.

Or a beautiful sunrise

There's so much they hold

And just like them old stars,

I see that you've come so far.

To be right where you are.

How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us.

Even if the skies get rough.

I'm given you all of my love

I'm still looking up.

(I Won't Give Up. By Jason Marz)

Jackson and I dance with our foreheads together, I chuckle softly, "Just like lions."

"Yeah, just like lions." Jackson laughs and nods before he starts to sing along.

even the stars they burn

some even fall to the Earth

We've got a lot to learn

God knows we're worth it.

no, I won't give up.