Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Xenoblade Chronicles 2. All rights belong to their respective owners.

"Pyra, I can't believe you talked me into going out for a walk in this boring little town when we could be out in London right now!"

"Well I think that this place is wonderful, Mythra. I mean, doesn't this place remind you of Fonsett village?"

"I guess. But how is that supposed to help me deal with today's stress?"

In the quiet town of Little Whinging, two beautiful figures were strolling along, taking in the calm autumn atmosphere after a stressful day at the diner that they both worked at. Pyra, a young looking short haired redhead with warm ruby eyes, and a shapely hourglass figure worked as a chef while Mythra, her twin sister with long blond hair and golden eyes, worked as a waitress. Both being fairly easy jobs for the both of them normally, but today seemed like it wanted to push their limits. Specifically, one family consisting of a walrus of a husband, a horse-like wife, and a beach-ball of a boy.

"I thought that the cool air would help clear our heads after that one family drove us both up the wall." said Pyra, her tone turning slightly sour. "Seriously, what kind of three person family eats enough food for six?"

"The kind that apparently doesn't care about their BMI's." replied Mythra, sass bleeding from her voice. "I mean the boy ate about half of the food alone! And there's also the fact that the horse called me a slut just because I have a better figure than hers!"

"That doesn't justify calling her a horse."

"Hey! I didn't actually call her that! She just reminded me of one, her neck was that long."

The duo continued their walk in silence. Eventually, they came across a road called Privet Drive, and it was here that Mythra spoke up again.

"You know, this did help calm me down. Thanks."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, we should head home before…" Pyra never finished her sentence, for at that moment, a blood curdling scream erupted from one of the houses followed by a loud "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT SCREAMING, YOU LITTLE FREAK!" This immediately put both sisters into high alert, and gave them both a deep feeling of dread.

"What was that?" cried Pyra, searching for whichever house the horrid noises came from.

"I don't know but…" Started Mythra before she was interrupted by another loud yell of; "WHAT. HAVE. I. TOLD. YOU. ABOUT. CRYING!" "I think it came from number four!" she said, looking at the aforementioned house.

"I have a bad feeling about this." said Pyra as she darted towards the house, briefly flashing in a mote of red lights.

"Me too" said Mythra, following behind her, flashing in her own mote of pale yellow lights.

Harry was only barely hanging onto consciousness.

It had started this morning while he was making breakfast for his relatives. Dudley had decided that slamming his head into the frying pan that the bacon was sizzling in was a good idea, leading Harry to be blinded and badly burned. This in turn meant that he couldn't finish making breakfast, which in turn, meant that his relatives had been put into a very foul mood.

Later, when school got out for the two boys, Dudley and his gang cornered him behind the building. Harry tried to run, but one of the members pinned him down. The gang threw a barrage of punches, kicks, rocks, and one even slashed him in the side with a knife. After about half an hour, the group finally decided to call it quits. They walked away from Harry's battered and bruised form, laughing as they went. Eventually, Harry found enough strength to get up. It hurt a lot, but it nothing that Harry wasn't used to. Besides, it had started to darken, and dinner needed to be made,

It had gotten dark by the time Harry had made back home. When he arrived, he saw that the family car wasn't in the driveway. Harry started to Panic. He had been left alone at home plenty of times. He had also been locked out on purpose. But never had Uncle Vernon done both to him at once. He was so panicked that he didn't notice when he suddenly appeared inside the house. It wasn't until the door opened and Uncle Vernon stepped inside that Harry snapped out of his panic, but it was too late, Vernon had already seen him.

"Boy!" Vernon yelled as he roughly grabbed Harry and threw him into the living room. By then, Aunt Petunia and Dudley had walked in and shut the door behind them. As they all gathered around Harry, Vernon started to rant, saying "Boy! Do you know what your freakishness cost me?" He then punched Harry hard enough to send to send the boy careening into the wall. "You costed me my promotion!" A hit to the face. "And then you have the guts to not come home to cook our Dinner!" A kick to his already cut side. "We had to go find a decent place that wasn't packed to the brim!" Another hard punch to the gut. "And to top it all off, your freakishness caused us to get the brashest, most impolite, and sluttiest waitress in the place!" A final stomp on Harry's knee, smashing the joint and breaking bone.

At this point, harry couldn't take the pain anymore. So he did the one thing that most people would have done much sooner.

He let out a loud, blood-curdling scream.

Vernon Immediately picked him up by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall. Once Harry was pinned, Vernon roared "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT SCREAMING, YOU LITTLE FREAK!" with such ferocity that his own face started to bruise from it, spittle all but flowing from his lips. Harry's ears started to bleed from the shout, causing the already traumatized child to cry in pain. This only made Vernon even angrier; as implied by another even fiercer roar of "WHAT. HAVE. I. TOLD. YOU. ABOUT. CRYING!"

Harry nearly fell unconscious when his Uncle then dropped him onto the floor, battered, beaten, bruised, and broken. In that instance, all the young boy could think about was how he wanted someone to protect him from the pain that he was in. Someone who could make his freakishness away painlessly, and not beat it out of him like his uncle had tried. Someone who would give him comforting warmth when he was lonely.

All that Harry Potter wanted at that moment, was a loving family.

Well, ask and you shall receive, for it was at that precise moment, just before Vernon landed the final blow; that the door to the house exploded in fire and pale yellow light. Once the dust had cleared, two beautiful figures, one garbed in red, the other in white, and both accented in emerald. The one garbed in white took one long look at the scene before steeling her look and summoning an angular sword with a gold hilt and handle, a cross shaped emerald crystal, and a blade made of angry light.

Vernon Dursley took one longer look at the intruders before steeling his own gaze at the white clad woman in recognition, a gaze that hardened even more as she questioned in a loud, no-nonsense tone; "What in the Architect's name are you doing?"

Authors Note: Hi, This is my first fic, so criticism is very much appreciated. I hope that all you readers have a happy new year.
