Dick raced through the Wayne grounds headless of the cries calling him back. All he could hear over his frantically beating heart were soft steps and pants of the beast chasing after him. He was imagining it, he knew that the dog was long gone, but the instinct pushed him to ignore the pain and to run and hide from the danger. So he ran, until his left hind leg gave under him. He yelped in pain as he crashed on the ground, just resting for a moment. Then he gathered enough courage to see what damage Titus managed to do.

It wasn't pretty, but it wasn't bad either. He curled toward his leg and was about to lick the blood from the wound, when he came to his senses and cringed in disgust. Ew.

Dick sighed and looked around. In his panic he managed to get to the edge of the City. It would be better if he just went to one of the safe houses all of the Bats were keeping around. They probably were already searching for him and it was a good chance they will check all of the safe houses. Besides it was far closer than going back to the manor in his state.

Dick checked his surroundings again to gain his bearing and pinpoint the nearest safe place for him to lay low and wait for help. Then he climbed to his feet… paws, and limped into the city.

He sneaked through the alleys like a ghost, not wanting to draw attention to himself. He managed that fine at first. But then the city got more cramped, more lit with lamps and his luck ran out just a few streets away from the safe house.

One of the three men saw him trying limp past them unnoticed and alerted his companions with a laugh, pointing at him.

Dick whimpered and quickened his pace. In the next second a pain in his leg exploded, blinding him temporary. He yowled in pain in his sudden agony, unsuccessful trying to get at the source of his pain, but not completely managing it.

The thugs laughed and one of them threw another stone at him. He missed, but the next one hit Dick in the side. He yelped again and fell on his side, paralyzed by the pain whining pitifully. This was it. He was going to die, because some thugs decided to abuse poor animal on the streets.

And Red Hood descended on the men like an avenging angel and Dick was so relieved, that he swore to not give Jason any lectures about him killing for a solid month. Wait, no. Jason stopped killing a while ago. So he needed to think of something else. Something nice. Yes. He would think on it when he wasn't in pain anymore.

Red Hood came closer and Dick forced himself up, but he still was too far away so Dick started to crawl towards him. It jostled his leg and he whined from pain. It was enough for Jason to lean over him and examine his wound.

Dick took the opportunity to show his appreciation for his rescue and raised himself to reach Red Hood's face. Helmet. Whatever. He couldn't kiss him, so he licked Jason all over instead.

Jason seemed amused by this, but Dick didn't care. Jason mentioned help and took him into his arms. Strong, warm, safe arms. Dick ducked his head under Jason's arm, where it felt the warmest and safest and endured the jarring footsteps as Red Hood carried him all the way to the vet's clinic.

There he suffered though the indignation of being talked about over his head although he didn't bother to do something about it. Jason was stroking his fur gently and he didn't think something so simple could be so calming. And then came the vet with a syringe and any semblance of peace Dick had evaporated. They couldn't give him drugs! There was no way to tell what it would do to him in this body! He had to get away!

Strong hands pressed him down on the table he was lied on. No, no, no! Jason! He should understand, that they couldn't do that! Not to him! He wasn't a normal animal! If something went wrong, he could die! Little Wing…


Dick came to lying on a piece of rag that did little to soften the hard edges of something digging into his soft belly. He smelt water right under his nose and, parched, he licked the bowl clean. Thirst assuaged for the moment, he took in his surroundings. Even in the dark he could make the edges of a metal cage he was in. Oh no. No. No. No. He was supposed to be with Jason! Jason! Where was he?! Why wasn't he with Jason?! Jason!

The lights came on and Jason was kneeling in front of the cage.

The momentary relief was quickly swept away with more anger. His. Little. Wing. Locked. Him. In. The. Cage! Dick gave Jason the deadliest glare he could muster.

Jason busied himself with fussing over him and Dick growled and snapped his teeth at him, still incensed. He wanted out of that cage. Now!

He hit the empty bowl and exaggerated his panting to let the man know he was thirsty. Jason got the clue and went for water. Dick waited patiently for him to get back and open the cage to pour him more water. He will use this opportunity to escape his metal prison.

But Jason apparently had other plans. He pulled the bowl to the edge with a spoon and stuck the funnel through the cage to let the water fill the bowl.

Dick stared at him in incredulity and mounting frustration. Oh, his Little Wing was going to pay for all of that.

Jason went back to sleep, but Dick kept quiet. He didn't want someone to come and take him away. But he couldn't just sit in the cage either. Dick waited some time to be sure Jason really was sleeping and started to work on getting the cage open.

It took a few frustrating hours, maneuvering with paws and snout was difficult, but Dick finally managed to unlatch the doors. He crawled out and stretched, lazily looking around. The place was clean and had nothing immediately accessible for Dick to get his revenge on. Besides he couldn't risk making a noise. He thought what to do as he familiarized himself with the apartment. It was nice. Nicer than his own. Maybe he will move in after he'll get back to normal. God knows Jason could use a company. And Dick was an excellent company.

Dick's ears perked up as he got an idea. He slowly crept to the bedroom and nudged the doors to open more.

Jason was sprawled over the bed, dead to the world. Beside the bed was a small drawer with a phone and digital clock. Perfect.

Carefully Dick made his way over and examined the clock. The cord lead to the outlet in the corner. Dick eyed the plug contemplatively. Chew the cable through? Yeah, no. He wasn't killing himself just to mess with Jason. Yank the cable out? Might make a lot of noise. Dick sighed quietly and resolved to use his newly acquired dexterity to pull the plug out. The numbers on the clock flickered out. Smugly, Dick marched out of the bedroom and to Jason's boots. All that water and stress made Dick want to pee and it would serve Jason right for locking him in the cage. His business done, Dick jumped onto the couch, curled into a comfortable ball and waited.

Barely a couple of hours later Dick was woken up by a loud cursing. He watched in amusement as Jason tripped over himself to get ready for work. And then an anticipation when he was going out.

You made me do this, Little Wing, Dick thought glaring at Jason when he came back. You locked me in that cage and left me there.

As amusing as it was to watch Jason scramble to change, Dick regretted making him late some time after the door was closed and locked. Otherwise Jason could have had time to give him some food and fresh water.

He spend the day sleeping or wandering about. When it got around the time Jason would come back from work and he didn't Dick started to worry. Jason wouldn't left him here to starve, would he? Maybe something happened to him?

The hours ticked by as Dick anxiously lied before the front door, waiting. Eventually he got rewarded with footsteps, key in the lock and opening door.

Dick sat attentively and waited for Jason to notice him, which he did almost immediately. Dick got up and walked toward his Little Wing. He resolved to be nice to him. Jason didn't know it was him after all. But what Dick could do without being able to hug Jason? An impression of a cat did the trick apparently. Jason relaxed and even gave him food!

Dick eyed the brown mass distrustfully. How animals could even look, let alone eat it? Well... It didn't seem like Jason was going to give him something else, and he was hungry. It shouldn't be so bad, right?


It was worse than bad. It was disgusting.

He coughed and spat, trying to get the taste out of his mouth and tongue. Jason laughed, the little bastard. Dick wasn't in a charitable mood anymore. He was hungry and thirsty and pissed and the asshole whom was supposed to take care of him was laughing at his plight.

So it was only fair Dick wet another pair of his shoes. Jason yelled after him, calling him dick. Dick looked at Jason, unimpressed and flicked his tail, his approximation to giving a middle finger.

Hungry and just done with everything, Dick curled in his spot on the couch. Jason tried a few times to get him, but he growled and the man backed off.

Some time later Dick was woken up by heavenly smell. He practically inhaled a piece of cooked chicken dropped on his tail before his nose and lifted his head up to look for more. Jason looked contrite enough, sat at the other end of the couch and tossed another piece at him. Dick ate it with one swept of his tongue and crept closer. Jason kept giving him pieces of meat until Dick was draped over his lap, full and purring as his human rubbed gently through his fur.

Jason didn't do anything wrong by Dick by the time he went on patrol, so he decided to return the favor and made his business in actual toilet. That took some maneuvering, but even in his fox form Dick retained his grace and flexibility. Soon Dick was kneading Jason's pillow to a perfect mattress and went to sleep. Jason tried to remove him only once before giving up and lying next to him.

Jason woke up later for some reason, jostling Dick a little as he grumbled insults. Dick was confused for a moment, until he heard Tim and Damian in the other room.

Dick growled. No. He wasn't going with them. Here was safe and warm and weren't any dogs that wanted to eat him. No matter that Titus didn't meant to, Damian!

Jason stared at him, angrier by the second as the situation was explained to him. Dick grinned sheepishly at his Little Wing.

Jason yelled.

Dick had to act fast. He wanted to stay. But how to tell Jason that? Oh, Jason thought he was adorable when he rescued him. And he would want to keep Dick if he was adorable. Dick jumped on him and stated licking Jason all over his face. Jason didn't fight him as much as he could so it meant Dick was winning, right?