As they rushed to the hospital Ross who seemed to take control of the situation told Phoebe to breathe and calm down.

"Ross" She said annoyed. "I know you are trying to help... But if you don't shut up right now I will kick your ass".

Ross indeed shut up. Joey was still stroking Phoebe's hand smiling at her which soothed her. Rachel was silent but Phoebe could tell she was kind of nervous, excited and happy. Chandler and Monica took another cab that was behind them but they never noticed when it disappeared, taking another direction.

They reached the Hospital and Phoebe was really nervous but she tried to hide it, she couldn't freak out right now.

But she did freak out when Ross and Rachel told her that her doctor wasn't coming. Aparently she hit her head in the shower.


Joey in the other hand was documenting everything, it was pretty cute until he wanted to take a 'before shot' beneath her dress.

Phoebe got her first contraction and it actually wasn't that bad so she was kind of relieved by now. Joey took the camera and startet to film 'The miracle of Birth' but stopped right away cause he felt a sharp pain in his back. Joey thought it was the worst pain ever.

Phoebe smiled and thought it was sympathy pain, she thought it was so sweet! Joey was always so considerate to her. Joey indeed loved Phoebe but this hurt like hell. "I didn't know I cared that much" He commented trying to walk but the pain was unbearable.

Frank arrived and he seemed so excited and happy, that Phoebe was glad that he was going to be the father of these children. Another thought was at the back of her mind, she really felt a connection to the triplets and guiltily she wanted to keep at least one, three were a lot for first-time-parents and besides, she got scared if maybe she wouldn't be able to have more kids, or that something could happen to her,she wasn't getting married any time by now. God, she started to sound like Monica. Phoebe wanted children, she wanted to raise them so they could be happy and have a normal childhood (Normal in Phoebe's way though) She wanted to give them what she couldn't have and she wanted that opportunity. She felt really emotional this time and she thought it would be really difficult to say goodbye to the triplets, they had been growing inside her for 9 months!! Maybe... Just maybe she could ask Frank and Alice to keep one, but she couldn't do it. Maybe she should ask someone to do it for her...

A doctor suddenly entered the room, Dr. Harad who was head of the department Phoebe thought he was really nice and seemed he knew what he was doing, she felt better.

That was until he mentioned his love for Fonzie.

Phoebe freaked out again. Like Chandler would say:

Could this get weirder by now?


Joey brought the newspaper for the triplets to see the headline of the day they were born. Phoebe thought it was sweet but she knew Joey better and wasn't surprised when he got a playboy magazine behind the newspaper.

Maybe Joey didn't seem like a good father but he could be the best uncle by far.

Phoebe got another contraction which this time it was way worse than the first one! It hurt ouch! Ouch! OUCH! She looked under the covers hoping that was it. Sadly it wasn't.

Joey felt another wave of pain hit him. He couldn't even stand up straight, his back killing him. Frank was confused and Phoebe explained that it was sympathy pains but now he seemed like he wanted to steal her thunder. Phoebe knew Joey wouldn't really do that, but she didn't understand what was wrong with him, maybe he was just nervous or anxious for her.

Before she could give it a thought Dr. Fonzie entered still talking about Fonzie! Chandler was pretty puzzled about all of this and asked if this 'Fonzie' he kept refering too was another Doctor but no it was Fonzie from "Happy Days". Everyone looked at him trying to find a normal explanation for his Fonzie obsession but it was really hard.

Frank tried to fix it by saying that maybe it wasn't that weird but Phoebe would not have any of it. It was weird! Too weird! She didn't want him to deliver the babies. The guy was mental!

Ross tried to defend him and Phoebe got even more upset and freaked out and yelled at him to get a new doctor both Ross and Joey left pretty scared from her reaction.


"Okay Joe, I will get another Doctor, I have to admit that Dr. Fonzie creeped me out a little bit too" Ross said walking away. "You comming?" He asked turning around.

"Nah, I will go to the gift shop to get some things for the triplets and Phoebe" He said walking to the other direction. It was really cute.

Joey walked to the elevator and went to the gift shop, he wanted Phoebe to know he really cared that much for her. She was so sweet by doing this for her brother and she deserved the best, that's why Joey hoped that Ross could get a more normal Doctor.

He started to look at what could be good for the babies "They are babies" Joey thought. "They don't have much taste, so it won't matter what I get"

He bought a Hello Kitty plush, a Duck plush and a Dog plush, some bibs and onesies and he got a card for Phoebe, he asked the cashier if she got a pencil and wrote inside the letter some hearty words for his friend. He didn't even hit on the cashier!

"Is this for your kid?" The cashier asked with a smile. Joey had a weird feeling inside of him. He chuckled lightly looking down.

"No, they are for a friend that's having triplets" He replied as he paid.

"You are a really sweet friend" She said with a smile, Joey could easily do his foolproof How you doin'? catchphrase but he decided against, it was unusual but he didn't feel like hitting on anyone right now.

As he got to the floor in which Phoebe's room was he saw Monica and Chandler having a conversation that seemed quite serious. "Hey guys! Look at what I got from the Giiiieeeeeft shop" He said as he felt that stabbing pain again, in his agony he told an old man on a wheelchair to get up because he felt like he couldn't be able to walk right now.

Monica and Chandler walked towards him kind of worried. "I think you should check that up Joe" Chandler suggested. "Maybe we should call Monica's Nurse-man" He said annoyed. Monica gave him a death glare. Joey was in too much pain to care.

Joey didn't want to make a big deal of it! It was Phoebe's day he wanted to be there with her and support her. He felt another wave of pain. Well now thinking about it maybe he needed to check that up.

Monica and Chandler walked with Joey to get examinated. "Wait, wait" Joey said stopping. "What?" Monica asked worriedly.

"The bag with the gifts" He said pointing to the floor. Monica quickly grabbed them as they walked to another floor.


To Phoebe's calmness Ross brought another Doctor. "Finally" Phoebe thought until she saw him. He was too young! He looked like he was still in highschool. Did Ross not understand that she was going to have not one baby but three? Why was this happening to her? Karma? She haven't been that bad! Come on!! Phoebe started to freak out again, and she started to throw her feelings towards the young Doctor who seemed overwhelmed and left crying.

It seemed that Doctor Fonzie will do.

"Hey Ross" She said. He turned around to face her expecting that she won't ask for him to search for another Doctor.


"Where's Joey?" She asked. She didn't know why she cared that much, especially in that specific moment... But still... Maybe his sympathy pains weren't just for sympathy.

"Last time I saw him he was going to the gift shop" He replied. Phoebe smiled... Was he getting something for the triplets? She melted at the thought, she couldn't keep daydreaming because Ross spoke up again.

"What are we gonna do about the Doctor Pheebs?" Ross asked mantaining his distance, he didn't want a pregnant Phoebe Buffay to kill him.

"Just get Doctor Fonz... I guess we don't have another option. I prefer that he likes Happy Days, instead of looking like he could be part of the gang" Phoebe said referring to the young look of Doctor Oberman.


Kidney stones.

"Oh man" Joey heard how much it hurt to have kidney stones, his father had years ago, and Joey could still hear his father's whimpering for the pain and see how much beer his father drank.

But now him? Just when Phoebe was giving birth. He didn't want to be there suffering, he wanted to be at Phoebe's side to support her and help her. The pain was unbereable he just wanted to die at the moment.

"Could this get any worse?" He shouted twisting on the bed. Chandler gave him a look for using his line.

"Joey sweetie, everything will be fine, you just have to" Monica said but was interrupted when Joey started to make weird faces.

"He is going to throw up" The doctor said giving him a cube. Joey threw up instantly. His question got answered, it could get worse.

"You just threw up man" Chandler said a little bit repulsed.

"I know!" He yelled at his friend. Using now Monica's line.

"You should rest Mr. Tribbiani" The doctor said. "But I need to be supporting my friend! She is giving birth" Joey said trying to stand up but he couldn't. The pain was too much.

"I'm sorry but you can't be up in your state, you need to wait until we can remove the kidney stones"

Joey felt terrible, not just because of the kidney stones but because he couldn't be with Phoebe on her special day.


Phoebe decided to ask Rachel to do her the favor of asking Frank about the babies... She couldn't deny that she had hope in her heart... But in her mind she already knew the answer.

It was irrational, she knew that, but still maybe she needed to be okay with just being cool Aunt Phoebe. She would be cool, it was obvious.

She was going to have the children any time now. Chandler and Monica entered the room clearly something She wanted to have those babies as soon as possible, and at the same time she didn't, to spend as much time she could with her niece and nephews

"Hey, where is Joey?" Phoebe asked curious, she could never think that Joey would leave her like that, especially in this moment.

"He has kidney stones, he was really upset he couldn't be here, but he was in a lot of pain" Chandler explained.

So when Phobe thought that Joey was giving her sympathy pains it weren't really sympathetics, he really had tiny rocks scratching his ureters. She hoped he was feeling better or that he could get those kidney stones out as soon as possible. She stopped thinking about Joey when she felt a really painful contraction.


Joey was screaming for the pain doing a headlock on Ross's neck. It was unbearable he felt like someone was scratching his... Well he didn't know the names of those things connected to the kindeys. He just wanted that pain to end.

"I want the drugs Ross I want the drugs!!!" He cried desperate, pulling Ross's head everywhere.

"I do too! I do too!" Ross replied now dizzy for Joey's tussle. He hoped he didn't dislocate his neck.

Joey wanted to cry by now, he tried to think in the perfect sandwich and it's layers. It did not work! All he could think right now was his pain.

A thought crossed his mind quickly.

How was Phoebe doing?


Phoebe was also in a terrible pain! Every new contraction was more painful than the last one and she tried to breathe to not loose her mind.

Doctor Fonzie decided he wanted to watch a Happy Days episode as she was having babies, but at this point she didn't really care, she just wanted that agony to end! Frank was by her side being really energetic, well, she couldn't blame him, he was having three kids after all.

"You ready? Is time to start pushing"


"Are you ready? Is time to try peeing" The doctor said. Joey immediately tried to pee so he concentrated on his task, the sooner the damn stones were out, the better. The doctor noticed right away by his weird faces.

"Is almost time to try peeing" He corrected himself by pointing the container, yes now it made more sense. The doctor gave Joey the container so he could pee right.

"Come on Joey! I know you can just focus and breathe" Ross encouraged him. Joey started to breathe and concentrate on peeing. He thought about rain, waterfalls, the water of the facet, the water flushing on the toilet, the shower, naked, naked women, hot naked women, hot sauce, sandwich, meatball sandwich... O man! He lost the point.

"Come on Joey! Try harder!!" Ross said almost yelling.




Phoebe was in hell right now. She pushed and pushed but it seemed that the baby didn't want to get out! She was also totally stressed by Fonzie playing the stupid Bongos!

But then the first baby was born. Frank Jr Jr, and when Phoebe saw him she knew all was worth it, the pain, the stress, everything. She was so shocked by seeing him it was like the whole time stopped. She gave the life to that baby (Well, she was the oven really) but she adored her new nephew, this was real inconditional love, Frank was so excited, he looked so happy... Phoebe got all the strenght again to keep going. 1/3 She thought.

Frank got out from the room to tell everyone the good news and then rushed back in for the birth of his second child.

Phoebe was pushing again, her forehead covered in sweat, she couldn't quit right now but she wanted to take a nap, maybe she could hold those other two babies for an hour or so.

"Push" The doctor said. Then he turned to the TV and laughed. "Oh, Fonzie..."

Soon the second baby was out of her. Little Leslie was born and she looked as perfect as her brother, so tiny and precious and covered in blood and other fluids, but still, Phoebe fell instantly in love with her. She was tired but one more and she would be ready! 2/3.

Frank again ran out and came back seconds later looking a little shocked. Not everyone has 2 babies the same day let alone 3.

"Okay, the last one and we are done. Have you considered naming one of the kids Fonzie?" The doctor asked.

"No!" Phoebe yelled. The doctor looked notoriously disappointed.

She started pushing again, Frank encouraging little Chandler. After a few pushes baby Chandler was born.

Something wasn't right though.

"Where is his thing?' Frank asked confused and horrified maybe thinking that his newborn son had a little problem down there.

"Is a girl" Dr. Fonzie replied "Fonzette"

"NO!" Phoebe shouted again. She was exhausted, but happy.


"Would you like to see them?" The doctor asked giving Joey a little tube with his stones.

Joey smiled. It was hell but finally they were out. He felt exhausted.

"This must be like giving birth" He thought as he looked at the little stones. "They are so small" He said touched. It was a relieve to have those little bastards out of him. He was glad nothing went up, especially up the urethra.

Ross and Joey shared a meaningful look. "Okay Mr. Tribbiani, you can leave whenever you feel comfortable" The Doctor said. Joey immediately thought of Phoebe.

"Let's go Ross, I wanna meet my niblings"


Phoebe was in another world right now, she felt like closing a chapter in her life, she looked at her friends that just entered the room, she saw Joey there smiling at her blissfully giving her an apology through his glare. He came over and kissed her on the top of the head. "You did it Pheebs, I'm proud of you" He whispered to her loud enough so only she could hear it. He then walked towards Ross who was holding one of the babies.

Rachel came to her side and Phoebe instantly knew what she was going to say to her. Still it crushed her. She didn't want to say goodbye to them, it was stupid she could see them anytime she wanted to... It was hard saying goodbye, but there was nothing she could do right now. Rachel gave her a sorry look, and a tender smile. Phoebe still felt very down, she wanted an especial alone time with her nieces and nephew.

Everyone left and she could only hear the soft cries from the babies. Compared to this labor was a game in the playground, Phoebe felt crushed, it was not easy saying goodbye, specially after spending nine months 24 hours a day with them, all worth it. Phoebe did not like to cry because it reminded her of a period of her life when she felt hopeless and alone, so she tried to mantain her feelings bottled up. However it wasn't easy seeing the faces of those beautiful babies, their innocent looks, she reminded herself that she still could be their favorite aunt, they would come home to eat cookies and drink milk. To watch movies until late, she could give them their first fake IDs. There was such a big future ahead. The babies started crying and she saw that as her cue to cry too. She didn't feel sad now, she was just overwhelmed.


A while later Frank and Alice were with their new babies and they couldn't look any happier by now. The gang was all reunited in Phoebe's room.

"So now that little Chandler turned out to be a girl, what are they gonna name it?" Chandler asked curious. Phoebe gave him a questioning look.

"They are going to call her Chandler" Phoebe replied. Chandler snorted.

"Kind of a masculine name don't you think?" He said.

"Works on you" Burn! Chandler did not see that one coming, even after-labor Phoebe could be savage.

"Think about it this way Chandler, now the Chan-Chan man has a new little partner Chan-Chan girl" Monica said to him sweetly. Everyone chorused "Awwwss" Even Chandler smiled moved, it sounded really cute.

Phoebe might not got children today for herself but she had her family, and she loved them.


These last few days Phoebe hasn't been able to sleep properly, she hardly ate and felt down all the time, she barely hang around with the rest, she felt lonely, maybe because after giving birth to the triplets she realized that they weren't going to be there no more. She knew that from the start, but living it was a completely different story.

She was about to go to bed when she felt a knock on the door. "Who could be this late?" she asked herself puzzled.

She opened the door to reveal Joey holding two big bags, and a medium sized one.

"Joey!? What are you doing here?" She asked surprised a tiny smile adorned her features.

"I know that you haven't feel so well lately... So I brought you dinner from your favorite vegetarian place, some candy bars, ice cream, oh and some gifts for the triplets" Joey said pointing to the bags.

Phoebe felt her heart constrict a little. Joey cared too much about her, she was speechless, no one has done so much for her more than Joey did.

"Joey... I don't know what to say... Thank you" She said now with a full smile.

They shared a quiet meal, Joey telling her about his experience with the kidney stones, he even showed her the tube with the little rocks in it. It was nice. Phoebe felt better, she had felt like drowning but it seemed that now she was finally going to the surface again.

"Phoebe you haven't slept in days, lets go to your bedroom, I have a surprise for you" Joey said taking her hand.

"That's what you tell all the girls?" Phoebe teased him.

"Not after showing them what came out of me after peeing" Phoebe chuckled by his comment.

Phoebe was ready to sleep already, she got her PJs on and everything, she got under the covers, Joey sat next to her.

"Okay I wanted to show you what I got for the triplets" He started showing Phoebe all he bought, she thought it was so sweet of him doing this, she couldn't help but smile all the time to him it was almost painful now, her cheeks were going to be sore tomorrow.

He then pulled a car and gave it to Phoebe, it was pregnant theme.

"I wanted to give it to you that the at the hospital... I guess I didn't find the right time" He said softly. Phoebe opened the card her stomach flutering.

I might not be very good wih words but I wanted you to know that you are amazing, and I'm proud of you, I know that you will mean to these kids as much as you mean to me, and when the time comes you will be an excelent mother.

I gotta stop writing now people at the cashier line are starting to yell at me


Phoebe was really overwhelmed by emotion now and she couldn't fight her feelings no more, a single tear rolled down her cheek and Joey cleaned it before it could reach her jaw.

"Thank you Joey... I-I-I... Don't k-know what to say" She hugged him, he hugged her back tightly.

"I also brought someone, it's a secret no one knows about him, he helps me sleep and I'm sure he will help you too" Joey said pulling from the bag a rather large penguin plush.

Phoebe eyed him expectant.

"This is Huggsy, my bed-time penguin pal... I thought it would help you sleep better" Joey confessed. Phoebe smiled, this stuffed penguin meant a lot to Joey she could see it in his eyes, and she felt deeply touched that he was sharing it with her. More tears escaped her eyes as she hugged Joey. "Thank you" She said.

Joey felt her tears soaking his shirt, but it did't matter to him, he wanted to make her feel better. They broke the hug to look at each other's eyes and then like it was the most normal thing they shared a peck on the lips. It was short, quick, not romantic but meaningful, they did it almost by instinct, it did not feel weird at all.

After that Phoebe hugged Huggsy and closed her eyes, the penguin smelled like Joey so she found it soothing. "Goodnight Joey" She said. "Night Pheebs" He replied.

"Plase stay... And sing something" She asked him softly. Joey nodded even if she had her eyes closed. Joey didn't understand why Phoebe loved his singing voice so much, but he wanted to please her so he started to sing some songs.

He sang Space Oddity by David Bowie. Love me tender by Elvis. He thought We Will Rock You by Queen wouldn't be such a good option for a lullaby.

Suddenly he realized that Phoebe was already asleep hugging Huggsy tightly against her. "It never fails" Joey thought proud. Then he lowered himself on the bed, on top of the covers and fell asleep almost immediately, soothed by Phoebe's soft breathing.