Jaune stood on the beach, staring at the ocean, sunglasses covering his eyes and his signature pumpkin pete hoodie over his head. He turned, facing the camera, ready to drop bars. He stood before the Arc home, their fence behind him.

I don't like you Salem

Nothing personal kid

But I must go all out

Just this once

[Verse 1]

Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be?

Sit the fuck down Salem I'm here to spill the real tea (uh)

You tryna dethrone us from spot on number one

But you Grimm you lose, so best think you haven't won

When I'm through with you

We're gonna be completely fuckin' done

'Cause we only just begun

We destroy you, *clap clap* zero, bye bitch, gone

Each clap changed the scenery from the beach to the home

So come on Salem looking hungry for some drama

Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna


Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Salem ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna

Jaune stared straight at the camera, directly at the audience

Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Look at Salem she's just crying for her mommaBitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Salem ain't nothing but a bitch lasagnaBitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Salem just wet herself in her pajamas

Jaune gestured to the camera as he spit hot disses at the grimm woman's expesnse, the extremely catchy tune backing every word

[Verse 2]

So who the hell is Ozma and why you wanna kiss him? (ew)

I'm a blue eyes white dragon while you're just dark magician (oof)

You got a fifth of the Grimm in your land but

I got nine-year-olds of the world so hold Cindy's hand (oops)

Eradication what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

Your plan sounds like it come from a mumble rap community

No Papa, no Papa, yes Papa; Jauney

Now down all of this sugar and let's throw this fucking party with some—


Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Jaune began to do a popular yet cringe worthy dance from a kid's game, somehow making it cool

Look at Salem she's just crying for her momma

Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Salem ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna

Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Jaune laid in the sand as he sang, stomache down, a smile on his face

Look at Salem they just wet in their pajamas

Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna

Salem ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna


You got a goal of one point three-two billion

But most your attacks can't seem to kill even a million


Lame thot

Jaune shouted this into the distance as the screen faded to black.

Nora stood before a laptop as Jaune smiled, slipping his sunglasses off, "Release it Nora, unleash hell." He said and handed Nora another pancake as she nodded eagerly, pressing the upload button as Ozpin/Oscar sat tied up in the back, struggling to escape his bindings.


Emerald stared at her Flitter feed as it was filled with a song called 'Bitch Lasagna'. Mercury was snickering at the seemingly stupid name, until he clicked it and heard Jaune Arc's voice ring through, calling Salem out. All color drained from his face and he immediately ran to Salem's throne room, the music pouring out from his scroll. He burst open the door, handing his scroll to Watts, who confusidly passed the phone to Hazel who passed it to Salem, the video looping and restarting. Salem's face went from one lf confusion, to rage and then to one of absolute terror. The video had went extremely viral, the sheer hilarity making most of Remnant's negative energy weakening the grimm immensely. Suddenly she felt an absolutely massive drop in the population of Grimm, the humans and faunus had taken notice of the weakened Grimm, tearing through the creatures with ease.

Jaune, Ruby and the rest of the group burst through the wall of Salem's castle, brandishing their weapons and rushing in, taking them all by surprise. Ironwood had a fleet outside, and Watts, Tyrian, Hazel, Emerald and Mercury were cuffed, shile Ruby blasted Salem with Silver energy, turning her to stone. Thus the world of Remnant was saved by one diss track from Jaune Arc.