"They wanted me to kill you." She looked from the bodies towards Paarthurnax who's perched on the high rock. Blood pooled beneath the bodies, staining the snow.

"The blades were wise not to trust me."

"I told them I will not." She said, dispelling her bound sword. She let out a long sigh, the wind taking her breath away. "They shouldn't have tried." She kneeled over a body checking if they carried anything worth while. She frowned when he saw Delphine's body. She knew the woman, lives in Riverwood with her husband, Orgnar at the inn. She talked more to Orgnar as he dealt with the inn more so than his wife who was rarely there. Poor Orgnar. She hates it when its someone she knew, as guilt start to whirl around inside her.

I'm tired.

"Dovahkiin." She turned around when she heard a new voice and saw Arngeir standing there staring at the bodies. A moment of silence has passed before he raised his head and met her gaze. Then to her surprise he bowed his head slightly.

"Thank you, for saving Paarthurnax." She stumbled a little bit before quickly bowing down to the elder.

"It was the right thing to do sir." She straightened up and gave him a small smile. The Graybeards are always nice to her. Closest thing to having a family she has come close to, even if they scold her like a youngling who broke the kitchen to eat the sweet rolls.

"I assume that you are well Skylar?" She looked down at herself and shrugged.

"It's mostly dirt than blood- their blood." She corrected as she brushed some of the dirt and ashes off her mage robe, fascinated by how the wind carries them to the far distance plains below. Relaxing sounds good right about now. A small hum escaped her as her thoughts wondered, she going to get herself cleaned up, some food and possibly pay a visit to Sinding, see how he's doing in his new cave home.

"I see." He walked past her and stood by Paarthurnax's side. When she finished getting the majority of the grim off, she noticed both of them were silently waiting, for her.

"Erm, is there something else you need?"

"You are being summoned Dovahkiin." The wind around her started up, wrapping around her form too light for her to notice but the way they both looked at her sent a cold shudder down her spine. She knew that look. The look of pity.

"What's wrong?"

"Your destiny is intertwined with another realm Dovahkiin."

"W-wait, another realm?Like the realm of Apocrypha? From the black book?"

"Not quite young dovah." Paarthurnax said. "Some destinies are chosen for you, some you chose yourself. However the Dovahkiin has many. It is up to you this time." Her head is starting to hurt. I'm being sent on another quest again. The wind around her grew tremendously, blowing down her hood, exposing her face to the biting cold air.

"No matter what happens Skylar, you will always have a place here, in High Hrothgar." Arngeir said. She held her arms up to shield her eyes and face from the storm trying to see Paarthurnax and Arngeir through the storm.

"But wait, how shall I come back?" Her question was lost to the wind as well as her footing.

May we meet again young one.

Gandalf stood there, gripping his staff in anticipation as he saw the wind picked up, blowing leaves and debris around the middle of the forest ground. Frodo and company are making their way towards Rivendell and he is short on time. A moment past, nothing happened. The wizard began to doubt himself if he performed the ritual correctly when suddenly Shadowfax behind him began to whine and kicked up dirt in a panic.

"Hush now friend. We will be on our way soon." Just as he turned back towards the center a body fell and landed with a thump on the ground.

Skylar rolled over and started to cough violently, her hand beating against her chest. Who summons someone from the sky, literally. After her coughing died down, she sat up and looked around her. She was in a small clearing surrounded by forest, light still shines through the parted trees and it seemed peaceful quiet place. The sound of a horse neighing at the edge of the clearing caught her attention. She turned and saw a elderly name dressed in grey with a staff and a what looks like a wizards hat.

"Welcome to Middle earth child."

Sorry folks, I'm new to writing and find it difficult to find words to match and express what I imagine in stories and such. But I'm trying my best! This is just something I thought of whilst reading and thought why not XD

Thank you for reading.