A/N: SO! The start of a new story~ This one will take the entire year for different days and such to complete. I grabbed the ones that I thought would be funny for the characters to play out. I wanted to do something interesting so I looked up fun holidays and found all of these. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing every single chapter and I hope you will do.

Now something to say before anything else, I've made Miroku, Bankotsu, and Kagome siblings for shits and giggles. If you're put off by that, please hit the back button and let me have my fun :D

This has taken a little more than a year already to get a little more than half of the stories already completed~ I started this story in September of 2017.

Title: Through a Year of Holidays

Summary: Holidays are supposed to bring fun, right? Throw a little bit of crazy into the mix and things are about to get interesting. A series of interrelated snippets.

Rating: T with language

Otherwise, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. This is purely for my own amusement.

New Years Day

Kagome looked up to the stars after she had put her son to bed. She wondered what she was going to put down for a new year's resolution. She almost always made one up but never actually fell through with getting it done.

What was she looking for? Love? Family? Work?

Well, she knew that she was practically deaf to love; that was the one thing she never was really good at working on.

Family, she thought with a smile. She had within the year—last year, she had to get used to saying that now. She had adopted her son and he was now her family.

As for work, well, it was just as bad as her love life.

She glanced back up to the stars and whispered, "I hope to be able to find something to do with my life, something that will bring joy back into my life."


Sesshomaru stared at his brother as he drunkenly danced around the living room. Honestly, why did every holiday that involved his brother have to have alcohol in it? Shaking his head, he meandered his way to the balcony.

Glass in hand, he sighed, leaning against the railing. In the background he could hear his family saying their new year's resolutions. He never made one, simply because he never followed through with them. Well that, and it was practically useless to him. If he wanted something, then he would simply get it done.

He didn't need some excuse to the holiday to say what he planned on doing. He looked up to the sky and wondered what this year was going to hold. He hoped that it wouldn't be anything bad.

If he could've said anything to his future self, he would've told him to run.

Words: 297

Reviews are welcomed.