Hey all! I created a Discord to talk about my stories and connect with all of you, as well as a place to talk about the fandom and share your own art and stories! Check it out! I might even host special events there sometimes! I am much more active there and it is SO much easier for me to respond to all of you!

For the link go to my Ao3 author page, it is listed there. I go by the same name there.

Dib let out a long and tired sigh after hanging up the phone. The cold sweat that had been dripping from his body was making him uncomfortably chilly. Before going back to Zim's place he wanted a hot shower.

Never again would he ignore his agent's calls. She was a terrifying woman, on par with Gaz. He had just barely convinced her not to come over and kidnap him and lock him in a hotel until he began writing again. His last message that he was going to quit the Mizzy series had scared her senseless and while he did leave a message negating that, apparently she never received it.

When he finally called back after seeing her numerous messages, he had instantly gone cold at the tone of her voice. She didn't scream or yell, she was eerily calm, chipper almost, and it was terrifying when she threatened him in specific and grisly ways. Dib stumbled over his words trying to explain himself and ended up both coming out of the closet and admitting to starting a new relationship. It wasn't until, oddly enough, that he mentioned Zim's name that she calmed down.

" His name is Zim?" she asked in a slightly curious tone.

"Y-Yeah, he's an, um, old childhood friend," Dib said hastily.

" Zim," she repeated, her voice still sounding as hollow and terrifying as death's eye sockets. " I see. Well, then I expect a new chapter of your next novel for editing no later than Friday, three days after New Years. I am being very considerate in lieu of that fact that you have started a new relationship with this Zim . New Years Eve is a fun holiday for couples. Enjoy it. Then write like your life depends on it. Because it does." She then promptly hung up.

He wisely didn't tell her what his New Year's plans were. Dib rang his hand through his hair and decided to shower before going back to packing. It was early morning on New Years Eve, and he had to have all his stuff packed by the end of the day. Zim left no room for argument as he wanted Dib to move in a.s.a.p. Apparently, it was Zim's duty as Dib's Hive to be around him as much as possible and having Dib live separately was a concept that baffled the Irken.

They almost got into a fight when Dib mentioned going back to his apartment. Zim thought Dib was rejecting him before they could ond and Dib had no idea that Zim had assumed that Dib would live in his house now. Really, how could Zim think that Dib would assume that? When that came to light Dib was equal parts shocked and touched. Of course he agreed, but he had to go back and pack. Reluctantly, Zim let him go and said he would work more on finding a way for them to bond.

In all honesty Dib liked how things were currently. He wasn't too keen on being involved in some weird Irken ritual that involved poisoning each other, however he knew that it was somehow incredibly meaningful to Zim. It just goes to show how far he had fallen for the invader that Dib was seriously considering consenting to this poisoning ritual. However, once Zim had a plan he was going to thoroughly go over Zim's data. Zim might be fine experimenting on himself with a 25% death rate, but Dib sure as hell wasn't.

After a quick shower Dib went back to packing. He was sure his agent wouldn't have been so lenient if she knew he was spending his New Year's Eve like this. Dib was indifferent to the holiday. He'd never gone out like others did, instead he usually had a drink and quietly watched the ball drop as he reflected on the past year. When it neared midnight he planned on taking a break if he wasn't done to watch the ball drop. Dib guessed he could get at least all his smaller items packed by tonight. For the rest of his stuff he would probably need to rent a truck, but before that he'd have to work with Zim about having the computer make a real room for him and not the closet in the lab.

Taping another box closed and labeling it in black sharpie, Dib moved on to the next methodically moving along. Finally he finished with the last box and stood. He was surprised to find that it was only 10pm. He'd finished much earlier than he expected too. Seeing no reason to loiter around longer than necessary, Dib packed up his car with the few boxes that were full of items he used daily and most of his clothes, then he made his way back over to Zim's house.

He parked in front of the house so he could unpack before moving his car. It was going to snow again and he needed to find a parking spot that wasn't on a parking ban issued street. In front of the house Dib saw Gir rolling around in the snow surrounded by small pig-shaped snowmen.

"Hi, Mary!" Gir squealed and came running to him. Over his dog costume he wore boots, a black winter hat and matching mittens with a bright teal scarf.

"Gir, what are you doing outside so late?" Dib asked. It was well past dark and while the yard was brightly illuminated with a flood light, it was still strange to see Zim's minion playing outside in the snow at 11pm.

"After things went explody, Master told me to go outside and roll in the snow," Gir said cheerfully. "I'VE GOT MITTENS!" he screamed excitedly holding up his arms.

"Ah, so you do," Dib said with a strained smile. He long ago stopped trying to figure Gir out or how he worked. The robot had no thumbs, yet the thumbs of his mittens wiggled when Gir proudly showed them off. Gir must have got into one of Zim's experiments and was banished outside while he cleaned. Knowing that Zim would be in a foul mood Dib decided not to bother him. "Okay, well, have fun making your, er, snowpigs."

"I'M MAKING BABIES!" Gir shouted as he ran around Dib then went back to rolling on the snow.

Dib brought in his boxes himself, knowing better than to ask the robot for help. Once they were all inside and neatly stacked next to the door, Dib went to move his car into a safe spot. When he came back there were a great many more snowpigs and Gir sat in the corner of the yard talking to a squirrel that was perched on top of one of lawn gnome's head. Gir had made a snow-pig next to the gnome that was sitting and sipping tea. The teacup and even the out-stretched pinky of the pig were all made of snow. Dib hastily went inside. He often felt that if he watched Gir too long he would actually go insane.

Inside the house Dib was surprised to find that his boxes were gone.

"Um, Computer?" Dib asked directing his voice upwards. "Where did all my boxes go?"

The computer gave a long sigh. " I was ordered to move them into your living space. "

"Oh, thanks," Dib said pleased he didn't have to personally move all his stuff to that closet. Maybe he could ask the computer to move all his stuff into his new room after he convinced Zim to make him one. "Where's Zim now?"

" He's doing… research in the lab," the computer said with a slight pause and it almost sounded like the voice shuddered.

"Oh, can you bring me to him?" Dib asked. Midnight was only 30 minutes away, maybe he could convince the Irken to watch the ball drop with him if he offered to make hot chocolate. Though he didn't mind either way. If Zim still needed help cleaning up after Gir Dib didn't mind missing the ball drop either.

There was a long pause before the computer answered. " ...Sure." The refrigerator opened and Dib stepped inside, letting the computer take him to the area of the lab Zim was in.

Dib hopped out of the elevator and could hear noises from the back of the lab. Heading that way he saw a side door open with the soft flickering light belonging to a screen pouring out. As he neared he began to pick up on the sounds more clearly, and they had him stopping in his tracks.

Is… Is Zim watching porn?!

Feeling weirdly like he was intruding and not wanting to embarrass Zim (because if the situation was reversed Dib would certainly be mortified) Dib slowly and quietly began backing up. That was until among the multitude of sounds he heard:

" Fuahhhhck...Z-Zim..."

Dib never ran so fast as he bolted into the room, his panic being fully justified. Zim sat in a hovering chair his back to Dib. On the numerous screens in front of him were various videos of the two of them having sex from all kinds of angles and in the various areas all around Zim's base. There was an x-ray version, a heat camera version and he wasn't sure he wanted to know how Zim got that internal video. There was even one split screen with a 3D rendering of them copying the real video next to it. The 3D version kept switching to a see-through version that was showing where all their muscles and organs were.

Dib saw more of himself than he ever thought was humanly possible.

He grabbed the back of Zim's hover chair and like a pro hammer thrower from the Olympics, hurled the chair with its startled and screeching occupant through the doorway and careening out into the lab.

"Turn it off! Turn them all off!" Dib yelled his face flushed the deepest shade of red.

" Ugh, gladly," the computer said as the screens all went black.

Once the Screens of Eternal Shame were shut off he went after Zim. His chair had pinballed around the lab tables and ended up crashing into the far wall dumping the stunned Irken onto the floor.

"Dib, what's the meaning of this!" Zim said holding his head and getting to his feet after a bit of a wobble, it took a second more for the room to stop spinning. Initially he thought the perpetrator had been Gir, but he was more angry to find out that it was Dib.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Dib repeated a bit hysterical in his mortified state. "What the fuck is the meaning of that ?!" he said gesturing wildly towards the room behind him.

"I'm doing research," Zim said simply. "It is your actions that have almost turned my spooch to jelly!"

"Research for what?!" Dib flailed around. "I can't believe you've been filming me, us, this entire time!"

Zim paused in his anger, confused by Dib's odd behavior. "Dib, my base is constantly under supervision. Also I told you I needed to do research to find out how to bond. I have created an agent to act as the bonding toxin, but I need to figure out a way for your body to bond with me."

Dib pressed his lips together as he tried to control his internal freaking out. Taking a deep calming breath he continued. "I think you need to sit down and fully explain this bonding to me."

Zim glared at him, still a bit grumpy about being thrown around his own lab. "Fine," he said picking up his chair and gliding it back into the room. He sat back down at the computers and opened a screen, luckily it wasn't still playing the same footage as before. However, it was displaying a rendering of a naked Zim.

"All Irken males have two mating organs," Zim explained not phased at all by the naked picture of himself. As he spoke he typed into his computer and the image zoomed in closer and turned to the side as Dib got an internal side view. Zim pointed to an organ that Dib was intimately familiar with, but instead of fully extended it was curled up and tucked inside a pouch. "This is my normal mating organ. It holds no toxins and is used for un-bonded mating. Here," Zim pointed to what looked like a second and skinner penis tucked up in a second pouch at the base of his first one. "This is the bonding organ," he said and typed into the computer. In the image the first organ expanded and came out.

"When we bond, both organs will emerge," Zim said and the second one extended out and staying skinny it entwined around the larger one until the tips aligned.

Dib watched and tried not to blush or stare too hard. He made smart sounding 'hmm's and 'I see's as Zim explained.

"An Irken only has one chance to make a bonding partner," Zim explained. "The first time the bonding organ is used, it will inject an anti-toxin into the bonding partner." As he said this the skinny organ's tip shrank back slightly to show a sharp needle-like point. "The anti-toxin will be released and it will dissolve in the bonding partner's body." In the simulation the short needle, shot out and Dib no longer had trouble controlling his blush, he was quite pale now.

"After that, every release will contain a toxin that is deadly to any Irken that is not the bonding partner," Zim said all matter-of-factly.

"You will shoot needles e-every time?" Dib said trying not to freak out.

"No," Zim scoffed. "Only the first bonding needs to be injected directly into the bloodstream. The toxins released for every other mating only need to be released normally. Those toxins will bring mating to a new level. I've heard that the bonding organ will release early in order to fill the partner with the toxin."

"And this is good?" Dib asked incredulously.

Zim nodded, not picking up on Dib's tone. "Yes, the pleasure the toxin can invoke is extraordinary, or so the information says. I have created a toxin that will react with me as well as react with my anti-toxin in your body, but the issue is the delivery system.

"With two male partners, the receiving partner will keep his bonding organ tucked back and the dominate one will push into the pouch. The receiving male will then use his bonding organ to slip past and inject into the dominate organ's base, while the dominate one will inject his anti-toxin into the pouch of the bonding organ.

"After the first mating the receiving male will mostly use his bonding organ to wrap around and aid in the release of the invading organs. The issue is that humans have no secondary bonding organ, so there is no way for you to inject your anti-toxin into me. But I think I will be fine injecting my anti-toxic directly into you when I dominate."

Dib stared numbly at the screen. "So…" Dib dragged out the word trying to wrap his mind around the new information and not freak out in the meantime. "Basically, two Irkens will take their second dicks, equipped with some bee stinger tips and sting each other. But instead of a venom it injects a cure and from then on they just cum like normal, however if they mate with anyone else it will just send them into anaphylactic shock."

"Irkens are nothing like bees!" Zim said completely offended. However, he didn't deny Dib's summary.

"Can I see the data you have about the toxin you made?" Dib asked. Before he worried about Zim's alien bee-dick, as he would now forever refer to it, he wanted to make sure that Zim wasn't planning on injecting him with something that would send him into anaphylactic shock, if not just straight up poison and kill him. Wouldn't that be a kicker?

"Yes, yes," Zim said used to Dib wanting to go over all his research on his projects even when he knew they would work perfectly fine, thank you. "This way," he said leading them out back into the lab and over to his work bench.

It turns out that Zim did a pretty through job of creating the toxic/anti-toxin. From the various samples Zim had of his DNA-Dib decided not to think too deeply on how he got them-it seemed that the substance Zim created wasn't going to kill him. And since Zim wanted Dib to stick around, Dib wasn't worried about Zim purposely poisoning him. The method really was the only thing left to figure out.

"And why can't you just inject this stuff into my bloodstream-through a vein in my arm," Dib added when Zim opened his mouth, probably to say that's what his bee-dick was going to do.

"Dib-thing," Zim rubbed the space between his eyes, losing his patience. "You being injected is not the issue. My mating organs will accomplish their jobs perfectly."

"Okay, then I don't see why I need to poison you. You're giving me your anti-toxic with your bee-dick so I'll be fine," Dib said.

Zim gasped, insulted, then narrowed his eyes at Dib. "I thought I told you to stop calling it that! It is a sophisticated organ for bonding, it has nothing to do with the -ugh-bees!"

Dib kept silent, a moment. He was not willing to stop calling it that so he ignored Zim. "So why do I need to inject you?"

Zim made a frustrated noise. "Because, if I do not receive your antitoxin my body will automatically reject all other mating fluids and actively try to poison you and me."

"Okay, so how will this work? Do I need to inject you with the anti-toxin each time we have sex, since, oh you know, I don't have any Irken organs." Dib said sardonically.

Zim was growing frustrated with Dib's lack of understanding. "No, afterwards the secondary organ is used to enhance the mating experience, but it will poison anyone who dares to mate with a previously bonded Irken. Even if the second mating organ is not used, our bodies will be saturated with the toxin becoming poisonous to all other partners."

Dib stared at Zim. "Wow, Irkens really don't like to share. So even if you break up or your partner dies you can't have sex with anyone else."

"Bonded Irkens do not 'break up'," Zim said crossing his arms. "They do not separate for the rest of their existence. And yes, the other will belong only to them even after death."

"Zim," Dib said slowly. "How long do Irkens live?"

"Hundreds of your Earth years, why?" Zim asked.

"Maybe we should re-think this. Zim, humans will live maybe one hundred years if they are really lucky," Dib said.

Zim turned away and went back to his computer. "I know," he said quietly. "I will figure out something before you expend too much of your lifespan."

"What do you mean 'figure something out'? Zim, this is serious. I can't bind you to me like that years after I'm dead, knowing that you'll spend hundreds of years by yourself after that."

"You are not dying, Dib," Zim snarled and grabbed Dib's shirt.

"I don't want to, but it's not like I'll have a choice in that. You can't cheat death, Zim," Dib said.

Zim let him go. "Not with your inferior technology, no," he said and turned back to his screen going over his bonding research.

Dib grabbed his shoulder this time and spun him around. "Explain. What do you mean? What are you planning?"

Zim pressed his lips together, deliberating. "I can extend your lifespan."

Dib froze. "H-How?"

He removed Dib's hand from his shoulder and turned, pointing to his pak. "After I was banished, I hacked into the Irken information system trying to find some sort of evidence that it was all a prank from the Tallest and if not to find some way to get myself back apart of the Empire. I was...unsuccessful. However, I did stumble upon some interesting ancient Irken documents. Most of it was full of corrupt and heavily encoded data, but I did find something interesting, well at the time it wasn't but recently I was reminded of it again and I have been looking into it and decoding the information a little more."

"What did you find?" Dib asked.

"Rudimentary pak blueprints," Zim answered. "And a little information on ancient Irken ancestry. Originally Irkens were not quipped with paks there was a time when Irkens were all organic," Zim said as if this was shocking news.

Dib rolled his eyes, "Of course, no one is born with computer parts attached to them. Logically there had to be a time when Irkens didn't have them."

"Yes, but well," Zim said a but put out that Dib wasn't as shocked as he had been by this information. "Before paks were created the average Irken lifespan apparently wasn't much longer than your human one."

Dib's eyes widened as the implications clicked into place. "You think that you can create a pak for me that will extend my life to match yours?"

"Of course I can, I am ZIM!" he said with bravo. But it didn't last long. "But, it will take a long time to perfect the technology. New paks are rarely made. When an Irken dies the data of the Irken it once belonged to is uploaded to the collective and then the pak is wiped and installed on the next newly cloned smeet. So making one from scratch will take some time. The materials are quite rare, and the internal systems quiet complex."

"Oh, good," Dib said not ready to think about the ramifications of extending his lifespan. "I'm still young, you know. I won't die on you. We've got time to figure things out and I'm here to help as well."

"Yes, for a human you are surprisingly competent," Zim said. "And if I can replicate the Irken bonding experience using Irken technology in your body, this research will be invaluable in creating a pak that will be compatible with your squishy body." Zim said poking Dib in the side.

Dib frowned. "Did you just call me fat?"

"No," Zim said giving Dib's body a once over, "Just full of organs."

For a moment Dib thought about being offended, but then looking at Zim's inhumanly skinny body he had to admit that Zim had a point. Zim certainly didn't have all the complex organs that Dib did. Dib took a deep breath and resigned himself. Doing this bonding properly now had a much greater meaning. This was their first test to see how his body responded to Irken technology. And if he took an active role in this he could steer Zim in a direction that he could accept. No matter what he was NOT going to let Zim mess around with his organs.

"Alright, so what can I do to help with this bonding thing? We...we need a delivery system, yeah? Any ideas?"

"Yes, actually, but since it is your squishy body maybe you should have some say in the final design," Zim offered.

"Oh, hell yes I will," Dib said pleasantly, but very very firmly. "Let's see what you've got, space-boy."

It was well into the new year and Zim was still working on the technology to control the toxins he would be introducing into Dib's body. If Dib didn't know about the importance of this to Zim personally, and how important it was to their long term relationship Dib would never have agreed to this. Because of the delicate nature of the design and the technology involved after deciding on what to create it took Zim several more days to finish and perfect the completed product. In that time it wasn't like Zim was working on it around the clock. Dib also had to move the rest of his belongings into the new room that Zim had surprised him with.

That night they also took advantage of the new mattress Zim had the computer create for Dib's bedframe and with the home team advantage Dib won at their battle for dominance and was finally able to enact a little revenge as he secured Zim's wrists to his bed frame. However, he made sure Zim wasn't too grumpy about it. In fact by the end of things, Dib thought Zim looked very satisfied with, as he put it, Dib's 'worship' of his body.

Of course, Zim was twice as crafty the next time and won the next round. He'd seen some hot tub themed mating in his 'research' and while hating water, he did have a cleansing pool that he used when Gir made a huge mess and he felt the need for a full body cleansing. For the next day Dib blushed every time he heard any kind of wet slapping sound, even washing his own hands was enough to have his ears burning.

When Zim was working on creating his product Dib was also busy writing for his next Mizzy novel and the weekend after New Years passed quickly. In fact Dib had been on a writing roll and thanks to the new room Zim made for him, he could work undisturbed with everything he needed a shout to the Computer away. When he finally finished the next few chapters for his novel and sent them over to his editor, he was surprised to find that he'd been writing for a few days. After a quick refreshing shower Dib grabbed himself a cup of coffee and went to go find Zim and see if he made any progress on the product's design and function. He found Zim in his lab tiding up.

"Ah, excellent timing Dib," Zim said grinning. "I have finally finished the Dib's bonding aid."

"You, um, did? Weren't you still working out a new concept just yesterday? And now you say it's done?" Dib said skeptically.

"That is because Zim is a genius," he boasted and held up a dime-sized metal disk about an eight of an inch thick with four small protrougins around the edge.

Dib set down his coffee cup on the lab table and took the item from him turning it over. "So what's this going to do exactly?"

"After we assimilate your own toxin into your body this will convert my anti-toxin and deliver it to you making you immune to my toxin, it will also connect to your internal organ to then keep supplying you with the correct toxins for our matings," Zim explained.

"Aright, so this is a little anti-toxin filter, got it. Anything else?" Dib asked handing it back to Zim and picking his coffee back up. He leaned against the table and took a sip of the warm drink.

"I thought about the delivery system and decided that you didn't need another mating organ implanted in you."

"Um, thanks. I wouldn't have agreed to that anyway," Dib said taking another sip.

Zim clicked his tongue in irritation before continuing. "Yes, so I decided to just upgrade what you have."

Dib lowered his cup. "Excuse me?"

"That disk will react with my toxin and trigger your body into releasing the anti-toxin, which will be naturally part of your bloodstream after our first mating. However, because you are not Irken I am doubtful that your body will be able to react in time to my toxin, this disk will expedite that problem," Zim said. "It will also trigger you to release your own toxin when mating that my body will naturally negate. And this," Zim said holding up a large ring with a thicker disk embedded to the top. "Is what we will use for the initial bonding delivery system. This is removable and will not be necessary after the first bonding experience."

"O...kay," Dib said slowly as all of these didn't look too bad. A ring that-based on the size of it- he had a good idea of where it was supposed to go and a small disk. "I can guess where the ring is going, but what about the disk?" Dib asked.

"Oh, yes, here," Zim turned to his computer and pulled up an image of the male reproductive system. Thankfully it looked like one of the charts Dib had to label in high school and not an internal image of himself. "It will attach here," Zim pointed to a section in the diagram's rectum that was the closest to the prostate gland. Next to the diagram he pulled up a 3D model of the disk. Typing into the computer, the image of the disk rotated to show the underside of it. "This will connect with the prostate gland and generate the toxin into your releasing fluids," Zim said as the image on the computer changed, the back of the disk opened up and a thin cord like tube coiled out with a wicked looking clamp on the end of the tube. "And it will attach quite firmly and flush against your insides so you won't even feel it," Zim said as the protrusions on the disk flipped out to show four sharp hooked points.

"And this," Zim continued as he pulled up a model of the ring, not noticing that Dib had frozen while looking at the screen. "This will be placed around the base of your…" Zim squinted at the diagram. "Penis, and this will also connect internally to the prostate gland to deliver both your toxin to your system," he said as a similar tube came out from the inside of the ring. " As well as simulate a bonding for me," Zim said as the outside side of the ring's disk turned into a long thin twisting tube with a shape point at the end, that resembled Zim's secondary bonding organ.

"So what do you think of Zim's genius?" Zim asked knowing that Dib had to approve any design before he could impliment it.

Dib set down his coffee cup so his numb and slightly shaking hand wouldn't spill liquid all over Zim's floor. "I think it looks painful."

"Oh well, we can remove the ring after the first bonding as you won't need it. After you inject your anti-toxin into me just having the disk add the toxin to your normal releasing fluids will be enough. It will also pick up the traces of my fluids to counteract them," Zim said in what he thought was a perfectly reasonable manner.

"Zim," Dib said trying to not freak out. "I don't know how I feel about you hooking this into my body, much less a sharp tube into my dick. Those parts are very...delicate and sensitive to pain."

Zim narrowed his eyes at the screen then turned to study Dib. "I suppose I can give you a painkiller," he sighed.

"Oh, you damn well better give me a painkiller!" Dib said very, very adamantly. "And are you sure there isn't some other way that involves less...hooks and pointy tubes of pain?"

"Those are there to secure the devices in place. With all the friction I wouldn't want anything to get dislodged and stuck deep into your dookie maker!" Zim said frustrated that Dib wasn't instantly impressed.

"Oh my lord, please don't call my ass that," Dib held his head.

"Then stop calling my superior and complex bonding organ a 'bee-dick'!" Zim demanded.

"I almost don't want to be conscious when you attach those things to my dick and dookie maker," Dib lamented ignoring Zim. He had several days to mentally prepare himself for whatever Zim came up with. He knew how important this was to Zim and he was honestly touched that Zim was thinking of their relationship in the long term sense… very long term. And he did go over all the data for the toxin and the chemistry checked out. Dib supposed that all things considered what Zim came up with was fairly reasonable… for Zim. The model was blown up to a large scale on the screen making everything look awful, when in reality the tube was probably no thicker than an IV needle.

"Have you stress tested these things? I'd rather not have them move around and damage any of my very important and irreplaceable insides. Remember, I don't grow back my organs or bones," Dib said keeping very quiet about the fact that human livers could regrow to an extent. He felt such knowledge was not something Zim needed to know now.

"Yes, yes," Zim waved away Dib's concern. "I made them out of a very flexible material there will be no internal damage to your soft squishy insides. So, do you agree? Are you ready to bond with Zim and be mine forever? I promise to be the greatest and most superior Hive for the Dib."

Dib rubbed his face. He was in this for the long haul. As stupid in love as he was with Zim, what choice did he have? With a weary smile Dib looked at Zim. "As soon as the first bonding is over you are going to remove that artificial bee-dick from my perfectly-fine-on-its-own human dick, got it? And it better not leave any damage when you remove it or I will refuse to have any sort of physical contact with you for an unmentionably long and undisclosed amount of time. Got it?"

"Fine, Fine," Zim said waving his hand dismissively, though he couldn't hide his happiness at Dib agreeing. He didn't even comment on the bee-dick thing. His antennae were perked and twitching in what Dib knew to be a pleased manner, and if that wasn't enough there was a slight flush to Zim's cheeks as he grinned.

Damn, if he doesn't look adorable. Dib thought to himself.

Zim stepped up to Dib and the taller alien titled his head down to kiss Dib. "You will finally belong to Zim, and Zim will be your Hive." Dib was happy to kiss the Irken back. It wasn't often Zim was affectionate like this outside of 'fighting for dominance'. "I will also comply with your wish to be unconscious," Zim whispered into Dib's ear.

"Wait, what?" Dib said as he felt a slight sting on his neck and looking over he saw a sly pak tendril holding a syringe pull away. "You certainly don't waste any t-" Dib's snarky comment was cut off as the quick acting anesthetic took effect.

"When you wake up, we will finally be able to bond," Zim said tenderly to the unconscious human as he carried his body over to a lab table.

Ok. There are times as a writer that I have to make hard choices. When Dib threw Zim out from the room with the Screens Of Eternal Shame. I SO badly wanted to write: "And then Dib yeeted Zim out of the room" but the writer in me couldn't do it, so I had to tell you all about it here.

((*whispers* if anyone wants to draw Dib yeeting Zim in his hover chair away from the Screens Of Eternal Shame I would be eternally grateful.))