Sorry it took a while to get this chapter out! I was pretty booked over the weekend. Another big thanks to kargen5747 for editing this!

"I accept your unconditional surrender," the shadowy entity towered before Ladybug like a god, "Now if you'll excuse me, I must pay a visit to Hawkmoth. He and I have much to discuss."

The cloaked being vanished in an instant, leaving behind nothing but his threat, echoing in Marinette's mind.

"Tikki, spots off," she said when she finally got a grip.

"Marinette, I-" the red Kwami began, but she had no idea what to say. Nobody before had learned who was really wearing the spotted red mask, much less threatened her friends or family. Having nothing else left, Tikki simply embraced her friend as best she could with her tiny hands.

Hands that were now useless.

Across Paris, in a large, almost empty room, Gabriel Agreste stood, designing the latest in his line of fashion. He was interrupted by Nathalie, entering his room.

"Sir, there's something outside you may want to see."

"I'm busy Nathalie. What is it?" the cold man responded.

"There's a person calling himself 'Allseer' who wants to talk to you."

"I don't know anyone called Allseer. Send him away."

Nooroo emerged from hiding, careful to still remain out of Nathalie's sight, as per his master's instructions. "Master, he's not someone you want to keep waiting," the timid kwami warned, "He is very ancient, and more powerful than any Kwami."

"In that case, Nooroo, we must not make him an enemy. Bring him in, Nathalie."

The secretary nodded, and moments later, she escorted the tall, black figure into the room.

"You must be Allseer. Why did you need to see me?" Gabriel watched the figure with a guarded expression, trying to discern his purposes.

"I'm not interested in speaking with Gabriel Agreste. I came to see Hawkmoth."

Both Nathalie and Mr. Agreste were surprised by this statement. Not only did this man know who Hawkmoth was, but they were either brave or foolish enough to come here and tell him.

"Very well," Gabriel responded, "Nooroo, darkwings rise." After the transformation, Hawkmoth waited in anticipation of what this potential enemy had to discuss. Allseer wasted no time.

"Has Nooroo told you of me?"

"Only that you are very ancient and powerful."

"Good. That is all you must know for now."

"I like to keep myself well informed."

"Patience, Hawkmoth."

The purple villain glared. He disliked not knowing what he wanted to know. "Very well," he said.

"What are you planning to wish for if you get the miraculous?" Allseer asked.

Hawkmoth clenched his fist. He remained silent. His wish was a very personal one, one that he didn't intend to share with anyone, least of all a stranger who enters his home with implied threats.

"I'm waiting," Allseer said. He could find out whatever he wanted with one glance, but he liked the power he got from probing one's soul in person. It made them unsure, confused, nervous. Most of all, he liked how he could make them afraid. This was not the case with Hawkmoth.

"Let me show you," the widower said at last. He stepped onto his familiar platform and it lowered, surprised to find Allseer already waiting in the crypt. As they approached the glass coffin, Allseer smiled beneath his mask.

So this is why I was awoken.

Back at the bakery, Marinette stood pacing across her room, her mind racing with a million thoughts and theories, which she said aloud to her ever helpful Kwami.

"He can't be an Akuma, can he? Hawkmoth can't give that much power, right?"

Tikki shook her head, "He can only give power weaker than his own."

"But someone who sees everything…"

Tikki's eyes lit up. "Wait, he said he sees all, right?"

"I think so."

"Allseer," Tikki said, "He is Allseer."


"He is a being more ancient than the Kwamis and even more powerful. I don't think you could beat him even if you had Cat Noir's ring as well. He sees and hears everything, and he can tell everything about you with a single look, if he wants. He also has an indomitable will. It even goes to the point of affecting things outside his body."

"That must be how he froze me and Cat Noir."

"Yes. He also can travel the whole universe in a heartbeat, and take anything under his will with him."

"Is there any way to beat him?"

Tikki shook her head. "He awakes only to accomplish a goal, and nothing can stop him from doing so. To get a grip on the world he awoke into, and to establish an alter ego, he takes the form of a human. In a sense of twisted irony, he pretends to be blind."

"You don't think…"

Tikki nodded.
