"Janice?!?!" Chandler asked horrified.

"Well hello Mr. Bing!" She said again, her nasally voice piercing his ears.

Chandler thought about it... Janice calling? Then it clicked and he smiled smugly. The elixir worked! It actually worked! Janice loved him again. He couldn't believe it! Maybe Phoebe was right! He actually didn't feel like cuestioning it, he could not even think straight.

"Janice... Why are you calling?" He asked faking obliviousness.

"Well Chandler, I actually wanted to ask you something"

"Sorry Janice, I'm not interested right now..."

"What are you talking about? I called to-"

"Yeah I know, us getting back together is not a good idea... See I'm going to Yemen"

"But Chandler wait that's not-"

"I know, I know what you will say, that you love me and all, but hey I can't okay?"



"OH MY G-"

Chandler hang up. He felt great! If Janice loved him again! That meant Monica would love him in no time! He took the bottle again and drank the rest of the liquid in a big long gulp.

This elixir is wonderful! I feel so great and powerful! I can feel it's magic running through my veins!! I feel so confident and bold right now! That I bet any woman could love me!

Chandler started to sing no melody in particular as he jumped and did his happy dance. His dizziness didn't even bother him right now.

Who would have thought that this magic elixir worked? Phoebe is a genius! Tra LaLa La La La La La LaLa

Chandler kept dancing around the apartment and he didn't even feel the knock on the door. Monica entered and was shocked at seeing her friend acting like a little child.

"Someone is happy" She said with a smile. She wondered why he was so happy.

Chandler stopped his dancing to look at her. "W-Well, H-Hello *hiccups* N-Nomica" He said with a smile. Monica's smile fell.

Gosh, Chandler is mad drunk right now... It seems like he has drank a lot today...

Monica looked at the empty bottle that rested on top on the counter. It did not impress her that it was empty.

"Chandler... What happened? Why are you drunk?" Monica asked worried. She hated seeing Chandler suffering, her heart twisted, she hoped it wasn't for his co-worker.

"D-Drunk? I'm not drunk! I haven't had anything to drink" He said confused.

"Well would you explain this?" Monica said demandingly showing off the empty bottle. Chandler chuckled.

"M-Mon, that's not alcohol" He chuckled again louder. "I-It's my me-medicine".

"Medicine? What kind of medicine can have this smell?" She wrinkled her nose as she smelled the bottle again. The smell was strong like it was pure alcohol with peach flavour, it also smelled like it had a lot of sugar. Her stomach turned.

"W-Well, you know this medicine" He said pointing to the bottle again.

"This doesn't even have a label! Where did you get this?" She asked getting worried again. This bottle seemed homemade she was worried about what Chandler had drunk.

"You know, there" He said like it was obvious where he got it.

"Come here" She said gesturing towards her. Chandler smiled. It was working!

Chandler walked towards her very confident with his chest swollen with pride. Monica eeyed him puzzled.

Chandler imprisoned Monica against the door, his arm resting on the door on top of Monica's head.

"Hey" He said close to her face.

"Okay Mister" She chuckled. "We need to do something about your breath" She said opening the door. Chandler fell to the floor unable to keep his balance.

Monica turned around when she felt the big thud echoing the hall.

"Oh my god! Chandler! Are you okay?" She said kneeling next to him. She just hoped that he didn't hit his head.

"Couldn't be better" He said with a grin. Monica smiled confused and helped him get up.

Both of them walked into Monica's apartment. Monica guided him towards the couch so he could rest, he was in no state of being up. What he had drunk was enough for someone to be passed out already.

Monica then walked to the kitchen to make some strong coffee. The hangover he would have tomorrow will be deadly.

Why has Chandler drunk so much? Was it because of his co-worker? Was he really that in love with someone? She must be perfect! That bitch! She must be hurting him so much for him drinking that quantity of alcohol... Poor Chandler. Maybe I could set him up with someone? No! I mean... Gosh why do I get this upset about Chandler? This stupid feeling won't go away! Gosh it has been weeks! What can I do? I have a boyfriend! My boyfriend is Chandler... RICHARD! My boyfriend is Richard... What has gotten into me lately? I need to do something about it... Gosh... I'm such an idiot!

The sound of the coffee being ready awoke Monica from her confusing thoughts, she turned around to find Chandler on the couch looking at her with heavy lidded eyes.

"I made you some coffee" Monica said walking with a mug full of dark thick coffee.

"Thank you" Chandler said with a toothy smile. Monica sat next to him as she watched him swallowing the coffee.

"It is hot!" Monica warned him a little too late. Chandler spat out the dark liquid. The coffee table and rug were now wet.

"Oh god Mon, I'm so sorry!" He said worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, just be careful" She said as she got up to get something to clean the table.

Don't worry about it? Damn she must be liking me already

As Monica cleaned the table and rug he watched her intentely. She was so beautiful and amazing... He felt dizzy all over again. (The thought of being actually drunk never crossed his mind).

Chandler started to drink his coffee slowly. After Monica cleaned up she sat next to him again.

"Thank y-you for the coffee Mon, I mean is the greatest coffee ever" He said. Monica chuckled.

"Is just coffee Chandler..." She said as she shooked her head. Damn he was wasted right now.

"Well you make coffee perfectly, you are damn perfect" Monica blushed by his comment. She wanted to smack herself... This was clearly wrong!

I can't help it... I can't even recall when things changed... When he stopped being 'Sarcastic best friend Chandler' and became 'Sarcastic, awfully cute and sweet non-just-friend Chandler'. What about Richard? He is great, he is perfect, I feel proud of being by his side... But why can't I get Chandler out of my head? It has been like a month... It bothers me that I don't remember when things changed... What would the others think? What would Richard think? What would Chandler think? When he is clearly in love with someone else?

Monica looked at Chandler, it seemed that he already finished his cup of coffee. He had a small smile on his face, he still looked pretty drunk but it seemed that he was feeling sleepy. She glanced at his lips that were covered in tiny specks of glitter. The inner rim of his lips were tinted blue... What did he drink? Monica still couldn't figure out the why, the what and the where.

Instinctively she got a little closer. Chandler's breath hitched and his heart stopped. Was Monica going to kiss him right now? His foggy mind couldn't even process what was happening.

Monica closed her eyes and so did Chandler his heart was beating so fast that he was sure Monica could hear it.

Before anything could happen someone knocked on the door. Monica jumped and she blushed a deep shade of scarlet.

She quickly got up to open the door. It was Richard.

"Hey sweetie, you're not ready?" He asked with a frown. Monica totally forgot about the date she had with Richard... Guilt started to blossom in her chest... She almost kissed Chandler. She was so stupid! What was she thinking?

"I will be ready in no time! Lets meet downstairs in ten minutes!" She said rushed. "Okay" Richard simply said confused. Monica never forgot about their dates... But he had to admit that she had been acting strangely the last couple of days.

Richard went downstairs and Monica closed the door. She turned to Chandler who looked almost passed out on the couch.

This is a mess...

Monica sighed and walked towards Chandler. "Chandler, I... You need to go back to your apartment" His only response was a groan. Monica helped him get up and Chandler tried his best to walk normally to his place.

They entered the boys's apartment and Monica who was freakishly strong helped Chandler get to his bedroom. He fell immediately to the bed.

"My god Chandler... All of this for your co-worker..." Monica said miserably. Chandler chuckled.

"I wish I shouldn't have to lie to her"

Monica froze. What was he talking about?

"You lied to your co-worker?" Chandler chuckled again. He had his eyes closed.

"T-The co-worker... The co-co-worker doesn't exist... I created her to not tell her the truth"

"What do you mean?" Monica spoke softly and confused... She didn't know what was going on right now... All of this seemed surreal.

"I can't ruin our friendship... She cannot know the truth... We would be miserable"


"I mean Ross and Rachel"


"It-It cannot happen again" Monica realized he was falling asleep... But she couldn't leave without an answer.

"I care too much for her to do that to her... Besides the boyfriend... I... I..." He managed to say but he was already passing out.

"What? Who?"

"I don't stand a chance against him... If I could just get rid of these feelings... But I can't, I love her" He said his face frowning with different emotions.

"Who?" Monica said weakly. It barely was a whisper. Her heart constricted and she didn't know why, her eyes burned. Why was this affecting her so much? WHAT WAS GOING ON?

"Monica" He said opening his eyes and then he passes out completely.

Monica stood there frozen, unable to say or think anything, her eyes glued to his sleeping frame. This was too much. She needed to think, to analyze.

She quickly went back to her apartment, changed her clothes and then dropped a glass of water and an aspirin for Chandler who was still sleeping peacefully.

I cannot think about this now... When I'm alone I will be able to analyze all of this... I can't now... I can't...

She then walked down stairs and met Richard who was waiting for her.

"Lets go..."