Hey Everyone, this is the first story I write about Harry Potter

I've been out of here for many years, I've been back since I now have a lot of free time. Not for very good reasons, but still, I want to occupy my time and I think the best way for me is with this idea that has emerged after seeing a dozen times Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them.

Harry Potter does not belong to me, I suppose if it belonged to me, I would have made a big change since there are a couple of things that from my perspective were not very good decisions

Even so it was a very good story

Although, a fan can always dream of what could be



The Prelude of an Obscure Time

Chapter 1: Preface

Everything around him eventually stopped. Time, people, the place, even his own breathing.

Harry James Potter could not believe what had happened.

He just killed Voldemort, the most evil dark wizard so far, he had managed to live after his death. And he felt immense relief and guilt about this ending.

After that, it was hard for him to tell what else was going through his mind, his head was full of overwhelming feelings all at the same time.

But, the remorse

The remorse he felt was huge, it was too much to take; he could not handle it

His penitence grew even more if it was possible, as he returned to the castle, while looking at the deceased bodies of his classmates, their families and friends crying over them so heartbreakingly, made it difficult even the simple action of breathing

Negative thoughts hit him, spitting on him with poison, what he could but didn't do in this war.

He was useless, incompetent, inept, vain, incapable, unusable, and unable to save anyone with his own merits

He had only given the final stroke to end the war


She had done everything. She even kept him and Ron alive

Even when she was devastated when Ron accused them of traitors.

She still stayed with him even when Ron gave her an ultimatum.

She helped him even when she cried for days after Ron left

He cursed himself a thousand times while walking aimlessly because of what he had done, because it had not been enough and many people who trusted him had died because of his wrong decisions.

Maybe if he and Ron had not distracted Hermione with all the worry, they would have found the Horcruxes before.

He cursed himself a thousand times while walking aimlessly because of what he had done, because it had not been enough and many people who trusted him had died because of his wrong decisions.

Arriving at the place where the Wesley's were, his mood got darker, the whole family gathered cried over Fred's lifeless body, Mrs. Wesley, Ron and George were the most affected, he closed his eyes tightly as he listened to the screams of Ron and his mother, painfully as they pierced him inside. Then, a pair of arms around him brought him to reality, it was the unmistakable perfume of Ginny, he returned the hug with more need than he wanted to admit, trying to support his sadness about someone right now.

He did not want to suffer even more, he had fought against Voldemort for everyone to live, but… On the contrary, he felt that they had lost the war

Then, remembering something important, he opened his eyes, looking behind Ginny's shoulder, his eyes went to Hermione, who seemed equal or more lost than he was, being embraced by Ron, but she did not seem to be interested in his approach, her gaze was on the floor while her eyes seemed restless.

Why was she so worried?

Before he could get away from Ginny and approach her, the now director Minerva Mcgonagall brought the attention of all, her words were not very effective, nobody was happy with the decision to stay in a destroyed school to help repair it while in the free time they had to attend the funerals of the dead students, yet nobody complained.

The time then passed like a buzz in the ears of not only him, but of almost everyone. Nobody seemed to be committed to what was happening, most of the people seemed sunk in their own thoughts, some others like Ginny and Ron seemed to want to help improve their moods.

Ron was the most scandalous, praising himself for what he says, were his contributions in the war, how he had helped, how he had destroyed much of the Horcruxes, saving him from drowning, saving Hermione from being tortured, defeating Malfoy when he confronted them inside the castle, etc. He was not worried about Ron's exaggerations, he had always liked fame and praise, and right now Harry was relieved from all the echo his voice was causing at the great hall.

Then a thud and the raw movement of a chair.

Everyone was silent while Hermione got up. "I'm sorry, I've lost my appetite, if you'll excuse me; I'll retire" she murmured.

Harry watched her disappear from the doors. Then, the noise returned, Ron returned to his stories while some Gryffindors laughed. His eyesight continued in the same place where Hermione had left and then, he returned to Ginny, who continued to call his name to get his attention, he smiled slightly, while his eyes returned to her.

Although with a slight twinge that something was not right he tried to pay attention to what Ginny was saying to him but could not, this discomfort was so strong, like a warning that something bad was going to happen

And then it happened

Two days was the time that his bloody head took too late to notice the disappearance of Hermione, two bloody days

And he cursed himself for his mediocre concern for her

He interrogated without ceasing every person in the castle, but nobody had seen her since that dinner in the great hall, and as time went by, his uncertainty also made it

Where was she?

What had happened to her?

What was he going to do without Hermione?

Ron tried to calm him down, with an absurd excuse

"Surely she is out there, reading a book, you know how she prefers to spend more time with her books than with people"

Harry rolled his eyes at his lame comment

And when, a week later, she continued missing, he was not the only one worried

From that moment, everyone panicked

Not as much as he and Ron, but even so, all looked for her without rest, but without finding her

In one of his already recurring sleepless nights while he walked at the corridors of school, Malfoy appeared behind him

After spending so much time being chased by a dark wizard, Harry quickly drew his wand and stuck it in Malfoy's throat. Demanding to explain the reason for his cornering and a confession of his ulterior motives against him

Surely he wished to take revenge for the defeat and the almost imprisonment of his father

Malfoy snorted and denied having any conspiracy against anyone, extending a letter while explaining that it was his payment to the person who had made that letter for leaving him such a splendid gift before leaving. Harry looked at the letter, his face paled once he looked at the name of Hermione Granger on it, taking it from Malfoy without any delicacy, he opened it without losing time.

Dear Harry,

The only thing I regret with my hasty departure is not having the courage to say goodbye to you in person.Unfortunately, there is nothing that binds me in this school anymore,however there are many more that make me have to leave it.

These months here have been a real torture, I need a break,there are a couple of things that I have to do on my own and I'm not going to put my problems on your shoulders too.

This is my way of finding a bit of serenity in the broken world that we left, I'm sure you can also find yours on your own

I'm not sure how long it will take me to return or if I'll be back, so please take good care of yourself and do not get into too many problems, I will not be any more to have to force you to behave.

Goodbye Harry

With love,


Harry squeezed the letter with his left hand, he dropped his arms while trying to understand, that Hermione, his best friend, had just left him.

The tears that had not spilled even during the end of the war, fell, with something he thought, it was worse than anything that could happen to him or have happened to him

Closing his eyes as the features on his face contracted in pure pain.

If she wanted so much to leave, why did not she take him with her? He would have followed her no matter where she had asked, or the reason she was gone was because she did not want to see him anymore? Was he an intolerable presence for Hermione?

Where had she gone?

Hermione had said in her letter that she was not even sure if she would return

What would he do without her?

He heard Malfoy laugh at his misery, maybe he thought he deserved this

Maybe this was a trap, maybe this was not even a letter from Hermione

Malfoy's bloody face of superiority was seriously making him sick, it was a particularly unpleasant one, he remembered for a moment one more unpleasant words he had said.

"It is my way of payment to the person who made this letter for having left me and entrusted such a splendid gift before leaving"

It was as if Malfoy had obtained something from Hermione that he did not, was it the letter?

Why Hermione had left Malfoy to deliver it?

A brutal anger blinded him at the thought and without realizing it he threw himself on Malfoy, hitting him in the face while trying to calm his fury against him and shouting at him about what he had done with Hermione.

Malfoy and Hermione

It was definitely something he did not want to be together or even written on a parchment

Malfoy tried to push him away, but he was stronger

Then to her bad luck, the director and several students came to take Malfoy out of his hands. He saw him cough and trying to catch some air

But he did not care about almost killing Malfoy, He immediately began to claim that he had done something to Hermione, showing the false letter that he had given him to try to cover his kidnapping and his revenge against him

Mcgonagall looked at him suspiciously but did nothing against Malfoy, on the contrary, she asked him to give his own version of what had happened and why he had that letter in his hands.

That stirred him more, while Malfoy alleged with false innocence that he had met Hermione by chance when he was going to the great hall that night, she had refused to come in and after asking him to deliver the letter to Harry, she had disappeared

The director questioned him again about why he had delivered the letter so late

Malfoy shrugged "Potter deserved it, in fact, he deserved more than that little bit of uncertainty, he did not deserve to have the letter, but even so I gave it to him because I had promised it to Granger"

That only infuriated him more, but again, Neville and Ron stopped him from killing the annoying ferret despite the fact they seemed just as annoying as him.

"He is not lying" he heard the dreamer Luna behind him. And she was the only one who believed it

Anyway, Mcgonagall did a test against the letter, to verify the calligraphy were really from Hermione, and it was, Harry did not need any spells for that, he knew Hermione's neat handwriting but he refused to believe Hermione had abandoned him in such a cruel way

His Hermione would never do something like that

Or would she?

Despite the distrust of Malfoy, no one did anything else, not because of fear, but because no one had any evidence against him, although he himself began to watch Malfoy again, after all, before he had been right in distrusting him, and no one had believed him.

Now, it was obvious that Malfoy was hiding something, something important and related to Hermione, he was not sure what it was, but still, he swore, he would find out no matter how long it took, or what he had to do to achieve it

Unfortunately, the time at Hogwarts ended, a year passed between repairing the school, funerals and classes. He and Ron graduated from Hogwarts, something that they unfortunately could not do with Hermione since she was still missing, Malfoy also graduated without any further incident, keeping a low profile next to the only one who approached him, Blaze Zabini

He and Ron became Aurors, something that made it simple for him to investigate Malfoy and keep looking for Hermione, while at the same time he captured the Death Eaters who had escaped after the battle.

But none of his priorities was very lucrative.

Malfoy had done almost nothing with his life, he had not looked for a job, he only collected obscure gadgets that he had personally gone to examine several times each year at his home, but they had never been used, since his family still had a great fortune he did not need to worry about money

A greasy bum, Ron had murmured to him

The search for Hermione had been stagnant since her sighting in Australia, she had gone to find her parents, the team of Aurors that he designated for his search took several months to find them but when they had arrived at the place, they had found both parents Granger dead and a mutilated werewolf, with traces of two sharp spells. Harry came to the conclusion that Hermione had found them too late but she had killed their murderer, after that, no more had been known about her, at that time Hermione had been missing for 9 years, and no one else but him had any hope of finding her

It had been two years since his last search about Malfoy and Hermione, which meant that Hermione had now disappeared for 11 years.

It is not he no longer cared to know what had happened to Hermione, but now in London they had a very big problem. 27 wizards had been killed and no Auror or himself who was now the head of the Aurors office, nobody had been even close to finding the person responsible for the murders, the crime scenes were practically clean and the evidence was so insufficient that they could not even be examined properly. A wave of terror now covered all the magical London

Ministers around the world were angry at the lack of response from what they called "Inept British"

Kingsley Shacklebolt, the minister had informed the whole department of Aurors about the order to put at the head of the case a witch of the Magical Congress of the United States who would be transferred tomorrow along with her support team

Magical Activity Research

Harry rolled his eyes at how ostentatious that sounded

A new department that M.A.C.U.S.A. had opened only for that Insuperable, reliable and personal internal of the President of the American Congress, Samuel G. Quahog. Who had let her go reluctant at the request of the Council of Ministers

Apparently, according to Kingsley not even he knew the identity of the witch since the president of the M.A.C.U.S.A. Had her practically hidden and hoarded for him alone.

So now he and Ron, his now companion, were here, sitting in Kingsley's office waiting for the records and the name of the Investigator to be brought to them, they who had to pick her up at a Muggle airport

Both were upset of having to be her guardians and having to step on a Muggle airport

"The arrival must be as discreet and as uninformed as possible, we need the least number of people to be notified about this arrival, we do not want our suspect to have to take necessary measures for her arrival as well, and we must take this step far ahead of him"

Kingsley had said that

Although Ron thought they were just spoiling the Witch too much, to what he could not help but agree

When Minister Shacklebolt put the papers in front of them and murmured the researcher's name, both had gotten up from their seats bewildered, turning to see the reaction of the other, both nodded and then left the office very annoyed

"Potter, Wesley, come back, I need to tell you something about her!" They ignored Kingsley

Harry forgot all his Auror training, Kingsley's warnings about being careful, about being discreet.

He did not even care about the case

They appeared in a safe part, outside the airport, clothing settled and they entered the most natural way that their expression still angry allowed them, they looked for the not so common and huge bushy hair, looking over the crowd, small and somewhat ungainly appearance

And they found her

Fighting with a lot of books, something very normal to see. Her hair and she had not changed at all. The huge, colourful glasses that reminded him to Luna Lovegood, that was something unusual

Then they made their first mistake

Ron and he approached, taking her by both arms while they asked her to accompany them. She refused, annoyed, claiming not to know them while withdrawing her arms from them, to the bewilderment of both.

The two introduce themselves to her, but it did not help, she did not remember them from nowhere. They tried to take her away but she continued to refuse and her screams brought the attention of the airport security guards.

Harry ran a hand through his hair irritated by this whole situation, she did not recognize them and now these Muggle men thought that surely they planned to do something immoral with her

They seemed more criminal than anything now that Ron was trying to take her by force

For Merlin's beards...

What would they do now?



I do not know how long it takes to write the next chapter, but I will try to do it as soon as possible

Thank you for reading my story, feel free to leave me a comment to know what you think about it

