Naruto: Game On

Edited & Revised: 7/12/19

A/N: Hey, I'm Inferno'sLegacy and welcome to Naruto: Game on! As you can guess this is going to be a gamer Naruto fic. I've taken a lot of inspiration from stories such as "Naruto: Game of the year addition", "Naruto: Dawn of the Gamer", "When Signing a Contract Always Read the Fine Print", "Dragon Ball: RPG Rebirth" and "A Cold Game to Play" as well as numerous other stories.

This is my first story, so things may be a bit rough to start. The characters may act a little random at the beginning, goofy one moment and serious the next, and the writing style may be a little all over the place the first few chapters. Though that's mainly just b/c I'm inexperienced and trying to find a writing style that fits me. As we progress things should cement. Anyway, enough about me being a newb! Before we get to the story I just want to state a few things regarding it.

1. Since this is a gamer fic it will be mainly light hearted and hopefully humorous; however, it will have its fair share of serious/tense and suspenseful arcs/chapters/scenes.

2. Naruto and crew will be powerful in this fic. Its unavoidable really, given the type of fic this is. Expect a lot of elite shinobi to be born in this story. However, fear not! Powerful heroes mean powerful villains!

3. I respect Kishimoto's work and world (cannon) and as such a good bit of this story will be pulled from the cannon storyline such as Kaguya, Madara, Juubi, etc. I get a lot of people don't like that but that's mainly due to how poorly they were handled towards the end of Shippuden. And that leads me to my next point.

4. I'm trying to build a world here. Kishimoto made a great Universe that has limitless potential with Naruto. However, a there a lot of finer details missing and things that were rushed and not fully flushed out. I want to go really hard on character development for any and all key characters and show what makes them tic (at least in my story). Be that Naruto, Orochimaru or even Kiba. I also want to stress that any significant power gains will makes sense has to how and why the occurred. Be that characters being smarter than they should be or getting a ability much earlier than they should. Also, on the world building note, any major events will have subtle or even obvious hints leading up to them. Save for things that are meant to be shock-n-awe.

5. Tropes will be used! Seeing as how many Naruto fics there are out there it's nearly impossible not to use some tropes (commonly used ideas ex: gravity seals). However, refer to #4, they will make sense. Also, this WILL be a Harem fic. However, it WON"T exceed 6 girls unless YOU ask for it. Also refer to #4. It won't just be random girls throwing themselves at him. Relationships will be developed over time for different reasons and there will be road bumps.

6. I have an overall idea of how I want this story to end but the roadmap is still foggy. So, any suggestions for arcs would be appreciated.

Final: This 1st chapter may be a little slow as it is mainly explaining how the game works. There is a hopefully funny sequence towards the end though. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the mentioned works


9-year-old Naruto Uzumaki never had the most normal of lives. He had naturally heightened senses that could give even the most seasoned Inuzuka a run for their money. He was also smart for his age, but most wouldn't know it because he often had what he called "retard moments". Strangely enough, he could also "feel" the emotions of most people in rare instances.

Now this sounds good but there's also the fact the 90% percent of the village seemed to hate him for an unknown reason. In his later years he would be able to pin the blame of a certain ball of fluff with anger management, but for now that would remain a mystery.

The young boy could now be found sitting on a sofa wondering for the millionth time if he was insane or not. The reason for this intense questioning. Well let's rewind time a bit and find out.

(Time style: 5 Minute Flashback No Jutsu)

Naruto always thought of himself as a highly imaginative person, so he wasn't as originally concerned as he should've been when he woke up to see a shining blue ball of light in his face.

"Hmm, I'm gonna close my eyes and count to three then it will be gone" said Naruto as he closed his eyes. "1….2...and 3!" He opened them again and it was still there. "Okay, okay. That's fine I'm just gonna try pinching myself this time", said Naruto as he tried to remain calm. He closed his eyes and pinched himself. When he opened his eyes this time it was...still there.

Naruto's first mind told him to panic and run around screaming. Thankfully for him logic took over rather quickly. Without another word the blond rose from his bed and headed to his bathroom. He then went to the sink and turned the water on. After a few seconds it had filled completely.

Unfortunately, the blond didn't wasn't lucky enough to have hot water but, in this case, it wasn't needed. Naruto took one look at the freezing liquid before sighing and thoroughly dunking his head in it. He only lifted it when he was nearly drowning.

Unfortunately for Naruto the result was the same as last time. He just sighed tiredly before saying, "Well shit."

(Time style: Present No Jutsu)

Now located in his living room Naruto intensely stared at the orb. He wondered about what do for what seemed like an endless amount of time before an idea stuck.

"This is not smart at all, but I can't think of anything else," said the small child. It honestly wasn't but what was he to do? Without much further thought he went against his better judgement and touched it.

As soon as his hand contacted the orb a blue light filled the room. When it died down a futuristic watch(1) with black and blue highlights was now fixed on his arm.

"What the hell!?" Cried out Naruto in surprise. He was shocked out of his mind at the appearance of the object now found on his wrist. Out of all the things that could've happened he most definitely had NOT expected this.

Seeing that it hadn't done any immediate damage to his person Naruto decided to take a closer look at the device. The watch's band was made of a sturdy yet comfortable metal. The frame of the face was made of the same metal and shaped like a rectangular hexagon and fitted with what appeared to be a touch screen. He guessed it was some type of smart watch.

Naruto's assumption was proven right when the watch hummed to life with a gentle blue light. He then looked at the screen and saw the word START in the dead center of it.

Seeing no other option or button to press, he timidly pressed the screen. Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. Naruto looked on in awe as a holographic screen appeared in his face. Soon after words formed on the screen. It read:

"WELCOME TO NARUTO THE GAME! Thank you for bonding with the GNW! That stands for Gamer Ninja Watch by the way. The GNW is linked to your cerebral cortex and alters the way you perceive the world and actively alters the word to make it game like. The watch's most basic functions include a gps, calendar, mp3 player, heart rate monitor, a comms radio and a digital clock. However, that is the boring stuff. You have been chosen to be one of the few lucky souls to be blessed with the gamer ability and can do many, many things. CLICK NEXT TO CONTINUE."

"This is a joke, right?" That was all Naruto could think say. He stared at those words for several long minutes before he somewhat snapped out of his shock. Once he did he pressed continue. He then watched as the text shifted.

"Now that you have bonded with the GNW your life has basically been turned into a MMORPG. As such you will be able to accept quests and missions, earn xp and money, earn and loose reputation, complete dungeons and raids and earn loot! The GNW will keep track of various data such as your stats, active quests, money, experience, reputations, etc. Now that you've been given a general overview, it's time for a more in-depth tutorial. CLICK NEXT TO CONTINUE."

Naruto was still trying to figure out if this was one of those genjutsu shinobi were so fond of but, he had to admit he understood most of that. Given that he was largely disliked by the village Naruto led a relatively lonely life. The only people he had any consistent contact with where the Ichiraku's from the ramen stand and the Hokage. It's for that reason that he turned to playing video games to make up for his loneliness. He especially liked and excelled at MMORPGs.

Seeing no harm in going forward or an obvious way to go back, Naruto clicked next. He then watched in fascination the watch's screen changed and showed him what the watch's screen would look like when he wasn't using the "special" features. The words on the holo-screen shifted as well.

"This is what your watch will look like to those who don't know about the game and to you when you aren't using it. You can consider it the "standard form". In the top left and right corners it displays the date and time respectively. Directly under that is the heart rate monitor and gps. At the bottom you will notice three icons, a music note, a communication device and the letters "GN". The most important of these is the GN icon since the other two are self-explanatory. CLICK THE ICON TO CONTINUE."

"I'm still positive I'm hallucinating but, I gotta admit that this has a clean screen layout," said Naruto impressed. It was then he noticed that the screen had disappeared, and the watch was in its standard form but, the only part of the screen that was lit up was the GN icon. Once again, he saw no other option, so he tapped it and watched as the holo screen reappeared.

"As you can see the GN Icon will be your main way of accessing your watch's "special" functions. CLICK NEXT TO LEARN MORE."

A tap later and the screen changed again. This time it had the words going down the center. The words where:







Rep. & Rel.

Naruto noticed that the status Icon was the only one highlighted, so he tapped that. He then watched as the screen changed again. It read:

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Rank: Academy Student (+25% exp gain to lv10)


Gamer Rank: 1

Ryo: 5000

Affiliation: Konoha

Level: Lv4 next lv=0/4000

HP: 2230/2230

CP: 2100/2100

VIT: 25 (10)

STR: 6

DEX: 4

INT: 10

WIS: 9 (5)

LUK: ?

Effects: ? (+10 VIT, +5 WIS & 100% exp gain to [?] skill) ? (+120 HP & +100 CP Per lv) Pariah (-25% to Konoha reputation gains) Kami's Blessing (9999999% increase to luck skill)


Naruto Uzumaki, a child whose origins are shrouded in mystery and false truths. He is the pariah of Konoha and as such he has been hated and treated unfairly by the Village all his life for reasons unknown. Due to this he developed a love of pranking and video games to alleviate his loneliness. Despite it all he still has hope in the people of Konoha and is driven by a unbreaking will and pure heart. Naruto strives to be a ninja of his village but has been handicapped every step of the way thus far. Rather he will crack under pressure and fall into darkness or rise above his oppression and forge a legend all his own remains to be seen.

"Why do I get the feeling this game knows more about me than I do?" Naruto asked the question quietly. He found it a fitting description, but the text was worded like it already had all the answers to the so-called mysteries. His mood was also dampened ever so slightly by the mention of his social "affliction".

After taking a moment to properly compose himself Naruto started to read the notes explaining what everything meant. Even though he knew what most of it meant from past games he played he still felt it was important to read in case something was different.

Gamer Rank: Your gamer rank (GR) is the thing that determines what abilities you are granted as a gamer. At level one you have the most basic feature of your life being a game. At higher levels you will gain unique benefits and gamer abilities. Your gamer rank levels up as you complete certain hidden objectives or milestones.

VIT: Your vitality determines how much health and endurance you have. The more you have the more of a beating you can take and live. Your HP goes up 70 per point in vitality.

STR: This determine how much damage your physical attacks do. It decreases the damage you receive when you block, parry or counter an attack as well as recoil damage.

DEX: Your dexterity controls your reflexes, agility and evasion. It also affects your bukijutsu.

INT: Your intellect determines how easy it is to learn new information and jutsu. It also increases your chakra reserves. Your CP goes up by 170 per point in intellect.

WIS: Wisdom determines how well you use what you know. Your wisdom increases your jutsu strength as well as chakra control. This also affects rational thinking.

LUK: How often things randomly go in your favor.

Active Effects: These are effects that affect you character in a variety of ways. They can be positive, negative or in between.


"Well most of this seems self-explanatory so that's a good thing. Although, the gamer rank is a new concept to me and sounds like a pain to level," said Naruto. He didn't voice it but was curious as to what the other benefits could be.

'Having this is going to come in REAL handy the more I think of it. It gives me a direct way to control my progress in life…Plus….plus….PLUS IT'S SO FREAKING COOL!

Whatever idea Naruto was formulating in his head was lost in the wave of excitement that filled his mind. After he composed himself he took a moment to read over the information once more for good measure. He then looked over his stats once more before pressing a small back arrow.

This time the skills tab was highlighted. He then tapped the screen and watched as it changed.



"This is your skills tree. As you can see it is divided into two categories, combat skills and utility skills. The combat category contains all your combat-based abilities and skills. The Utility category has several different every day skills and proficiencies that could be useful.


Naruto clicked on Utility and watched the screen change.

[Blacksmithing proficiency]: lv1 next lv=0/750 xp

[Cooking Proficiency]: lv1 next lv=250/750 xp

[Maintenance Proficiency]: lv5 next lv=759/3750 xp

"Okay then, this is pretty cool. It looks like a bunch of trade skills. I bet I can unlock more as I'm exposed to more stuff," concluded Naruto as he rubbed his chin. He went back to the last screen and tapped combat. When he tapped it two more tabs appeared.



Naruto's eye couldn't help but twitch a bit. Disregarding his annoyance, he tapped abilities first.


Weapon proficiency

"More tabs!? Come on man!" If Naruto was annoyed earlier, he was thoroughly pissed now. In his aggravation he accidently pressed weapon proficiency.

Weapons Skill List

[Kunai]: lv6 next lv=250/4500

Accuracy: 40%

Dmg multiplier: 1.6

[Shuriken]: lv4 next lv=575/3000

Accuracy: 20%

Dmg multiplier: 1.4

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

Naruto looked at the menu with mild interest. It was very self-explanatory, so he tapped the back arrow and tapped on jutsu. He saw a drop-down list:





The eye twitch came back ten-fold. Forcing down the urge to scream out to the heavens in frustration, he clicked on Taijutsu.

Taijutsu Styles

[Brawler Style]: lv5 next lv=750/3750

[Beginner-Academy Style (flawed)]: lv3 next lv=750/2250

Naruto's brow furrowed as he looked at the academy style. He didn't get why it said flawed. He had "learned" the style like the rest of his class from a surprise end of year lesson. Iruka had asked one of his co-workers to teach them the basics of it as a reward for being such a good class.

Admittedly, it was rushed because first year students weren't supposed to learn any practical skills but that still didn't seem like grounds enough for it to be considered flawed. Did he get something wrong during the lesson? Maybe or maybe not.

The blond blew a raspberry before speaking aloud, "It doesn't really matter right now. I'll just make a note to talk to Iruka about it whenever I can."

Naruto then went back and clicked on the Ninjutsu tab.

Ninjutsu List


[Henge]: lv2 next lv=220/1500

Chakra Cost: 5/CPM (chakra per minute)

Rank: E

Use: The user casts an illusion over him/herself to change his appearance

[Kage Henge]: lv7 next lv=300/5250

Chakra Cost: 20/CPM

Rank: C

Use: The user makes a shell of chakra around him/herself to create a corporeal transformation. Upgrade of normal henge.

[Kawarmi]: lv6 next lv=400/4500

Chakra Cost: 150

Rank: E

Use: The user switches him/herself with a nearby object.

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

Chakra Cost: ?

Rank: ?

Use: ?

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

Chakra Cost: ?

Rank: ?

Use: ?

Katon: [None]

Raiton: [None]

Futon: [None]

Donton: [None]

Suiton: [None]

Naruto couldn't help but crack a smile as he looked at the three simple jutsu in his possession. Much like with the academy style, he wasn't even supposed to know them yet. However, unlike the academy style, no one taught him these. He had learned them all by himself from spying on the upper-classmen.

Whenever he was put out of class or skipped he would almost always make a point to peek on the senior students. He would memorize the handseals they made and sneak off to practice them alongside his kunai and shuriken skills. It was painstakingly hard but over time he copied what he saw and got a leg up on some of his classmates.

The one thing that surprised him was the Kage Henge, but he guessed it made sense because when he first started his practice sessions, he had a ton of problems with the regular henge. He tried everything, but he could rarely get it to work. One day he tried supercharging it with his chakra and low and behold it worked.

He was confused at the name choice though. Why Shadow Henge instead of something like Solid Henge?


Seeing no point in staying on the page any longer and having little interest in Genjutsu Naruto skipped over to Fuinjutsu. He had heard the term a few times in the past but didn't know the meaning.

Fuinjutsu Catalog

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

Creation Time: ?/?/

Class: ?

Use: ?

[?]: lv? next lv=?/?

Creation Time: ?/?/

Class: ?

Use: ?

Naruto was a little disappointed that the screen was empty. Seeing nothing else to do he pressed the info button at the top right corner.

Fuinjutsu: A ancient and powerful art that uses kanji and ancient patterns to create powerful seals capable of incredible feats. Masters can vacuum up entire oceans, create bombs capable of leveling mountains, manipulate time-space, and even seal powerful beings. The downside is that fuinjutsu is a complex art, so few have mastered it. Although there are rare exceptions such as the Uzumaki Clan.

Naruto whistled in awe at the capabilities of Fuinjutsu. He made it a goal to learn about it. He felt jealous that an entire clan mastered the art. The Uzumaki were some lucky bastards!

Wait a minute…





That was HIS last name!

Naruto felt his young body grow weak. He was certain that if he had been standing he would've collapsed by now.

The implications….it was…it meant…

Naruto shook his head to clear it. What it meant was clear…

He had a clan.

HE had a CLAN!

Could it be a fluke? If not how big where they? Who else knew and why was he just now finding out? So many questions and so few answers.

So many thoughts were racing through the blond's head that it began to ache.

"I have a clan," the words sounded wrong, "correction, I could have a clan," that sounded better. As excited as he was about the possibility of having family, the idea just seemed…impossible.

"I..I need to talk to someone about this," said Naruto as he grabbed his head. He wanted to put more thought into this development, he really did, but his head was killing him now and his concentration was slipping.

Deciding that the quicker he took his mind off it the better, Naruto went back to the main menu and clicked on the quest Icon. He was greeted by the following:

Main Quests

Side Quests

Event Quests

Seeing nothing else available Naruto tapped the help button. He was then greeted by GN's voice.

"This is your quest tab. From here you can view and track all your wonderful adventures. Quests are broken down into three categories: Main, side and event quests. Main Quests are your most basic and vital quests. Main quest is required to progress your story and tend to be very long and difficult. Because of this, main quests yield high rewards upon completion. Keep in mind main quests are not avoidable & if you go an excessive period without doing one you will automatically be forced into your next available one."

"Next up are side quests. Side quests are far easier and more numerous than main quests. As a result, they are less rewarding but still infinitely useful. Some sides quests can prove to be challenging and provide rare rewards. Lastly, there is Event Quests. Events quests are extremely rare quests that randomly spawn around the world for a limited time. Event quests can very upon type and objective, but upon a successful completion you can expect powerful and unique rewards. Note: Quests are meant to be used as guides to push you along and nothing more. This is your world and there are infinitely many ways it could play out. You make your own fate."

Naruto silently took all that information before going to his last stop for now. He went to back to the main menu and tapped on R&R. Here's what he saw:



The watch then went on to explain that Reputation was his standing with factions or places i.e. Clans or villages and worked off the following ranks: Exalted, Honored, Liked, Neutral, Disliked, Hated and Exiled. Relations was his individual relationship with anyone he has made meaningful contact with and worked with the following ranks: Family, Friends, Comrades, Civil, Disliked, Despised, Enemies. It also explained that could be increased or decreased through various ways.Knowing this he checked his reputation in Konoha


Konohagakure no Sato

General Rep=Disliked

Hyuuga clan= Disliked: 4000/6000

Inuzuka clan= Liked: 2500/6000

Akimichi clan= Liked: 100/6000

Yamanaka clan= Neutral: 0/4000

Nara clan= Neutral: 0/4000

Aburame clan= Liked: 400/6000

Konoha General store= Hated: 7500/8000

Burning Leaf Market= Disliked: 250/6000

Shinobi outfitters= Exiled: 100/10000

"To be honest, it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Not to mention, I always thought that guy at the ninja store had a grudge! Surprised the Inuzuka like me so much though," said Naruto.

He decided to see how his relationships stacked up to his reputation, so he checked that next.




After selecting the only available option the following list pulled up.

HIruzen Sarutobi=Family:1500/10000

Iruka Umino=Friends:4000/8000

Ichiraku Family=Family: 3000/10000

Inu=Friends: 4000/8000

Neko=Friends: 1000/8000

Hebi=Friends: 2000/8000

Landlord=Despised: 5000/6000

Hinata Hyuuga=?: 8000/10000

Kiba Inuzuka=Neutral: 200/4000

Shino Aburame=Neutral: 300/4000

Ino Yamanaka=Disliked: 5000/6000

Chouji Akimichi=Comrades: 100/6000

Shikamaru Nara=Comrades: 50/6000

Sakura Haruno=Disliked: 59996000

Sasuke Uchiha=Disliked: 4000/6000

Left with nothing else to do Naruto closed the page and went to the normal home screen and just processed what he heard and read. Aside from the Uzumaki clan thing Naruto had been taking everything in rather calmly all things considered.

He had been observing it with a level head and looking at it from an objective standpoint to view the pros and cons. Seeing as there were no cons in sight and limitless possibilities….he was literally shaking in excitement!

"Okay, you gotta be kidding! Not only does it look cool it also turns my life into a video game! A freaking video game! With this I have complete control over my life. If play my cards right I could have or do anything I want! This thing….is just complete hacks!" yelled out a joyous Naruto.

He sat down for a good long while thinking about all the different things he could do. Eventually he had pondered enough and was about to fix himself something to eat until…


Someone knocked on his door exceedingly loud. Getting over the initial surprise he headed to the door to see who it was and quite possibly give them a piece of his mind.

"Hey! What's the big idea! Are you….oh, it's you," said Naruto as he stared in at the person in front of him. The man that stood before Naruto was none other than his landlord. He was a bald middle-aged man that stood 5'10" and wore a brown trench coat.

His brown eyes looked Naruto over with disinterest while stroking his grey beard before finally speaking. "Yeah, it's me brat. Rents due by the end of the day so pay up or... GET OUT!"

He turned to walk away. Only to stop and look over his shoulder and speak to the blond again. "Not sure why you're still here but the Academy starts in 15 minutes so if you don't want to be late better get a move on ya dumb brat," said the landlord in his gruff voice. With that said, he walked away.

Naruto's eye bucked. He had completely forgotten. Today was the start of his 2nd year at the Academy. He had intended to be early today but the whole gamer thing distracted him. He grabbed his gear and started to head out, but suddenly a notification appeared in front of him.

[Side Quests Unlocked]

Uzumaki Legends: While learning about the concept of fuinjutsu and the games application of it; you discovered the Uzumaki Clan. They were a clan so skilled in fuinjutsu that they were revered and feared all throughout the elemental nations. A clan that you just so happen to share the same name last name with. Is it coincidence or something more? Maybe Iruka will know something…


Ask Iruka Umino about the Uzumaki Clan.

Completion Rewards: 500 Ryo, 400 xp, +200 rep with Iruka Umino

Failure: 100 ryo, +40 xp



Rents Due: It's that time of the month again. Your landlord stopped by and basically said. "Pay up or get out". What a standup guy.


Pay your landlord 2500 ryo by 10 p.m. tonight.

Completion Rewards: 100 xp, +1000 rep w/ Landlord, +500 rep w/ Hiruzen Sarutobi, +100 rep w/ Konohagakure

Failure: 10 xp, -4000 rep w/ Landlord, -3000 rep w/ Hiruzen Sarutobi, -2500 rep w/ Konohagakure. Permanent eviction from apartment.



"Like I have a choice," muttered Naruto. He quickly accepted both only to see a third quest appear.'

[Main Quest Unlocked]

A New Year, A New Start: It's the start of the 2nd year of the Academy and you want to make a good impression. Don't be late!

[note: timer starts upon accepting]


Get the Academy within 15 minutes



Completion Rewards: 500 xp, +1000 rep w/ Iruka Umino, +200 rep w/ all classmates.

Failure: 50 xp, -1000 rep w/ Iruka Umino, -300 rep w/ most classmates.



"Huh, there's no decline option for this one. Not that I would but still…. And what's with the question marks? Must be because it's a main quest," said Naruto while a voice filled with curiosity. He then looked at both the time limit and the failure rewards once more.

He sighed and said, " I need to get all the way to the academy in 15 minutes? Oh, this is gonna suck! Well here goes nothing!"

He accepted the quest and shot off like a rocket. He took to the roofs knowing that he couldn't go as fast on the streets. He was determined to get to class on time.

(Time style: Time skip no jutsu)

Naruto had been running for about around 4 minutes and had made decent distance but still had a long way to go. 'At this rate I'm not gonna make it,' thought Naruto as he gauged the distance between himself and the academy. He went into a trance and ran as fast as he could but then….


He stopped cold in his tracks as he heard one of the worst sounds in his life. He peered over the edge of the roof he was on and saw a white cat with black stripes running across its body, much like a tiger's stripes, and a red ribbon on its ear. It was screaming since a lady who was a few pounds shy of being legally classified as a hippo was hugging it death.

"Oh Tora-chan! I know you love mommy but there's no need to scream so loudly. I can only give you so much attention while we're here. When we get home, I'll give you all the hugs and kisses you'd ever want!" said the lady. If anything, the now identified Tora seemed to squirm and scream even harder at the mention of more "affection".

Naruto stared on with a mix of horror, pity and a strange sense of fascination. Suddenly, Tora looked up and their eyes locked. It was only for split second, but Tora seemed to speak to Naruto. Her eyes may have done the talking but Naruto read the message loud and clear.

Save me….please!

He grit his teeth and thought, 'I don't have time for this! I need to get to the Academy!'

Tora's desperate screams rang out through the air.

'Alright dammit! I'll have to be fast!' he thought. He eyed a small rock on the roof. He grabbed it and tossed it at her head.

She let out a screech as Naruto ducked down. In her surprised state Tora was able to sneak away. "Hey! Who did that! Do you know who I am? I'm the wife of the Fire Daimyo and I'll- Oh no! Tora come back!" exclaimed the Daimyo's wife. She tried to chase after Tora, but she exhausted herself after a few seconds.

During her escape Tora seemed to look at Naruto again.

Thank you

Naruto smiled. In his mind he had done something good. He saved a defenseless cat from what he classified as domestic abuse. Little did he know the horror he had unleashed on genin everywhere. He eyed the timer in the top right of his vision and became alarmed.

He only had nine minutes left!

He ran as fast as he could and then some. He refused to fail his first quest! His pride just wouldn't allow it! He pushed his muscles to their limit. 'Faster! Faster! Must go Faster! Won't be Late,' was the mantra he chanted in his head. He started pumping chakra to his limbs without even realizing it.

He just kept going faster and faster. He had never gone this fast ever before in his life. In the back of his mind he thought of a comic he read involving a little blue hedgehog. With one final war cry he broke his limit and it all became a blur of movement!



Patch Notes (7/12/19): I cleaned up the grammar for the entire chapter. It's not perfect even now but I think it's a fair bit better than before.

I changed the dialogue a bit so Naruto not only seems more level headed but helped limit the amount of times him speaking mirrored the 3rd person text and I gave him a more meaningful reaction to the Uzumaki clan.

I added the Gamer Rank system to give me a tool to better explore the games mechanics and showcase how it changes.

I changed the beginning scene so it's a little less goofy.

I also made some minor changes to fit with the continuity I have set. Such as removing the Uchiha Clan from the reputation list and changing how Naruto learned his jutsu.

Well that's most of the big stuff I did. There may be smaller things I forgot to mention but that should be most of it. What do you all think of the new and improved Chapter. Better? Worse? Review and let me know please. Peace!