AUTHORS NOTE: I have to admit that this is basically me putting Bakugou through hell. It is supposed to be sad, but I haven't actually read it through yet. I shall do so after I have posted it, well actually in the morning because it's one in the morning and I have to be up early tomorrow.

I would really appreciate if you left a review to tell me what you thought of this.

You are my sunshine

The building was collapsing around them. Scorching flames flickered in the edge of Bakugou's vision. Midpriya's limp body lay on a pile of shattered glass and rubble.

My only sunshine

Bakugou gripped Midoriya's hand in a tight fist. "Don't stop fighting. You're not allowed to stop fighting, you hear me."

You make me happy

Half of Midoriya's costume had been incinerated in the blast and angry burns mottled his skin. His arms were already broken from pushing his power past one hundred percent. Blood dripped from a deep cut on his forehead. Bakugou ripped a piece of fabric of his costume and pressed it over the wound trying to stop the flow of blood.

It wouldn't stop. Midoriya was dying.

When the skies are grey

"Come on Deku, don't give up now. After all you've fought through." A single tear slipped out of Bakugou's eye and tracked its way down his face through the thick carpet of dust and grime. "Don't leave me." Bakugou's voice was strained. "I can't beat them without you."

You'll never know dear

Midoriya's breathing became laboured. "No, you can't. Don't stop fighting, you never stop fighting. It's all your good for." He frantically pressed the cloth to his wound and tried to move Midoriya away from the fire and glass. He noticed a particularly nasty shard of glass sticking out from his back.

Just below his heart.

"Oh God no. Please no, you can't die. You promised not to die." Bakugou's breathing sped up as the situation caught up with him. Midoriya's breathing stuttered to a stop. Bakugou was distraught as he realised that to perform CPR he would have to remove the shard of glass impaired in Midoriya's back, or else risk cutting him further. He inched it out, hissing as blood began to pour out of the incision pooling around him.

There was so much blood.

Bakugou ripped another strip of cloth and tied it around Midoriya's middle to try and quell the flow. It wouldn't help much.

He rolled his childhood friend over and began the procedure for CPR.

How much I love you

"Breath Deku breath." He pressed into Midoriya's chest

Thirty quick compressions followed by two rescue breaths.

"Come on breath."

Thirty quick compressions followed by two rescue breaths.

"Shitty nerd, just breath. Please." He was begging now.

Thirty quick compressions followed by two rescue breaths.

He knew it wasn't helping much. The odds of someone surviving from CPR alone were dangerously low.

That was without taking the excess blood loss into account.

After a long period of time Bakugou finally reached his limit and collapsed. "Why did you have to jump in to save me?"

"I never even got to tell you how I feel."

Midoriya's breaths were shallow at best, non existent at worst. Bakugou curled up next to him sobs wracking his body. As the seconds ticked by Midoriya crept closer and closer to the edge of the cliff until he was hanging on by a thread. Eyes glassy and unseeing. Bakugou's voice was barely a whisper.

"I love you Izuku, I love you so much."

So please don't take my sunshine away.

The thread snapped.

Izuku breathed his last breath.

AUTHORS NOTE : Well I hoped you enjoyed that. The idea has been going around my mind for a while and the way I planned it was sad and I hope the finished result was just as powerful. (It probably wasn't, I'm shit at writing sad stuff). Anyway thanks for giving it a go wether you liked it or not. :)
