Bring me back to life

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gakuen Alice

Authors Note: Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read my very first fanfiction! 😊

I will update often, please comment and let me know what you all think!

Mikan Yukihira was only 6 years old when everything changed; her family gets in a car accident leaving her parents in a long time coma. Mikan moves to an orphanage only to get adopted by an abusive new guardian, Hotaru is no longer by her side. Mikan struggles everyday trying to make it to the next day in hope of seeing her parents again soon. When going to a new school Mikan reconnects with some people she hasn't seen in a while and makes relationships during her time there. Can she escape from her fears and stand up for herself, will her parents ever wake up?

This story will be rated M due to some content being about abuse, and way later into the chapters when the characters are in their teens, their may be some sexual content. So this is my warning.


Normal POV

They couldn't believe how lucky they were to have a beautiful ball of sunshine like her in their life, since the day she was born she had this bright smile that made it impossible to ignore. They love their baby girl so much, little Mikan Yukihira.

Her parents Izumi Yukihira and Yuka Yukihira never spent a day away from her since the moment she was brought into the world.

She looked all like her mother; with her glossy nut-brown hair that was worn into two cute pigtails with the tips curling naturally, a heart shaped face with a small nose, her wide amber-brown eyes that shined with curiosity and innocence, and of course her smile…rosebud light pink colored lips.

Even though Mikan looked all like her mother, she had the personality just like her father, being extremely cheerful and bubbly. People around her would be pulled in immensely when they would see her play and laugh; it made it hard to look away, she was very contagious in happiness.

The Yukihira family lived on the Japanese countryside in Kyoto. Mikans' mother owned her own little pottery shop where she molded her creations and painted traditional designs. Most days she would take Mikan to work with her and let Mikan paint whatever she wanted which was usually oranges and strawberries that had smiles in them.

Izumi Yukihira worked as a fisherman, and every day when he came home from work Mikan would run up and hug her dads' leg and giggle how her daddy smelt like a fish himself.

They weren't rich, but they were wealthy in happiness, and as long as they had a roof over their heads, food on the table and their jobs, that was more than enough for them.

Mikans' Mother Yuka POV

It's happening all too soon I thought, the summer was coming to an end and Mikan would be starting first grade. I had just left the towns elementary school signing Mikan up for fall and spring classes. I'm not ready to share my little girl, but this is what she wants, she's been begging to go meet other kids and make new friends.

"Sigh" I let go under my breath as I'm driving home, "who am I to say no to her wanting to make friends." Then I smile and can't help but think that she is growing up so fast already, I'm going to miss having Mikan at the pottery store with me every day.

Getting out the car, I walk to our house unlocking the door, as soon as the door creeps open, "MOMMY!" my daughter screams with excitement running up to me. I'm looking down at her smiling face "guess where mommy was earlier" I ask her while closing the front door.

Mikan looks down and begins to think, cupping her little chin in her hand and scrunching up her pink little nose adorably, she has no idea, "was mommy at work?"

I chuckle a little, "no hun, I just signed you up for first grade" and as I say those last words my daughter is already jumping up and down not able to contain her excitement.

Soon, I'm confused as I see my daughter run to her bedroom and come back a minute later with her backpack on and a grin on her face, "mommy I'm ready" she exclaims. I'm taken aback and try to contain my composure, I find it so cute and silly that I can no longer hold in my laughter as I kneel down in front of a confused Mikan not knowing why I'm laughing at her.

"Mikan school doesn't start for one more week, you can go put your backpack back in your room silly girl."

Patting my daughters head, I walk towards the kitchen to begin dinner for my family.

I won't burn the noodles this time...

Mikans' POV

I start walking back to my room sulking, I'm going to have to wait one more week before school starts, that's like a WHOLE YEAR of waiting! I huff and put my backpack back on the desk chair and leap onto my princess bed.

"One more week" I whisper. Looking up at the ceiling I began counting the stars painted up there. "One…two…three…five…six…seven..." I count in a sing song way, then jumping out of bed distracted, I go to my toy box, pulling out my favorite bear toy I got from my daddy on my fourth birthday.

"Do you want to go to school with me" I ask Mr. Bear, "yes I do" I say disguising my voice as Mr. Bear, while moving my bears head in agreement up and down. I giggle and continue to play with my toys until I hear my mommy say dinner was ready.

"Coming mommy!" I call out to her, then I run into the bathroom to wash my hands, soon making my way into the dining room.

One week later, Monday

My mommy bought me a new dress for my first day of school, it looks so cute; it's an white dress with a bunch of oranges all over that reaches my knees. I still can't believe it's really going to be my first day of school, and soon I will make lots of friends! I can't contain my excitement as mommy and daddy are both driving me to school.

"Daddy do you think I will make lots of friends?" I ask.

My daddy who is in the passenger seat turns back to me with a huge grin on his face "Mikan, I know you will, as long as you are nice and behave, I'm sure my little girl will soon be friends with the whole class!"

"Wow daddy…I want that, I want that!" I giggle just thinking about it. I'm definitely nice, so I will make lots of friends then hehe, I can't wait till I meet my new teacher too! I can start learning how to spell better to impress mommy and daddy, I smile knowingly.

I see my mommy pull up to the school and park the car. Daddy gets out and opens the door for me, I giggle "thank you kind daddy."

"Anything for you dear princess" he says taking my hand, helping me out the car.

"Daddy shush! I'm a secret princess remember."

Daddy and I play this game sometimes where we act like I'm a princess and he is my knight who has to guard me and keep my identity a secret, so no one can kidnap me cause I have this magic power. Daddy says the power is called 'affection', and everybody wants a princess whose affection shines brightly, I don't know what it means but it makes me smile when we play, it's entertaining.

Daddy whispers "Good eye princess, I shall indeed be more careful," he winks and chuckles at my mommy who is just rolling her eyes at my goofy daddy.

They both each grab one of my hands and led me towards the school, I can't help but let my eyes wonder all over as we walk towards the building.

"Honey, before we leave, I just want to say that you're growing up so fast and we love you and want you to have an amazing first day" Mommy has some tears in her eyes, while daddy is patting her shoulder.

I smile brightly at them "do not worry cause Mikan is going to be a good girl and make friends and when mommy and daddy come get me after school, I will give you both lots of huggies and kissies and tell you all about my day."

Daddy is smiling, and mommy is too but with even more tears, my mom is sure a crybaby, I giggle before giving them each a kiss on the cheek before running off into my new school!

Mikans' Dad Izumi POV

I feel like such a proud father, seeing Mikan excited about going to school and being brave is what makes my heart swell with so much love. I look over at my wife who is still sobbing into my shoulder and just chuckle at her. My wife is indeed a crybaby.

"Yuka, it's time for us to leave the school, we will come back when it's time to get her," tugging at my wifes' hand and leading her into the passenger seat so she doesn't have to focus on driving.

"I'm not upset Izumi, I just can't believe how fast she is growing up, sometimes it feels like I miss big parts of her life even though I'm always there with her…I sound weird don't I?"

Looking over at my wife, I can't help but gaze into her beautiful wide light brown eyes that sparkles as she looks at me with such intensity, I love this woman, taking her small hand and placing it on my cheek so I can lean into her soft palm and snuggle into it….she smells like lavender...I move my lips onto her palm and give it a small kiss.


"Izumi..." my wife calls out my name breathlessly, drawing me in even more. Staring at me under her long lashes…her lips parting slightly.

I grab her hand from my cheek and tug her close to me, face to face, I notice how she starts to blush but doesn't turn away from me…still looking me in the eyes…I love you…I close my eyes and move my lips onto this gorgeous woman who gladly accepts my kiss.

I can feel her hand wrap around my neck pulling me in even more, tugging my head down into her, deepening the kiss. I am in complete heaven with Yuka. We continue to kiss like this for who knows how long.


I pull back from Yuka and turn around and realize that we are still parked in front of the school, and a car is behind us waiting to take the spot. Whoops. "Sorry!" I roll down my window and call out, soon seeing a meaty middle finger flash out their window to greet me back, tsk.

Turning on the ignition, I look over at Yuka and she is clutching her mouth shaking immensely, I look confused and I guess my face must have looked weird cause she then burst out laughing, her entire face flushed.

"Oh goodness Izumi! We forgot we were still parked!" She hollers into an even bigger laughing fit as I'm already driving us back home.

On the drive home, we laugh at the whole thing, which made it impossible for me to drive, my wife is one heck of a woman. I let out a sigh of contentment and enjoy the ride back home.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my first chapter of my very first fanfiction! :)

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