Ghost Girl

Chapter 1

There was a happy couple named Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng. One day Sabine got pregnant and they were excited to have a child. One day Sabine was out for a walk when a building right next to Sabine exploded. The building was full of radiation which burned Sabine horribly. Sabine was found unconscious and someone rushed her to the hospital. Tom got a call about his wife and rushed to the hospital and waited for the doctors to tell him something. The doctors come out. "I'm sorry but Miss Cheng has passed away. The radiation burned threw her skin damaging her insides, but we did manage to save the baby" Tom went to see the baby. He held his baby girl in his arms then noticed burn marks on one of her shoulders. Little did anyone know... the radiation did more to the baby then a burn mark.

Through the years Marinette found out she could become invisible randomly and both her and her father never knew why or how she could do it. Tom feared of losing his baby girl since he lost his wife, so he home schooled her until she could at least control her power. At age 10 she began learning how to turn it off and on, but Tom was still nervous to send her to school. Marinette turned 14 and she demanded her father take her to school. Finally, Tom let her go.

Today is Marinette's first day. She left the house quickly, so her father didn't change his mind. She stands out front of the school. Her stomach felt sick she thought to herself it's not to late to turn back. She gulps and walks into the school. She saw so many kids. She heads to her class room. "oh you must be Marinette the new girl I am Miss Bustier please take a seat in the second row." Marinette nods and sits down. Everyone starts coming in. A girl sits next to Marinette.

"I'm Alya" Alya smiles


"well it's nice to meet you Marinette" Alya smiles "I hope we become good friends"

"cool I have never had a friend before" Marinette smiles.

"really? Were you home schooled or something?" Alya questions her. Marinette nods "oh cool Adrien was also home schooled." Alya taps Adrien's shoulder and both boys turn around. "Adrien, Nino this is Marinette she is new and she has been home schooled like you Adrien."

"cool" Adrien smiles. Marinette starts blushing while looking at Adrien. Her heart skips a beat. Alya leans over and whisper

"someone has a crush." Marinette giggles and looks down.

After school.

Marinette went home. She smiles and goes to the lounge room. "hi dad" she hugs Tom, Tom gives her a strange look.

"why are you so happy? I'm guessing your first day was good?" Tom smiles he loves seeing his daughter happy.

"I made my first friend and there is this guy who..." she smiles and giggles. Tom hugs Marinette.

"awe my baby is in love" Marinette smiles

"I better get started on my homework." Marinette goes to her room. She sees a box on her desk. She goes over to it and opens it. A bright red light blinds her then she sees a weird looking bug. "ah bug thingy" Marinette throws things at the bug.

"calm down Marinette." Tikki dodges. Marinette stops.

"how do you know my name?"

"I'm Tikki, I'm a kwami and I will make you a superhero, Ladybug."

"why me though?"

"you were chosen for a reason you are kind hearted and strong and you will be an amazing Ladybug" Tikki explains everything. Marinette puts on the earrings. "oh and you will have a partner his name is Chat Noir and his been doing this for a couple months now. I actually knew you were going to be Ladybug the same time as Chat got his but you didn't live here and I was told to find another but I knew strongly you were meant to be." Tikki smiles "now say spots on to transform"

"spots on?" she transforms then heads to the mirror. She tries to look at herself in the mirror but sees nothing. She sighs. Apparently, Marinette can't be seen in reflections including pictures she is like a ghost. She goes onto her balcony and uses her yo-yo to swing away she lands awkwardly and then falls over.

"You okay?" someone helps her up. She sees a guy in a cat outfit.

"you must be Chat Noir, I'm Ladybug I'm your new partner." She smiles softly

"I didn't know I was getting a partner." He smiles "especially a gorgeous one" he kisses her hand and she pulls away.

"hmm a flirt I see" then they hear a bang. "well we better get over there" they both head there.

After fight. "Good job for your first time" Chat smiles.

"you're not bad yourself kitty well bye" she leaves. Chat watches her leave. He smiles

"whoever she is...I love that girl."