Hey guys! I have been thinking about this story for a long time and I had to start writing it because it was driving me crazy, so here it is! Please review and then check out my other story "An Unlikely Friendship" and of course a special thanks to my beta redredredred for editing this and for putting up with me in general.


DISCLAIMER: Characters are (of course) not mine. They belong to the beloved J. K. Rowling.

WARNING: Mild swearing and eventual slash

Chapter 1: The Run Away

It was a mildly warm day in Surrey England as Harry Potter stretched out languidly in the shade of a large hemlock tree. The summer holidays had just begun a little less then two weeks ago and as of yet, it surprisingly failed to be completely miserable.

Due to the greatly amusing Ton-Tongue Toffee incident last summer, Harry had been expecting treatment along the lines of just before his second year when they had locked him in his room. However, so far the Dursleys had been, at the very least bearable. Uncle Vernon had let him keep his school books (not that he'd even thought about doing his homework this early in the summer mind you) and he hadn't been forced to do insignificant chores. In fact, they barely acknowledged Harry and he strongly suspected the work of Arthur Weasley. // He must have made quite an impression, for them to be so lenient with me. // The only thing putting a damper on his vacation was Voldemort and even that issue seemed very far away at this moment.

Folding his arms behind his head, Harry smiled and closed his eyes thinking of his friends, his godfather and returning to Hogwarts. However it was not a moment later that his rest was interrupted by the arrival of a small tawny owl with a letter bearing the Hogwarts crest. Intrigued as to what it might contain since it definitely was not his school supplies list this early on in the summer, Harry hastily ripped open the letter and read:

Dear Mr. Potter,

Due to an occurrence of events, your presence is required at Hogwarts for an important meeting including a number of your professors and myself. You will be escorted to the school by one Remus Lupin who will arrive at your place of residence at precisely 12:00 p.m. on Sunday the 13th of June. Please be packed and ready to go with all of your necessary things, as you will not be returning to your relatives for an undetermined period of time.


Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Harry stared at the parchment with wide eyes as he reread it twice more. He was leaving the Dursleys and going to Hogwarts…Showing an incredible amount of self restraint, Harry managed to retain the whoop of joy that threatened to escape his lips as he did not believe that his relatives, who were taking a nap inside, would appreciate it very much. //I'm going back to Hogwarts! Wait, the 13th is tomorrow, I've got to pack! // And with that thought, he rushed inside, anxious to get ready for his departure.

* * *

It was five minutes to twelve on Sunday when Harry dragged his trunk from upstairs and placed it in the foyer. All three of the Dursleys were sitting in the living room with a mixture of fear over the soon to be arrival, and excitement that Harry was leaving.

They didn't have to wait much longer though because at exactly twelve p.m. sharp, there was a soft knock on the front door, and Harry raced to it, nearly tripping over his trunk in the process, and flung it open. There, standing on the front steps with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face, was the one and only Remus Lupin.

"Professor!" Harry yelled whilst he threw himself into the other man's arms who laughed and only just managed to catch him in time.

"Harry, do me a favor and never call me professor again as I am no longer your teacher and you are no longer my student. Besides, it makes me feel old." He said with a grin.

"Oh, alright…Mr. Lupin." Remus' eyes narrowed as Harry ineffectively tried to hide a smile.

"Nor are we business associates." He grumbled. "We are friends. And as such I expect you to call me by my given name. Or Moony." He added as an afterthought.

"Fine, fine." The younger boy replied holding his hands up in mock surrender. "But you should have seen your face when I called you Mr. Lupin, it was priceless." And this time he was not able to contain the smile. Remus still looked slightly miffed that his young charge had had the audacity to call him such a thing, but none the less was still amused as he broke into a grin and ruffled Harry's already messy hair.

But just then the good mood was spoiled by a deep grunt from the house. The two turned to see the Dursleys lurking in the hallway trying not to look too anxious by the presence of a fully trained legal wizard in front of their house.

"Well, hello there." Remus said in a pleasant voice that was edged with ice, the one reserved for people he didn't like but was willing to put up with. People that usually tended to be Severus Snape.

"Who are you?" Vernon asked gruffly once he managed to find his voice.

"My name is Remus Lupin. I am a friend of Harry's and am here to pick him up."

"Well good." Vernon replied looking a bit surer of himself. "There he is and there's his stuff" he said pointing to the trunk. "Now leave. I don't enjoy people of your kind hanging around my family or my home." The werewolf's eyes glittered dangerously and a very low growl rumbled from deep within his chest. Never before had Harry seen the likes of the glare that was leveled at the Dursleys from his former professor and he was quite relieved that he was not on the receiving end of it. It was then that he realized how much a part of Remus the wolf really was.

"Well Mr. Dursley, your lack of hospitality astounds me. Never before have I met such a distasteful person and I assure you I have made quite a few peoples' acquaintances. Now, I have a great amount of self control over my temper which keeps me from evoking any bodily harm on you however, I can't say the same for Harry's godfather Sirius Black. So, unless you wish to get involved with an overprotective convict, I suggest that you keep your mouth shut while Harry and I get ready to leave if you know what's good for you." Then, ignoring the trembling relatives, Remus quickly gathered up the trunk and then pulled out a plain looking quill. "Ready to go?" He asked the black-haired boy. Harry didn't answer, just took hold of the quill in Remus' hand and soon found himself standing in front of the Hogwarts' gates.

After casting a levitation charm on the trunk, chatting amiably, Remus and Harry started their journey up the long pathway that led to the school. They discussed everything from Defense Against the Dark Arts to Quidditch and Harry began to feel that the year or so that had passed since they had seen each other had never happened at all.

"Um Remus?" Harry asked when they were nearly upon the school.


"What am I doing here? I mean, what's this all about, what's going to happen?" The older man was quiet for a minute before responding.

"To be honest Harry, I don't rightly know. I believe that it has to do with Voldemort and concerning your safety, but other than that, the Headmaster has told Sirius and I nothing."


"Well, yes…oh Harry I forgot to tell you! Sirius will be staying at the castle as well; in fact he's up there right now. We both came up the day after all the students left for vacation. It just completely slipped my mind that you didn't know that we had come back."

"Sirius is up at the castle?"


"Well then what are we doing hanging around here for?!" And with that Harry sprinted off with Remus close behind. In a couple of minutes, he had made it to the front doors and rushed in after yanking them open. It was when he stopped in the middle of the entrance hall that he realized that he had no idea where to go, which could therefore pose a bit of a problem. But just then, a shout of "Harry!" from above him caught his attention. Hurrying down the grand staircase toward him was just the person that he wanted to see. Sirius Black.

Running to meet him halfway, Harry soon found himself locked in a tight embrace and was amazed at the sudden relief he felt from this simple gesture and the whispered "Missed you."

"I missed you too. Two months is much too long to be away, let's not do that anymore alright?" He felt Sirius nod his head, but nothing else was said and the two only broke apart when they heard Remus coming up behind them.

"Sirius, do you really think that you should be running around in your human form like that? Anyone could just walk in here at anytime."

"Oh don't worry so much Moony old pal!" Sirius replied joyfully. "No one's going to be coming in here unless Dumbledore knows about them. You saw those wards he set up yesterday. And besides, everyone else already here knows that I'm innocent so everything is just dandy!"

"Fine, but just make sure that you don't go outside like that ok? You could wander too far and go past the perimeter of the school then maybe stumble upon someone who *doesn't* know that you're innocent and then they might-" Remus' tangent was unfortunately cut short by Sirius who had sighed audibly and rolled his eyes before slinging an arm around his godson.

"You see Harry, this is what he was like when he was younger too. And do you know how hard it was to try and pull pranks when you have Professor Lupin there breathing down your neck and warning you about all the things that could go wrong?" Harry's chuckle was quickly stifled as he caught sight of the dark look that Remus was shooting in their direction but Sirius simply continued on, oblivious, completely unaware of the thin ice that he was treading on.

"Eventually your father and I managed to loosen him up and he turned out to be quite a good marauder. But now, I'm afraid that due to his time spent as a teacher, he's reverted back to having that giant broomstick up his-" Suddenly Sirius let out a high pitched girly shriek as he was tackled from behind by a none too happy werewolf.

The fight didn't last long as Remus already had the advantage and soon Sirius gave up the futile struggle for freedom with a scowl on his face.

"I'd watch what you say about your friends next time Padfoot" Remus told him smugly as he helped the other man off the floor. "Next time I may do more than just embarrass you in front of your godson." Thankfully they made it to the Gryffindor tower without further incident and once Harry had dropped his things in the 5th year dorm, the three settled down to a delicious lunch graciously provided by Dobby in the common room.

Afterwards, he told them stories of his first couple of years at Hogwarts that they found entertaining once they had gotten over the shock and finished scolding him for his recklessness. However he stayed as far away from his life at the Durselys' as possible as he didn't think that it would go over too well. It was only when Remus pointed out that they were late for their meeting with Dumbledore that they all scrambled out of the portrait hole and headed for the stone gargoyle on the 5th floor.

Upon entering the familiar circular room that was Dumbledore's office, Harry was surprised with the sight of not just the headmaster but also professors Snape and McGonagall. They were situated side by side on a purple velvet couch to the left of the headmaster's large mahogany desk and they looked as usual, Snape with his trademark sneer, and McGonagall with her patented frown.

"Ah! Welcome, welcome. Glad to see you all could make it!" Dumbledore greeted them. //Like anyone would ever say no to him// Harry scoffed mentally. //The day that happens is the day that I find Snape to be a sensitive, caring person. // After being ushered into armchairs in front of the desk and offered large assortment of muggle candy and five different flavors of tea, it appeared that the headmaster might be ready to get down to business. Turning to the confused, shaggy haired boy in front of him, he smiled.

"Now Harry, I assume your wondering why you were brought here today."

Instead of responding with the more inappropriate thought that his brain had immediately come up with, Harry merely nodded and replied, "Yes sir." Blue eyes twinkled behind half moon spectacles.

"Well the reason is this. With the sudden uprising of Voldemort we have a situation on our hands concerning your safety." //Uh-oh, why does this not sound good? // "What I've decided to do is have you relocated to a place that is…well, let's call it a safe haven. You will attend school there with specialized, private tutors, live there year round; it will basically be your new home your for the next three year-"

"What?!" Dumbledore never got a chance to finish his sentence as both Sirius and Remus had jumped out of their seats and were furiously demanding explanations for the headmaster's outlandish decision. Oddly enough, Harry didn't make any noise at all.

"Sirius, Remus *please!*" Both men stopped dead. "The least you could do is let me finish before you start protesting and making accusations. You need to first understand the circumstances." Looking sheepish, they once again took to their seats. "Thank you. Now, people have always said that Hogwarts is the safest place on earth. However that seems to be the exact opposite for young Harry here. //Young Harry? He did *not* just say that did he? //

"Well you can hardly expect otherwise with the boy's natural ability to seek out trouble can you Albus?" Snape asked from the corner. Sirius growled and started for the man but was swiftly deterred by Remus. Ignoring the interruptions, the headmaster continued.

"Frankly I don't believe that Harry is anywhere near being sufficiently protected. Despite our best attempts in the past, Harry has always managed to allude every single professor including me, and stumble upon unfortunate situations, which I'm sure you've heard about so you know what I mean." Dumbledore finished, his voice filled with mirth.

"But Albus are you sure just carting him away somewhere //I love how they talk about me as if I'm not here. // is the best thing to do? You'll be taking him away from everything he knows! His school, his friends, us…" he gestured to himself and Remus who was sitting on the other side of Harry. But before Dumbledore could answer, Harry spoke up.

"Sirius it's all right. Granted it won't be fun being by myself for most of the year, but I'm sure we'll get to visit, and there's always the holidays, and of course we'll still write letters…we'll make it work, I promise." The headmaster coughed loudly and brought their attention back to himself.

"Actually Harry, you won't be able to do any of those things." Paying no attention to the shocked looks on their faces he said, "The whole point is to keep you safe and the fewer people that know where you are the better. If you visited, you could be tracked. If you owled, they could be intercepted. After you leave I *will* inform Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger of the circumstances, but the best way to handle this is to remove you completely till you are able to finish your schooling. Or" He added after a moment's pause that looked to Harry as if he were debating with himself to say anything else "until it is necessary to bring you back here for whatever purpose. Professor's Snape and McGonagall will be your escorts to your new residence and will get you situated. You will go back to the tower and get your things and will leave with them once you are ready. This matter is not up for discussion," he said, holding his hands up to Sirius and Remus who were fuming. He gave them each meaningful looks as if he were begging them to understand "It is for the best. Think about Harry's safety. Isn't it more important then whether or not *you* are personally happy with this new arrangement? Besides," he added "With Voldemort's rising, Harry's stay at Hogwarts could not only hurt him, but it could also prove a danger to the other students as well."

That did it. Dumbledore had pulled the ultimate card. He knew both Sirius and Remus would do anything in order to keep Harry safe and he had played on that. Remus gave a resigned sigh while Sirius bowed his head in defeat. This wasn't fair. He had just gotten his godson back. He shouldn't have had to loose him again so soon.

Dumbledore looked back again at Harry with sadness in his eyes. "I'm very sorry it had to be this way Harry, I know how hard it must be for you but please understand that it's the right thing."

The Boy Who Lived was silent. On the outside, his face was the very epitome of calm indifference, watching the scene enfold before him passively. But inside, he was mad. No, this went beyond mad. It went beyond angry, furious, and even livid. Harry Potter wasn't mad, he was enraged. How *dare* these people think they had the right to dictate his life as they saw fit, never once asking him his opinion. It was only his life after all. Why bother finding out if he had any plans of what he wanted to do with it? They saw him as public property. He belonged to everyone did he not? Being the savior of the wizarding world and all that. What did it matter that they had never bothered to participate in his life for the first eleven years, leaving him to grow up miserable and alone. Big deal that he had emotional scars so deep that even he didn't know how far they ran, from being tormented and abused by people that were supposed to be his family. Who cared that he wasn't sure if he would ever stop believing the idea that he was just a worthless freak unfit for love by anyone or anything, they still had the right to order him around as they pleased right? //No. //

Standing slowly, Harry kept his eyes locked on Dumbledore's which were no longer twinkling. His face remained an expressionless mask yet he still wondered if the older man knew what he was thinking.

"No." Dumbledore seemed confused by this response. Maybe it was because no one had ever said 'no' to him before. //Hmm, I guess this means that Snape really *is* a nice guy… //

"I'm sorry Harry but the decision has already been made. You will be leaving-"

"NO!" The five adults stared at the fifteen-year-old wizard standing in front of them, all too shocked to say anything. This couldn't be the sweet, innocent, naïve boy that despite his issues with rules, had always remained placidly excepting towards adults, giving them the respect their position deserved (well except maybe for Snape…). Who figured that they knew what was best, so he would do well not to argue; especially if that adult happened to be Albus Dumbledore whose mere name could commanded respect from all those around.

But there he was, openly defying the man and not looking the least bit sorry for it. "I refuse to keep sitting around and having you all run my life for me. I'm tired of everyone thinking that they have the right to dictate everything I say and do just because I am the bloody Boy Who Lived! Do you all think that I'll just nod my head and agree while you toss me aside for a couple years until you think that I'll prove beneficial to you in the war? Because that is what you meant earlier isn't it? I'll stay there until I've graduated or until you need me to come back and kill Voldemort for you, but until one of those things happens I'm to stay there because you don't want my presence getting anyone killed? Well I'm sorry that you think I'm such a liability to the effort, but if I was such a burden you could have just said so instead of dancing around the issue like you always do! I managed just fine on my own without the help of any of you for the first part of my life and just so you know, from now on I'll make damn well sure that I don't need your help for however long I live after this!" With that said he turned on his heel and fled the room not giving any of them time to react.

He ran along the corridors as fast as he could in the general direction of the Gryffindor tower. Luck seemed to be on his side now because none of the staircases decided to change direction on him halfway up the steps and he didn't see one single teacher, ghost or even peeves along the way. As he turned another corner into a new corridor and burst through a tapestry, he began thinking back to what he had just said to his professors and godfather. He mentally berated himself but he couldn't help the overwhelmingly pleased feeling he was getting from it. Sure they all meant a lot to him, and yes he felt slightly guilty about what he had said, but he was sick and tired of not being able to have a normal life. He kept running until he made it to the portrait of the fat lady and after shouting the password he sprinted inside and upstairs to his dorm room.

Heading for his stuff he quickly unlocked the trunk and pulled out his satchel. But instead of the usual books, he threw in his invisibility cloak and wand, his bag of money from his Gringotts vault and key, a spare set of robes, and finally the album of pictures of his parents that he had gotten from Hagrid in his first year. After tossing his cloak about his shoulders, he picked up his bag and Firebolt and headed for the window, which he pushed open. //I may not ever be allowed to live a normal life, but at least the life I live from now on will be my own. // And with that, he jumped on his broomstick and took off out the window. It would be a long time before Harry Potter saw Hogwarts again.

* * *

So, what did you think? Be my friend and review! All opinions excepted, but since I have a twisted sense of humor, flames will be laughed at.