Theseus held up a finger to his lips, beseeching Newt and Tina to keep quiet. His other hand continued to stroke Leta's hair.

He was pale and a little sweating, as if having just fought off a fever. His normally bright blue eyes were dim with exhaustion and his hand shuddered slightly each time he lifted it. But he was smiling, a look of contentment etched across his fingers.

'Thank goodness you're all right,' Newt said softly, approaching the side of his brother's bed. 'If that spell had-'

'It's all right, Newt,' Theseus whispered back. Newt's speech subsided and he look up at his brother gratefully. Words had never been Newt's area of expertise; it was a mercy that Theseus understood his relief without him having to express it verbally.

Tina came up beside Newt. 'Theseus, I'm so sorry I didn't-'

'Don't even think about it,' he said, softly but sternly. 'You didn't fire that curse. Besides, I believe I have you to thank for bringing me to St Mungo's. Everything's all right.'

A smile touched Newt's lips as he looked meaningfully at Tina. Theseus noticed the exchange, and guessed that Newt must said as much several times while he'd been unconscious.

'It's really all right, Tina,' Theseus repeated.

They were distracted by Leta stirring. Everyone stopped talking and looked over at her, but she simply shifted, sighed contentedly, and continued to sleep.

'She can't possibly be comfortable there,' Tina mused, then instantly regretted it as a flinch of guilt crossed Theseus' face. He found Leta's presence comforting, especially after having lived through her death so many times during the night. It must have been an unfortunate side effect of the curse.

'Perhaps we should move her...' Theseus began to suggest, but Leta stirred beneath his touch again and this time, she awoke.

'Theseus?' It took Leta a moment or two to get her bearings, but she was soon wide again and hovering over Theseus, laughing and crying all at the same time. 'Theseus, oh, thank Merlin you're all right. I was so worried. You're so pale! And cold - maybe we can get some more blankets-'

'Leta, darling, I'm all right,' Theseus gripped her hands as tightly as he could in his weakened state to stop her rambling.

'We'll go get some extra blankets,' Tina said tactfully, and dragged Newt out of the room. Theseus waved at them gratefully, but Leta didn't even notice. She was too busy running her gaze across Theseus' face, taking in every feature - his curly hair flat and wet on the pillow, his cheeks sallow against his high cheekbones, his jawline stark, his eyes tired and a little moist...Merlin, if she'd lost him...

'I'm all right, really,' Theseus repeated. 'I'm a little tired and all, but I'll be fine, Leta.' This was a stretch, because he was still far from all right, and Leta knew it. A stray tear escape the corner of her eye, and Theseus reached up to wipe it away. His hand, having removed the salty teardrop, followed her hairline down to the ear and tucked in a few stray strands. Then, exhausted, he dropped his hand down, where it landed on her.

'Thank Merlin,' Leta whispered again, and she leant down to press a kiss to Theseus' lips. It was just a peck, lasting just a moment, but right now, it felt like heaven on Earth to Theseus. Then all of a sudden, her features were stern. 'Theseus, why didn't you wake me?'

A smile drifted across his lips as he recalled that blissful memory, waking up from his worst nightmare to find the girl of his dreams sleeping in a chair by his bed. Her sleep was clearly restless, but he laid a hand on her smooth black hair and she calmed down immediately. Theseus recounted this to Leta, and her tiny burst of irritation disappeared in an instant.

'You had me worried sick,' Leta whispered. She returned to her seat in her chair, but pushed it a little closer to the bed so she could continue holding Theseus' hand and looking into his eyes.

'I know, darling, I'm sorry.'

'No, don't be. If I ever get my hands on Rosier, well.' She let out a sounds somewhere between a snarl and a scoff. 'Merlin almighty wouldn't be able to help her.'

Theseus knew Leta's temper and grinned. 'I believe that.'

They stared into each other's eyes for a little longer, perhaps a few minutes, or perhaps several hours, until they were interrupted by the Healer.

'Ah, excellent, Mr Scamander. You gave us quite the turn,' she said, bustling around the bed to fluff up his pillows. 'But it should be a smooth and steady course of recovery for now. I have explained to Miss Lestrange the potions you must take. Bedrest for a week and a further two weeks of light duties only, working from home.' Theseus opened his mouth to protest, but she added sternly, 'No arguments. Miss Lestrange and I came to this agreement last night and she has agreed to enforce it.'

Theseus turned to Leta with an expression of mock horror. She have him a half-teasing, half-serious look in return.

'Excellent,' said the Healer, sensing that they understood each other. 'I'll leave you to it.'

She bustled out of the room, leaving Leta to administer Theseus' morning dose of several potions.