This is my second fanfiction. And for those who have read my first one, just know that I will try to update. I just can't figure out where to go next with it.

Alec's POV

"Your arms are like sooo big!" She screamed over the loud music, squeezing my biceps. Why won't she leave? I am clearly giving off a 'leave-me-alone' vibe, she is ignoring it or she is just that stupid. The seating situation didn't help either. She almost on top of me, trying to push her obvious fake boobs against me, hoping I get a hard-on from them. Not likely. "Do you workout?" Then there's that voice of hers, that irritatingly high-pitched voice. It reminds me of the sound a chalkboard makes when you drag your nail down it, painful. My ears are crying for help. Her pointless question has gone unanswered once again. She has been going at this since I walked into the party nearly three hours ago. I didn't even want to come, my idiot siblings forced me to come. I blame them. I could be in my dorm studying for the exam I have in a week. But, no, I'm stuck here listening, uninterestingly, to some whiny ass white girl talks about my muscles. I don't exactly remember the host of this party, nor did I care, I just want to leave.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Ah, it's the question I have been waiting for, just so I could throw in her face that I am 100% gay. Setting my untouched cup on the trashed table in front of me. The cup I was only holding so this annoying pest doesn't try to get me one to put a roofie in it. I wouldn't be surprised. My little sister, Izzy, shoved the plastic red cup into my hands; I still have no idea what the alcoholic drink contains and I want to stay that way. The real question is: how Izzy, who is still in high school, managed to get herself invited to a college party. The second I turned to face her, her cheeks burst with a bright red. Must be the alcohol, I thought. Before I could answer her question, someone decided that it is okay to sit on my legs.

"Wha–," Is my brilliant response as the person's arm, who I now realized is a man, circles around my neck.

"HEY BABY!" He screams in my ear, before placing a slobbery kiss on my cheek. This man is completely drunk. The woman beside me is, for once, speechless, looking as equally shocked as me, maybe even more so.

"Who the hell are you?! You interrupted my moment!" Yeah, her moment to get shot down. Her scream is drawing attention to us. I can only imagine what we look like: A girl yelling at the man who is on another man's lap after just kissing his cheek. Are we a reality show? I groaned mentally.

"Who am I?" Such a sexy voice. Wait! Did I really just think that?! The man, who has yet to reveal his name, mockingly asked. He raised his tanned, manicured hand to his chest as if he is astounded that she would even ask while his beautifully unusual green eyes with golden flakes flared with amusement. Wait! Beautiful? What's happening?! "I happen to be his boyfriend, you slut!" What?! I'm pretty sure I would remember being in a relationship with this handsome man. Who in their right mind would forget that?

"Boyfriend?" Wow, did she really just ignore the fact that this man called her a slut. She has her priorities set out, to get a man. I can't tell if that is disgust or surprise lining her shaky voice from not realizing that she was flirting with a gay, and taken, man for three hours. The people around us snickered at her poor attempt to nab a man, at least they found it amusing, I would too but I am clearly distracted at the moment. The still unknown man on my lap nodded, jostling his blue tipped raven hair, as a cocky smirk enveloped on his glossy lips. This man is really hot. But what is his name? Without saying another word, she quickly got up and walked away to find, my guess, another target, probably one who isn't gay. I didn't realize how lost in thought I am, as the man shifted from my lap to the recently unoccupied spot next to me. It isn't until he spoke that I am suddenly aware of how close his face is, not that I minded, I actually quite enjoyed it.

"Hi. My name is Magnus Bane." I have no trouble hearing his enticing voice, even as the music is blaring in my eardrums, it's almost like we are the only two in the room. Oh My Gosh. How cheesy! I am so glad I thought that instead of saying it. That would be embarrassing. Magnus stuck his hand out, waiting for me to introduce myself. I pulled a nervous half-smile onto my lips, cursing myself for my stupidity.

"Alec Lightwood," I reached my hand out and grasped his, shaking it. "Nice to meet you." I stared into those eyes, that appeared almost cat-like, getting lost. How much time had past is unclear as I became conscious that our hands are still clasped together. I instantly retracted my hand, placing it on my lap. Silence filled the space between us as I looked anywhere but him while Magnus is eying him up and down, I could feel it. "Thank you. For getting rid of that girl."

"You are most welcome, Alexander." I pretty sure Magnus didn't register that his words and tone sounded shocked.

"What?" I am well aware of what he said and the way my name came out of his mouth is having me take back all I said about regretting coming here. But I am also alert to the numerous eyes, watching us. "I can't hear you, Magnus. Do you wanna head outside?" Did I really say that? Aren't I a bold one. I watched as a bitter expression crossed Magnus' face before it broke out into a smirk. Did I say something wrong? By the angel, does he hate me, now? The second he nodded a smile broke out onto my face. Getting up from the black leather loveseat and making our way to the door, pushing past intoxicated college students along the way. We grabbed our coat from the closet and stepped outside the door. We, quietly, walked to the elevator to head down to the lobby then stepped out into the wintery air. Looking towards the man next to me, I noticed Magnus wearing a long, thin leather coat. He rubbed his hands together trying to stay warm. I could let this happen. I took off my rather large coat and placed on Magnus's broad shoulders. He looked startled as looked up at me but I just smiled, not daring to turn my gaze to those tempting orbs of his. Deciding, instead, to study his exquisite features, committing every nook and cranny to memory.

"You seemed cold," I explained, simply, as if it's nothing. He didn't say anything, just stared, seeming to be having an internal turmoil. "Are you warmer now?" I finally looked at him, only to catch him in the act of, with absolutely no shame, gazing at my body. His eyes snapped up to meet mine, nodding his head, like he didn't trust himself to speak, before switching his focus to the street. "That's good."

We stood in silence, watching as cars zoomed past. I felt so comfortable that I didn't even know how long our silence lasted, nor did I care. I wished for this moment to never end but Magnus has other plans. "I can't take it anymore!" His loud scream is evident of his disliking of the stillness filling between us. Anger entered his eyes as he turned to me, "I need answers, Alexander."

"What answers? What do you mean?" I am really confused. What is he talking about?

"I mean what is this?" Gesturing to the two of us with his hands. "I have an idea what your deal is!" My deal? "When we first met, I had to introduce myself, and trust me, that almost never happens because everyone knows who I am." Conceited much? I scoffed mentally but otherwise remained silent waiting until Magnus has finished his tangent. But he does look cute when he's mad so I let it go. "Then you take me out here and give me your jacket, for no personal gain other than you thought I was cold. The others I've been with wouldn't have cared, they would have gone to the nearest hotel." Then you've been with shitty people. I am quite elated, though I'm trying not to show it, that Magnus is thinking about me, us, this much and being so forward with his feelings. I, thinking his rant is done, am about to voice my opinions on the matter when he cuts me off muttering his outspoken thoughts, his eyes latching onto the sidewalk beneath us. "Am I that unattractive that you're treating me like a friend? Or are you, in fact, that bad at showing your emotions? Are you even gay?" Before he could ramble anymore, I interjected to clarify a few things.

"Whoa, Magnus," I exclaimed, grasping Magnus's shoulders drawing his attention back to me. "First, why would we even go to a hotel? What's the point?" I feel him trying to break out of my grip. I guess he didn't like my answer. I tighten my clutch on his shoulders. "I mean, we only just met, that's a little too quick in my opinion. I like to take my time, even though this will be my first." He finally stopped struggling as his golden-flaked orbs begin to widen. "Second, you are very attractive, a lot more than any man ever." A blush overtakes his face as I take a deep breath before continuing. Revealing your feelings to an almost complete stranger, that may or may not become your boyfriend, is hard. "Third, yes, I am that terrible with showing emotions of any kind. Not that it seems to be a problem now. It just takes me a while to trust anyone. Sorry if you thought I was leading you on." I see the hope flashing in those breathtaking eyes as I begin to answer the final question. "And finally, yes, I am gay. I don't know when it started," Okay, the last part may or may not be a lie but it's not like I' m not going to tell him the actual truth, not yet anyway. I only just met the guy. "I realized it in high school and became a closet gay but I'm in college now so I thought it was time to expose my rainbow to the world." I watched as Magnus' luscious lips turned upwards forming a heavenly smile. So beautiful.

It is only now that I am suddenly aware of how close we are, must have happened between his rant and my confession, a mere inch dividing us. But, of course, before anything interesting happened, involving lips, the door to the lobby slammed open. We broke apart just as the person in the doorway jumped on me. Not expecting it to happen, I almost fell over before steadying myself.

"Iz, let me go before you crush my spine!" I screamed, once I realized who tried to almost kill me, trying and failing to push my unusually strong little sister off. A deep laugh exploded out from behind her, I looked to see my brother, Jace, clutching his stomach. When I finally managed to detach her, she starts to spew question after question, not giving me any time to answer.

"Whoa, Izzy, breathe. One at a time." Jace's usual arrogant tone protruded the air which seemingly calmed her down, weird. She inhaled a deep breath then exhaled.

"Why didn't you text or call that you were leaving first? I was so worried when I couldn't find you!" Izzy screamed in my face, her pointer finger extended at me as she shook it furiously.

"I'm sorry, mom. I didn't know I had to tell you everything." I sassed back at her before a large blush covered my face. They walked in on me and Magnus almost kissing! How embarrassing!

"And another thing–," Before my sister could go into one of her rants, Jace interrupts her.

"Who is he?" Pointing to Magnus, who is trying to hide behind me. Cute. As if just realizing that someone else is here, Izzy's brunette orbs sparked with curiosity as they snapped to the figure behind me.

"Hi, I'm Magnus Bane." His tone alone is evidenced enough of how nervous he is. Stepping out from his hiding spot, giving a small wave.

"Alec, my dear big brother," I could just tell by Izzy's sickly sweet tone that I will never forget this moment, she is not going to let me. "Is this handsome man your…." She trailed off, waiting, excitingly, for me to elaborate. I glanced at the man in question, narrowing my eyes, before redirecting my gaze to my eager sister. Now, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't mess with her?

"You know," I started, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, drawing her close to my chest. I brought my lips to her ear and in a gruff tone, so only she could hear, I continued, "Before you so rudely barged on us, I was just about to make a move." I released her of my hold only to break out in laughter at her expression on her face. Her mouth is gaped open, eyes bulging out to the size of bowling balls, and her eyebrows rose a notch. I, Alec Lightwood, have made my sister speechless. Well, there's a first for everything.

"Um, well, um, wait down there." She quickly latched onto Jace's arm, pulling him down the sidewalk without warning, all the while he demanded to know why his 'perfect' self is being assaulted. After they left, the silence returned between us, our eyes darted around never meeting for more than a second.

Well," I coughed, letting a breath of hesitation out, "That was awkward." Magnus shook his head in agreement, looking up to meet my eyes.

"Soooo…." Magnus drawled out. "I need to head back upstairs and try to get everyone out of my apartment so I can sleep." If he is trying to hide his sadness, he is not doing a great job.

"Wait, that is your party?" He nodded. "I didn't know. My siblings forcefully dragged me here. I'm not much of a party person." I honestly told him. But if you are there, I wouldn't mind.

"I could tell." He giggled. I am never going to not fall in love with his laugh.

"I'll see you later." The words sounded more like a question then I would have like it to be. Do I sound desperate or what?

"Definitely." His enthusiastic smile, revealing two rows of pearly whites, warmed my heart. How can someone be this beautiful? I began to walk in the direction of my siblings but his tanned hand caught my wrist, stopping me. Feeling something gliding across the back of my hand, I turned around to look at him. He's writing numbers with a pen.

"Goodbye, Alexander." He said before making his way inside the building. I started my trek once again to my sibling, who were anxiously waiting to hear what happened. Well, Izzy is anxious. I paid no attention to her pestering stares as I gazed at the numbers written on my hand.

"He wrote seven numbers on my hand. What could that possibly mean?" I muttered under my breath and, somehow, Izzy heard it and broke out into a fit of laughter.

"It means to call him!" She exclaimed.

"Iz, how am I supposed to call him when I don't have his– ohhh…." I felt incredibly stupid that I didn't realize the seven digit number inscribed on my hand is a phone number.

"I never knew you were this stupid, Alec. Are you sure you're the eldest?" Jace teases, throwing his arm around my shoulder. We walked down the street, laughing, as Izzy began to plan my outfit for my date, my first date.

"Wait, isn't the car in the other direction?" Jace asked.

I hope everyone enjoyed my fanfiction! Please comment and tell me what you think or if there changes you think I should make. Be as honest you want.