A/N: Hello again, hope you have all been doing better than I have, because I am so sick right now. Add to the fact that a very important family event is coming up, and I have no idea when this will come out. Oh well onto the reviews!

CaptainBorisson: It actually is from the short comic, which is based off HxH. Thank you reddit!

Waka Metalbelly: I like writing them. Why would I stop if I enjoy them?

Blaise Welshman: Thanks for the concern, it helps. I don't know why I didn't like it, I personally think I just don't like writing Piggot.

Alright, onto the story!

Danny Pov

Danny Hebert knew he wasn't a patient man, what with his legendary temper. But he liked to think he was a reasonable one. He can take a lot of shit, and the gangs of Brockington Bay knew that. However, when he received a call from the hospital that his super powered (maybe possessed) daughter is currently residing in one of their rooms after fighting two of the most powerful capes in the city, he would admit that he might have...exploded.

He would have to apologize to Kurt when he got back, but his daughter takes full priority. So with that thought he ran over to the hospital, evading heavy amounts of traffic in the process, busted through the doors, and ran as fast as he could to his daughter's room. When he finally arrived, his eyes widened when he saw his precious baby girl's condition.

Taylor waved a burned arm at her father, a sheepish smile on her charred face. "Hi Dad."

Danny Hebert approached his daughter, and gave her a gentle hug. He heard her sigh, and she whispered "Dad, I think I made a mistake."

He just rubbed the back of her head, not saying a word. He felt his daughter shiver "I made a big mistake, but I think it's okay. She saved them. All of them. Just like she promised."

He finally pulled back from his daughter, and just looked her in those glowing eyes. Taylor had a dreamy expression on her face, her cheeks red, and a satisfied smile on her face.

"Who knew it would feel so good?"


Taylor Pov

Taylor shook her head, returning to the present. She would reflect on this feeling later, right now her Dad was here, and she owed him an explanation. However she didn't feel comfortable speaking in the hospital, where anyone can hear her. She would tell him later, in the safety of her own home.

Taylor smiled at her Dad, and said "Sorry Dad, a lot has happened in the past few days. I'll tell you when we get home."

He frowned, but nodded his head. He said "I trust you, kiddo. Take all the time you need."

She smiled, but before she could respond the door opened and an exhausted corpse walked in. Its eyes had massive dark rings around it, and its face was incredibly pale. As it slowly lumbered towards them, Taylor realized that she recognized this zombie.

"Amy?! Is that you?"

Panacea nodded her head, and placed a hand on her arm. She said in a tone that would fit better on a robot then a human "May I have your permission to heal you?"

That is a normal thing, that normal humans say. Taylor shot a concerned look to her Dad. He only shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Taylor replied "Sure, go ahead."

Amy nodded and Danny watched in amazement as all of Taylor's burns were replaced with normal, healthy skin, making her appear as good as new. Amy nodded when her work was done, pulling back her hand and saying "You have a very strong body. I detected nothing wrong with it, and healed all of your injuries from the fight. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go to another patient."

As Panacea turned and started slowly shambling away, Taylor shot a quick glance to her father. She mouthed a few words, and he nodded in response. Smiling cheerfully, Taylor crushed a small violet orb in her hand.

They watched as a white hand gently wrapped around Amy. She kept on walking for a few seconds, before realizing what was going on. She turned her head and sent a bloodshot glare at Taylor. Taylor only smiled and Danny stood up, saying "I will let the nurses know that you need a few minutes with Taylor."

Amy stared in disbelief as Danny walked out the door, and turned her meanest death glare on Taylor. Taylor's response was to have the hand extend to her bed, and hold Amy gently on the bed. Amy doubled her glare, and Taylor politely ignored it, choosing to sit cross legged on the floor and close her eyes.

"Let me go."

Taylor opened one eye and said "No."

"Someone might be in critical condition, Taylor. If they die then it will be on your head."

Taylor felt a small blush on her cheeks at the thought but ignored the heat. "If someone needs you then the nurses will be right here. You need a break, and I am not letting you out until you take a breather."

"You sound like Vicky. But not even Vicky is this stupid."

Oh that felt good. She can help a friend and feel good at the same time. "I just took on Lung and Oni Lee today, I think we can both agree that I am not the brightest."

Amy growled and struggled. "Why don't my powers work on this thing!"

Taylor shrugged her shoulders . She made the hand open up, acting as both a blanket and means to keep Panancea down. "Powers are bullshit like that. You can't do anything but relax Amy. Seriously, I think you might kill your next patient from sheer fright."

Panacea just laid there glaring. She stopped struggling, and just sighed. "Fine, if it will make you let me go."

Taylor nodded her head, "Don't worry, I will be here in case anyone needs you."

Amy groaned, but a minute later she was fast asleep. Taylor smiled and sat on the floor cross legged. She may not know Amy well, but she knew that such a good person did not deserve such stress. With those thoughts, she closed her eyes, and said 'You are awfully quiet. Mind explaining something to me?'

No response.

Taylor felt a flash of anger. Of course Kiara would just let her stir in her own feelings. Now she had to face them alone. Like the guilt of not feeling anything at the murder of Lung. It was just like with the ABB memebers, but this time it felt even better. She felt no remorse over what happened to Lung. In fact, thinking about it just made her smile and desire something similar.

Kiara said that when someone fell completely to her, that is when she feels the best pleasure. It felt so good that she wondered how Kiara kept such a calm face as Lung died right in front of her. What sort of mindset made someone feel that way? It was one thing if they ended up in her womb, but this was different. There was nothing truly sexual there, but to Kiara it was something that gave her the greatest of delights.

She was missing something here, and the one person who could tell her why was currently keeping her mouth shut. It was tempting to try and meditate and end up in that place where she gained her eyes but that was a risk she did not wish to take. This may be a trap, and she couldn't afford to fall into anything of the sort.

Taylor sighed and stood up. She walked over to Amy's sleeping face. Unbidden her mind went into overdrive into how to bring that orgasmic pleasure again. A few words here, have her ignore her duties. Have her rely on Taylor to instruct her, letting her rest and relax. Then have her reject others, refusing to heal anyone except Taylor, making her all alone. She would rely only on Taylor, because she would find herself saved from such pain that she experienced today. She would worship Taylor, for she was the goddess that gave her something more. And it would all end when she would beg taylor to spend a night with her. Her expression would be ecstasy, even as she melted away.

Taylro blinked and slapped herself right in the face. Kiara unlocked something in her, and she wasn't entirely sure she liked it. She looked down at Amy's sleeping face. She needed to control herself, and figure this out before anyone gets hurt. Or worse.


3rd Person Pov

When her Dad finally returned, he saw the sleeping Amy and sent his daughter a thumbs up. Taylor shot a smile back, and watched as her father sat beside her, not saying a word. She sighed happily and leaned against him. It reminded her of when she was younger, before she met Kiara, and before her mom died. She closed her eyes, ignoring her thoughts and the heat, and just reminscised about happier days.

When she felt her father shift, she opened her eyes, thinking that Amy was awake and pissed. Instead, Armsmaster himself entered silently. He looked at the sleeping girl, and motioned with his head to leave the room. They both nodded, and left Amy there.

Amrsmaster turned and said "I don't know how, but somehow you managed to convince Panacea to rest. Thank you. Since the bombing, she has been working around the clock, saving as many people as she possibly could. Even after she has finished, she still insisted on working. Tell me, is there a reason why she healed you so late into the day?"

Taylor smiled sheepishly, "I told the doctors to hold Amy back from healing me as much as possible. I can survive my injuries thanks to my powers, but others can't."

Armsmaster nodded his head, "I understand, and I owe you another thanks. You saved those people in the bank. Even though it cost you your secret identity."

Taylor's eyes widened, and she shot a look with her Dad. "What do you mean?"

Armsmaster frowned, "When were shocked by Oni Lee's bomb inside the bank, your mask fell off. Unfortunately, the fight was posted on PHO, and it went viral. Among...other things, your face has been posted at least a thousand times in the past hour. The mods are doing their best to hide your identity, but it is too late. I am sorry, but your identity is compromised."

Danny shook and said "You're telling me there is nothing we can do!? Taylor just lost any semblance she had of a normal life, and the PRT can do nothing! Isn't it your job to-"


Danny turned towards his daughter, stopping mid tirade. He looked at his daughter, and noticed how she looked. Her face was red, her eyes slightly narrowed. She was hiding a lustful smile. The attention was getting to her.

"Its fine, It was my own choice. I just have to accept the consequences."

Armsmaster smile was slightly strained "That is very mature of you Taylor. Many people do not have such an outlook."

He straightened up, and he set his mouth to a more business look "I have to be honest with you, Taylor. The safest place for you right now is the Wards. We can offer you twenty four hour survelience of your home and school. We will make sure you are safe, both on and off the clock. I strongly suggest you join, the sooner the better."

Taylor shot a glance at her Dad, and sighed slightly. "I'm sorry Armsmaster, but honestly Im exhausted. I need to talk this over with my Dad. I said I would answer you by the end of the week, and I plan to keep to that. It is only a few more days."

Armsmaster frowned deeply, but nodded in consent. "So be it, I will leave you a card. If you need anything or plan to tell us your answer anytime sooner, please call. If not, then we expect you to come to the Rig in 3 days."

She nodded her thanks, and walked back into the room where Amy laid, tugging her Dad along. She obviously didn't want her father to get into any confrontations with Armsmaster. With how Danny was feeling, it was the right move.

Armsmaster stood there for a moment, and shook his head. His mind was already on something else. His Endbringer software was complete, he just needed Dragon to look it over, and possibly enhance it. They should have a reading by the end of next week.


Taylor Pov

1 hour later

"I am going to kill you Taylor."

Taylor smirked as she opened one eye. Her Dad already left, saying something about checking her out of the hospital and apologizing to some of his coworkers. So she waited and fulfilled her promise to Amy. "We both know you needed it. And there is no way you could stop me."

Amy sat up and whispered venomously, "For all you know you have just cost someone their life."

Taylor just smiled cheerfully, "You worry too much, whenever a doctor came in, they just took one look at you and said the call wasn't serious."

Taylor stood up, stretching and shaking her limbs. She cracked her neck, and paused for a second to lock eyes with Amy. "You know you aren't responsible for everyone, right? You made no promise to save them all. Why do you push yourself so hard, for nothing in return?"

Amy stood out of her bed. Her face was red with anger, Taylor was pretty sure she was going to hit her. Instead, she just said "You wouldn't understand. You don't have this power."

Taylor sighed at her words. "You're right, I don't have your power. But I do understand what it's like to have an overwhelming power."

She walked up to Amy, towering over her. Her eyes glowed softly, as she looked over the mousy girl. "Help me understand you. I want to help you."

A distrustful look. "Why? We barely know each other?"

Taylor smiled, letting some of her lust show. "Because it feels good. It feels good to help others."

Amy took a step back, hitting the bed. She had seemingly fearful expression on her face. Taylor shook her head slightly, snapping herself out of it, and said, "Look, I just want to help you. And...You know what, you have my number. Just call it, when you need me. I like you, and I also like Vicky. Lets...hang out sometime." She hated how her voice shook a little in the end. It's been far too long since she said those words.

Amy seemed unsure, but nodded. "Fine, but no promises."

Taylor nodded, feeling slightly giddy at her success. "That's all I ask. I better get going, Dads waiting for me in the lobby."


Danny Pov

When Danny and Taylor finally arrived home, they immediately went to eat dinner. Hospital food was not something they enjoyed, and they needed to have a long conversation over everything that has happened the past few days. So over a home cooked meal of lasagna, Taylor told her father how she was threatened by a super villain, took a deal with the devil, outplayed said supervillain and took on two of the most powerful capes in the city.

Danny paused mid bite, and rubbed his temples. "Remember when our problems were simpler? Instead of dealing with warlords and the literal embodiment of lust, we just had to deal with plain old bankruptcy. What happened to those days Taylor?"

Taylor sighed, exhausted from her story, "They died a horrible death, probably drugged up on cocaine and heroin."

They finished the rest of the meal in silence, and when the table was cleared, they just sat there in silence. Danny sighed and asked "Are you ok Taylor?"

Taylor smiled softly, "I told you before Dad, it only feels good." Her cheeks slowly turned red, and that smiled gained a depraved undertone "I want to feel it again. He fell completely into my hands. He didn't care about anything else, only me."

"Taylor?" Danny asked, slightly fearfully.

Taylor shook her head, her eyes wide. "Sorry Dad, ever since Lung, I've just been constantly thinking about it. It was the best feeling I have felt, second only to those ABB members."

She shook her head again, thinking to herself. "I think I will join the PRT. They might be able to help me with Kiara. She isn't answering me. I think I fell into a trap of hers, maybe the PRT has dealt with something similar."

Danny shook his head slightly "It's your decision Taytlor, but be careful. You have connections with two supervillains. And some of the things you've done is...villainous to them. You may have had no choice, but they will still want accountability. Just watch yourself, and keep in control."

Taylor smiled "Thanks Dad. But both Coil and Tattletale know better than to betray me. There powers will tell them that it's a bad idea, at the very least."

Danny nodded, but asked "Why did you decide to threaten Coil? I understand why you helped Tattletale, but why not tell the PRT about him?"

Tayler blushed slightly, looking away in slight embarrassment "You needed this job Dad. If people found out you worked for a Supervillain, than the Union is finished. I can't let that happen to you Dad."

Danny blushed at his daughter concern and smiled, "Thank you Taylor. It's good to see you still care about your old man."

Taylor smiled cheerfully, "I'm a Bodhisattva Dad, not some ungrateful bitch."

A/N: Sorry if it feels rushed, I am so busy right now. No omake for this one. I just wanted this chapter out. See you all next time.