Wednesday 20:47 pm

After a long walk to reach the village established by the Yetis.

Migo and Percy entered the cave that was the home of the Yeti.

Migo have finally returned and you have finally brought the lovely Percy, Hello.

Without warning Kolka receives both with an affectionate welcome, just as he snatches the small foot from Migo's shoulder.

Who is a beauty, you are, if you are, I miss you so much, as I love you so much Kolka said in a very affectionate way to the little human who at the same time stroked against his face.

I missed you too Kolka indicated a crushed Percy.

Calm Kolka, I know you're as excited as I was that Percy will be with us, but try a little to not crush him a lot Migo said, wanting to diminish Kolka's effusiveness a bit.

Yes, I'm sorry, I think I'm a little bit moved by placing Percy in his palm.

Quiet, I'm also excited to be with all of you I quote an equally cheerful Percy to the emotion of his hairy friend.

I want to believe that everyone is gathered inside, because I mentioned that I would pick up Percy.

Between so much talk, the hours passed.

Right, and tell me Percy, what is the function of this air transport you call plane, how is it possible that being so big and carrying all those humans can fly and travel from one place to another in such long distances asked Meechee.

Well, they are more technical things that I am not so informed about, but I suppose I can search my cell phone for a basic idea of its function and be able to explain it, Percy said while emitting a yawn because of how exhausted he was.

When Migo noticed the state of the small foot, he decided it was better to finish that day.

I think it's time we should end this meeting and allow Percy to rest.

Meanwhile Migo was taking the little foot that was in the circular table center where everyone had sat.

Or we go Migo, it's still too early to sleep, also I do not think that the small foot is tired said a little annoyed Fleem.

If I'm still not so tired, and before Percy finished his sentence, he gave another big yawn.

Are you really not tired, Percy? I ask Migo not so convinced.

Well maybe a little bit admitted defeated Percy by exhaustion.

Migo is right, it will be better to retire and allow Percy to rest, said the leader of the SES team.

See you in the morning. Migo, goodbye cute thing, see you tomorrow Kolka said goodbye to his loving style.

Come on guys, just a little more reneged one last time Fleem.

Nope, it's time to go, see you in the morning, rest both, Gwangi indicated as he headed to the exit dragging Fleem with him.

Listening at the end of Fleem's protest grunts that sounded for the exit of the cave being followed by Kolka who said goodbye one last time with his hand.

It's a shame that Brenda did not come too, it would have been more fun to be all together, "said Meechee a little dejected.

If I was a little unsure of coming because of some bad feelings I had, or because of the strong storms that would occur this week, Percy explained with a bit of difficulty because of the dream that was overcoming him.

Bad forebodings? Meechee questioned not so sure she understood what Percy had mentioned.

If I had some kind of intuition that something bad could happen, which is not the case here, Percy finally confirmed by laying on the hand of the yeti that held him.

Meechee could only observe something intrigued Percy by what he had mentioned of Brenda's bad feelings about his stay.

What could wrong? Meechee asked Migo, since the small foot had already fallen asleep.

Migo did not answer as he slightly raised his shoulders with doubt about what was mentioned by Percy.

Quiet Meechee, if we are all together and we would not allow anything bad to happen, I completely guarantee positive Migo.

Yes, you're right, good night Migo said Meechee as he retired to return home.

You too Meechee, good evening Migo said goodbye.

Al already in his bed lying with a Percy soundly asleep on his chest and his hand and a special blanket that covered him, could only watch with love and fascination the soft sleep of his little human waiting impatiently for the dawn of the coming day .

This will be the coolest week we will spend together and I will be able to confess the feelings I have for you Percy mentioned Migo with great longing and desire the moment he began to give himself to the world of dreams.

Meechee who had already arrived at home was very immersed thinking about the bad omens that were mentioned by Brenda.

If this bad feeling that Brenda mentioned can indicate a prophecy that may or may not be real, I can not take it lightly, I will have to be as alert as possible so that the stay of the little foot with us does not become a tragedy deduced Meechee a little uncertain.

To be continue...