I forgot to tell you guys last chapter the timeline of this story just so you guys have an idea. When she got to Japan and started at Ouran it was about December. Then some time has passed and when she has her spring flashback its about February, and when they are at the beach it is beginning April. Fast forward to where we are now it is End of April. Just keep that in mind I know I did not do well letting you guys know what months they are in.

Also you know the deal Italics is her flashbacks or her thinking you'll know which is which and bold is her singing. Also theres some questions I have for you guys at the end if you can spare a minute to read it and answer.

Anyways here we go chapter 19. *I do not own ouran or the song Human* sorry I always forget the disclaimer.

When I got home that afternoon I could hear Midori in the kitchen and the sweet smell of something baking in the oven.

"What are you baking?" I said smiling and then my mouth dropped open. "What in the world"

There was chocolate chip cookies on a plate, and snickerdoodle, and gingerbread man, brownies, and cupcakes all on one counter.

Midori held up one hand and said "I know I started baking your favorite, you know I thought you could use a pick me up. After your parents news and all, buuuut-" she dragged the u and then continued "I ended up baking a lot."

"I'll say. What are you baking now?" I asked

"A cake and don't worry its the last one" she walked over to the fridge and pulled out the whip cream and ice cream.

"You didn't?" I said all giddy with excitement.

"Didn't buy you your favorite cookie dough ice cream from ben and jerrys? Of course I did" she put a brownie into a bowl, scooped some ice cream on top, topped it off with whip cream and drizzled with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup.

"Yum I'm going to end up in a sugar coma" before I sat down on the stool I gave her a side hug.

"What's this for?" She asked touching my arm with her hand.

"Thank you hug. Not for the amount of sweets I'll have for days, unless I invite Huni-sempai over" I laughed a bit and said "it's a thank you for everything you have ever done for me. All the care, lessons, help, and most of all love that you've given me. I am who I am in part because of you. I love you and you'll forever be my mom, because you were one when I needed it most."

I felt a tear land on my arm and she wiped it away "that means a lot to me, you'll always be my little girl too"

We hugged for a couple more seconds before she lightly taped my arm and said "eat your dessert before the ice cream melts" We both laughed.

I sat down and put a spoonful of brownie with ice cream into my mouth. I was lucky to have Midori in my life, to be the mom that I needed. For love and discipline but support and guidance. Something I didn't get from my actual parents. I guess it's true what they say.

It's not blood that makes family, it's the people who are there for you, always there for you and stand by you. The ones that applaud you when you do something right and are brutally honest when you do something wrong. Those are the people who become family.

The next morning when I arrived at school things had definitely changed or rather the people did. As I was walking towards my first class, everyone was looking at me. The two girls who used to be part of Marinos group came up to me, one on each side.

"Felicity-san my parents are going to have a party this Saturday and they wanted me to invite you." She handed me an invite, which I didn't take it.

The other tweedle dee went around us and stood in front of her, she glared at her as she said to me "my parents are having a private exclusive dinner. Some of the most important people will be there and two are headmasters to two of the most prestigious music colleges in the world. I heard they are eager to meet you."

"Well I asked her first so" she bumped her out of the way "Felicity-san you will come won't you?"

"Felicity-san won't miss a great opportunity she has at my parents private dinner, right Felicity-san?" they started elbowing each other.

"Listen girls" they looked at me. "Sweet offers really but I'm already busy this weekend" and probably all weekends. "So if you'll excuse me I can't be late to class" I walked away from them.

If you thought that was the only offer I received you're wrong. I received many dinner offers, breakfast and lunch as well. I got Evites and special invitations for balls, parties, and basically every rich gathering you could think of. I had so many students act nice to me just cause they thought if doing so I would become their friend and their parents would be proud.

This wasn't just one day either. It was every day. Every. Single. Day.

That whole week, had I known things were going to be like this I would've waited till I finished high school at Ouran before announcing to the world who I really am.

By the time Friday came around I was so exhausted of all the attention I was receiving. I knew why they were doing it, acting all nice. I think thats why it exhausted me more, having to still fake a smile and resist the urge to yell at them to leave me alone.

I walked into the host club and threw myself on the couch, arm over my eyes. The couch was so comfy I swear I could fall asleep right now. Just close my eyes and concentrating on my breathing.

"Hey Felicity-"

"Ugh what! What now!?" I removed my arm to see Hikaru standing in front of me, hands up in self defense.

"geez never mind"

"Are you okay City?" Kaoru asked. The rest of the hosts were looking at me.

"I'm sorry Hikaru really. It's just the whole week it's been 'Felicity-san heres an invite to this' or 'Felicity-san heres some special chocolate from Germany'. When the real intent behind it all is for me to become fake friends with them. Either so their parents can be proud they're friends with a Saito or because their parents told them to become friends with me- a Saito. Ugh im so tired of it all, all the bs and I should've just not told my parents. I should've waited till after I was done with high school and maybe even college."

"Mommy our daughter said a bad word" Tamaki whispered a little wide eyed at one choice of words.

I exhaled loudly and laid my arm back over my eyes. "I'm getting a headache"

I was tapped lightly on my elbow and when I lifted my arm, there was Kyoya with some pills and a glass of water. I took them "thanks" I sat up to take them with the water.

"You need some relaxing, we could have a girls night" I didn't know Nao was there until she spoke, but since everything happened with Marino she had become very close with Haruhi and I. She started opening up some more and becoming her own person. Now that Marino wasn't around to control her.

"A girls night sounds nice" Haruhi chimed in.

"Lets make it a family night!" Tamaki yelled proudly putting his had on his chest

"That kind of defeats the purpose of having a girls night and to be honest a girls night sounds better then having all of you guys at my house. Not that it isn't good having you guys around I just think it would be better if it was just me, Haruhi, and Nao" Tamaki got sad and went into the corner of the room.

"Ignore him" Kaoru waved his hand "I think you girls should have a girls night"

"Then it's settled!" Nao was excited you could tell.

"Great then lets say 6pm you can come to my house. Haruhi I'll have my driver pick you up and I don't want to here any buts about it" she laughed and said okay.

"Now then the club is about to begin. Felicity could you get the tea ready" kyoya said writing in his notebook as always.

"Yes" I smiled, stood up and walked to the kitchen.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

If that's what you want

Be your number one

I sighed taking my hands off the piano keys.

"That sounded nice City" I looked towards the door, Haruhi and Nao stood there, bags in hand and pjs on.

"Thanks Nao, my parents want me to create two musical pieces and I'm just adding some lyrics to it." I said getting up from the piano seat. "So...theres pizza in the kitchen, I figured we could eat and watch a movie, then face masks. I also bought some paint and canvases so we can paint while watching another movie or something"

"Sounds great" Haruhi said.

"Then lets go im starving" Nao said.

We went down the stairs to the kitchen to grab the pizza and drinks, then went into the liing room. Earlier Midori helped me make the living room more comfortable. Making one big bed in the middle, moving the furinture out of the way into the corners of the room, and hanging string lights all over the cieling. We also turned on some candles on a table near the tv. It looked really cozy and looked like it came straight out of a chick flick movie.

We started watching pride and prejudice aweing at all the Mr. Darcy scenes and talking during the rest. When the movie finished we started our face masks and Nao asked me a quesion as she was putting the face mask on my skin.

"How are things between you and Kaoru?"

"Good I like him and being around him."

"You guys make a cute couple for sure"

Haruhi nodded in agreement trying not to smile with her face mask drying up.

Nao finished and started putting it on her face. "It's kind of funny the way he looks at you sometimes" she said

I looked at her questionably.

"He looks at you like he's completely captivated by you and everything you do" I looked away from her, hurting on the inside from her words.

I forced a laugh and said "well thats a good thing um I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom"

I stood up and went upstairs as quickly as I could. I shut the door and leaned my back against it. It wasn't her words and knowing that kaoru showed he liked me, that hurt me. It was the fact that Angel had said those exact words to me the night before the big party...about her brother.


It was friday night, tomorrow would be the last time we go out. After this we are supposed to be starting college early. I was in Angels room, sitting on one of her comfy chairs painting my toes with blue nail polish.

Angel came into the room all excited "look your fake id came" she sat at the end of her bed "introducing Felicia Anne Banit you just turned 21 yesterday" she stuck her arm out to give it to me and I reached over to take it.

I scrunched my nose "why this name?"

"You told me to pick whatever so I did. Don't come at me for not wanting to check to see if you liked it" she stuck her tongue out.

I stuck my tongue back at her and shook my head. "I'm going to get a drink you want anything?" I asked as I headed towards the door.

When I turned around she was already pulling a bag of lays chips from her drawer and a cherry coke. "You know Jude always ends up eating and drinking my stuff"

I shook my head and walked out of her room, towards the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen Jude was there and about to put the apple snapple jug back in the refrigerator "no don't I want some".

He turned around laughing and pulled out a glass cup from the cabinet next to the fridge. He poured some into the cup and gave it to me. "Thanks"

I took a sip and when I looked back at Jude he was just starring at me. "What?" Feeling self conscious I started touching my chin in case I had something on my face.

"Nothing" he said shaking his head

"Oh come on tell me!"

He looked up towards the ceiling something he usually did when he had something on his mind. He looked back at me, opened his mouth and then Angel walked in.

"Girl! I'm waiting for you so we can fix our hair! Whats up bro" she jumped up to sit on top of the counter.

"I was just getting a drink and was about to tell City how funny she looks when shes drinking" he looked at me and said "thats what I was going to say" he laughed and walked out of the kitchen.

That wasn't what he was going to say and I know that for a fact.

"That boy" I looked at her "he always looks at you like he's captivated by you"

"What? Jude? Your brother? No way" I shook my head and took another sip of my drink.

"You never noticed? Are you really that naive" I put my drink down, mouth wide open. She took my drink and started drinking it.

Closing my mouth I said "I'm realizing now"

"Wow City" she was about to drink again and I stole it back.

"Get your own" I chugged what was left and thought 'crap how have I not noticed Judes feelings before?'

My flashback ended and I sank to the floor. I miss them. All of sudden I heard a lot of commotion coming from downstairs. I got up and ran down the flight of stairs so quickly I don't think my feet ever touched them and fast walked into the living room. Only to find the guys sitting on the floor eating our popcorn.

"I thought I said no guys allowed"

"Ahhh" Tamaki, Hikaru and Huni huddled together.

I realized then I forgot to take off my mask. Rolling my eyes I said "it's just a face mask"

"A very dry one at that" Nao stood up and hooked her arm through mine "come on lets go rub it off before you dry your skin off"

Five hours later my face was moisturized, the guys stayed after complaining about how bored they were without us. We played games and watched another movie. Everyone was sleeping by the time the credits were rolling, but me.

I couldn't sleep for some reason. So I got up as quietly as I could, turned off the tv, and walked upstairs to my piano room.

I sat down and sighed.

I can hold the weight of worlds if thats what anyone needs me to do, but I still manage to crash and burn. Though more by myself without anyone noticing and its not helping me.

I shook my head and touched the keys and it seemed to have fit in that moment what I said, what I felt. The song finished in my head so I started to play.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days

If that's what you want

Be your number one

I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance and play the part

If that's what you ask

Give you all I am

I can do it

I can do it

I can do it

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human, yeah

Meanwhile downstairs~

Kaoru opened his eyes to darkness the only light was coming from the window from the moon that was high in the sky.

He sat up pulling his knees towards his chest listening to City's singing.

I can turn it on

Be a good machine

I can hold the weight of worlds

If that's what you need

Be your everything

I can do it

I can do it

I'll get through it

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

"City sounds different" Huni said.

"Kind of sad" Hikaru chimed in.

Everyone was awake by now. Listening.

"No" Kaoru whispered "she sounds strong, hurt but strong" and then added "and ready"

"Ready for what?" He felt Hikaru hold his hand

"I don't know exactly but I have a feeling we will...soon."

'Cause I'm only human, yeah

I'm only human

I'm only human

Just a little human

I can take so much

Until I've had enough

'Cause I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

'Cause I'm only human,


Alrighty well this was kind of a long chapter. It took me awhile to write because I was going in one direction and then thought of something else but I hope you guys liked it.

Now couple things first would like to thank newcomers


Nentendo Girl106734

Thanks for the follow and favorite.

Second do you guys have a song that reminds you of City or the host club? Let me know in a review because I would love to try and put it in the story.

That also takes me to the third do you guys have an idea of what happened to City, Jude, and Angel? If you do also write in your review and whoever guesses right or close to it will get the whole chapter of when she tells the hosts the whole story before I post it.

So write your reviews I'll be looking out for them.

Xoxo, Sakura