A/N: Yes, I should be updating my other stories and I am working on it. (HONEST!)

But when inspiration strikes...Just indulge me on this XD

Ch 1 - Neon: Origin

"Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhh!"

The baby's cry cut right through the walls, through the labyrinth-like hallways and right into the grand dining room of the Nishiyama penthouse. One would think that the baby was the one with an audio-based Quirk in the family.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

"Neon! Please do something about that. We are trying to eat here," said Nishiyama Enko, the matriarch of the prestigious family as she dipped her silver spoon into the hot soup and brought it to her lips, sipping ever so delicately as not to make a sound and not to smudge her lipstick.

"Yes, Mother," her daughter said. The eight year old dropped her spoon with a loud clang and pushed her chair back with unnecessary force so the chairs would make a loud scratching sound against the cold marble floor that she knew her parents loathed.


"Neon!" Nishiyama Junichiro scolded. He glared at his daughter from the head of the table. Despite the fact that Neon took after him in physical appearance - the sharp cheekbones, the upturned brown eyes, and the small pointed nose - his middle child was like a complete stranger to him. He wished Neon would be more like her older brother, Koushi. He was just finishing up his first year in college and had given his parents practically no trouble since the day that he was born. Koushi had a useful Quirk, guaranteed to help extend the prestige and wealth of the Nishiyama family businesses for many years to come and, most importantly, a willingness to do so.

Neon, on the other hand…

Junichiro sighed. He could only hope that her attitude and defiance was only due to her age and that she will grow out of it soon.

"Sorry, Father," his daughter replied despite sounding otherwise and headed for the door.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

"I didn't say you were dismissed from the table," Enko sighed, "Sit back down, Neon. Just use your Quirk so we can all have a nice, peaceful family dinner together. Let the nurses handle your sister. That's what we hired them to do."

"I'm full," Neon said without turning away from the door. Even so, she raised her right hand and snapped her fingers.

Immediately, a bubble appeared from the center of the room, encasing the dining table and those sitting around them. From her side of the bubble, Neon could still hear the cries but the relaxed shoulders of her father and the fact that her mother and brother returned to eating their second course let her know that her sound barrier was working perfectly.

"Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!"

The sound acted as an alarm, reminding Neon of the task at hand. She exited the dining room, knowing full well that she wasn't really in trouble for leaving without permission. Her parents valued their own well-being over everything else and having a peaceful dinner outweighed Neon's defiance and her presence at the table.

Neon went straight to her baby sister's room. When she entered the nursery, all the nurses greeted her with relieved smiles.

"Ojou-san. Thank goodness you're here," the head nurse said, an elderly lady with a white apron covering her grey dress. She handed the tiny baby to Neon and the cries immediately stopped when the baby's eyes connected with her sister's.

The baby gurgled a little laugh and then reached out to grab a long strand of her sister's black hair.

"It's okay, Akia-chan!" Neon cooed softly as she bounded the baby gently in her arms, "I'm here...Nee-chan is here…"

-6 years later-

"Don't you want me, baby? / Don't you want me? Ooooooh! / Don't you want me-"

Neon yawned, moved her headphones off her ears, and sat back in her computer chair. She tilted the screen down from her laptop and stretched her arms over her head. As she did so, bubbles of all different shapes and sizes that originally hovered around her all moved up towards the ceiling as if stretching themselves.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Her eyes moved over to the clock near her four-poster bed and she ran her hand through her hair. What was once long and black had turned short and blonde. To her father's dismay, Neon's defiance only grew with age and nothing was more pleasing to her than to see where her parents' limits were. Sporting a blunt bob with dyed red tips was her most recent experiment, which resulted in quite a favorable reaction for Neon.

"2:37 AM," she muttered out loud, "Shit...It's late…and I still haven't started schoolwork."

She moved the laptop away from a worksheet it had been resting on. "Career and School Survey" titled the sheet with everything left blank except for Neon's name and class. There was nothing written for "School Targets", "Career Goals", and "Additional Notes". Neon rubbed her face and then brought her laptop back to its position. The listings of all the different concerts behind held that week in Japan flooded back up on the screen and Neon grinned. "Or...I could continue with this and...just ask for another extension. I can turn it in later...I hope. I mean...Entrance exams is months away anyways...Right? OR...I could put in UA - Hero Course again just to see Iida-kun blow a gasket again. Ha! That guy can't take a joke when it comes to hero stuff."

She sighed and swung her chair in a circle as she debated her choices. The bubbles around her moved along with it. Neon enjoyed the sound of the slight creak the chair made since the gears were slightly rusted. The house was so eerily quiet, especially at night, that any sound was welcomed and savored by Neon.

She missed the sounds of the city, as well as the perks and conveniences of living in one, but unfortunately, she agreed with her parents that moving to the middle of nowhere was the right move. It was for Akia's safety. After all, even though Akia hasn't fully developed her Quirk yet, it was still something they had to keep away from the outside world.

"Ahh! Nee-!"

Neon's head jerked in the direction of her sister's room. The cry was so muffled that an average person couldn't possibly have heard it but Neon wasn't an average person when it came to sound. She leapt out of her chair, letting it crash to the floor, and she ran to her sister's room, past the two armed guards stationed outside with a trail of bubbles following her.

"Akia!" Neon shouted as she kicked down the door before the guards could even react and then her face went pale when she saw the empty bed, three fallen guards on the floor, and the curtain fluttering from the opened window.

The guards glanced over the top of Neon's head and they sprang into action.

"RED ALERT! The Treasure has been taken. I repeat, the Treasure has been-" one of the guards started to say into the mic pinned to this lapel but then was stopped short when Neon grabbed him and yanked him towards her seething face.

"That is my SISTER. She's a person," she hissed before tossing him to the side and then snapped the fingers in her left hand while jabbing a finger against her throat with her right index finger.

"OY!," Neon thundered with her voice amplified to the point that the windows of the entire floor shattered at the first word, releasing her voice to the outside world louder and clearer than a sound system at a stadium concert, "EVERYONE, WAKE THE FUCK UP! AKIA HAS BEEN TAKEN. AKIA IS GONE! AKIA...I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR THIS...DON'T WORRY. NEE-CHAN IS COMING FOR YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

Neon then flicked her hands forward and the bubbles behind her sailed out through the open window and dispersed throughout the estate.

Red lights began to turn off and off inside the mansion while outside fog lights began to sweep across the area but otherwise there was no other sound. Normally, there would be an alarm blaring to alert everyone but with Neon there, it would only prove to be hindrance.

Neon raced to the window and she jumped right on to the windowsill. She grabbed the window frame to steady herself as she leaned out as far as she could and closed her eyes. Come on...Come on...Find her...Find her. Akia...Where are you?

"Is she really gone?" Enko cried as she hurried into the room with the train of her silk, red robe flowing behind her. Her husband, in a matching blue robe, came in behind her with two revolvers in each of his hands.

"No, Mother. This was all a ploy to get you out of bed," Neon muttered sarcastically, "Now shut up. I'm trying to find Akia."

Enko let out a small gasp and she took a step back from her child but she bit her tongue. She will let this little outburst fly for the sake of her youngest. After all, Akia's Quirk should not belong in anyone's hands but their family's.


"Here I go again on my own / Goin' down the only road I've ever knooooown!"

"THERE!" Neon said as she pointed her free hand in the direction of the song outburst, "Towards the western gate!"

"Ugh. What a horrible song. Is that really what people call music?" Enko asked with a wrinkle of her nose.

"Not now, Mother!" Neon shouted exasperatedly.

"A sound bubble has burst near the western gate. All teams move to the western gate!" the guard shouted into his mic while Neon reached her hand back to her mother.

"Oy! Mother! A little help?" Neon asked.

Enko sighed. "Oh, Neon. Just let the guards get her back. It would be unsightly for you to be running around out there with-"

"Do it, Enko," Junichiro said gruffly, "We need to get Akia back. No matter what it takes. Go, Neon! And I'll alert the hero agencies!"

"Thanks...I think," Neon said as Enko hesitantly stretched out her hand and touched her fingers to Neon's palm. Immediately on contact, Neon's heart started to race and everything within her seemed to fire on all cylinders,.

"AKIA! I'm coming!" Neon shouted as she somersaulted out of the window and down to the gardens below. She caught onto a nearby tree branch at the last second and swung herself down the last few feet, landing safely on the grass. Without missing a beat, she sprinted for the gates. Her Mother's Enhancement Quirk could boost the physical and mental capacity of any human by 300% but it only lasted for 5 minutes so Neon could not waste any time.


"Y'all gon' make me lose my mind! / Up in here! / Up in here!"

Neon skidded to a halt and her head flicked towards the east gate.

"Shit! There must be more than one kidnapper and they split up!" Neon seethed as she dashed towards the east gate. She debated if she should amplify her voice to alert the guards but she didn't want to give the kidnappers a chance to change directions so she stayed silent. She could only pray that there was someone close enough to hear that besides her to let everyone else know.

She ran past her father's precious statue park and leapt over her mother's prized koi pond. She didn't even bother to run around the rose bushes and just charged right through them, her adrenaline enhanced enough for her not to feel the pain of sharp thorns tearing across her skin and clothes.

The iron doors of the east gate were bent open at an angle, showing signs of someone going through it with sheer force. The guards on each of side of the gates were hanging limply out of the guard tower but Neon didn't have time to check if they were alright. Akia didn't have time for that.

Neon raced through the east gate which led to forked road through a forest that stood between their estate and two other cities.

"Shit," Neon cursed and then brought her finger back to her throat. There was nothing else she could do now.

"AKIA!" Neon shouted as the trees swayed from her soundwave and the leaves fell to the ground, "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Shit! That sounded close! Do you think-"

"IDIOT! How many times do I have to tell you to stay quiet?! One of their kids has a sound-based Quirk!"

"Good enough," Neon said as she ran towards the voices down the road to her right. She couldn't ignore her fear as she ran though. If they knew about her Quirk, than they had done their homework in terms of this kidnapping. They didn't get through the guards and their security system just with physicality. They were prepared, which meant they were professionals.

Snap! Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Neon thanked whichever deity was watching for the big break. The kidnappers could've ran along the road but that would've made it easier for them to be seen so they chose to run along the forest ground. There was no way they could run without creating noise.

Neon snapped her fingers, creating a sound bubble around her feet, masking any noise of her own running as she closed in on the kidnappers. When she saw a group of shadows in the distance, Neon jumped up against a nearby tree, digging her feet against the side of the trunk, and then pushed herself up into the branches. She leapt from branch to branch as she got closer and closer to the shadows with the only signs of her presence the handful of leaves that fell from her footsteps.

Two more minutes and then Mother's Enhancement wears off…Neon thought to herself as she broke off a thick branch about the size of her own arm and flung it as far as she could in front of her and the kidnappers.


The kidnappers stopped in their tracks, staring up ahead, giving Neon the chance to close in. As she did so, her throat tightened. Because of the voices, she had thought there were only two kidnappers but there were three. One was significantly larger than the rest, which could explain the dent in the gate. Neon cautiously climbed towards them and stopped when she was hovering over them on a tree branch. Her eyes never left them as she slowly took out her phone from her pocket.

One of the kidnappers was a large man with a rubber tiger mask over his head. He had a black sack over his shoulder, which Neon could only assume contained Akia. The other two were about average in terms of build and stature. One had on a black ski mask and the other a red and white luchador mask.

"What should we do, Kazuki?" the man in the black mask squeaked.

"I told you not to use my real name!" the man in the red and white luchador mask hissed and Neon couldn't help but gasp at the familiar voice. Even if she didn't recognize the name, she never forgot a voice and it was not lost on her.

Unfortunately, nor was her own noise.

The man in the tiger mask looked up in her direction and even through the many levels of branches between them, their eyes still managed to lock. Before Neon could react, he leapt into the air like a rocket and grabbed the branch she was on with one claw-like hand. It snapped easily under his weight and sent her tumbling down onto the floor.


"Ooof," Neon gasped as her back slammed onto the foliage, feeling a sickening crunch in her right leg and the three men crowded around her.

"Should we kill her?" the man in the tiger mask asked, revealing a nasally and high pitched voice Neon did not expect from a guy of his size.

"Let Akia go…" Neon groaned as she propped herself up by the elbows, ignoring the unmistakable sight of bone poking out from shin,, "If..If it's money you want, take me...Hold me for ransom. Let Akia go."

"Tch. Tch. Tch," the man in the luchador mask clucked as he knelt down so Neon could see the coldness in his black, beady eyes, "I thought of all people in the Nishiyama family, you would give me more credit then that, Ojou-san."

"You're...You're the driver we used to have before we moved here," Neon said, "I remember you... You-"

"I was fired without reason by your father despite dedicating 10 whole years to your family. TEN!" Kazuki snarled, "And what do I get out of it? 1 month's severance pay. That's it? 1 month for 10 years?!"

"You think you're the only disgruntled employee? Take a number," Neon scoffed, "File a lawsuit. I'm sure there's already several out there that you can get on. Why endanger a child? Akia has done nothing wrong!"

"That may be true but she will be far more lucrative to me than any settlement I can get out of your father," Kazuki said, "And...not just that...I know what kind of character your father is...Taking his precious cash cow away from him would be more painful to him than any amount of money I can get."

"So you figured out Akia's Quirk...Even though we took all the precautions to make sure no one knew…Including your dismissal and hiring an entirely new and scaled down staff," Neon snorted, "I should tell Koushi. He'll be devastated by this oversight. It would make for a great graduation gift."

"Ah…It took awhile but I figured it out, despite all of your efforts," Kazuki said, "And...once I did I realized that she is the severance pay I deserve."

"You're just as bad as my family," Neon snarled, "Cash cow...Treasure...It's all the same to you and him. Akia's more than just her Quirk. She's more precious than any diamond she could ever make!"

"What?!" Tiger Mask cried.

"Oy! Oy! Oy!" the man in the black ski mask said as he took a step towards Kazuki, "That's what her Quirk is? This brat can make diamonds?! You never told us that part of the plan! You just said we'd get multiple ransom payments from her family!"

"I...uh...I...uh…," Kazuki stammered.

"You of all people should know the importance of keeping your employees happy," Neon scoffed as she shakily got herself up and hopped on her good leg while blood dripped down her right foot, "What did you promise them? 20% of each ransom payment?"

"30% each," Tiger Mask said.

"You're a terrible businessman," Neon chided, "I would've given them 25% each."


"ENOUGH!" Kazuki said as he backpacked Neon hard across the face, sending her flying to the ground, "I will not be spoken to that way. Especially by someone like you. You, who were lucky enough to be born into a life that you could have everything you could possibly one. You, who never has to work a day in your life. You, who-"

"I get it. I got lucky in a big way because of my name," Neon said as she shakily pushed herself off of the ground. Despite her pain, Neon got to her feet and crossed her hands over her chest. With only seconds away from her mother's enhancement, that this was the only thing she could think of to do and she knew this was the best plan she was ever going to come up with. Her sound bubbles came racing towards her from all different directions and collected around her body like she was clad in bubble wrap.

"You guys popped a bubble earlier...You know how loud one can get...Imagine how loud it'll be if all 323 go off at once," Neon said as she felt the effects of her mother's Quirk wear off, leaving her with nothing but the feeling of fatigue and hunger.

"Three hundred and-" Kazuki gasped and Neon smirked.

"Since it's too dangerous for Akia to go out into the world, I've been busy recording and bringing the world to her. I've recorded everything from live concerts to the sounds of a large waterfall hitting up against the rocks. Let her go and I won't detonate my bubbles. I should tell you that it's not just sound that you should be worried about...Even I won't be safe from the soundwaves that will burst from these bubbles," Neon said, "I have no idea how much force all of these combined will be and what damage they will do."

"You're going to endanger even your own sister?!" Kazuki demanded.

"Better to hurt her now than to let her go into a life of of god knows what with you all!" Neon spat, "Now give her to me!"

"Or...we go with Plan C," the man in the ski mask said.

"Plan C?" both Neon and Kazuki asked simultaneously.


"Gah!" Kazuki screamed as a bullet shot out from a gun in the ski mask's hand and tore through his calf. The former driver fell to the ground and howled in pain.

"What?" Neon gasped.

"Make a noise. It doesn't matter," the man in the ski mask said, "We'll be up and gone before anybody gets here and we'll just let this fool take the blame."

"You...I'll tell them everything about you! Everything! You won't get away with this," Kazuki snarled.

"You really think we gave you our real names?" the man in the ski mask laughed and Kazuki's eyes widened, "That child is right. You are a terrible businessman and terrible businessmen should not be making deals with criminals."

Then the man in the ski mask turned to Neon and when their eyes met, her whole body started to tremble with fright.

So this is what a villain looks like. A true bad guy…

"Drop your bubbles...It's useless to us," the ski-masked man said.

"B-but...But the shockwave-" Neon started to say but even her own words sounded flat in her ears.

"Useless…" the man repeated and put his hands on the floor. Immediately, a thick metal wall erupted from the ground, separating Neon from her sister and her captors and stretched as far as Neon could see in either direction.

"No!" Neon said as she uncrossed her arms and hobbled towards the wall.

"Sorry, girly. You lose!" the ski-masked man sang out from the wall as she beat her fists against it.

"NO! NO! NO! AKIA! AKIA!" Neon screamed as her bubbles flew up against the wall and burst into a huge cacophony of sound. Guitar riffs mixed with several different cheering crowds, cymbal crashes, fog horns, the booms of thunder, and everything sound imaginable came together in one loud and fantastic blast and sent Neon flying back away from the wall that only received a slight dent from the sound. A tree stopped Neon from going any further and her back slammed hard against the trunk, which splintered from the other side.

She fell to the ground like a rag doll and her mind felt just as lifeless as tears pooled out from her eyes. She didn't know what happened to Kazuki nor could she bring herself up to care.

"Akia...Nee-chan...is sorry...Nee-chan...failed…," Neon whispered as she blacked out.



A strong gust of wind broke through just as giant purple boots stomped down on the metal wall, crushing it into nothing and sending leaves and debris flying right at Neon, who woke up from the the loud racket. She didn't know how long she had been asleep and it took her a moment for her to even remember where she was. She could only flinch and close her eyes, too weak to even cover her face. As she slowly opened up her eyes again, she saw the boots standing in front of her but this time they were normal sized and they were worn by a human sized lady. Neon's tears fell once again but this time with relief.

"Hello! Does this girl belong to you?" asked a beautiful lady with creamy long hair. She held the man in the ski mask and tiger masked man by their collars with the other. Both seemed to have been knocked unconscious.

"There's...another one out there...Kazuki…He's wearing a red and white wrestling mask," Neon heard herself say and looked incredulously at this woman, "Who-Who are you?"

"Good to know. I'll go look for him," the lady said and then she jutted out a hip and gave Neon a wink, "I'm Mt. Lady. I just debuted not too long ago. Pleasure to meet your ass-quaintance. You know, if it wasn't for that racket earlier, I wouldn't have known to come in this direction. This forest is so big and dark! What was that noise anyway? It sounded like a Monster Truck Show collided with the Olympics."

"A-Ah…That was me..." Neon said as she looked at the broken wall behind them, "I guess..my Quirk was good for something."

"If it wasn't for your Quirk, I wouldn't have come in this direction," Mt Lady replied, "If anything, that means you've saved this little girl's life. That makes your Quirk good enough for a hero."

"Hero?" Neon scoffed, "I'm no hero."

"She'll probably see you as one," Mt. Lady said with a nod to Akia, who stirred in her sleep and then her eyes slowly opened up.

"Nee-...Nee-chan?" Akia whispered and then her eyes widened and she shined a smile more dazzling than any diamond Neon had ever seen her make, "I knew it! You saved me! You saved me!"

"I didn't-," Neon started to protest but then her words were cut short as Akia's hands flung around Neon's neck and squeezed the breath right out of her, "GAH! TOO HARD, AKIA! TOO HARD!"

"I knew you'd save me!" Akia laughed as she pulled back and beamed at her sister.

"LIke I said. I didn't!" Neon said, "It was all-"

She looked over at nothing but the broken wall and not just the two but all three kidnappers tied up together and hanging from the branch of a nearby tree.

"When did she even do that?!" Neon demanded.

"Who? Do what?" Akia asked, "What's going on?"

Neon sighed and a begrudging smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "I think...Iida-kun is going to be really mad at me…"