Chapter 1 The Attack.

Every day, we all take risks whenever we leave our houses, cross the street. But there are people in our world who take risks most of us never could imagine such as the Halliwell family a coven of powerful witches whose job it is to protect the innocent from the forces of evil. The Halliwell family are family of magical beings mostly witches but have a few Whitelighters and mortals thrown into the mix. However as powerful as the Halliwell family are that doesn't make them immune to the loss and pain of life. They have feelings like all of us. There are still powers above them powers that won't yield to their command! Today was supposed to be a decent average day for the Halliwell family. Piper and Chris go over to the restaurant while Phoebe heads to the paper, Paige is at San Francisco's Social Services. As for the twins they are at school with Henry Jr and Phoebe and Jason's three girls. Wyatt is currently at Magic School at an interview hoping to land a teaching role. Leo current headmaster of Magic School and soon to be retired unknown to his family. Is walking down the street planning to pick up a few things from one of the local hardware stores. He needed to fix a few things around the Halliwell manor which would take no time. Little does Leo is that he is being watched from a distance by a group of men wearing black. When Leo turns a corner into a small alleyway he is quickly pinned against one of the brick walls. By the group who have been watching him for days. Leo tries to break free from two of the men's grip, however, their strength proves to be superior and felt almost unnatural.

"Well, well Leo Wyatt, you have no idea how long we've planned this." One of the men said.

"You really think its wise to attack me when my wife is the eldest Charmed One," Leo spoke. The gang chuckle making Leo feel nervous.

"This isn't about the Charmed Ones, well not directly consider yourself a mere pawn in a game of chess." Another one of the men says with a wicked grin who then pulls out an Athame like no other.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asks while silently calling out for help.

"Oh, you will find out soon enough but unfortunately you won't be around to see it." The man who has the Athame in his hand answers before stabbing Leo directly in the chest! Pulling the Athame out of Leo's chest the gang leave the alleyway. Leo falls to the ground calling out for anyone to help magical and non-magical! It turns out that no one magical could hear Leo's cry for help. Lucky for Leo, a random citizen in the street comes across Leo in his terrible state. Frantic the citizen quickly calls the emergency services. An ambulance arrives five minutes later and quickly get to work on Leo who has lost a lot of blood and is passing in and out of consciousness. While the police specifically our favourite detective is interviewing the citizen.

Over at the restaurant, Piper and Chris are called to be informed of Leo being sent to the hospital from being attacked.

"No, no this can't be right. No, one would just attack Leo, he's a good man only some demon piece of scum would." Piper sobbed, she was used to demon and warlock attacking her and loved ones but why would a mortal attack her husband? No, it had to be some demon posing as a mortal.

"Mom, we have to go to the hospital for somehow Dad's calls were blocked and that can't be good. We need to heal him and figure out what evil attacked him." Chris tells his mother while hugging her attempting to comfort her.

"I will have who attacked your father beg to be sent to the Wasteland," Piper speaks with fury in her voice. Chris then orbs the two over to the hospital into one of the storage rooms. The two quickly find the operating room, Leo is in once in there Piper freezes the room and those apart from her and Chris in it. The two practically run over to Leo. Piper finds one of her hands stroking Leo's cheeks trying to hold back her tears.

"It's going to be okay baby, Chris is going to heal you, sweetie. It's not your time not yet." Piper cries softly. Chris wanted nothing more than to break into tears but he has to be strong he has to focus solely on healing his father. Chris holds his hands over his father's womb and a light glow admits from his hands. Chris tries for ages to heal his father but his magic proved to be ineffective!

"This isn't right something blocking me, my magic can't heal him," Chris tells his mother worried this wasn't normal it shouldn't be possible only some of the most powerful magic could do this!

"Try harder." Piper snapped not wanting to be mean to her son. But she couldn't lose her husband.

"Come on fellow Whitelighters, I call your power to thee aid me now to help save someone who fell from our grace heal him now save him from this cruel fate." Chris chants over and over calling the collective healing power of the Whitelighters to help heal his father but when this extra power reaches the wound. The magic the Athame left behind reacts creating a powerful shock wave knocking Piper and Chris back and across the floor. The shock wave was so strong it unfroze the room! Piper had to quickly refreeze the room and call her sisters to come over and explains the situation her believing the Power of Three might be the key. Paige orbs into the operating room with Phoebe.

"Oh, my god." Both Phoebe and Paige say horrified at the sight of nearly dying Leo.

"Right, Chris, you keep trying to heal Leo while chanting your spell. While we chant a Power of Three spell to magnify your spell." Phoebe instructs they didn't know how much time they have left this was the only solution in their eyes.

"Fellow Whitelighters, I call your power to thee aid me now to help save someone who fell from our grace heal him now save him from this cruel fate." Chris chants over and over still trying to heal Leo.

"We Halliwell sisters three, we call upon the Power of Three to magnify the angels' powers. To prevent Leo Wyatt from passing in these upcoming hours. Grant him strength and will to endure this one last fight." The sisters chant over and over to with the collective healing power of all Whitelighters and the Power of Three, they are able to only heal the wound slightly so that it is no longer fatal for now at least. The Triquetra and a pair of angel wings become branded on Leo's wound.

End of chapter 1.