Kamryn held Konan's gaze, "Why does he need to be here?"

The tension in the air was palpable and was mainly due to the pale man standing behind Konan. To say that Itachi made Kamryn nervous was an understatement. Not only because of his hand in their kidnapping, but also for the sheer fact that Olivia seemed so frightened of him. The memory of his red eyes still fresh in both of the women's minds even as his now dark eyes glared at some point behind them.

"Ah, yes. I heard something interesting. I wanted to see for myself." Konan turned to Itachi and gave the slightest nod. The man returned the nod, his gaze sweeping over the two women before settling on Olivia. Seeing Itachi take a step toward her, Olivia scrambled backwards on her bed, wide eyes flickering between him and Kamryn.

Moving to the edge of her bed, Kamryn scowled, "Wait, what is he doing? Leave her alone."

Itachi stopped and glanced back at Konan, who looked between the two women, "You have nothing to fear, I just want to see something."

"He leaves her alone." Kamryn glared over at Itachi, who met her glare with narrowed eyes, "I'm sure he could show you what you need to see with me."

Konan was quiet for a moment before nodding, "True." Itachi turned and walked over to stand in front of Kamryn, staring at her for a short second before his eyes widened a fraction. His dark irises turned a crimson red, dark commas swirling around his pupils slowly as she held his gaze.

Kamryn sucked in a breath and couldn't help but scoot backwards away from him. Tearing her eyes away from his, she glanced over at Konan, "What… What exactly are you trying to see?"

Konan looked at Kamryn curiously, "Itachi, that's enough. You may go."

Itachi blinked, his eyes back to their dark obsidian as he turned to leave, throwing both women one last glare before exiting the room silently. As soon as the door clicked shut behind him Olivia was on the bed with Kamryn, gripping her hand tightly.

Kamryn smiled at her reassuringly, earning a frown from her friend before they both looked over at Konan.

"What is your skill level?" Konan asked, watching them closely.

Both Kamryn and Olivia gave her confused looks, Olivia speaking up, "We both graduated college, but what does that have to do with all this?"

The woman watched them quietly for another moment, "Do either of you know about fighting? Chakra? Jutsu's?"

"Chakra? Like from Hinduism?" Olivia glanced at Kamryn, both clearly becoming more confused.

"No, I don't believe so." Konan gave the smallest smile, "Do you have any idea what Itachi was doing?"

Kamryn shook her head, frowning, "No, we don't."

Olivia squeezed her hand slightly before releasing her grip, "What is with his eyes? We have never seen anything like that. Or like that Kakazu guy, and especially not the one that looks like a freaking shark."

"No I suppose you wouldn't have." Konan observed the two women, "You two… This place is very different from your home, isn't it? Do you two believe you're from this world?"

Kamryn and Olivia glanced at each other briefly, "No… We don't think so…"

"Hm…" Konan turned towards the door, "Well I think that's enough for now, we will discuss more later. For now I am sure the both of you must be hungry?"

Olivia gazed at Konan for a moment before nodding her head vehemently.

With a slight nod, Konan began to leave, "I will have someone bring food. Now, you two should remain here and rest, I will show you the way to the kitchen later. You could get lost or run into trouble if you go out now, not everyone has been made aware of your presence."

Before Konan could walk out the door, Kamryn called out, "Wait, do you have anything, like crutches or something, that I can use to get around? I don't think I can walk on this," She gestured to her foot, "And I'd rather not be stuck in bed until it heals."

Konan just nodded once more before exiting the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Kamryn kept her eyes on the door for a moment after it had closed. Olivia let out a deep sigh making her look away from the door and towards her friend.

"This is the strangest thing that's ever happened to me." Olivia spoke as her gaze wandered around the room, eyes landing on the bookshelf which held a few books and scrolls.

"Liv, this is the strangest thing that has happened to anyone, ever, I'm sure." Kamryn deadpanned, barely resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Olivia.

Shrugging, Olivia stood from the bed, "Probably. Makes you wonder about all those crazy stories we hear back home about people being abducted by aliens and stuff, though." She paused, "Do you want a book? A lot of those look pretty old, maybe something interesting." She gestured to the bookshelf and began making her way over to it.

"Sure, won't hurt to kill time and maybe learn something." Kamryn eyed the books on the shelf, finding herself agreeing with Olivia, the books on the shelves seemed very old. The scrolls drew her curiosity the most and she decided she would check them out later.

Olivia looked over the books before quickly plucking two from the shelf and making her way back to Kamryn's bed. She handed Kamryn one of them and went to the other bed, if there was anything that could relax her, it was a decent book. Didn't even have to be good. She could sit and zone out the world for hours on end with a book in her hand.

The books Olivia had picked out were titled: 'Path to Bijuu: A Historical Account of the Creation of the Tailed-Beasts' and 'The Red-Cloud Brotherhood: Six Paths of Pleasure'.

Olivia knew that Kamryn had a soft spot for history books, and just learning new information in general, so she opted to hand that book over to her older friend. They both, however, had a major love for trashy, cliche, romance novels… So she kept the novel for herself, knowing well that she would have to fight Kamryn for it if she had gotten her hands on it first.

The pair both cracked open their books and very quickly zoned out into their respective literary worlds.

While Kamryns book was historical in nature, to her if felt more like some strange mythological lore book. It was fascinating, to say the least. It had a good contrast of what seemed like factual information, and tall-tales that had been recorded, and analyzed. It was right up her ally and she absorbed every little bit of the strange, new information presented to her.

Olivia on the other hand sat in her bed reading with ever raising brows. The story started off rather normal, albeit dramatic, but within less than 30 minutes of reading she had been introduced to a dark and steamy romance. The male lead of this book was a bad boy type, of course. He was tall, had angular features, messy ginger hair, and piercings galore. Not exactly what she would call her type, but this author really sold it to her.

Kamryn was brought out of her own world when Olivia whispered a soft, "What the hell." Kamryn's eyes left her book to glance across the room at her friend. She couldn't help the corners of her mouth twitching upward at the site of the other woman sitting flustered on her bed.

Olivia had brought the tips of her fingers to cover her slightly agape mouth, her cheeks colored a bright peach. Her eyes did not cease to scan the page she was reading, however. Kamryn swore her friends' eyes widened to the size of saucers when they finally stopped moving, she let out a gasp, and her entire face reddened.

It was then that her eyes finally flickered up to her friend across the room and she looked entirely embarrassed as her eyes met Kams. Kamryn couldn't help but burst out laughing at Olivia.

"Oh, poor little Livvy," Kamryn teased, "Too advanced for you?" She grinned wide as Olivia's expression grew from embarassed to frustrated at her.

"Ha, ha, so funny. So original." Olivia stuck her tongue out at Kam and closed the steamy novel that sat in front of her.

Kamryn's eyes glanced at the cover of the book. 'Six Paths of Pleasure' She looked back down to the book in her lap, her nose crinkling. She had already gotten to the part about the Six Paths… She looked back to Olivia, giving a small laugh. "I think that's some sort of 'based on real events' smut." Which was right up Kamryn's alley. She extended her arm out, "You should let me read it, since you can't handle it." She laughed at Olivia's expense.

"No way!" Olivia retorted, "It's just getting to the good part!" She snatched the book from the bed in front of her, holding it close to her chest. She wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out at Kamryn again.

Kamryn just rolled her eyes and let out a soft laugh at her friend as she shook her head. With the short interaction over, her eyes went back to her own book. She searched for the part where she left off, and began her reading again. She heard Olivia flipping her own book back open, shifting her position, and presumably started to read again too.

A few more minutes passed before the pair heard a heavy knock on their door. "Hope you're decent." A gruff voice spoke from beyond the door. The two recognized the owner of said voice, the man that had doctored Kamryn's foot.

Olivia made a surprised squeak as the doorknob jiggled, before finally twisting and opening. The suspected man was revealed. What they did not expect was the towering man to be carrying a small tray of food… and to be wearing an apron.

Olivia instantly snorted out a laugh at the site of him. The man cast his dark eyes on her, but he didn't seem to take any particular offence to her laughter. He came into the room and set the tray on one of the bedside tables.

Kamryn hid a small snicker behind her hand. "So, you're a doctor and a chef?" As soon as the words left Kamryns mouth, she felt that she may have been a little too chummy, and she tensed up as she awaited his reaction. He just cast his gaze to her, again, not looking particularly peeved.

"You laugh, but it saves money." He grumbled out, picking up one of the plates, and a glass of water, and placing it on Kamryn's bedside table. Putting the other two on Olivia's, where he had set the tray previously. He tucked the tray under his arm and took a few steps back towards the door.

"Someone is scrounging up some old crutches. They'll bring 'em when they find 'em." He looked from Kamryn, who was eyeing him and the food, to Olivia.

Olivia was still trying to contain her giggles, and in her fit, her book flipped closed, cover up. His eyes glanced down to the red and black item. The grin that came to his face could be seen in his eyes, which went unnoticed by Olivia, but caught by Kamryn's keen eye.

"Wait 'til you get to book 5. 'Lover Entangled,' I believe it's called. It'll blow you away." He gave a wink before he turned around to quickly exit the room, but not so quickly that he missed Olivia's face reddening and her jaw dropping in horror.

Olivia could swear that her heart stopped beating as the man exited the room. It was one of those moments where you just wish life wasn't real and that whatever just happened, didn't really happen.

When the door clicked closed, Olivia's mouth finally snapped shut, and she let our a faint, "Oh my god…"

Kamryn quickly lost all her composure, falling into a laughing fit as Olivia still sat frozen on her bed. "Why is this place so weird." Olivia let out an exaggerated, fake sob.

On the other side of the door, a still grinning Kakuzu let out a small snicker as he returned to the kitchen.

During their short stay in their current room, it had stopped raining outside, which allowed Olivia to have a long look out the one window in the room. It was later in the afternoon, she deduced, and it was nearly nightfall by the time anyone else came to their room.

After they had eaten, they both read some more, and shortly after that, Kamryn decided she needed to sleep. Fatigue had been setting in for both of them, but Olivia was still too anxious to sleep. She kept her mind busy by reading, being able to zone out the distressing situation they were in.

Olivia bolted upright when there was finally a knock on the door, she glanced over to Kamryn, who had not moved. Looking back at the door, she expected whoever it was to just barge in. Instead, it was quiet for a moment, then they knocked again. She let out the smallest huff as she pushed herself up and walked towards the door.

She hesitated before she finally reached to open the door. She unconsciously held her breath as she twisted the knob and revealed a new person. Her eyes widening the smallest bit as the most normal looking person she had encountered thus far stood beyond the door. He was just barely taller than her, and by the looks of his softer facial features, could have even been right around the same age as her.

He looked bored, to say the least. He had been staring off blankly at some random point when she opened the door, but quickly looked to her. She could only see one of his eyes, the other hidden behind his thick blonde hair, but it was a striking pale blue.

"I was told someone needed these, yeah." He spoke, whilst extending his hand to bring the pair of crutches he held in front of her.

She grabbed them, they were a bit old looking, but they would do. "Yeah…" Her tone was flat, looking over them. "Thanks." She looked back up to him, only to instantly feel awkward as he seemed to be looking her up and down.

"No problem. Only doing what I'm told…" He trailed off, his eyes finally coming back up to her face.

Olivia felt the frown appear on her face, she couldn't help it. Excluding Itachi, this guy was making her feel the most unsafe, so far. Which is saying something since they encountered both a shark-man and a man with sclerae that were black.

"Well," She reached for the door knob, "Thanks again. Bye!" She began to close the door, wanting to be alone again, even if it was boring.

"Wait a minute, yeah." He put a hand out to stop the door, and pushed it back open fully.

When she looked at him, she noticed his brow furrowed, gone from looking bored to annoyed. She was just made more anxious by this.

"I've also been told to show you the way to the kitchen, or whatever, in case of… I don't know, Konan just told me to show one of you the way, hm." He crossed his arms over his chest, a hint of a frown on his smooth face.

"Oh." A small amount of Olivia's anxiety left her, but not much. "Let me wake up Kamryn, then." She turned to walk into the room leaning the crutches up against the end of the bed.

"Don't bother, I don't have all day to wait on you." She turned to look back at him, and he still stood just beyond the doorway, arms now crossed over his chest, but holding his bored expression again.

Olivia glanced from him to Kamryn, and back again. She didn't want to be alone with this person and she didn't want to leave Kamryn by herself either, but did she even have a choice?

She let out a huff of air, steadying her nerves, then made her way back to the door.

He didn't say anything more, just began to walk down the hall as soon as she got close to the door again. She quickly closed the door, glancing at Kamryn's sleeping form once again just before she shut it.

The guy was walking so fast that she felt like she was jogging trying to catch up to him over the short stretch of the hall he had covered so far. The hall seemed to go on forever before it took a turn, but really they only passed about four more rooms. She could see that this stretch of hall opened up to a larger room, which she could already tell was better lit than the hall was.

She felt awkward following him in silence, but couldn't think of anything to say, and didn't really want to say anything. She focused on what she assumed was their destination ahead and the sounds of his boots, and her bare feet, on the wooden floor.

And just like that, the hall indeed opened up to a rather spacious room. Olivia looked around it quickly, it was a den area. The furnishings were nice and expensive looking, with ample seating, a few side tables, an elegant coffee table, and a fireplace.

A quick glance to the left revealed the kitchen, which was just beyond a wide archway. Even from her place just inside the den, she could see a figure in the kitchen, one that made her tense.

The guy that had escorted her had also stopped just in front of her, she could barely see his profile, but it was apparent that he was looking into the kitchen with a frown on his face.

He turned to look at her, the sudden movement making her jump a little, as she had been examining his face rather intently, trying to read his expression.

"Well, that's the kitchen, yeah." He jutted a finger over his shoulder, Olivia could see behind him that the person in the kitchen, Itachi, had turned a little to peer at them, but only for a second.

As soon as her eyes were back on the man who had escorted her, he was already about to take a step back down the hall they had came from. Olivia felt a slight panic rise in her chest. She didn't know either of these men, but if she had to pick one to take her chances with, it would be the blonde, who didn't glare at her like he hated her guts.

He was passing her by, and she turned on her heels, following him a bit closer now. She'd just go back to the room. If she wanted food later, she would go with Kamryn at her side. She clenched her hands by her side, focusing on the stretch of hallway before her.

"Didn't want anything to eat? Been hours since you were given food, yeah." Olivia nearly jumped, once again, as the man spoke.

"Oh, no." She shook her head. "I didn't want to be in there…" She trailed off, he didn't press for her to continue.

They turned the corner and she spoke up again, "Is he, Itachi, is he always-"

"An arrogant, obnoxious, broody, ass? Yes, he is." Olivia could hear the smile in his voice, she couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

He slowed his pace, then they stopped, she glanced to her left. This must have been her and Kamryn's room.

"All the doors look the same, yeah." His facial expression didn't look quite as bored anymore. He almost wore a playful smirk and Olivia felt infinitely more at ease now.

"Yeah…" She really wasn't sure how to exit this conversation, she had never been any good at that.

"I would get something to mark it. So you won't go into the wrong room or whatever." He turned to leave and took a couple steps before looking back at her, "Oh. I'm Deidara, yeah."

Olivia gave him a small smile, "Olivia. Thanks for showing me the kitchen."

He gave her a nod and a quick "yep" in response before continuing down the hall, taking a turn before disappearing.

She made her way back into their room, letting out a sigh, then a small eep as Kamryn's voice cut through the silence.

"Where were you?!"

Olivia stared wide eyed at Kamryn, who sat on her bed, arms crossed over her chest.

"And who were you with? I could hear a guy talking out there."

"I was gone for like, FIVE minutes, Kam." Olivia huffed up, "You're not my mom!"

"All it takes if 5 minutes with a guy to get pregnant and DIE, Olivia!"

Olivia's puffed up features deflated slowly, as a teasing smile eased onto Kamryn's face.

"You're not even funny." Despite her words, Olivia let out a laugh, grinning at her friend, and making her way over to her bed.

Kamryn let out a chuckle of her own, but her playful expression slipped away as Oliva sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Really, though. Please don't go anywhere without telling me." "I had just woken up right before I heard you talking outside the door. If I had woken up earlier, I would have been seriously worried. We don't know these people or where we are. Something could have happened to you and I wouldn't have known or been able to try and do anything..."

Olivia looked down at her hands in her lap, wringing her fingers anxiously. She didn't like upsetting Kamryn and knew that she was right, she had been careless, but she hadn't felt like she had had a choice in the matter. She voiced her thoughts and Kamryn just smiled at her.

"It's fine, Livvy. I'm surprisingly still tired though, and you should try to rest too. Let's go to bed?"

Olivia returned her smile and nodded, feeling her lids grow heavy as she realized just how tired she really was.

Both women got into their beds, saying goodnight to each other before promptly falling asleep, minds too tired to keep them awake with their thoughts.