Disclaimer: I own nothing from the Harry Potter universe, that all belongs to J.K. Rowling. Non Llewellyn however is mine.

Chapter 1

Contrary to popular belief, Hufflepuffs were not pushovers. I was evidence of that enough. Yet those silly, over confident Gryffindors never failed to underestimate me even after three years working in the auror department at the Ministry of Magic.

Well, I said Gryffindors as in plural when really I just mean one. Ron Weasley. Maybe you've heard of him? Honestly though, just because I was a desk based auror as opposed to a field agent didn't mean I got to shirk the weekly training.

"That's four weeks in a row Weasley, don't you ever learn?" I beamed at him as we made our way to the review station.

"It's a cheap trick with that shield spell Llewellyn" Ron grumbled back, pushing his sweat soaked hair from his forehead.

"Cheap? Now that I must take offence at. Sneaky? Sure, but so effective. If you ever want any tips, feel free to ask" I winked at him before Auror Beckett greeted us.

"Llewellyn, Weasley that was a great effort. Not much to improve on but Weasley you've got to be more aware of tricks, we'll modify your training for next time, you're not far off."

"Thanks Sir" Ron replied and with a nod of his head to the both of us he left to shower and change before returning to the office.

I smiled at Beckett thinking that was the end of the feedback but as I made to move his hand on my arm held me in place.

"Not so fast Llewellyn, a further word if you will."

His grey eyes twinkled at me. They were about the only brightness left in the older wizards face. He was so scar marked it was hard to tell if he had ever been handsome, even harder to age him although most in the department were convinced he was in his 50s. He was one of the few surviving auror's from prior to the war, so his expertise was invaluable. He also had the habit of issuing orders and not requests but we always knew better than to argue with him.

"Sure Beckett, what do you want?"

"For you to get your backside out of that office and out into the field. We're short on numbers you know that, and we need you out there."

I had to bite back a grimace.

"Sorry Beckett, you know I'm more effective in the office. I've helped solve how many cases now? We get better results where I am now."

I didn't want to add in the other reason, that I didn't feel I could cope with the stress of field work, it was an old argument I'd had with him but he was beginning to get more insistent. I really didn't want to have to prove myself right by doing field work then having to go off ill with stress.

Maybe I should recap a bit for you. I mean I bet you're thinking what on earth is a fully trained auror doing not doing field work? Surely that's why I qualified in the first place? And well yes, you'd be right. But here's the thing, post-traumatic stress disorder is a bitch and trust me it likes to bide its time before it strikes.

When the war was finally over, some four years ago now, you'd have thought then would have been the time for me to be unwell but it was weird. It was as though I'd had a delayed reaction. I'd missed my sixth year due to the Voldemort controlled Ministry of Magic pure blood only rule at Hogwarts and so when the school re-opened after the war I had buried myself into my studies having to complete N.E.W.T courses over one year instead of two. And then of course upon graduating I'd gone straight into auror training and I was fast tracked through that too. The department were desperate for new aurors. Here's the thing, whilst we technically won the war on the 2nd May 1998 it took years to track down all of Voldemort's supporters, in fact, we were still on the trail of some, and the Ministry had been far too depleted to deal with it properly. Still were really.

So I hadn't had a chance to let what happened in that year, that one bloody awful year, to catch up with me. It wasn't until I got into a routine with work and was frequently finding myself on dangerous outings as an auror that everything got on top of me. I'd tried to describe it Beckett at one stage as though my anxiety level was permanently full and that anything extra was tipping me over the edge, but he couldn't seem to grasp the concept.

You know anxiety right, that fight or flight feeling? Well I'd started to feel it constantly and even the most basic task was almost too much for me to cope with. There had been one particular time, when I'd had to make an arrest, that it all got too much for me and we'd had to make some changes. Beckett knew that, he was the one that had found me to my complete shame in a full on panic attack so it infuriated me when he kept trying to push me back into the field. He knew what would happen. And I was mortified he kept bringing that memory back up, I'd do anything to forget it. The only other person in the department who knew about it was Harry Potter which I hated, I absolutely hated. He'd been through far more than the rest of us in his life but you didn't see him having panic attacks now did you?

"You're better now though aren't you?" Beckett's gravelly voice interrupted my thoughts.

Better? Oh sure, they just waved a magic wand and *poof* my anxiety disappeared.

"It's not quite that simple Beckett" I responded with a clipped smile. "I can function if I limit my stressors, healers orders."

"Limit your stressors? You've stopped everything bar work Llewellyn."

"What are you on about?" I didn't like the defensiveness I could hear creeping into my voice.

"Tell me, when's the last time you even went to the pub? Met with your friends? You tell me that". His grey eyes were boring into me and I started to chew on my lip in nervousness before freezing. It was an obvious tell of how I was feeling and the grim smirk on my superiors face already told me he'd noticed.

I brushed my lank hair back behind my ear to buy myself some time while I thought how to answer because damn him, I hadn't socialised for months.

"I've been busy Beckett. Catching law breakers. My record speaks for itself" which it did, he wouldn't be able to argue that at least.

"You don't catch them though do you? You send others out to do it for you. Your team are good at bringing you the evidence but you're losing your touch with how people, criminals even, function. You need to get out Llewellyn, you need to start living."

Beckett had a reputation for brutal honesty but this was something I really didn't want to hear.

"I am living!"

"You aren't. You get up, you work yourself into the ground, you go home. That's all you do. Get out more Llewellyn, that's my order".

I was still staring, mouth agape, when the door to the training room closed behind him and leaving me alone. It took a few moment but then the trembling started as I felt the adrenaline surge through me.

How dare he? How dare he?!

I felt a furious rage course through me as I reached for the door, hand trembling as my body struggled to process the surge of adrenaline. Another delightful side effect of anxiety that I utterly despised. I stormed down the corridor to the showers, having to bite back a half smirk as I saw the clerk Benson cower away from me.

That's right world, even Hufflepuffs can be scary.

It took until the end of my shower for my anger to leave me and in its wake I was hit by a ball of misery that sat heavy in my stomach. Because you see the thing is, Beckett was right. I didn't socialise any more. The thought of having to go somewhere loud and crowded and plaster on a happy face when all I would feel was disgusting adrenaline and the urge to run coursing through me was not my idea of fun. And when I did do it, it exhausted me so much it impacted on my work. So I'd made work my priority. It hadn't been an over-night thing but gradually over the last year and a half that's what had happened.

I finished dressing and magically dried my hair straight so it fell into is usual plain mousy brown bob. That was me, plain, mousy, boring. I gazed at myself in the changing room mirror and tried to see something there I liked. Pale skin, a few faded freckles, a nose, a mouth, eyes – yep I had all the right parts, but I was utterly forgettable. That had actually worked in my favour when I was doing field work, I was so good at blending in because my features were so ordinary. I'd bought into being forgettable so much I felt that perhaps if I tried hard enough I really would disappear and who would notice? A few aurors sure but that would be it.

I was still wallowing in my own pity party as I walked back to my desk, that I completely missed who was hovering there waiting for me, notepad in hand, glasses in place and with a determined expression on his face. I failed to hide my groan of dismay when I did see him and he scowled.

"Look Llewellyn there's no need to be like that-"

"Honestly Weasley I am not in the mood for this" I cut over him, not even the slightest bit bothered I was being rude. "I wrote to you last week to say that it wasn't possible. Your department can't have those rooms, the auror department needs them."

Percy Weasley took in a deep breath, no doubt to repeat again the list of reasons why he disagreed.

"I mean it Weasley, those rooms are for aurors, our training of new recruits starts next week and we will not be giving up what little space we have to yet another overly beurocratic legal off shoot for a legal department that is already taking up obscene amounts of Ministry funds. Stop wasting Ministry time, and mine."

It was a tad harsher than I normally went for but hey, I was in a bad mood. Percy on the other hand had a deep red flush of anger creeping up his neck.

"You haven't heard the end of this Llewellyn. Not at all."

I'd prepared myself for a shouting match, not the cold anger of his response but before I could even think of putting the final word in he'd readjusted his glasses and stormed off.

I shrugged to myself as I sat at my desk, and tried to ignore the slight tremor in my hand as I picked up my quill. Stupid adrenaline. It happened after even the slightest verbal confrontation. How Beckett thought I was ready for the field again baffled me.

Trying to shrug off the uncomfortable conversation of that morning, I, as Beckett had annoyingly predicted, buried myself in my work. We'd received quite a few tip offs recently about some suspicious activity that we were sure now was the work of a couple of dark wizards. We'd received hundreds of owl messages from members of the public with what they thought were useful tips. Some of them undoubtedly were but the majority were a load of nonsense.

After four hours of reading through mostly rubbish, I rubbed a hand against my tired eyes before sitting up in a stretch, my shoulders cracking as I raised my arms. It was then I noticed the figure standing in front of my desk, and I blushed slightly at not having noticed them.

"Oh, hello Harry. Have you been there long? Sorry I didn't see, work you know…" I gestured lamely to the sheets of parchment in front of me.

Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived himself, just shook his head and smiled at me. After working together for three years he was used to me by now. I still felt uncomfortable that he knew the reason I no longer did field work but he at least had the courtesy not to mention it to me.

He lent in to whisper conspiratorially.

"I have a message".

"Aha a mystery, any clues or must I guess?"

"No need, I've been ordered to tell you direct. Hermione's law has just been passed, we're meeting in the Leaky Cauldron after work to celebrate. Mione said she doesn't want any fuss but we know she'd be disappointed if we did nothing."

"It passed? Oh I'm so pleased for her!" I beamed at Harry. And truly I really was. I'd gotten to know Hermione Granger in our last year at Hogwarts. I must admit I'd been a bit in awe of her after learning all of her exploits during the war but after a frantic year of N.E.W.T studying together we'd become friends. I sometimes still found it weird to think that we were. Before the war we'd moved in completely different circles but we'd all lost so many friends during the conflict, that the few of us from our years that had returned to Hogwarts had formed a close knit group.

Hermione really could have gone on to have whatever job she'd wanted but her focus was solely on improving the rights of other magical beings and she'd just had the first part of her House Elf Liberation legislation passed. This was a momentous day for her. I bit my lip. I really should go. Harry seemed to sense my reluctance.

"I've also been told to say that if you don't come, Ginny will tell everyone what really happened that day with Dominic Hartson".

A blush flushed across my face as my eyes widened in horror.

"She wouldn't!"

Harry just grinned at me. This was Ginny Weasley he was talking about, of course she would.

I still couldn't think of that incident without wanting a hole in the ground to appear and swallow me up.

Dominic Hartson was a trainee medi-wizard who I had been on a total of three dates with leading up to this particularly embarrassing moment about six months ago. I had liked him well enough but was not particularly enamoured so I'd mentioned I'd like to keep seeing him but to take it slow. I wasn't ready for anything serious and he had smiled happily, and I had thought all was right. Until he'd invited me out to lunch the next week only for me to arrive and realise he'd brought his bloody mother to meet me! I had sat through one excruciating cup of tea trying to make pleasantries before excusing myself to the bathroom. I was then caught by Mrs Hartson as I'd tried to escape out of the bathroom window. I don't particularly feel the need to elaborate further on just quite how mortifying and embarrassing that situation was.

I could still feel the heat radiating from my face as Harry waited for my answer.

"Fine. I'll go. You know she really didn't have to bribe me" I complained.

Harry was sensible enough not to reply to that bit.

"Great glad you can make it, I'll owl her now. We're meeting at the Leaky Cauldron at 7pm, see you there."

"Yeah great, bye Harry"

"Bye Non"

I waved him off vaguely, my thoughts annoyingly now stuck on Dominic Hartson. Six months since my last date. I let out a small sigh as I thought on it. Since graduating I hadn't had a proper boyfriend. A few dates here and there but nothing serious. It had been hard to think of anything serious after…I stopped that thought abruptly. Today was not the day to be thinking about Justin.

I'd always go through a little lull before trying again but it was always the same, after a few dates my nerve failed me and I bailed out. The stupid memory had also triggered a recollection of some other mortifying memories but given my ability to embarrass myself quite so brilliantly no matter the situation it was a wonder I didn't permanently have them on a loop in my brain. It always seemed that my mind waited until I was at my most unsure before it inflicted another memory on me.

Trying to push them to one side I glanced at my watch. It was coming up to 6pm. There was almost no point apparrating home to Wales just to get changed and then apparrate back to London. I had spare clothes in my locker and those would no doubt do for a meet up in the pub so I busied myself tidying my papers before I made a move to get ready.

It was only as I was pulling on my jacket that I stopped to think who actually might be there. Me, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione definitely. I hoped Luna Lovegood would be there too and Susan Bones, it really had been far too long since I'd seen them. Seeing that Hermione was practically a Weasley given that she and Ron had been a couple for the last three years I then supposed some of the other Weasleys would be there. Upon that thought my stomach began to churn. What if the twins Fred and George were there? I felt my face heat up as one of my embarrassing memories resurfaced.

Weirdly this one didn't directly involve the Weasley twins but the thought of them always made me think of it. I had been nearly two years ago, Ginny's Quidditch team the Holyhead Harpies were playing in the league final, I'd just passed my auror training and Hermione had got a promotion and we'd all made the trip to north Wales to support Ginny and to hopefully have an extra thing to celebrate. The twins had also been there because Fred's then girlfriend Angelina Johnson was also playing.

The Holyhead Harpies won, and the celebrations were shall we say a bit wild. I can safely say I'd never been so drunk before or since. I mean I hadn't just been a drunk Non Llewellyn, I'd been a drunk drunk Non Llewellyn. As in the type of drunk when an alternative personality seems to make an appearance and you have those blackout moments where no matter how hard you try and recall there are some parts of your evening that you will never remember. I swear the hangover guilt still hasn't left me.

I remember everything fairly well until we arrived in the last club. It was some small underground bar that comprised mainly of a dance floor, the type of dingy place where your shoes would stick to the floor as you moved but where the drink was cheap and the music was good. It's from that point on my memory gets very sketchy. I felt a flush of shame as I recalled what moments I could. I'd certainly danced with a man, kissed him too. As in I was plastered up against someone and he had his hands firmly on by backside as we practically had sex on the dance floor. I'm not even sure that's an exaggeration.

I'd woken up in the morning with absolutely no knowledge as to how I'd got to the hotel and my last memory of the night being me practically eating the face of some random man. I had never been so thankful not only to wake up fully clothed but alone. At least I knew I hadn't been that stupid.

Not that there's anything wrong with a casual hook up but ideally you would like to be in the frame of mind that not only do you remember what the person looked like but you also knew their name. I had nothing for my guy. I'd been absolutely mortified and was sure the others would have made fun of me. Luck however had been on my side. Luna, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Susan had all gotten so drunk they hadn't really remembered the last club either and they hadn't mentioned anything about me at all. The only people in the world who I knew who may possibly recall would be the Weasley twins but I couldn't even tell you for sure they'd been in that club. I hadn't actually seen them since that night so I hoped it was long enough ago that they wouldn't remember.

I shook my head at my own stupidity as I picked up my bag and looked at my flushed, embarrassed face in the locker room mirror. Why did I continuously torment myself over a memory that no one else remembered and even I couldn't recall properly? It was something I did to myself all too frequently. It was just the fear of the thought and feeling that I hadn't fully been in control I suppose that stuck with me. I hated it.

I glanced at my watch again. It was five to seven, I'd be there right on time.

The door to the Leaky Cauldron creaked welcomingly as I pushed it open. I heard my friends before I saw them, and I took a deep breath to steady myself as I felt my hand tremble slightly with nerves. I was so out of the habit of socialising it was ridiculous.

I tried to walk up to the table quietly but Ron put paid to that plan.

"Oi, Llewellyn" he bellowed. "Over here!"

As if I hadn't bloody seen them.

"Hi guys!" I called back as cheerfully as I could as I made my way over, ducking my head a bit as I tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"Oh, you made it!" I was engulfed in an embrace and found myself with a mouth fool of hair.

"Hewo Homoni" I managed to garble out before she pulled back laughing as I sputtered. "I mean hello Hermione. Congratulations!"

The face of Hermione Granger beamed back at me, her dark brown eyes twinkling. Her hair was as crazy as ever but you could see happiness seeping out of her as she practically bounced where she stood.

"Thanks Non, and thanks for coming, it means so much."

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world" I said, and I did mean it. Despite my reservations earlier as I took my place at the table and Harry slid a butterbeer towards me, I remembered just how great my friends were. Seeing all the laughing faces around me brought back memories of our first year fresh out of Hogwarts. So young, so carefree before the realities of adulthood had set in. I'd really missed it.

"Oi you, stop day dreaming"

A pinch at my side had me squawking and I turned to my left to see the mischievous freckled face of one Ginny Weasley. I smacked her in the arm gently in response.

"Is it a Weasley thing that you can't greet people properly, whatever's wrong with a simple hello?"

"Oh Percy got all the manners, you know that" Ginny giggled, "I'm glad my threat worked and you're here though".

I blushed at the thought of Dominic Hartson and Ginny cackled at the sight.

"Oh come on Non it was months and months ago how are you still so embarrassed?"

"Oh Ginny don't it was awful. Do you know I saw him in Diagon Alley just last month and-"

"How was he? What did he say, did he want to see you again?" Ginny interrupted eagerly.

She picked up on my hesitation.

"Non Llewellyn, what did you do?" Ginny demanded.

"Well you see I saw him, but he didn't see me. I may have made a hasty escape into Madam Malkins"

A snort of laughter as Ginny took a swig of her butterbeer met my response and she gestured for me to continue, eyes laughing.

"And when I got in there I couldn't just then walk out after he'd gone by, how rude would that have been? I actually bought a whole new set of dress robes, not that I can even afford them either. Honestly Ginny I just couldn't say no."

"Well of course not, that would have just been rude" Ginny agreed solemnly. "Almost as rude as hiding from a man just because he fancies the pants off you" she added as I sipped my drink. Her giggle turned into a delighted cackle when I choked on it.

"He doesn't bloody fancy my Ginny!" I exclaimed but she just shrugged.

"He certainly did at one stage, bet he still does."

"Urgh I'd really rather not think about it Ginny. I mean honestly he brought his mother on a date. Anyone sensible would be running for the hills."

"Well, I suppose you do have a point."

"An extremely valid one."


"Definitely" I insisted.

"Possibly" Ginny returned.

I'd just opened my mouth to try and get the last word in when I caught sight of a flash of red from the corner of my eye. I froze momentarily having worried it was the Weasley twins before relaxing when I realised it was Susan Bones. My jaw dropped however when I saw who she was with.

"Is that…is that Ernie Macmillan with Susan?" I asked out loud as those nearest me laughed.

"Oh yes. They've been dating for what, two months now?" Harry of all people replied to me.

"Two months? And no one told me? Harry you see me nearly every day" I whined.

"You never asked. How was I supposed to remember?" He looked genuinely confused.

"I'm not a mind reader Harry. This is news. Friends share news." I explained as I would to a three year old as Ginny laughed so I poked her in the side.

"Hey you didn't tell me either!"

"I wanted to tell you in person. I just haven't been able to see you for some reason. Why is that, hmm?"

I tried to ignore her pointed look as Harry just rolled his green eyes and shook his head at me. I was luckily saved from having to answer as more people arrived to wish Hermione well. I felt an irrational lurch of fear as I saw the Weasley twins were part of the new group, their hideous dragon skin jackets making them impossible to ignore and I sought an excuse to leave the table momentarily. I was nothing but consistent in my ability to do what I could to avoid embarrassing situations.

Noting Ron was now holding court at the bar I excused myself and made a beeline for him.

"…and so you see it was really down to me to apprehend him" Ron was finishing off one of his many auror tales clearly to a rapt audience at the bar. He loved telling a story, no matter the embellishments. Given the crowd around him he'd clearly been holding court for a while so I reached up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Oi Weasley, a word please."

Ron shot me a slightly irritated look while I just smiled sweetly in return. He made his excuse of auror business to the patrons of the bar before he followed me to a few steps away.

"May I give you some friendly advice?" I asked as sincerely as I could and he scowled at me.

"Even when I say no that's never stopped you before. What do you want Llewellyn?"

"Now Ron don't be like that, I have but one thing to say. This is Hermione's evening, go make it about her."

He stared as me suspiciously for a long moment.

"That it?" he grunted.

"Yes". He didn't look like he believed me. "Honestly Ron I swear."

You could almost see the cogs turning in his head before he nodded shortly at me once and walked off towards Hermione's table. My shoulders relaxed slightly to see he'd taken the hint.

"Right so just how did you make ickle Ronniekins listen to you?" a voice spoke to my left as an arm was flung over my shoulder making me jump slightly. I turned to find myself looking into the face of a Weasley twin. But which one? I tried to be subtle as I took in his full appearance desperately looking for ears and seeing that there were two. So this one was Fred. His grin widened as he caught on to what I was doing.

"Why I'm sure I don't know Fred" I stuttered slightly as I shrugged out from under his arm. A different arm quickly took its place.

"Now I'm sure that's not true. I think we need to interrogate her" this time a voice to my right, and I didn't even need to look to see that it was the other twin.

"I think you're right George" Fred agreed as he flung his own arm back over my shoulder and they steered me towards the bar.

"Oh definitely. We can't let this one get away without an answer" the second twin agreed. "Nice t-shirt" George added when I turned to look at him and he grinned cheerfully down at me, his eyes sparkling with mischief. I flushed red. What on earth did he mean by that? It was just a plain black one.

"Oi Tom, three butterbeers please" Fred called before adding in a whisper, "unless the lady wants a firewhisky?" I was faced with another Weasley twin grin.

I flushed again.

"N-no thanks, I'm actually fine for a drink" I managed to squeak out and they both looked delighted and shared a look. Anyone who was anyone knew that when the Weasley twins started looking at each other like that it was time to make your escape.

"I was actually just on my way to the bathroom, if you'll just excuse me."

That's right Non, revert to extreme politeness to extricate yourself, what a classic Llewellyn move. If I could have rolled my eyes at myself I would have.

"Oh dear I think we're frightening her off" said George.

"It would seem so" Fred agreed solemnly.

"Don't run" George pleaded extravagantly. "We don't bite."

"Honest" they finished in unison, grinning at me as I just gaped at them.

C'mon Llewellyn, at least think of something to say back. But I had nothing.

George at last took pity on my gaping like a fish changing his wicked grin into a softer smile.

"Just teasing. Hey we've met before right?" he looked faintly puzzled.

"Yes of course" I answered as though it was obvious before realising my mistake.

"Of course? But when?" Fred asked matching his twin's puzzled expression.

Don't mention north Wales, don't mention north Wales I repeated the mantra to myself.

"Oh well I work with Ron, I'm friends with Ginny…" I trailed off and waved my hand vaguely as though that explained it. Neither of them seemed convince.

"So right, yes, I'll be going. Lovely to meet you."

I beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom as I walked up to the sink and sank my head onto the mirror on the wall as I groaned in embarrassment. I was such an utter idiot. I took a few moments to gather myself before I stood up straight. I'd blushed so brightly that the mirror had actually steamed up slightly where my hot head had touched it. It was like I was cursed.

I gazed at myself critically just in case I'd actually spilled something on my t-shirt which would have warranted the comment from George but there was nothing. I thought it over furiously replaying the conversation before the reality hit me. They had been flirting. They had to have been, the twins were notorious for their light hearted banter and it had completely gone over my head. I was such an idiot.

"Whose an idiot?" a soft voice asked and I span around with a gasp, hand clutching at my chest. My jumpiness, I reminded myself, was yet another reason why I was a desk auror and not a field agent.

"Merlin Luna!" my face broke into a smile even as I reprimanded her, "You scared me".

"Sorry Non" she smiled softly back at me. She was almost swaying where she stood as though she was listening to a music no one else could hear and my heart filled with happiness to see her. There was just something about Luna that made me feel better. I had no problem in admitting I adored her. Luna Lovegood made me calm, it was just such a pity she was always off on research projects for the Quibbler that I hardly saw her. I stepped forward to give her a hug.

"I've missed you" I mumbled quietly as she hugged me back for a moment before stepping back to look at me critically with her big silver eyes.

"The Nargles have got you" she said softly, her gaze having moved to look somewhere above my head.

I rolled my eyes up trying to see what she could.

"Nargles? Not Wrackspurts?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh no, definitely Nargles."

Luna seemed so sure I didn't quite know what to say next.

"Um Luna how – how do I get rid of them?"

Luna tilted her head to the side as she considered me.

"Time" she said simply with a shrug and I frowned slightly in annoyance.

"What, nothing quicker?" I complained but she just wagged her finger at me knowingly.

"Stop being so impatient. I'm going back out to the bar, are you coming? Ronald was about to tell us all a story about Hermione. I bet it will be hilarious."

Non had to fight to stop herself pulling a face. Ron and hilarious weren't often two words she would put together even if he did have his funny moments, but he'd always seemed quite the comedian to Luna.

"Okay sure, let's go."

I gazed apprehensively into the bar area from behind the slight figure of Luna Lovegood, and breathed a sigh of relief to see the Weasley twins were now at the far side of the table with Harry and Ginny. Feeling like danger had been averted I followed Luna obediently and was pleased to see that Arthur Weasley had joined the gathering.

Mr Weasley often called down to the auror department with his reports on any dark magic activity having been apparent in muggle baiting with compromised artefacts and of course he liked to catch up with Ron and Harry. Hearing about my muggle upbringing he often asked me questions when he could see Harry was too busy to help him and I was happy to oblige. His latest fascination were CDs and he beamed as he saw me.

"Non! Been meaning to talk to you, see I found a collection of those TDs the other day…" and before I could get a word in Mr Weasley was off describing his find. You would think he had found buried treasure. I couldn't help but smile at him.

I spoke with Mr Weasley for quite a while before he had to make his apologies to get home to Mrs Weasley. I was momentarily on my own and I took in the sight of my friends, all chatting happily with Hermione at the centre absolutely beaming. She'd worked so hard and for so long to get this law passed you could see it meant everything to her to have made such an achievement. What I was unaware though now that my safety buffer of Mr Weasley had departed I was left exposed.

I sighed lightly as I turned to scan the bar and came face to face with Percy Weasley.


"Oh honestly Llewellyn" Percy huffed at me and I tried to hide a laugh. It had honestly been an involuntary response.

"Sorry Percy, you surprised me that's all, it was supposed to have been more of an Ah! Not an Argh" I explained. He clearly didn't believe me.

"Never mind that now I just wondered while we're here if I could just quickly run this proposal by you about those rooms…."

And Percy Weasley was off. Even when I groaned in genuine annoyance he was not off put. I even resorted to trying to interrupt him but he'd clearly prepped himself from earlier in the day.

"Excuse me Percy but-"

"..and of course it would work to both of our advantage if I had the space to work there, you could still use it on certain days but we could then of course utilise the spare time for the resources of my…"

"But Percy if-"

"…department. Given the new law they're working on my team really does need the space. You would hardly know we were there. It's the only logical choice Llewellyn."

"No Percy."

"You weren't even listening!"

"I did, the answer is no."

"You didn't, you can't have. If you did you'd follow to the logical conclusion and agree with me."

Merlin, he could be smug. I started to get annoyed.

"Look Percy, I've been perfectly patient, this is my evening off, and I made myself perfectly clear earlier."

Percy Weasley just glared at me before he started up again. I could feel the noise of the pub pressing around me as I tried to block him out and the shaking in my arms were starting up. I couldn't take much more of this. I exploded.

"PERCY WEASLEY! What part of no do you not understand?" I finished in an irritated hiss.

Percy for his part looked flabbergasted. He adjusted his glasses a couple of times.

"Well honestly Non if you're going to be like that there's just no reasoning with you" he sniffed haughtily before turning on his heel and leaving me seething.

I tried counting backwards from ten but I could already tell by the adrenaline coursing through me it would take me too long to calm down. Glancing over the table I saw everyone pretend not to be looking at me and I had to fight not to roll my eyes. Nosy buggers. And I had yet another Non Llewellyn embarrassing memory to add to my ever growing collection. Hermione at last caught my eye and I waved at her before pointing to the door to indicate I was leaving. She smiled her understanding.

"Bye guys" I called, half hoping they wouldn't hear me but they of course did.

"Bye Non, see you soon" Ginny called, I wasn't quite sure if that was a threat.

"Oi Llewellyn, I'll beat you next week" Ron bellowed.

"Don't go in to work on the weekend" Harry added and I just rolled my eyes at them and waved as I exited the pub.

It was cool for a July night and I shivered slightly as I stopped to put on my jacket before apparating home.

I heard a slight increase in noise as the door to the Leaky Cauldron opened again.

"Oi, you forgot your drink."

Confused I turned around to see Fred Weasley looking at me expectantly, butterbeer in hand.

"Oh, right" Oops. "Sorry about that. Maybe another time…." I trailed off vaguely as he grinned back.

"Alright, we'll hold you to that"

We. Of course, he wouldn't be doing anything without George. If it was possible, since the war and Fred's close shave with death the twins had been closer than ever.

"Say, what was your name again?"

"Oh, Non."

"Ah c'mon, you can tell me. What is it?"

"Non" I said slowly as though speaking to an idiot because really, how dense was Fred Weasley being?

"That's a bit rude of you".

I blinked in surprise.

"Er, what? My name is Non, what else did you want me to say?"

It was Fred Weasley's turn to blink before he grinned at me again. He really did grin an awful lot.

"Say, are you French?" he seemed far too interested in getting an answer.

"Uh no, I'm Welsh."

I'd had enough of the Weasley idiocy that night, my anger with Percy still present. I got out my wand to apparate.

"Wait no! Do you-"

Whatever Fred Weasley was going to ask me I didn't discover as I felt myself as though squeezed into a tight tube as I apparated home.

I walked up to my cottage door and with a murmur of a spell unlocked it. Stepping in to my house I felt all the tension I'd been carrying fall form my shoulders. Home. There was nothing like it.