'Ciel' stared down at his hands, that was shaking violently while Sebastian and the other servants were planning what to do now. They successfully escaped from the police, but where can they go now?.

There was no doubt that the police would look for him in London, and his brother may have already sent out extra police at the Phantomhive shops.

'Ciel' sigh before he felt something in his pocket that was poking out, and fished up a black horse chess piece that had a small crack on the side. He glared at the piece and knew full well where it comes from this was his brother's messages to him that the game was on.

And he was now a runner, with no way to go, and it was his turn to make a move. 'Ciel' tightened his grip around the chess piece and growled loudly.

" Dammit!."

"My lord?."

'Ciel' looked up and saw Sebastian and the other servants looking at him with concern in their eyes.

" Are you alright?."

'Ciel' looked down while his hair was hiding his eyes from them.

" Am fine." He stood up and walked over to them. " Is there a safe place for us to hide?."

Sebastian stared at him for a long while, before looking up at the star full night.

" I don't know, my lord."

This surprised him, Sebastian has never said anything like this before. It was always 'Yes, my lord' or ' Leave it to me, my lord.' But now he said he don't know.

'Ciel' bite his bottom lip and ran his hands through his hair.

" Just great, we are in the middle of the woods. Nowhere to go, and my brother put the blame on me for the crime he did. How can this get any worse!?."

He saw Sebastian walking over to him with his famous smirk on his face, a sign that he was going to say something that he knew would make 'Ciel' angry. But the smirk was only on Sebastian's face for a second before he stared up at the tree in surprise and quickly stood in front of 'Ciel' in a fighting position.

" Who is there?!."

The other servants quickly appeared beside Sebastian with their weapons ready to attack whoever was hidden in the trees.

A sound of somebody giggle was heard before a cloaked person jumped down from the tree and landed elegantly on the ground.

" My, my I was wondering how long it would take for you to realize i was there." Said the person with a smile on its lips. " Creature like you should have realized it much faster than this."

'Ciel' took a step to the side to get a better view of the of the person, while he saw Sebastian glaring at the person with glowing eyes.

" Are you here by my brother's order?."

The person tilled its head to the side and shook its head.

" No, am not sugar."

'Ciel's' eyes widen and felt how his body froze when he heard that nickname. It was a nickname that only one person called him, the one person who he thought died with his parents that horrible day.

" No," he shook his head and fell down to the ground while his eyes were still glued at the cloaked person. " No, no. You can't be.."

The cloaked person pulled down the hood and long midnight blue hair fell down from the person's shoulder and showed a very beautiful woman with snow white skin, with clear blue eyes.

'Ciel' pushed himself up from the ground and slowly walked over to the women with shaky legs, while Sebastian and the other stared after him confused.

"I..is it really you?." Asked 'Ciel' with a shaky voice, and stopped in front of the women with tearful eyes. " Big sister."

The women smiled at him, the kind smile he remembers so well. She bent down and wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a warm hug.

" Yes, it's me, sugar."

Tears escaped from his eyes before he screamed out in both happiness and sadness while pressing his face against her chest.

For all these years she was the one he missed the most, she was the one who was there for him when he felt alone and left out. She could see right through him when he lied to the other that he was okay when he was really not.

She knew that he felt alone when he was not allowed to play or do things like his more sick free twin could do. And was there for him all the way to the end before she died that at the awful day. But now she was here in front of him, holding him close in her arms and keeping him safe as she did back then.

He cried out for a long while before looking up at her.

" But how?. You died that day, how can you still be alive?. Did Undertaker…"

She shook her head and caressed his face. " No, Undertaker didn't bring me back like he did with your brother."

" You are not human at all."

'Ciel' turned to Sebastian in surprise, and saw him glaring at his sister with narrow eyes.


Sebastian pointed at his sister who just smiled at him like everything was okay and nothing was wrong.

" She isn't human at all, not anymore at least."

'Ciel' turned to his sister. " Than what are you?."

She stared at him for a long while before taking off the cloak she had on, and four giant white wings unfolded out from her back and created a circle around them like she was using her wings to protecting them from danger.

'Ciels' gasped in surprise and stared at the beautiful wings glowing in the darkness, and he was not the only one. The servants and Sebastian stared at her wings in shock, while their mouth was hanging open.

"You...You" 'Ciel' was in such a shock that he couldn't get the words out while staring at his sister who giggled happily.

" An angel." She said and slowly stood up, and glanced at Sebastian, who stood ready to fight her. " Am not here to fight."

Sebastian glared at her. " Than what are you here for?."

'Ciel' saw her glancing at him and back at Sebastian with a very serious face.

" Undertaker have broken some rules that had made some terrible consequences, in both this world and ours."

"You mean that he brought our brother back to life?." Asked 'Ciel' and saw her nodding a yes, before her head snapped up like an animal who heard a sound, and quickly lifted him up. " We are not safe here, let's go to the place where they can't find us."