Melina dropped the massive bag in the foyer with a grunt.

"Are you ready?" she asked Shoto who gazed at her with curiousity over the magazine he had been boredly thumbing through while waiting for her.

"Are you moving?" he inquired, tossing the magazine into the nearby basket with the dozens of other magazines on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

She laughed lightly.

"It's just a few things we'll need for the childbirth class. It's our first class! So exciting!" she exclaimed, hopping up and down on her toes.

"I was reading an article on natural birth. It is in the best interests of the child and the mother to go drug free," he said, bending to pick up the gigantic tote bag with pillows sticking out of the top.

"Trust me, it will be in your best interests if I am medicated," she said, opening the door for him. " At my last visit the doctor and I discussed this. I plan to wait until the last possible moment for the epidural to limit exposure to both of us, and I won't be using any other pain relievers. That's why we're going to this class. To learn relaxation and pain relief techniques to avoid the use of pain meds."

Shoto stopped in his tracks in the driveway when he saw the Red Jeep instead of the limo and Hibiki waiting for them.

"What?" she asked when he did not move. "I drive better than your father. I'm pregnant. Not - "

"Disabled," he butted in, completing the sentence. "Yes, yes, I know. You won't let me forget."

At least the hard top had been put on it today. He climbed in, putting the bag on the floorboard between his feet as she got behind the wheel.

"I'm not some wilting flower. I'm not having any complications. The doctor said I'm just fine. I even passed my gestational diabetes test and my blood pressure is fine so no signs of pre-eclampsia. Stop worrying so much."

"So what's in here?" he asked to change the subject and digging through the bag to distract himself.

"Just the essentials," she replied.

"Pillows, towels, a yoga mat, bottles of water...a stuffed animal...trail mix complete with chocolate chips...Bento boxes?" he announced as he inventoried each item aloud. "Just the essentials?"

"Shut up," she muttered, her fingers clutching the wheel. "You're going to be glad I brought that stuff."

"How long is this class?"

"'ve been wanting to spend more time with me, right?"

"Yeah, but..."

"It's only a few hours."

"A few hours?"

"Only twelve weeks to go, Shoto. We need to be prepared. I...," she inhaled shakily, her knuckles turning white on the steering wheel from her fierce grip. "I need to be prepared."

"Are you afraid?" he asked in a low, gentle voice in an effort to calm her obvious anxiety.

"I'm terrified. More afraid than I've ever been in my life," Melina confessed.

"Don't worry. You've got the best doctor. Dad made sure of that," he scoffed. "Take all the pain medicine you need. I was only - "

"It's not just the birth. Shoto, I'm going to be a mom," she said barely above a whisper as her emotions crashed down on her heavily. Tears formed in her eyes but did not fall. "I'm going to be someone's mother. I'm going to be solely responsible for another human life. This child will depend on me for everything. Food, shelter, warmth,"

"Melina," he said, placing his hand on her thigh and squeezing lightly. "You'll be a great mom. You're a very loving person. I know."

She glanced at him and smiled before quickly turning her attention back to the road.

"And you're not alone now. Remember?"

"Yeah," she sniffed, swiping at a stray tear with back of her hand. Although she wanted to hold his hand, she kept both hands on the wheel. "I'm glad I'm not alone."

"All right everyone!" the instructor declared, clapping her hands to get the attention of the couples who had been milling about and chatting. "Time to prepare your space."

All the expectant mother's were dressed pretty much the same in yoga pants and loose maternity tops including the childbirth teacher who was pregnant as well. She and her partner, an elegant woman dressed in yoga pants and t-shirt laid down their yoga mat and set about placing the pillows. The members of the class followed suit.

"Before we sit down, we will go over some basic birthing positions," she said, demonstrating by standing up tall with her feet about a hip's width apart. "This is a basic mountain pose in yoga. Find your footing. Stand up straight and tall. This is good for labor to allow gravity to do it's work by positioning the baby deeper into the birth canal. Partners, stand behind the mother."

The woman's partner stood behind her, placing her arms around her to hold her securely in an embrace with her hands supporting the bottom of her burgeoning belly. They slowly began to rock, first forward and back, then side to side.

"The mother and the child will find this movement very soothing," she said.

Melina leaned back into Shoto as he pressed his chest firmly against her back. His big, strong hands held her rounded abdomen while he swayed her back and forth.

"Now breathe. In through your nose. Out through your mouth. Concentrate on each breath," the teacher said. "Close your eyes and relax."

"Are you relaxed?" Shoto whispered in her ear.

"Uh-huh," she sighed, placing her hands over his that supported her baby bump that seemed to be increasing daily.

"Time for another position," the instructor announced.

"Oh," Melina groaned in disappointment.

The woman coached them into a birthing position with woman squatting down and her birth partner holding her up with their arms hooked under the mother's and their legs against her back to give her stability. Then they moved to another laboring position on all fours which alleviated the pain and pressure of back labor using gravity while the partner massaged the mother's back.

They practiced different positions with pillows as support and some with the partner as support. Finally they got into a more traditional labor position with the mother sitting, her knees bent and her partner sitting behind her using their body to hold her in an upright sitting position.

"This position is good for labor and and birthing. The partner can massage the belly, shoulders, and back," she said while her partner demonstrated.

"How's that?" Shoto asked, digging his powerful fingers into her shoulders.

"Mmmm," Melina hummed with satisfaction, thoroughly enjoying his massage. She truly felt like a spoiled queen today with all of the attention and loving carresses being lavished on her. "That's nice."

"I had no idea this class would be such a work out," he commented, pushing her forward slightly and sliding his hands down to her lower back to continue massaging.

"I think we're both gonna need a nap this afternoon," she said.

"Want to go for a picnic in the park after this, then we can go home and get that nap?" he suggested.

"Sounds like a good plan. Oh, god, Shoto," she moaned gratefully as he expertly rubbed her back.

"Please, don't do that," he muttered, his hands gliding around to stroke her tummy. "It's not fair for you to make a sound like that in this kind of situation. I shouldn't be thinking of you as anything but a mother right now."

"Sorry," she said, turning as red as her shirt.

"From this position, you can aid the mother when it's time to push. Like this," the instructor said, pulling her knees up so her partner could clutch her legs behind the knees and pull back.

"Well, that's - " Melina began to be cut off by the woman sitting next to her.

"Incredibly awkward and will only work if you're a contortionist or double jointed. Or both," she grunted as her husband awkwardly stretched then fell to the side in a failed attempt to grab her legs.

Melina giggled. Sitting straight up against Shoto's chest, he easily reached around her to press his hands behind her knees and pull back almost touching her knees to her shoulders.

"Okay. I'm thoroughly impressed," he murmured in her ear. "And more excited than I should be."

"Stop," she hissed, dissolving into giggles. "It's because of a ll that yoga and stretching I've been doing for the last few months. I told you it was a good idea and could only help me."

"All right. Let's run through the positions again and practice our breathing!" she teacher exclaimed.

"Oh, god," Melina sighed, flopping down flat on her back after Shoto moved. "I'm tired."

"Come on, little mama. We gotta practice. You can do this," he encouraged her, taking both of her hands in his to pull her up.

She fell into his arms, hugging him tightly. She sighed as he massaged her back from her shoulder blades down to her waist.

"You can do this. You're going to be a great Mom. I'll be there for you every step of the way. From the birth and way after. Always," he assured her, nuzzling her cheek with his nose.

"Aww," the woman who had been complaining earlier cooed. "You've got such a fabulous young husband."

"He's not my - " Melina began.

"Thank you," Shoto cut her off. He placed his lips next to her ear to whisper, "One day, Melina, I will be your husband."

Her fingers clutched his white button down shirt not caring if she wrinkled it. She pressed her cheek against his chest, feeling his heart beating.

"I know. Forgive me. It will take some getting used to...the idea of being with someone forever. But I like it. I love you," she whispered back.

"I love you too."


Melina snuggled up to Shoto preparing to take a nap. He smelled so fresh and clean after his shower. She inhaled deeply relishing the scent of the soap that was like cozy winter smell of pine and cardamom.

Upon returning home they had immediately gone to take showers, separately. Neither one had been expecting the workout they received int he childbirth class. After eating their lunch in the park they decided to take a stroll as well before returning home.

In his arms, exhausted and content, she quickly fell asleep. She had a dream. A very good dream of the future.

Melina saw herself sitting on a blanket in the backyard of the house setting out a picnic lunch. The sun warmed her shoulders and back bared by her thin strapped baby pink sundress. The sweet scent of the yellow daffodils, violet blue bluebells, snow white lillies, and fuschia posies swaying in the breeze wafted to her nose.

It was spring. The time of birth and new beginnings. Her new life.

As if having an out of body experience, Melina watched herself look up when the sight of a man's legs clad in faded denim came into view. A smile stretched her lips from ear to ear in one of the happiest smiles she had ever seen. She could not recall ever smiling like that. Then she saw who she was smiling at.

Shoto stood in front of her, older obviously due to the broader width of his chest and shoulders. His shorter hair and the light stubble above his lips and on his chin was an extremely sexy addition. Physical maturity made him strikingly resemble his father.

And there was the children. Their children. On those bigger shoulders, Shoto carried a little girl of about six years old; her black hair tied up in pigtails with pink bows to match her dress. In his arms he held a baby. A newborn baby boy with fuzzy red hair poking up in all directions from his little head.

When Shoto handed the baby to her, she could see the gold band on his finger, the sun light glinting off of it. She cuddled the baby to her chest, kissing his chubby cheeks as Shoto set the little girl with golden irises down beside her Her brilliant Todoroki turquoise eyes glittered as she looked at her baby brother then kissed him on the top of his head.

"Daddy! Daddy!" the child called to Shoto, tugging his hand until he sat down on the blanket beside her, sandwiching her between himself and her mother.

"Melina," Shoto said, wrapping his arms around his entire family, holding them in a loving and protective embrace.

Her name continued to echo in her head despite his lips not moving in the dream. Then she realized he was calling to her from the waking world, pulling her away from the dream. Despite not wanting to leave the lovely dream, her eyes fluttered open.

Shoto gazed down at her, his eyebrows drawn together and his forehead crinkled. His fingers softly stroked her cheek before he lowered his lips to hers for a brief kiss that made her heart skip a beat or two from the love it conveyed in its brevity.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice sounding as if she had a stuffy nose.

"What's wrong?" he repeated, wiping the tears from her face with the sheet. "You tell me."

"Oh," she gasped upon realizing she was crying. "I had a dream. A happy dream, Shoto."

"I'm glad to hear that," he rejoined, sighing with relief as he gathered her into his arms. "Tell me all about it."

So she did. Melina told him every detail of the wonderfully realistic dream.

"Hmm, that was a really good dream," he murmured, hugging her and kissing her forehead. "I want to make all of your dreams come true."

"Oh, Shoto, you are a dream come true."

Author's note: As much as I hate to bring this to a close, I think this is a good place to end this story with a glimpse into their future together. I hope you enjoyed the story and the ending was not too abrupt. Thank you so much for reading!