Chapter 4

Original Ending

Chat stands behind Ladybug. "Ladybug?" He tears up. She turns around.

"Chat…" She walks closer to Chat. Chat moves back a bit. "aren't you happy to see me?"

"I know you are working with Hawk Moth…" Chat sighs.

"I have to do this Chat…" Ladybug tears up "I have to kill you, I don't want to kill you but I have to"

"what does he have against you?"

"he said he was going to hurt my family and friends in horrible ways… I'm scared…" Ladybug tries to not cry. "I must do this for the ones I love…" Ladybug attacks him. Chat keeps dodging her attacks.

"I don't want to hurt you…" Chat cries.

"it's either me or you" She keeps attacking him. Chat pins Ladybug down. "do it… kill me…" Chat looks into her eyes. He had a huge decision. Save Paris or leave Ladybug alive. He decided he needed to save Paris, so he says

"Cataclysm" Then he touches Ladybug. "I love you Marinette" She disappears. He sits there on his knees crying.

Couple days later. Adrien told the police that his father was Hawk Moth, so they went into the Agreste mansion and arrested Gabriel easily since there was a lot of evidence. Gabriel said how a girl helped him and they found out by Gabriel's cameras that it was a girl named Lila Rossi. She was also arrested for helping but before being arrested, Alya attacked Lila's hair with some scissors as Alya was pissed off about Lila destroying Marinette's life.

Everyday Adrien would visit Marinette's grave to lay flowers down. He felt guilty for killing her but at least Paris was safe.





Alternate Ending

"it's either me or you" She keeps attacking him. Chat pins Ladybug down. "do it… kill me…" Chat looks into her eyes. He had a huge decision. Save Paris or leave Ladybug alive. He couldn't do it… he just can't kill the girl he loves. He sighs and stands up. Ladybug stands up. "join us Chat… we can destroy Paris and be partners again like what has Paris ever done for us? Chat looks down thinking. She has a point… no one needs him… no one cares… his mother was the only one who cared for him and he could get her back if he just gave his ring.

"fine you win" He hands his ring over. Ladybug grabs the ring and smirks. They both head back to Hawk Moths lair. Hawk Moth smirks.

"I'm glad you finally decided to join"

"I just want my mother back" Chat Noir detransforms.

"my son was Chat Noir? How didn't I see it?" Hawk Moth grabs the ring then grabs Marinette's earrings. He puts them on then makes his wish. Emilie becomes alive again.

"what happened?" Emilie was confused. Hawk Moth detransforms. "Gabriel?" Gabriel smiles.

"I have missed you" Emilie and Gabriel hug. Adrien slowly walks up to them.

"mom?" He looks down.

"oh my Adrien?" She smiles "you have grown so much" She hugs her son.

Couple days later. Adrien wasn't aloud out of the house ever. His father was nervous that his son would get hurt, Marinette though… she didn't care for anyone anymore, she had become a monster. Paris is up in flames thx to Miss Electric who now rules Paris and not even Hawk Moth can control her now.