Just like last season, every contestant who had competed on the island was brought back for a final party. Unlike last time, though, nobody particularly felt like partying.

Ruby shook her head as she set foot on the dock. "Can you believe this whole thing only took four weeks?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Aunt Grandma replied. "I was here for most of it, remember?"

"And Steve cheated us out of ten million," Snidely groused. "If it weren't for him..."

"Actually, pretty much all of us voted you off," Andy pointed out. "Steve switching the votes didn't really change anything."

Snidely growled at him. "I can't believe I ever thought you were worthy of being in an alliance with me."

"I can't believe you ever talked me into being an alliance with you," Elise said, shoving him out of the way.

"You're taking this surprisingly well," Wendy said.

Elise shrugged. "Hey, I've had about a month to get over it. Besides, Steve lost, so who cares?"

"None of us won," Andy pointed out.

"Yeah, the guy who did win was pretty much placed directly into the finale," Nazz pointed out. "If anyone deserved to win, it was Wendy."

Wendy looked at her suspiciously. "What are you trying to pull?"

"Nothing!" Nazz insisted. "You should have been going up against Steve in the finale."

"Actually, Wendy was brought back halfway through the season," Boris pointed out. "So shouldn't it be Andy who deserved to win?"

"No, Aunt Grandma," Numbuh Two said. "Andy got brought in after the show started too, remember?"

"But Aunt Grandma only really made it that far because Steve rigged the votes," Marlowe pointed out. "I don't think anybody really liked her."

"That is not true!" Aunt Grandma said angrily. "I'm likable!"

"Maybe, maybe not," Ingrid said. "Steve rigging the votes probably messed with who got to the merge on your team. I mean, Marlowe and Dale don't really seem like obvious choices, and since he was preserving Ruby for some reason that means that she made the merge in place of somebody else."

"Hey!" a loud voice barked. The losing contestants looked over to the source of the voice and saw Chef angrily glaring at them. "Quit arguing these woulda coulda shouldas and get your butts over here! We have a prize to give away!"

"Geez, Chef, what's eating you?" Numbuh Two asked. "You seem angrier than usual."

Chef's scowl deepened as he looked at Numbuh Two, but after a second he shrugged and let out a deep breath. "You're right, I'm not being fair. But cut me some slack. I've been working every day for the last fifty-three days."

"Has it only been that long?" Ingrid asked rhetorically.

"Yes," Chef said angrily. "And right now, I can't wait to get my butt off the island and finally get some rest and relaxation!"

"Wow," Wendy said. "You know, I actually feel sorry for you. Nobody should be forced to work that many days in a row."

"Yeah, yeah," Chef said. "I just can't wait to be done with this, so the sooner you people get up there, the sooner we can give away the money, and the sooner I can get off this island for a well-deserved rest. So move it!"

Everybody walked towards the campfire pit. A fire was already burning, but Voltar and Steve were just standing around awkwardly.

"When do I get my prize?" Voltar whined upon seeing Chef. "I want it now!"

"You'll get it later, now buzz off!" Chef said crankily.

"Uh, Chef?" Marlowe asked. "What exactly are we supposed to be doing?"

"The same thing you did last time, mingle with each other so we can get some good shots or whatever!" Chef said. "I don't care, just go do something! Where the heck is Chris?"

Chef stomped off to look for the host. The rest of the ex-contestants looked at each other, shrugged, and split up into groups. Ingrid, Numbuh Two, and Boris all wandered off together to one part of the campfire pit, while the girls who had been Steve's victims went off in another direction. Nazz and Andy also walked away, with them taking seats on different stumps. As soon as he sat down, Andy pulled his flask out of his pocket and drained the entire thing.

Dale and Ruby sat down on the ground and watched, bemused, as the other campers talked among themselves.

"You know, I'm kind of glad I got kicked out early," Dale said. "It seems like no matter who won, they were destined to be disliked."

"Yeah," Ruby admitted. "But at least I finally got them to believe that I wanted to go home."

Dale nodded. "Sorry for jumping the gun and thinking you were lying about that."

"In retrospect, I don't blame you," Ruby said. "By the way, did you vote for me that time?"

Dale grimaced. "Okay, in my defense, I had voted for you every time prior. And I thought that Aunt Grandma was rigging the votes and thought Steve would help me with that. Boy was I wrong there."

"Well at least you guessed that somebody was messing with the votes," Ruby said. "I don't think that idea ever crossed my mind."

"That's because you trust people," Dale said.

"Well, not so much until Aunt Grandma arrived and told us what she'd figured out about Steve," Ruby said. "I really thought everybody hated each other more than they liked me. Turns out I was wrong, and it was just that Steve wanted to keep me on the island."

"Speaking of which, you wanna go talk to him?" Dale asked. "Find out why he kept you on?"

Ruby looked over at Steve and shook her head after a few seconds. "Nah. I don't need to spend time with jerks."

"You're spending time with me, though," Dale said, smirking.

Ruby smiled at him. "You're also a genuinely nice guy."

Dale smiled back at her. Nazz looked at them uncomfortably.

"Sad, isn't it," Snidely said. Nazz turned and saw him standing behind her. "They've all moved on from you. It's all about the new villain on the block." He sat down on a stump and stretched himself out languidly. "And to think, you could have actually had a working alliance again. Is it in your DNA to make bad decisions?"

"What do you want?" Nazz asked, sounding annoyed.

"Nothing at all," Snidely said sweetly. "I'm just enjoying your misery at no longer being the villain. I mean, what did it get you? No money, the enmity of everyone on the island...it's delicious and almost poetic in a way."

"So what, you just want to mock me?" Nazz asked. "You want to make fun of me because I didn't cheat?"

"Well, let's be honest," Snidely said. "You could have gotten so much farther if you'd sided with me."

Nazz shook her head. "I don't think so. I made it to the merge without you. And if Steve really was rigging the votes, I would have gone home then anyway. Unless you're going to tell me that you had some strategy for stopping Steve."

"Of course I did!" Snidely said. "But I'm not going to tell you what it was."

"Then let me ask you something," Nazz said. "If you had a strategy to stop Steve from cheating, why didn't you use it?"

Snidely looked surprised. "Well, I–"

"You're a lousy liar," Nazz said. "You know that? You're absolutely horrible at lying. Everybody knew from day one that you were up to no good, and as soon as they figured out what you were up to, they kicked you off the island. That was your first try, and you managed to make it to what, eighth off? You were the fifth person on our team to go, so at least you made it that far. Then during your next attempt, you got kicked off fourth, and you were the second one off our team. But Chris brought you back again, and you were kicked off immediately. And you want to know what's funny? There wasn't much debate about that any of those times. If you really think I'd have gotten farther with you on my side, well, maybe you're right. But only if you went down in front of me. You're mocking me for not being the big villain anymore. Well alright, but Snidely, here's the thing: you never were."

"I–" Snidely tried to interrupt.

"You what?" Nazz asked. "You were the villain? No, not really. Every time, you try to set up an alliance, and you're never able to stay on long enough that your alliance can actually come into play. That, or they turn on you, because let's face it Snidely. I may be hated, but I was once liked. You, on the other hand...nobody actually ever liked you. And now that they know your game, I don't think anybody ever will."

"That's–that's not true!" Snidely said, immensely upset. "I'm not–I mean–I–I'm–"

"Look at them over there," Nazz said, pointing to the four women who had gathered together to chat about Steve's behavior. "All of them got targeted by Steve. Heck, look at Dale over there, talking to Ruby. Every one of them fell to Steve in some way. And then there's you and me, and we're both avoiding everybody else. Do you know why that is, Snidely?"

"Well, it's–uh–because–uh..." Snidely trailed off.

"It's because it didn't matter if Steve rigged the votes," Nazz said. "We were going to go down anyway."

"That's not–it isn't–" Snidely tried to say.

"Face it, Snidely," Nazz said. "That unanimous vote against you wasn't a mistake. You were always going home that day. Just as I was always going to lose this season."

Nazz turned her attention away from him as he sputtered incoherently. Ingrid, Numbuh Two, and Boris watched from afar.

"Man," Numbuh Two said. "Am I glad she never decided to rip on us like that."

"Oh please, like it would matter if she did," Boris said. "Although I have to ask, when do I get noticed? I am certainly Badenov to be on that list!"

"No, not really," Ingrid said. Boris looked at her, shocked. "What? You hang out with Numbuh Two and Dale, you make a bunch of friends, you were ticked at us when we stabbed you in the back. You're pretty much one of the good guys."

"Well–I mean–that's an accident!" Boris claimed. "I'm not used to having to trust only some people but not others! In my world you need to mistrust everybody just in case! And that's when you slip in the knife. Deep and sharp, into the back."

"...right," Numbuh Two said. "Besides the fact that you're going to stab us in the back once it becomes a good idea–"

"And it will!" Boris insisted. "As soon as the other threats are eliminated, I will!"

"Yeah, got it," Numbuh Two said. "But until then, you're a pretty good ally."

Boris looked at him dubiously. "I'm not sure that's a compliment."

"Take it as one," Ingrid advised.

Dale walked up to them with Ruby in tow. "Hey guys."

"Hey," Numbuh Two greeted him. "What's up?"

"Not much," Dale said. "Just figured we'd come over to chat with you."

"Fair enough," Numbuh Two said.

"So how do you think Chris'll rope us into next season?" Ingrid asked.

Ruby's eyes widened. "Next season?"


Everybody's attention was drawn to the podium, where Chef had just yelled out loudly. For some reason, he was standing behind the podium, looking very grumpy.

"Get your butts on the stumps!" Chef barked. The fourteen former contestants rushed to comply. Once they were all seated, Chef began speaking again. "So, it looks like Chris has decided to leave without even presenting the money. And meanwhile I have to stay here and make sure you all get home safely. So you know what? Here it is, the big money presentation. Voltar!" He held up the briefcase. "Come and get it."

Voltar strode up to the podium proudly. "Do I get to make a victory speech?"

"Sure, whatever," Chef said. "But make it quick!"

Voltar grinned and took his place behind the podium with the assistance of a stepping stool. He stared at the other thirteen contestants.

"As you may already know, I, Voltar, am victorious!" he declared. "Of course, there was never any doubt that the great Voltar would win in the end. After all, he is amazing and evil. Amazingly evil! And all of you must be just sick with envy, shocked that you can't be as wonderful as me. But there is one very, very special person I want to see grovel before me."

He paused and grinned wickedly. "Steve! Come, admit that I have crushed your dreams and robbed you of your hopes! Admit that you have been defeated by the mighty Voltar! Admit that you, Steve, actually care!"

Steve stood up angrily. "Fine. I care, Voltar. I care that you beat me. I care that it was all for nothing. I care. Why does this matter so much?"

Voltar laughed evilly. "Yes! Victory!" He laughed some more and then calmed down and hopped off the stepping stool. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an evil lair to return to."

"Wait!" Chef said. Voltar stopped in his tracks. "Don't you want the briefcase?"

"What do I need with some piece of ugly luggage?" Voltar asked. "Give it to Steve. He can have it as a consolation prize."

"NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Doktor Frogg screamed at the television.

"I know!" Red Menace agreed. "That's actually a very stylish briefcase!"

"Not that, you dimwit!" Doktor Frogg said angrily. "Voltar just gave away ten! Million! Dollars! Just think of all the doomsday devices we could have bought with that money!"

Doktor Frogg began crying. Red Menace rested a comforting hand on his back.

"It's okay, Doktor Frogg," Red said. "The sun will shine tomorrow."

Frogg glared at him. "We're villains, Red. We don't want the sun to shine."

"Really?" Red Menace asked. "Because I like the sunshine! It helps the flowers grow big and strong, and it makes ice cream taste so much more delicious!"

Doktor Frogg groaned.

"Really?" Steve asked, shocked. "You'll give me the briefcase?"

"Enh, why not," Voltar said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cash in some cans. Might as well make a bit of money off of this show, don't you think?"

Steve grinned wickedly. "Good idea, Voltar. Excellent idea."

"Fine!" Chef said angrily. "Here you go, loser!"

Chef threw the briefcase at Steve roughly. It slammed into Steve's sternum and knocked him to the ground. Everyone glared at him as Steve got up holding the briefcase and popped the latches. A small pile of orange paper fell out.

Steve picked up one of the pieces of paper and examined it. The small scrap of paper declared itself worth a hundred thousand dollars.

"What–what is this?" Steve asked, dumbfounded.

"It's a hundred thousand dollar bill from the Game of LIFE," Chris said. Everyone looked up and saw him floating overhead using a jetpack.

"Chris?" Chef asked, shocked. "Where did you come from? I thought you went home!"

"As if I was going to miss the moment of misery when the winner opened the case and saw that the mythical ten million dollars was nearly worthless," Chris said. "Yeah, no, I was just waiting for this moment to arrive."

"But–but–but–" Steve sputtered, tears welling in the corners of his eyes.

"See, the funny thing is, we never actually specified that the ten million dollars were in a real-world currency," Chris continued smugly. "And when you get right down to it, that stuff's actually more worthless than Monopoly money." He grinned. "It could be worse, though. We could have used Zimbabwean dollars."

Steve stared at his worthless pile of play money for a few seconds before falling to his knees and weeping bitterly.

Doktor Frogg cackled at the television set. "Voltar, you mad idiot genius you! Somehow, someway, you managed to crush a man's spirit once, and then crush it even further again! It's just so hilarious!"

Doomageddon started cackling as well, and they both laughed at Steve's misery.

"And with that, we bring a close to another season of Total Drama," Chris said, stepping over Steve's prone body to do the outro. "A season filled with laughs, drama, and subpar hosting that only goes to show how I'm the host with the most and don't you forget it, and ending with the ultimate winner being...Voltar, I guess. Yeah, I know. Weird. But, anyway–"

"Hold on," Wendy interrupted. "Is this the part where you throw another smoke bomb and make us do another season, probably this time for 100 million dollars in virtual fishing game money?"

"No," Chris said. "No no no. No. Yeah, no. We figured we'd give you all about three months off, and then interview you. See who wants to come back and who wants to stay home. And next season there will be an actual cash prize. Definitely. But!" He turned back to the camera. "Who will win? Who will lose? Who will make a fool of themselves on international television? Find out when we return with a brand new season, Total! Drama! Cartoon Multiverse! Dimension Hopping!"