Summary: Something happened to Marinette and in order to avoid suspicion of who ladybug really is or put Paris at risk if Hawkmoth discovers Ladybug is gone, Tikki must use magic to impersonate Ladybug. So many things can go wrong, especially when Adrien begins to get feelings for her Tikki in her human form.

Finally after hours of fighting the akuma, they had finally won, chat reached out with his fist, "Pound it- M'lady?"

Chat eyed her suspiciously, she would always and without a doubt fist bump him, from day one "are you okay Ladybug?" could he have done something wrong without realizing it?

"Y-Yeah sure," Tikki snapped back to reality, trying to play off how she was acting. "I mean.. s-sorry I am just a little tired!"

"Okay M'lady," he sighed, knowing something was up, "if you ever need to talk, let me know.."

Tikki smiled back at the boy, knowing he must be struggling, especially as he was so close to Marinette when it happened "I had better be going," and with that she swung away using her yoyo. Looking back briefly, she saw the glistening of tears in Chat Noirs eyes.

Laying on Marinette's bed Tikki detransformed and sighed, it was so tiring having to switch in between human and kwami form. She made a mental note to ask Master Fu if there was a way to temporarily become a human, keeping all her powers ofcourse.

The next day..

"Drink this Tikki, you will become human. Not only that, but I have altered memories of Marinette's parents, they will think that you are their other daughter who was away at boarding school, who has returned due to Marinette's condition."

"Thank you Master," Tikki drank the mixture as she felt the world go black and phase out around her.

Hours later Tikki woke up and she was outside the classroom, surrounded by all the students. "Tia?" Miss Bustier sighed in relief, "are you okay?"

"Ti- Oh um, yes I'm fine, sorry long flight.." Tikki stuttered.

"Good, come on in and we can introduce you to everyone, how does that sound?"

Tikki followed behind her, eyes wide in shock as she saw her human form, she had medium sized wavy hair, red lips, dark blue eyes and skin as white a snow. She was stunning.

She remembered this form and enjoyed it dearly, she and Plagg only once were in human form and that was a few centuries ago.

As she walked in and introduced herself as Marinette's sister, she noticed Plagg peeping up from Adrien's bag, with a knowing look.

"You'll be sitting with Adrien. Nino sit next to Alya." Miss Bustier said, earning a groan from Alya who wanted to meet Tia, but she didn't put up much of a fight as she would be sitting next to her boyfriend. "Adrien is one of our best students and he was also new here not so long ago, I am sure he is the best person to help you settle in and show you the ropes."

"Okay Miss." Tikki smiled brightly, as she sat down next to Adrien, "Hi Adrien! I'm Tikk- Tia! Nice to meet you!" Tikki greeted him sweetly, her voice keeping its gentleness.

This earned a blush from Adrien, "Hey um nice to meet you, you're new to the country right? I can show you around if you would like?"

"Yeah, I would love that!" Tikki grinned, feeling happy to see Adrien smiling again.

After class Adrien walked Tikki to the bathroom and waited outside (obviously).

"Wow Plagg, she just, she just radiates joy and she is so beautiful!" Adrien gushed to his Kwami, who was currently sulking in the corner. "What, you want cheese?"

Plagg ignored him and flew back into his bag, "Stay away from Tia."

"What-" Adrien started but was cut off by Tikki coming back out.

"Shall we head off now? I would like to see some of the landmarks, oh and eat some nice cookies!" Tikki smiled at the boy, doing her best to fit in.

"Let's go M'lady!" Adrien grabbed her hand and lead her away, not realising the nickname he just called her, or the fact that Tikki was now unable to breath due to shock.