Adrien and Tikki had a nice evening looking at all the different landmarks and ate cakes and cookies back in the Dupain-Cheng bakery. "You're welcome to come back any time you'd like," Tikki smiled at him, "today was a lot of fun, I'm glad I got to make a nice new friend!"

Adrien smiled back feeling a bit weird, "Yeah.. friend.."

After Adrien left, Tikki and Marinette's parents headed to the hospital to see how Marinette was doing.

"How is she?" Tom asked the doctor.

"Still the same."

Sabine colapsed into her husbands arms, sobbing.

"It's okay.. mum.." Tikki tried comforting her, but she only sobbed harder, "my little girl.."

Tikki's heart broke at the scene, feeling overwhelming guilt, knowing it was her fault, "If only I didn't let her cast that spell, this must be the results of it..."

The next day at school Plagg snuck into Tikki's bag, "Pssst!"

"Plagg! Adrien will be looking for you! Go back to him at once." she scolded lightly as she picked him up.

"No way! Besides I told him I had to do kwami stuff and will be close if he needs me. Let me stay with you, pleeaasee!" he whined, giving her cute puppy eyes. The only thing cuter than puppy eyes, is when an adorable little cat kwami is doing them.

"Fine, but don't cause any trouble for me." Tikki gave in, "and you'll have cream cheese tarts, no camembert, it is too stinky!"

That day Tikki made a lot more friends, even Chloe and Lila approached her and were kind.

"I'm Chloe, you seem cool so here, have some gum." Chloe offered her some, instead of putting it on her seat like she did for Marinette.

"Thank you Chloe! Short bread gum, my favourite! How thoughtful for you to offer it to me."

Just as Tikki was about to pop it in her mouth Lila grabbed it from her. "Wait, we aren't allowed gum Chloe was just trying to get you in trouble."

"Thanks Lila!" Tikki said in relief.

"But yeah I'm the holder of the fox miraculous, so I try to look out for others and ofcourse I am also BFFs with Ladybug and Chat Noir, so ya know, if we are close I can introduce you all!" Lila rambled on with her fake nonsense.

Tikki just smiled back calmly, "Thank you very much Lila, I really appreciate the offer, you are a very nice girl."

Lila smirked thinking she had fooled Tikki, also popping the gum in her mouth when she thought Tikki wasn't looking.

"Wow you really are the opposite of your sister huh? Early, calm AND can talk to Adrien. But seriously back off from him, Marinette has been in love with him forever." Alya's voice came behind her.

Tikki giggled, "Don't worry, I already have someone that I love.." well aware that Plagg was listening, "my silly kitty..he annoys me a lot, but I still always love him."

Alya raised a brow.

"Oh don't worry, just an inside joke!" Tikki grinned to herself.

The pair gossiped about their love lives, unaware that Adrien was also listening in. Ever since Tikki's 'silly kitty' comment, convinced more than ever that this girl MUST be his ladybug.

After class the whole class, even Chloe went to visit Marinette in hospital, bringing her cards, chocolates, flowers and more.

Nathaniel had drawn a cute phtoto of Marinette as sleeping beauty, being kissed by a prince and waking up.

Tikki nervously thought to herself, it's funny how true that solution is.

Tikki flashed back to a month before. The time when even though things were complicated, they were more simple than this.

"I LOVE YOU MARINETTE!" Chat Noir screamed from the rooftops of Paris.

"SHHH!" Marinette put her hand over her boyfriends mouth. "Look, Chat, Adrien, I love you.. I do.. but you have known me for over a year and as soon as you realize I am ladybug you love me? How can I be sure you love me for me? You literally rejected me.."

Adrien grabbed and kissed her hand, "Because when I look into your eyes and kiss you, you know it's real, you see the way I look at you.. I was so devoted to you I didn't see anyone else, including your own self M'lady, it shows how loyal I am. Besides you only loved me as Adrien anyway."

"I started to fall for your other side too..Now that I know I really am completely in love with you.."

"Then be with me!"

Marinette smiled weakly, "I don't know okay, I want to, but I just need time to process this.."

This became an ongoing interaction between the pair, ever since Marinette's miraculous detransformed while she was still with Chat after a huge akuma battle- set off by Marinette's heartbreak when Adrien had rejected her, but he was so happy knowing it had been his shy but wonderful classmate all this time.

He revealed himself as Adrien.

This was supposed to be he happiest time in Marinette's life, the boy she loved, loved her back. They ended up kissing and became a couple, but instantly Marinette had her doubts and ended the relationship.

"He loves you Marinette, you ARE Ladybug!" Tikki snuggled up to her chosen, "you are an amazing girl and deserve hapiness, so let yourself be happy!"

"I want to but how do I know he loves me not just Ladybug.."

Sick of her chosen doubting herself Tikki sighed and whispered a spell, a special tablet appeared, "Take this, it will show you if Adrien truly loves you or your as Ladybug only."

Marinette's eyes widenened, "W-What? How?"

"Not without great magic and sacrifice THERE WILL be consequences, are you willing to take it to uncover the truth." the small kwami handed it to her owner.

"Yes.." she slowly swallowed it when suddenly in the middle of the street during an akuma attack.

"LOOOK OUT!" Chat screamed, as a huge truck crashed into Marinette. Tikki gasped in horror.. what has she done? Marinette was in a coma.

Master Fu was so disapointed and shocked by the kwami's actions. But revealed that once the reason for the spell comes to a head, Marinette will wake up.

Now in human form Tikki realised what is going on, Adrien must choose between Ladybug (her) or Marinette. His love will truly be tested.