A/N1: The soundtrack for the first half of this chapter is 'Good Morning Again' by Midnight to Twelve. The second half of 'Hold on to Me' Valerie Broussard.

Chapter 45

Genesis was sitting in front of his computer. He was supposed to be compiling reports from their latest local efforts to disseminate information and corral the public. He had also skimmed the news about the two remaining Tsviets, as he did help with them occasionally. They were finally recovered but were still being held. Their attitudes were still violent. He felt they were most likely a lost cause, but part of him admired the tenacity of the General to not give up on them.

As for the rest of his work, none of the Soldiers were thrilled with the idea of working inside the city for anything other than monster patrol. Still, his ire had nothing to do with the dwindling public outcry and troublesome teens. No, as was usual every day, his mind had drifted to his fiancé and their child. It had been far longer than he expected it would be, and Kris had still not wakened.

He had thought it had been hard when he left her behind when he went to Banora. That was nothing compared to this. At least back then, he knew she was safe and healthy. He would give anything to see her beautiful, strange eyes once more.

His attention was snagged by the sound of the pouring rain beating on his office window. He grimaced for a moment before it fell, and he sighed. He had once loved the summer rain in Banora. Now, he wondered if he would ever again not associate it with the thought of losing the one woman he had ever loved. He rubbed his temples for a second before he forced himself to let go of those thoughts and turned back to his computer.

He had only been working for a few minutes when his phone rang. He was in no mood to speak to anyone, so he debated on not answering. He nearly growled when he reached out anyway. However, his sneer quickly fell into shock. The voice on the other end had to call out several times before he moved, but Genesis ignored them. He didn't even bother saying anything before he hung up and raced from the room.

Kris had some concept of the fact that she was unconscious, but all her thoughts kept slipping away before she could examine them. She had a feeling there was something important she needed to find out but still could not muster the willpower to look for whatever it was. She had no idea how long she had been in limbo, but it abruptly ended when she was able to hold onto a thought long enough to remember the battle with the Tsviets and Hojo.

Kris opened her eyes with a gasp. She nearly started to panic, because even though her mind was now alert, her body was still lethargic. She could barely move. Thankfully, the noise she made drew the attention of the other person in the room. Sarah rushed to her side and grabbed her hand in a gentle grasp. There were tears in her eyes when she spoke. "You're awake!"

If Kris had been confused before, she was even more so now. She opened her mouth to reassure her mother that she was fine, but her attention was snagged by the room around them, and something else came out instead. "Mom? Where are we? What is going on?"

Sarah had to blink several times to keep the tears from falling as she brushed her daughter's hair back off her face. "We are in Midgar. You've been unconscious for nearly two months now, and so much has happened."

Kris' eyes widened at that news, and her panic came back with a vengeance. She tried to push herself up but fell back limply. Her eyes showed her fear when she looked back up at Sarah. "My baby!"

Tears did start falling at that question, but Sarah still smiled. "The baby is fine. You're both okay."

Kris didn't doubt her mother, but her hand went to her stomach, instinctively. When she found that is was now much larger than she remembered, she wasn't sure what she felt. Disorientation was at the top of the list, but it was followed closely by relief. She only remembered bits and pieces of what happened once they got to the top of Mount Nibel, but it was enough that she was grateful both she and the baby came out relatively unscathed. Or she hoped so anyway.

Kris took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She also used that time to evaluate how she felt. As she focused on her own body, she realized she was hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires. A great many of which were around her middle. She finally felt calm enough to speak, even if she was still confused. "What happened? How did you get to Midgar? How did I get to Midgar, for that matter?"

Sarah shook her head. "You should focus on regaining your strength. You may have woken, but there could still be issues."

It didn't take much for Kris to realize that her mother was keeping things back. Probably so she wouldn't get stressed. However, not knowing had all sorts of thoughts running through her head. "I need to know what happened. Is Jenova gone? Are we safe here?" She paused and let out a gasp. "Do we still need to worry about Hojo?"

Sarah could tell that her daughter was getting worked up, so she squeezed her fingers. "You don't need to worry about anything. You are safe here. As for what has happened, I don't think I am the one that should tell you. I have been here with you. I promise you will find out everything soon. Why don't we let the doctor know you are up?"

Kris started to protest, but Sarah had already pushed a button. A female voice was coming through the intercom almost immediately. "Yes, how may I help you?"

Sarah's voice held excitement for the first time in months. "Kris is awake. Can you let the Professor know, please?"

There was a sharp gasp on the other end, and the sound of rustling before the woman responded. "Yes, ma'am. Right away."

Kris tensed at the word professor but didn't say anything. She doubted her mother would call someone that would hurt her. It was only a few minutes later that a young woman in a white lab coat came into the room. She smiled at both of the Fairs before she went to Kris' side. "It's good to see you awake! I'm professor Rayleigh, and I have been taking care of you. It isn't often that someone exposed to mako wakes up afterward. How are you feeling?"

Sarah had helped her into a sitting position while they had waited, so it was easier for her to look the young professor in the eye for a moment before she answered. "I feel weak and starving, but otherwise, I guess I'm okay."

Rayleigh had already started checking her vitals but paused long enough to give Kris a smile. "That is understandable. We have made sure to feed you, but you are eating for two. I'm sure with a few days, you'll not feel as weak."

Kris had many more questions, but she didn't get to ask them. The door was flung open violently, and Zack rushed in. He paused with wide eyes for only a second before he rushed forward and pulled Kris into a tight hug. His voice was broken as he whispered to her. "You're alright."

Kris held him just as tightly. She felt tears prick her eyes, and was unable to form words. She understood how worried her brother must have been, and it tore her up. It was several moments later that she finally had herself under control enough to speak. However, she wasn't given a chance to as the door was once again flung open.

Professor Rayleigh sighed at the new interruption but didn't say anything. Genesis would have ignored her anyway. Kris looked up when Zack let her go, and froze at the intense look in her lover's eyes. It was several seconds before he pulled her close. His embrace was gentle, and Kris could feel him trembling slightly. Her tears finally started to fall as she tried to reassure him. "I am so sorry for everything, but I'm here. We'll be fine."

He leaned back far enough to cup her cheek. There was a storm in his eyes that threatened to drown her, but his voice was just as soft as his embrace had been. "Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess." He paused and swallowed once before he was able to continue. "I do not ever want to see anything like that again. I do not believe I could handle it. You promised to be by my side until death. Do not think I will let you go so easily."

Kris tried to laugh, but it came out more like a choked sob. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. She stayed like that for a second before she opened them again and searched his. "Is it over? Are we safe now?"

Genesis sighed and pulled her close once more. "Over is a relative term. I will promise that you are safe. The alien is gone, so there should never be a need for you to sacrifice anymore."

Kris was shocked when Zack clapped Genesis on the shoulder, and her fiancé didn't even glare at him. "He's right. We are still cleaning up, but we've got it from here."

Kris looked at the people around her and felt herself relax just a tiny bit. She was far from fine, but she could tell that with the people around her, it would not be long until she got there. Or as close to there as she could get.

Their reunion was interrupted by Professor Rayleigh. "If you have that all out of your system, then I need to finish my exam. You can come back once I am done." There was a lot of grumbling, but everyone stood to go as directed. Genesis only paused long enough to place a sweet kiss in Kris' forehead with his whispered words of love before he followed the others out.

The next two months were a special kind of torture for Kris. For the first week after she woke, she was not even allowed out of bed. Not that she was up to going far anyway. Finally, Rayleigh relented as long as she stayed within the area. It was still trying for Kris, but she also realized quickly that it was for the best. She tired easily. At least she seemed to be getting better with each day. She never said it aloud, but she hoped that she could at least get closer to how she had been after the baby was born. Otherwise, she might lose her mind.

Genesis was not much better. It had been decided that it would be best for Kris to stay in the infirmary instead of returning to the house Zack still lived in, or with Genesis. Though he did visit every day. He wasn't the only one, either. Sarah spent a lot of her time with Kris, though not as much as she did before her daughter woke. Despite Kris' reassurances that everything would be fine, the older Fair had decided to stay until the baby was born. Zack was there as often as he could be, and surprisingly so was Reno. What really shocked her was the fact that the President checked on her at least a few times. Most of the others didn't understand that one at all, bur Kris took it in stride. Rufus was not the man that he could have become.

Kris was approximately twenty-six weeks along when she finally went into labor. Rayleigh had already been appraised at the fact that it was likely she would not go to full-term. That didn't keep the young woman from being on edge during the whole process. As for Genesis, he was a wreck. Especially when the labor lasted well over twenty hours. He was sure something was wrong, no matter how often he was told everything looked good.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when it was finally over, and Kris gave birth to a whopping eight-pound baby boy. At least whopping for her tiny frame. The only thing that marred the occasion was the sight when he first opened his eyes. Instead of onyx, or even blue, he had the same swirling depths that Kris had. It was difficult to know he would always be different, but not unexpected.

The only other snag came when it was time for them to list his name. They had discussed the issue many times, but could not come to an agreement. Genesis was nearly insistent that he wanted to make a grand gesture and have their son named after Kris' father. However, she vetoed that suggestion immediately. He didn't understand what she meant when she said Godric was just too Harry Potter, but he finally quit arguing. They eventually settled on Zane a couple of days after the birth.

They ended up keeping Kris and Zane for a full week after the birth. She was more than ready to leave when they signed the papers. Though she had to laugh at the look Genesis gave the professor when she told them he had to keep his hands to himself for at least another five weeks.

Sarah ended up going home after they were released. There were lots of tears and promises to visit. Even Genesis agreed that they would not be strangers. They had to get both families together before the wedding, after all. And he did still plan to get married as soon as they could get the arrangements made.

All-in-all, life was almost more hectic than it ever had been. Even though she was now living with Genesis, they rarely ever ate dinner alone. If Zack wasn't visiting, then it would be Angeal or Sephiroth. It was a whole new thing for her, but despite the stress of being a new mother, she couldn't complain. She had never been happier.

It was nearly two months before Kris started feeling more like herself. She had managed to find a sling for Zane, and she started going for walks inside the building, at least. Things were still not settled, but the protests were no longer held, and the company was refocusing on building a better and more sustainable global policy. The war in Wutai had been stopped. The Emporer had been shocked at the offer of a peace treaty between the two governments but was glad to sign it all the same. Especially as he had not had to give any concessions.

There were also a few loose ends that Kris decided it was time to handle. Not that she mentioned her plans to anyone. Some things were best left unsaid. It was the middle of the week, and Genesis was busy in meetings all day, so she convinced Zack to come with her. Not that he didn't have duties, but it was easier for him to get out of them.

Kris was able to get him to walk with her through the city by telling him she needed to go see Mr. Alexandros. Zack had cringed at the reminder of her former boss. They had talked to him over the phone, and he had been more than understanding, but that didn't keep either sibling from feeling bad about how things had gone down.

It was lunchtime when they finally arrived at the furniture shop. Kris wasn't surprised to be greeted by a young man when they entered. She knew Mr. Alexandros needed the help. She was shocked when her former boss dropped what he had been doing to come to give her a hug. He was smiling brightly at the sight of her and the sleeping baby in the sling wrapped close to her chest. "Would you look at that! It's good to see you."

The young man gave them a curious look but went back to his inventory when Mr. Alexandros led them into the back. They spent nearly an hour catching up. Kris was just glad to see that he had found someone capable of taking her place. She was also relieved to know that he didn't hold it against her. She had been afraid her abrupt departure had lost her a friend as well as her job. He teased them both about their tendency to seek adventure, but it was all good-natured.

Finally, Kris had to insist that they had more to do still for him to let them go. Zack had given her a side-long glance but didn't say anything as Mr. Alexandros elicited promises from them both to not be strangers. They were still smiling as they waved goodbye and walked out.

They were nearly to the train station before Zack finally asked what had been on his mind. "What was that about? Are you tired? Do we need to head back?"

Kris had to repress a chuckle as she shook her head. "No, I'll let you know if I feel like it is too much. We're taking it easy, and it feels good to get out."

He eyed her for a moment longer. "I can carry Zane if you want."

Kris started to decline but gave him a grin as she began to undo the wrap. It was several minutes later before they had the baby swaddled once again and nestled against Zack's chest. She stepped back and admired how adorable they both were as her brother cooed down at the yawning baby. It wasn't as heart-melting as it was when Genesis wore the sling, but she could readily admit she was biased. There was something about the sight of her fiancé being a good father that made her absolutely gooey inside.

She was broke from those thoughts when Zack looked up with a grin. "So, if we aren't going back, what did you have to do?"

Kris avoided looking him in the eye as she turned back toward the train as she answered. "I was told that efforts to clean up the slums are going well. I wanted to see what all was being done."

Zack rushed forward and grabbed her arm with a frown. "Absolutely not! That is way more than a walk."

Kris pulled her arm from his grip and shook her head. Before she could say anything, Zack continued. "Genesis will kill me."

Kris chuckled as she gestured toward the station. "Let me worry about Genesis."

Zack could already tell that there would be no changing her mind. He sighed as he followed. She had to keep from laughing as he continued to mumble about being fried when they got back. She had to bite her tongue to keep from saying that some things were worth it.

Zack had no idea why she picked Sector Five, but he didn't ask. The look in her eyes was more than enough to tell him that objections would be pointless. Instead, he stuck to her side as they wandered through the narrow walkways. It was interesting to see how people had used the debris to make their homes, especially since none of them seemed particularly depressed. He supposed it could be partially because all the talk was about the crews that were at the edges of the sector, clearing out the garbage that had been there for decades.

He had lost track of how long they had been wandering aimlessly, but he was getting ready to say something about heading back. His attention was snagged when a sweet voice caught his attention. He turned to see one of the prettiest girls he had ever laid eyes on. She had an armload of flowers and was handing them off to a young man.

"Here you go, Biggs. I'm sure there will be more growing all over the place soon, but for now, I'm happy to help."

The man took them with a grin. "Thanks. I hope you're right. The kids love to decorate the orphanage with them."

By that time, both people had noticed Zack looking at them. The girl gave him a bright smile as she saw the tiny head of strawberry blonde hair peeking out from the wrap. "Oh, how sweet! Is it a boy or a girl?"

Zack stumbled over his words as he tried to get his answer out. He hadn't quite made it when the man spoke with a slight frown. "Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you a bit young to have a baby?"

Zack looked over with wide eyes at the misunderstanding. Thankfully, Kris decided to bail him out. "He absolutely is too young, but my brother was kind enough to carry Zane for a little bit to give me a break."

The girl that first spoke cooed as the baby yawned. "Zane, that's so cute."

Zack finally seemed to get himself together as he held out his hand. "Hi, my name is Zack."

The girl giggled as she took his hand. "I'm Aerith. Nice to meet you and your nephew."

The two of them stared at each other for just a moment with their hands still clasped. It wasn't until Kris called out that they jumped and let go. "Hey, Tadpole, I can take Zane back if you want to walk around for a bit."

The girl gave him a quizzical look. "Tadpole?"

Zack groaned as he glared at his sister. "Really, Kris? Why do you hate me?"

She laughed at the look as she gestured for him to loosen the wrap. "It's sibling prerogative. Now give me my son back and go for a walk."

His glare had hardly dimmed, but he gave the baby back to his mother. It wasn't until Kris had Zane nearly wrapped again that he finally spoke up in a quiet voice. "I can't leave you alone."

She waved him off with a grin. "If you're worried, don't go far. I'll be right here. I haven't seen flowers since Gongaga. I'd like to see what they're doing."

Zack was still frowning, but the girl had grabbed his hand. "Let me show you this place just around the corner. They have the best cake, I promise. They use some of the flower petals for decorations."

Kris barely noticed as Biggs walked to her side, and they both watched the two walk off. She didn't look over until he spoke. "You know, I don't think I have ever seen her react to someone like that." He then paused as he gave her a grin. "Your brother is lucky."

She returned the look with a grin of her own. "Maybe. I guess time will tell." It took all she had not to say how much she was looking forward to welcoming the girl to the family already.

Biggs shrugged as he gestured to the flowers. "You said you wanted to see what we do with these. I help out at an orphanage nearby."

Kris looked back at her brother once more and felt warmth well up. She then turned back to the man. "That sounds like a noble calling."

He shrugged self-consciously. "Nah, somebody's got to do it."

Kris gave him a grin. "If you say so." The man looked away with another shrug, but his attention had been grabbed by a couple of children that came running up. She watched it all with a small smile.

She held no illusions that her life would be perfect, but she could see the good blossoming in the world around her. Things were changing for the better. That, and she knew she was surrounded by people that loved her. They were the best extended family she could have asked for. No, it wasn't perfect, but she was happy, and that was enough.

A/N2: And so it is done. I know this has been a rollercoaster of a fic, but I enjoyed sharing it with you all. Thank you for spending some of your time with me. I hope you all feel the hope too. It is something we could all use a little more of. May you all find your enough.