KawaiiCutie12: So this chapter actually wasn't supposed to be the next one, but after watching a few of these, I think it'd be cute if Floxy and Vee did one :)

Vee: Ooooh

Floxy: I wanna know I wanna know

KawaiiCutie12: You're gonna do a cousin/bestfriend tag!

Floxy: Vee, don't give me any hard questions.

Vee: Ya already know too much about me!!

KawaiiCutie12: Let's go thenn!!! I don't own Poppixie!!

"Cousin/Bestfriend tag"

"Floxy, that's not funny!"

"You were in so much trouble that day!"

Floxy was sitting in Vee's room, Vee on her bed and Floxy on her sofa. They hadn't seen each other in so long, and the fact that Vee lived two towns away from Pixieville didn't help that.

"Yeah, 'cause you were being a baby that day." Vee stuck her tongue out.

Floxy shrugged. "I still got you back after."

"And I still hate you."

They laughed at the memory, still fresh in their minds as if it happened only fifteen minutes ago.

Once they died down, Floxy looked up at Vee. "How ya liking Crystalville?"

Vee sighed. "It's nice out here," she commented, "even though everyone's rich as fuck, they're not really snobby and arrogant about it ya know?"

Floxy nodded. "Can't relate."

Vee chuckled. "Please, Pixieville has some rich people; look at Sapph."

"And Crystalville has all rich people," Floxy retorted, "look at you."

They sat in silence again. "Hey, let's make a youtube video."

This caught Vee by surprise.

Vee had an idea. "Wanna do a cousin tag?"

Floxy rose an eyebrow. "A what?"

"A cousin tag. Where we ask each other questions and the loser gets whipped creamed."

Floxy's eyes brightened. "Sounds fun!"

They set everything up and began filming.

"What's up Vanilla beans, It's ya girl Tsumi Vee and welcome back to my channel!! Today I'm with my LITTLE BRO I MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!"

"Hey Youtube!" Floxy greeted under Vee's bear hug.

"Guess what we're up to today?" Floxy asked once out of Vee's grip.

They looked at each other, then back at the screen.


"Comment down below who you think will win!"

"I'll give you guys a hint: Vee's memory is worse than Dory's."

She glared, then punched him on the arm, causing him to grimace and laugh.

"Let's get onto it!"

Vee let Floxy pick the first question:

"First question: How exactly are you two related...?"

They stared dumbfounded. "Um..."

"I don't get what this question means," Floxy finished for her.

They stared at each other for a moment. "I mean, I did kinda say we were cousins," Vee answered unsurely.

"If you meant like how, my mom and her dad are cousins, if that makes sense," Floxy added in, "pick the next question."

Vee thought of one. "When's my birthday?"

Floxy's worry increased as Vee shook the can of whipped cream.


Vee rose an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"


Vee stared at him shock and amusement running on her face . "Are you serious?"

Floxy realized what happened. "What no Vee, don't!"

Vee sprayed some on a plate and held it out to him. "If you don't I will!"

"Vee, no, have mercy on me! I was a few days off!"

His pleas went unheard, and Vee mashed it onto his face. They were hysterical and took quite some time to calm their laughter down.

"I can't believe you. Since you think you know everything, when's mine?"

Vee's ego dropped like the ball on New Year's. "July...8?"

"Hypocrite!" Floxy cried, and sprayed her with whipped cream.

"I didn't even spray that much!"

They wiped their faces off on a towel nearby. "Next question, Vee you pick."

Vee racked her brain. "What's my favorite show?"

"Easy one! Gravity Falls!" Floxy answered confidently.

"Yes!" Vee exclaimed.

"Now what's mine?"

"We like the same show," Vee smirked.

"Trueee," Floxy grinned, then chuckled.

They looked at their phones.

"Hmm...oh I got one," Vee said, then turned to Floxy, "What's my real name?"

Floxy had to think for a moment. "Um...hang on give me a sec...um...OH! Natsumi Victoria Cassoni!"

Vee mentally sulked that she couldn't drench him in whipped cream.

Vee nodded. "Yup."

"How many points was that?"

Vee looked down. It dawned on her then that they haven't been keeping score. "Funny ya mention that...the score button wasn't on..."

Floxy's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?"

Vee nodded. "It's fine though."

Floxy smirked as he came up with the next question. "How many girlfriends have I had?"

Vee chuckled. "One."

"Nope." Floxy grinned.

Vee was dumbfounded. "What?"

"Remember Izzy?"

Vee stared at him incredulously, the memory suddenly coming back to her. "She was imaginary!"

"But our love wasn't!"

The two cracked up for about the millionth time that hour.

"How many have I had?"

"None, ya ain't gay!"

Vee, still laughing, went into her PM inbox and decided to read some of the questions on there.

"Have I ever f*cked P*ez?"

Floxy's eyes widened, making Vee laugh harder. "I mean, shit, how should I know?"

"You know I wouldn't!"

"Have I ever f*cked S*pph?"


Floxy looked away, then turned back to Vee. He smirked, and stared at her until his laughter gave way.

"I'm kidding, Vee! I'm a good kid."

"...Lying right out of your ass."

They laughed again, and the fact that Floxy had started choking made Vee laugh a little harder.

"Okay, final question: Who's your favorite cousin?"

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Definitely not you!" they said in unison.

"Okay, guys," Vee chuckled, "that's it for this video! Like, comment, and subscribe to join the Vee vanilla beans!"

"And follow me!" Floxy added in.

"See ya guys next time. Byeeee!"

Floxy helped her edit it (especially considering she didn't know how to bleep out stuff), and they uploaded it.

"These comments are hilarious," Floxy told her as he read through the overflowing comment section.

"I love my fans," Vee laughed, looking over his shoulder.

"Hey, lemme take ya on a quick tour," Vee suggested.

Floxy agreed, so out the door, into Crystalville, they went on an adventure.

KawaiiCutie12: Theyre ya go guysss!!!

Vee: He really forgot my birthday...

Floxy: I'm sorry!!! At least I was close!

Vee: *still pouting* fair enough

Floxy: *grabs Vee into giant monster hug*


KawaiiCutie12: *laughs at the duo*

You two remind me of me and my cousin. Anywho, y'all know what to do!!

Vee and Floxy: READ AND REVIEW!!!!

Floxy: Or else Vee will come into your rook while you're sleeping and-

*Vee chases Floxy*

KawaiiCutie12: Bye guys!! xx

(Quick A/N: Those two questions were censored out in the video, only because in my story, their fans don't know who they're dating, until a little while after)