After Shikamaru threw in the towel and went to sleep, Naruto spent almost the entire night awake, fretting over his notebook. He was jittery, which he knew he needed to get under control, but he couldn't figure out how.

Yes, restlessness, excitement and insomnia were all symptoms of a manic episode.

He was also getting married tomorrow and he was fucking nervous.

Usually his medication knocked him out like a light, but that night the drowsiness just added to the nerves, and after it passed, he was left, still wide awake.

He tried his usual workout that he figured out, being on house arrest. It didn't do jack shit besides make him kind of sweaty. He fell back onto the basics, squats, crunches and push-up, cycling through them until that familiar twinge in his hand started acting up.

The one he got from punching the dry wall, a lifetime ago.

That memory didn't do a lot to help him relax, so he grabbed his notebook. Glad that he hd thought to bring in.

So that's where he found himself, deep into the night. Sat on their bed, knees up, notebook in hand, writing away.

At first, it was just how he was feeling in the moment. Trying to get it all out so he could at least have some peace, and maybe get a little rest. Nothing seemed to work.

He was so nervous. Tomorrow felt like the moment. The one that he had been working towards his entire life and just didn't know it. The accumulation of everything, the end of the path. His destiny.

That might've sounded like a lot of mumbo jumbo bullshit, but he couldn't shake the feeling.

Tomorrow was really important to him. And he didn't want to ruin it with typical Naruto antics. It had to be a perfect day.

He took a breath. What did normal people do the night before their wedding? Sleep, probably, but that was out of the question. He googled it on his phone. A nice little WikiHow checklist popped up.

'1. Get a good nights rest.'

"Why don't you get fucked." Naruto huffed at the added illustration of the sleeping man.

'2. Make sure you have your outfit and accessories set out and ready for the morning.'

Check. His suit hung in the garment bag up in the closet of the guest bedroom. His new black shoes shine, polished and placed together underneath it along with his belt.

'3. Look over your vows and revise as necessary.'


Naruto felt the pizza, that he had eaten two different times that night, churn in his stomach. Revise? Revise fucking what? He had never made any vows to start with!

"I'm gonna be sick." He tried to take a calming breath through his nose.

Was he even going to need vows? They were just doing the courthouse. Anything in the New York government was quick. Well, there was always a long ass wait, but the thing itself was quick. They had so many people they needed to roll through. He didn't even know if there would need to be vows.

Did Hinata write vows?

He sure is hell isn't going to ask her. If she did, and he outs himself that he didn't – well, that would be not good. Bad. Real bad.

He already broke, Ino's satanic "no contact" rule once. As much as he wanted to do it again, he really didn't want to be the jackass boyfriend that didn't let his girlfriend have time with her friends.

Not girlfriend. Fiancée. Tomorrow she'd be his wife.


He rubbed down his clammy forehead again. "I'm going to be sick." He insisted to the room.

Fuck it. He'd just write some vows then. He'd just put them in his pocket, and if they ask him, he'll be prepared, and if they don't, no harm, no foul. He can't sleep anyways.

And it'll probably keep him from blowing chunks all over the Nara-Sabaku guest room rug. It had to be expensive knowing Temari.

After writing and crumpling, and writing and crumpling, and writing and crumpling, Naruto thought he was really going to go crazy. He hated this feeling. It scared him, which only put him on even more of an edge.

This couldn't happen to him. Not the night before the most important day of his life. Not now.

He did the only thing he could do.

"You aren't in prison, are you?" Ibiki grunted, after only half a ring.

"No? Why would you think that?" Naruto frowned; a little bit offended.

"You called me in the middle of the night. Why else would you have woke me up at this time? On a weekend?"

"Sorry. Um, I'm getting married tomorrow. In the morning. And I uh, I can't sleep. I think it's because of nerves, but I can't focus and I'm starting to feel a little shaky." It would always feel a little emasculating, to bare his faults out before someone else. But he knew that's what he needed to do.

"Ok. Have you taken your meds?"

"Yup. They made me a little tired, but not enough to knock me out. You don't think I'm like having a freak out, do you? Like, I don't have to go to the hospital or anything right? Cause tomorrow is really, really important for me and Hinata. And our friends have already done so much and-"

"No. You sound fine. Well, not serious enough to send you to the hospital. At least not yet. Why don't you take half a tablet, this time don't fight the drowsiness, and see if can't get you to sleep. At least until dawn." There was some joke in his normal razor-sharp voice.

"Are you sure?" Naruto frowned. That seemed all too close to his self-medicating days. "I follow the directions to the T. I don't really do that old shit anymore."

"Whether medically advised or not, they give people small dose Seroquel for sleeping all the time. Relax."

"Right." Seroquel did feel like a sedative. A tranquilizer on most night. It was the he most common side effect.

"It won't affect your refills or anything. You're probably just nervous, and changes in mood and environment can lead to episodes, so do your best to relax and let me know if symptoms persist."

Naruto nodded. "Okay. Thanks for helping me out."

"That's my job. Though I usual prefer it at normal hours in the future if possible."

"Right. Sorry." He sighed. "I'm just not used to my doctors actually helping me with anything."

"Okay, if that's everything-"

"I think I'm gonna mess this up." Naruto blurted out.

Ibiki sighed, and Naruto could see the tired expression, clearly in his mind.

"Sorry. I know it's late. I just- I'm afraid that I'm going to say the wrong thing. And tomorrow's kind of an important time for me to get it right." He could feel the anxiety rising in his chest just talking about it.

"Look, if Hinata hasn't left you ass by now, you're probably safe."

"Come on." Naruto frowned, glaring at the wall in lieu of Ibiki's actual face.

"Actions speak louder than words. I think her hang up was actions anyways, if you recall some of our sessions."

"Right." She didn't leave him because he was sick. She left because he stopped trying.

"Go to bed Uzumaki." Ibiki huffed. "And have a good day tomorrow."

"Okay but-"

"I am hanging up."

"Thanks." Naruto laughed, hearing the phone click off.

Naruto carefully cut one of his pills in half with his bank card, swallowed it and forced himself to get into the bed, head on the pillow, and pull the blankets over himself.

Nothing happened at first. He stared out the window with wide eyes, counting his breath, forcing himself not to slip out of the blankets to do some more push-ups.

Instead, he just counted with the rise and fall of his chest. Six seconds in, six seconds out.

It took some time, but he did finally fall asleep. It was only for a little less than three hours before he heard movement in the house, the sun cresting through the window. He sat up, rolling his neck, rubbing his still tired eyes, and decided that no matter how tired he was, he was going to face this day head on.

The kitchen was nice and updated. Temari was standing at the stove, dressed a very high-end blouse and jeans. Shikamaru looked asleep at the table, in what he was wearing the night before.

"Hey. I mean, uh, good morning." Naruto greeted them.

Temari turned quickly. "Good morning – what the fuck?" Her voice zoomed from chipper to absolutely pissed, her sharp greens turning to Shikamaru. "What the hell did you do to him last night?"

Shikamaru's eyes were barely open, holding his cup of coffee like it was a fifty-pound weight. "Nothing, woman."

"Explain his face!" She shouted, pointing her spatula at Naruto accusatorily.

"Look," Shikamaru put up a hand, like he was using his last ounce of strength to fend her off. "I bought him pizza and breadsticks. That amount of carbs should've put him into a coma. It's not my fault if he was tweaking all night."

"I wasn't tweaking." Naruto quickly corrected, too defensive to sound sincere. "I was just nervous. Sorry."

"Oh, sweetheart." Temari melted, holding the spatula close to her chest. "You poor thing. Just sit down, quick. I'll give you some coffee."

He didn't drink coffee, but Temari seemed like woman you didn't want to say 'no' to. Shikamaru was right about the mothering part, she even sugar and creamed his coffee for him without asking how much, and set it right on the table in front of him.

"Thank you so much."

She waved his thanks away rather aggressively, scrutinizing his face. "Shika, should we give him some Bailey's? Or some Schnapps? I think we only have peppermint though."

"No." He groaned. "No. Not today. Hinata will kick my fucking ass."

"She could too." Naruto smirked.

"I bet you'd like it." Temari accused, viciously staring down her poor future husband.

Shikamaru shrugged a little, shaking his head, looking off into space, as if to just as god what he ever did to deserve this treatment.

Temari turned her attention back to Naruto though, waving him off again with the spatula. "Don't worry. We'll get you fixed up. What you need first is a big breakfast."

Big breakfast indeed. Temari had make French toast with strawberries and whipped cream, eggs, bacon and hash browns

"Why don't you cook for me like this?" Shikamaru side eyed her.

"Shut up and appreciate it while it's here." She sat down at the table too with a plate for herself. "Alright. We have to get you ready. What all do you need to do?"

"Uhh," Naruto's brain seemed to stall out through a mouth full of food.

Temari's eyes turn to Shikamaru. "What does he need to do?"

He looked at his future wife blankly.

"You are just – ugh. Hopeless, Shikamaru Nara!" She turned her attention back to him. "Okay, shower, shave," She started ticking the things off with her fingers. "Brush your teeth, fix your hair,"

Did she really just remind him that he had to brush his teeth?

Maybe (and Naruto would never admit this out loud), maaaaaaybe, there was some truth to that old asshole therapist that insinuated he was into mother figures because of his lack thereof, but this was a little much.

"Then we'll get you dressed. We'll double check everything. And then we'll be about ready. Okay?"

Shikamaru barely spared a grunt, but not wanting to be rude, Naruto just nodded.

After he was finished with the insane amount of food, she stole his plates before he could even try to put them in the sink, pushing him into the bathroom, asking invasive questions like if he had enough soap and deodorant.

Thinking about Shikamaru's crazy wife though was a good distraction for his jitters. He felt like he was trying to drown himself under the water. As soon as he shut it off, Temari was knocking on the door, reminding him not to put on a shirt that went over his head, as not to mess up his hair.

It wasn't like he was doing some teen girl, up-do. But he listened, anyways.

His shorter hair didn't need much to be tamed, he just made sure that none of it would dry down funky or something. He didn't need anything making him look even more like a dork than he did.

"Here, I have something for you." Temari appeared back in the bathroom with a little plastic jar. "This eye cream is insane."

"Uh," Naruto looked at it, trying not to sound rude and tell her no.

She seemed to pick up on it. "Don't worry. It's just like a lotion. Nobody will notice it."

That's not what he was really worried about. He knew Temari would never do him that bad. But, was it really okay for him to just let someone else use their ring finger and dab lotion on his under eyes? Which is what she was currently doing.

"Hey, Shikamaru. Can you grab my suit?" Naruto asked, nervously.

He didn't need it right then. He just thought having a witness near him would exonerate him from any possible wrongdoing he was participating in.

He heard the telltale huff and dragging footsteps come from the living room. He passed the bathroom without a blink, so maybe everything was fine.

Not that he would ever do anything with Temari. Excluding the fact that her fiancé, who was arguably his best friend, was still in the house. Also excluding that Temari was basically the exact archetype of the woman he THOUGHT was his type. At least when he was younger. Big hair, loud voice, bossy, overly sexy (noted in more of an academic sense). All around, he would've most certainly categorized her as a bad bitch, that no matter how nice of eye cream she could afford now, still seemed to harbor the trashy New York that he held so dearly. Even though she had all that, the appeal didn't really hit the same anymore. Not since he found the love of his life. He'd never do anything with any other woman ever again.

Only his wife.

Holy fuck, the next time he saw Hinata, she was going to be his wife. Well, she would be. They still had to say some stuff and sign some shit.

Oh god, he was going to be sick.

He nodded.

"It's so nice that you guys decided to do a quicker wedding." She said it without any snide in her voice, too, leaning back to appraise her work.

"I feel like I've been waiting forever for her though." He nodded.

"Aw." She smiled, just as Shikamaru reappeared with his arms full. "Why can't you be that sweet."

"I tell you I love you once a year. What more do you want from me?" Shikamaru dropped the bag on the counter, but with one gasp, Temari snatched it back up, sending him a death glare and pushing past Naruto to hang it on the shower curtain.

Naruto looked in the mirror. "Oh damn. I do look better."

Temari smirked. "Well shouldn't you for the price?" She leaned back to appraise her work.

"Price?" Shikamaru frowned.

One gleaming green death glare silenced him, like an 'Avada Kedavra' exploding out of Voldemort's wand.

He rolled his eyes, his shoulders sagging with a sigh.

She clapped her hands. "Alright, get dressed. We need to be out the door soon. Shikamaru." She looked at him pointedly.

"Why are you looking at me, I ain't dressing him."

"Go dress yourself, you lazy ass!" She snapped, shooing him out. "You're a big joker, huh? All the time with this bullshit – Naruto," Her face returned to a smile. "Just holler if you need anything."

"Thanks." He nodded, locking the door behind him.

The suit felt just as uncomfortable as when he had tried it on at the shop. The only thing that kept him from feeling like an overdressed monkey was remembering Hinata's reaction to it.

The drive down to the courthouse reminded Naruto of what he thought it would be like to have his parents drop him off at prom. If he had parents. Or even went to his prom.

"There's got to be parking around here somewhere." Temari insisted, for the third time.

"Well when you find it, let me know." Shikamaru sneered, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel.

Traffic was always bad, especially around a place like the courthouse, where so many people went every single day.

Feeling pity on his friend's souls, he chimed in. "Here, I'll just jump out right here." He pointed over at the sidewalk a couple lanes over.

Temari frowned. "What are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's totally fine." He nodded. "Thanks so much for everything. You guys are really awesome."

"I know." Shikamaru had already clicked the unlock, the sound and his frown telling Naruto to bounce the fuck out.

Temari slapped his arm. "Shut up. It's no problem at all. You're welcome any time."

"Thank you." He smiles, unbuckling himself, cracking open the door.

"Tell Hinata we should do some double dates, okay. That would be so fun. Wouldn't that be so fun?" She beamed over at Shikamaru.

His voice was his usual, monotone. "Couldn't possibly think of anything more fun."

"I'll tell her." Naruto nodded.

He was pretty sure that Hinata liked Temari. She was kind of loud and a little abrasive but it's Hinata was very accustomed to crazy noisy blondes. She was moments away from marrying him.

He felt his stomach lurch again.

"See you guys tonight."

Once inside, he kind of realized that he had no fucking idea where he was going. He had to go through security though, so he dumped all the contents of his pocket into the little bowl, carefully setting down his manic scribbles from last night, and small little box.

"Look sharp. You got court this morning?" The security guard asked, handing him back the contents of his pockets in the little plastic bowl.

"Nah. Not this time. I'm getting married." Naruto felt his stomach lurch and he shoved everything back into his pockets.

"Word." The guy nodded. "The line for those courtrooms is back that way."

Naruto nodded. "Thanks man. Wish me luck."

"Yeah, you look like you need it." He laughed.

He did. The breakfast was sitting wrong in his stomach, the coffee he wasn't accustomed to felt like it was curdling his stomach acid. His palms were soaking wet and his hands were practically shaking, tapping his legs erratically. His forehead was dampening as well; his thoughts were racing, making him start to feel dizzy.


Through the throngs of people, in a very long line, bounced Hinata's mini me.

"Aye, little Hyuuga." He smiled, waving back.

He hadn't met Hanabi until she turned eighteen, as Hinata and her sister had lost contact when Hinata left home. He knew that Hanabi was a lot closer with their father, having had a better relationship. Though to his knowledge, this had not affected the sisterly relationship. He had met her several times since then.

He liked her. She was funny, and loud. She reminded him a lot of a nicer Ino. Very stylish, very driven. She seemed to like him too, and was always nice, even through all of his bullshit.

As Hinata's only family that he had the pleasure of meeting, he felt pretty confident in their relationship and waiting with them for his big moment.

That confidence, as soon as it was born, promptly died as soon as he saw who standing next to her. Even if he hadn't heard the name and knew who was coming, he would've clocked Neji Hyuuga from a mile away.

It was strange, he had never really seen cousins that looked so much alike. He looked like a carbon copy of little Hyuuga, same hair and eye color to a T. Hinata was darker, more jet black, theirs more brown-black.

But as much as Neji and Hanabi looked a like, their demeanor was polar opposites.

Hanabi was happy to see him, all smiles, round cheeks and dimples, which looked eerily similar to her sister.

Neji looked like he was being held there against his will, with only a sliver of respect for Hinata keeping him from shooting Naruto in the face right where he stood.

But what did he expect? Hinata had given Neji his entire rap sheet to get him out of his last sticky situation. He'd probably want to kill him too if someone like him was trying to marry his family member.

"Hey man. Nice to meet you." Naruto held out his soaking wet hand.

Good thing Neji was already completely disgusted by his presence. It's not like it could get any worse.

"Where's Hinata?"

Hanabi giggled. "A little impatient? Don't worry. She should be here soon."

"Cool, cool." He started engaging in some menial small talk about her classes, trying to ignore the heart attack he was currently suffering through.

It felt weird, waiting for this momeng with Hinata's family members. He knew they were the fairest choice. Between him and his future wife, their circle really only included friends. A found family, so to speak. Choosing which ones could be with them felt like an impossible task. Making the ceremony family only narrowed it down to two, which was only what they were allowed in the courtroom with them anyways.

But it felt weird now. Waiting with her cousin and sister. What would it have been like if he had family? What would his parents be acting like? Would they be happy for him?

What if Sasuke was better? Would he be able to act right, through his unreasonable dislike for Hinata? Probably not, but it was nice to imagine it.

He always pictured his mom as blonde. His dad as tall. Sasuke would be making fun of him. Maybe his mom would be crying. Maybe his dad would give him a pep talk.

"Sorry I'm late."

Naruto almost tripped, spinning around.

"Holy shit." He blinked.

She looked similar to when he had taken her to Kakashi's election night. Some of her hair was softly curled around her face, the rest pinned back loosely. Her face looked like it was both blurred smooth and sharpened at the same time. Her eyelashes looked like bird feathers, and her skin looked luminescent, like moonlight.

Her dress didn't look like a tradition wedding dress. It brushed her knees and exposed her shoulders. But it was white, beads and lacey details.

"Are you okay?" She blinked up at him.

"No." His voice was almost a whisper now.

She blinked, eyes widening. "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm going to throw up." He said it so frankly. His body stiff as a bored. His vision had tunneled down, cutting out every other person in the entire building besides Hinata, and her increasingly worried expression. That paired with the palpitations of his heart, the wispy sound of his voice, the cold sweat building on his forehead and back. It felt like some severe dip in his blood pressure or something. "Or pass out. And die." He swallowed down a stiff lump in his throat, trying to take a deep breath, but feelings his hands shake.

Hinata reached out tentatively to grab his arm. "I'm going to take him to the bathroom." She informed her family before carefully leading him away.

He concentrated on keeping his feet working correctly, one in front of the other.

"Baby, did you do something last night? I know it was a bachelor party, and some crazy stuff happens. Are you-?"

"No." He shook his head, his voice still sounding like he was doing Ryan Reynolds sarcastic voice.

"I'm not going to be mad." She promised, nearing the bathroom signs. "I just want to help."

"I ate, like, three different dinners." Naruto nodded. "We went to this gym in Brooklyn and watched some fights. Then I went to Shikamaru's and watched TV. I ate like nonstop. I'm definitely not at fight weight right now."

"It's okay. You still have some time." She nodded. She moved to unlick their arms. "I'm going to grab you some paper towels."

"Don't ever leave me." He snatched her wrist.

She stopped and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Babe, I think your freaking out-"

"I'm a hundred percent freaking out." He nodded.

She bit down a giggle and nodded with him. "I'm going to get you some wet paper towels to help. Okay?"

"Okay." He agreed, still nodding but not letting her hand go.

"You wait right here." She shook him off.

He gasped for some air. "I'll wait right."

Why had he suddenly lost it when he saw Hinata? It felt like wanting to cry all day and letting it out when you got home. All his crazy feelings broke out like an exploding dam as soon as he saw her.

Thankfully she didn't take that long to come back, a pile of wet paper towels in hand.

He grabbed on and started wiping down his face, letting the damp, cold help cool him off. "I'm really losing it."

"Maybe you should call Dr. Morino?" She frowned, her eyes narrowing a little to look at him more critically.

"I already did. He said it was nerves." He laughed a little. "Between you and me, I'm the nervous one? You went to a club last night, and I'm the nervous one. Look at us?"

"Who would've thought?" Hinata smiled, echoing a really dumb chicken wing YouTube segment.

"Not me." He finished the line, but actually meant it. Who would've thought, all the way back at the beginning of their relationship, Anxiety Hinata and Wild Naruto would end up like this? "Fuck, I gotta get it together." He tried to take a deep breath, throwing away one paper towel and reaching for another from her little pile.

"It's okay. I was so sick this morning that Ino asked me if I was pregnant."

Naruto felt his legs buckle, and his thoughts drop through his head to his stomach, sloshing the stomach acid. "Areyoupregnat?" The words dribbled out, nasally and shaky.

"No." She frowned. "I was hungover. And very nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" Naruto frowned.

"Because I'm finally marrying the love of my life silly." She smiled, grabbing his arm with her free hand. "Probably the same reason you are."

"You don't have a reason to be nervous. You're not the one that fucks shit up. I am." He groaned, rubbing the paper towel back down his face.

"Naruto," Hinata frowned, her voice full of empathy as always.

"I, I," Naruto swallowed hard. "I don't feel like I did enough to deserve this."

"Baby?" She gasped. "No."

He nodded. "I know you left because I wasn't trying anymore. And that's the point. That I have to try. But I don't think I did enough. I mean, like, I proposed the day I got in a street fight. And then I was arrested. I mean, I moved back in with you because I was on house arrest!"

"Naruto, that wasn't your fault." Hinata frowned.

"Yeah, I mean. It kinda was. Other people don't do that shit. I've tried though. I just feel like it'll never be good enough to deserve you. But, I need you. I literally, cannot live without you."

Hinata smiled, dropping the paper towels in the trash next to them and grabbed both of his hands in hers. "Yes, you can." She nodded. "You showed me you could. You lived without me. You worked hard on your own. And look at everything you accomplished. Your healthy. You have a career. You're following your health plan. You're doing amazing."

Naruto felt a blush rising on his cheeks and frowned, trying not cry or something stupid.

"You don't want to be with me because you 'need' me. You want to be with me because you love me. And," She looked down at both of their hands, one of her thumbs rubbing over his tattooed, scarred knuckles. "I think that's even more romantic."

"I do love you. Fuck, you're right. That is way more romantic." Naruto nodded. "I feel like I can never say what I really mean anyways. But Ibiki did say actions speak louder than words."

He let go of his hand to dip into his pocket. He grabbed out a square box, pulling it out. He blinked down at it, searching his mind, trying to figure out what he really wanted to say and how.

"You always seemed like this perfect person. Even before we were together. You were smart, and got good grades, never got into trouble and were the nicest person I had ever met. And you could do all the normal person things that I had such a hard time figuring out. Like cleaning, and having a real job." It's still embarrassing, to that moment, that he had a hard time just doing basic human tasks. But embarrassment and shame wouldn't take the facts away. "I never had enough money for anything extra in my entire life. Fuck, I didn't even have money for the shit I actually needed, but that not the point-"

He shook his head, trying to it.

Hinata waited patiently for him though, one hand still laced in his, chewing on her bottom lip, her eyes moving from his own to the box in his other hand. With the hand that held hers, he tipped her wrist, letting the ever-present bracelet dip on her wrist bone.

"I always wanted to be the guy that could get you this. Which in the grand scheme of our lives, and all the shit I didn't do, not getting you a bracelet should kinda fall further down on the list. But it is what it is. And it always bothered me that I couldn't, because of the way I was before."

He let go of her hand so he could open the box.

"So, I got you one." He finished it lamely, shrugging his shoulders.

Because he could now. Because he was different. He was finally, finally, FINALLY, the guy that could buy her the bracelet.

He watched Hinata's face, the soft surprise in her blinking eyes. "A bracelet?" She asked, quietly.

Naruto scrunched up his face a little, winking as he looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I know it's kind of dumb and stuff."

She grabbed the bracelet out of the box, the simple silver bangle catching the light of the shitty, office style panels.

"Did you know, that my bracelet sort of meant the same thing to me?" She asked quietly, slipping the bracelet onto her hand.


She nodded. "When I left home, I left everything behind. My father was convinced that I would fail. That I'd never amount to anything. I worked so hard to take care of myself, the first time I had enough extra money, I bought myself a little gift. To prove to myself that I could do it. That I could take care of myself, that I didn't need him, that I had worth."

He blinked, almost astonished.

Her bracelet had meant to him, what he was also striving to give her. And without even knowing it, he had worked for the same goal, with the same symbol, and done it! Though it had taken him a lot longer to get there than her. But it wasn't a race. He was lucky she was patient in any case.

"Though, mine wasn't a seven thousand-dollar Cartier." She looked at him, happiness radiating her eyes, though a slight disapproving frown on her lips.

"Can you shuttup." He frowned back, playfully. "This is my special day."

She giggled, looking back down at the box. "Oh look. It comes with a cheesy little key." She grabbed out the thin piece of matching metal.

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, it's so dumb." He snatched it out of her hand, quickly though.

Naruto had tattooed her last post-it note on his arm after carrying it around for weeks in his pocket. He was not above cliché and cheesiness.

Hinata smiled, grabbing his arm, stepping up on is tiptoes to plant a soft, and very sweet kiss onto his lips. "Thank you." She smiled, resting her head against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her body. "Thank you. For everything. For loving me. And for waiting. Giving me the chance to actually deserve you."

"Of course. I love you. Ever since I met you."

"You really have to rub that in?" He frowned, letting his hands run up and down her arms. "I love you too. I'm sorry it took me longer to realize it. And took me longer to figure out how to show it right. But I'll never stop loving you, and doing my best to show you."

"I know." She nodded, her cheek still pressed to his chest. "Feeling better."

"Oh yeah." He sighed.

"Ready to go get married now?" She looked back up at him.

"Hundred percent. Let's rock this bitch!" He pumped a fist, startling a woman who was trying to walk past them into the bathroom.

Hinata pulled him by the hand back to the Hyuuga family.