This are the missing moments of the Twilight series when Edward comes back to Bella after a long time and how they both build their relationship and the trust again. It will mainly be from Edward's point of view, and a few part from Bella's point of view.

This is all my imagination and I hope you like what I think might have happened in the Twilight world.

"Forever" I vowed.

"That's all I'm asking for." She assured and stood on her toes to kiss me. I was more than willing to kiss her. I met her halfway, and our lips worked lightly in synchronized manner against each other. She tried to deepen the kiss by snuggling closer to me, but as usual, I had to stop her.

It was more difficult than I imagined to remove her soft pink lips from my hard lips, but eventually I separated them. I gently removed her mouth from mine and kissed her forehead. She pouted, giving full emphasis on her lower lip. I just had to kiss that! I kissed her bottom lip once and pulled back.

"Hurry back." I whispered. Even this small separation was killing me. I knew it was stupid to act like this – she was just a wall away from me for God's sake! – but it was like she was taking my heart with her. After the worst seven months of my life, a small ten feet distance seemed like a ten miles.

She nodded and went in the bathroom.

I sat on the rocking chair, waiting for her. Charlie was furious downstairs. Even with his distinct thoughts, I knew he was mentally shouting on me. How can she threaten... know better... left her once... leave her again... He remembered once again the sight of Bella – lost, never talking, always lost in her thoughts. The distant look in her eyes, the sadness there, all of these were my doings. Even if I grovel on my knees for a century, it would be nothing in front of those sadness.

But even Charlie was comparing the lost Bella, and the Bella now. There was no sadness there. The colour, which I loved most, was back in her cheeks. Her eyes were showing how happy she was. Though Charlie may never say it loud, he was considering letting me back in here, in Bella's life, if he wanted to see her happy.

I wanted to confront myself that Bella was real, she was no longer that lost Bella. My hands were dying to caress Bella's cheek, to stroke her face, to make her cheeks burn with her blush. I could hear the sound of water landing on the floor, the water which was now caressing Bella. The sound of her shifting from one foot to another. The soft click of shampoo bottle, the sound of fingers scraping her skull, washing her hair.

Ugh! Think of something else. I ordered myself. I am a gentleman, and the thoughts I am having now are not of any gentleman.

I looked over her room once again to distract myself.

Her usually unmade bed was made nicely, just the blanket was a little tangled. Her whole room was too clean, no proof of any life was present in the place where my love spent her last seven months. Her wardrobe seemed to be lacking clothes, as if it had been a severe shortage. There was a black bag full of clothes in the last section of her wardrobe, which I think, was full of my reminders. Along with the bag were some broken CD's, books, and a small black box – which again I think I know. I stood from the chair and went towards her wardrobe. It felt wrong to intrude in her wardrobe argued my gentleman side, but the teenager side won – who was assuring me that I had hidden in this wardrobe a dozen times in the last twenty – four hours, so it was not a big deal.

I lifted the box and regretted it the instant I touched it. There, near the bag, was the stereo which Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie had given her on her birthday. It was looking as if someone had murdered it. There were many wires which were forcefully plucked out of the system, hanging in every direction. There were also some nail scraps along with a few dry drops of blood of Bella on the system. She must have harmed herself whilst removing it.

My hands shook minutely while I was holding the black box. It felt as if I was holding a broken Bella in my palm. I heard Bella's heartbeat which was beating at a slow rhythm, the sound which made my hand lose its grasp on the black box.

After putting the stereo back in its former place, I looked in the black bag. Inside it there were all the clothes Alice had gifted her, and all her blue shirts. She was so depressed that she hid all her reminders from her. There were no clothes dropped on the floor or on her desk. Her desk had no papers, no books, only her computer. There were no books in her room, no CD's, no magazines, nothing, not even dust. Just like no one lived here.

She was so desperate to remove my every memory that she was ready to hurt herself. A new level of self-disgust filled inside me. Which man harms her beloved beyond repair that she accepts death happily than accepting the gift of life?

I again felt bad, no matter how many time I look in this room. The only thing comes to my mind is that Bella was so lost that she threw her CD's, her books were in her wardrobe, her clothes were in a black bag tied up so that she doesn't sees that, and her room looked like no one lived here – too clean – not even one particle of dust was lingering here.

My eyes fell on the floorboard, where I had hide some of my reminders here. I decided to take those things out, but Charlie would hear the cracking sound of floorboards. I thought about doing it when Charlie would not be in the house.

I settle back on the rocking chair as I waited for the love of my existence to come back to me.

I could hear Bella, her heart was now beating at a fast pace, and I could hear her breathing grow more uneven as she started coming upwards. I knew why was this! She was still scared I may not be waiting for her in her bedroom, that I may leave her again, that she was still dreaming.

I have to work hard to make her believe that I would not leave her. I would do that. I would do anything to make her feel secured again. I pledged.

The door of her bedroom slowly creaked open, and Bella peaked in the room.

She was wearing a royal blue sweatshirt with her jeans.

She knows how I love her in blue!

She was still standing at the door, closing it loudly for Charlie to hear. Even these few feet between us felt miles until she was in my arms. I stood from the rocking chair and reached her in vampire speed. She was startled at my enthusiasm, but she embraced me back and sighed quietly, leaning her cheek against my chest. I inhaled her flowery mouth-watering scent and kissed her hair.

"You took forever to come." I murmured. I got no reply, but I smelled the scent of tears. I lifted her chin with my fingers, and gazed in her chocolate eyes. They were filled with tears, which were asking permission to flow down her eyes. I knew where did this came from. I took her delicate face in my palms and looked unblinking in her brown eyes to make her see how much I meant what I was saying. "Bella, I am not going to leave you, never ever. Don't worry love." I reassured her. She responded by hiding her face once again in my chest, and I pulled her as close to me as possible.

"I know." She sighed happily and kissed me just above my heart. Just this small gesture, and all my sorrow once again melted.




Charlie was getting more agitated as Bella was taking more time. He was guessing that I have climbed in her room behind his back, which was on in fact the truth. "You should go down now, love. Charlie is waiting for you." I informed her by sighing loudly showing my disappointment of her leaving me.

"Yeah. We don't want Charlie to come up and see you in the room." She teased by poking me at my chest with her finger.

"Yeah, you are right." I agreed and kissed her finger. "I don't want to in front of his wrath or his gun's in that matter." I winked at she settled with a smile.

She started to pull away, and I didn't stop her, though my hands were eager to pull her back to me and never let her go. "Stay." She ordered.

I laughed. "Yes ma'am." I kissed her nose. She blushed a deep pink and kissed me on my cheek before heading out of the room.

I settled again on the rocking chair.

Through Charlie's eyes I saw Bella bouncing off the stairs with gracious steps – for once, she was not stumbling, her face flushed with beautiful pink, which Charlie had seen just a few hours ago in the previous seven months. There was a constant smile in her eyes, though she was still worried about her father.

Bella reached on the table, where Charlie was eating his breakfast and waiting for her. "Hey dad!" Bella greeted too nonchalantly, as if nothing happened early or in the past seven months.

I growled inaudibly at her stalling.

Charlie growled too. "Bella, we have to talk." He told her directly, not accepting Bella's stalling. Through his eyes, I saw Bella sigh quietly, her lower lip was being bitten continuously by her teeth, She was sitting in her chair with her hands in her lap fumbling with the hem of her sweatshirt, with her hair, preparing and straightening herself.

Even I straightened myself, knowing what was about to come.

"Bella, you know I am not happy about this whole Edward thing." Charlie said the obvious. She nodded, still looking down. "He left you once, honey, he could do it again." He offered in a gentle tone. He was trying his best to make Bella understand. In fact, he was hoping that Bella would herself throw me out of her life, which he knew would never happen.

Bella looked up – her face chagrined – and was about to interrupt him, but was stopped by Charlie. "I know. You will say that he would not do it again, but how can I believe you honey. Because of him, you were in depression for so long, living like a dead, you started jumping off cliffs, and then above all these, you went LA to save him from something." His voice grew more harsh as his words started falling from his mouth. What was she thinking...going to LA... with Alice... cliffs... talk with Jacob... if she... my baby...

How could I tell Charlie that the last three days disaster happened just because of his daughter's foolish act.

"I'm sorry dad for that." Bella apologized sincerely.

"Do you realize what have you done?" She should know... what have he done... always sad... catatonic... suicidal... gun... He remembered one day when Bella was staring at his loaded gun. It was like applying salt on a fresh wound. I flinched back and shut my eyes to keep those images from me. Another memory of Bella staring at the knife while chopping the things. Another image of Bella coming home after a few hours covered in leaves, her clothes torn from some places, and some thorns on her dress – the day when she met Laurent.

Charlie continued in a small voice. "To me? to Jacob? He was so worried for you, honey. He called me every hour to know if you are back, or if I got any news about you. He even called me at night, just for you, and you left with a small note which said that, that... boy was in trouble so you have to go. Jacob is your best friend Bells. How could you do that to him?" I growled at the name of best friend. Some werewolf best friend!

Her best friend allowed her to risk her life by helping her ride bikes and jumping off cliffs, but still he is a nice guy, and when I try to protect her by leaving her, I am a bad guy.

Only if Charlie knew the whole truth!

"Or do you even realise what I went through these three days. You were happy and that boy suddenly left you. For what – only he knows! No contact, no letter, no phone call, not even a memory he left for you. He disappeared like a dream – no, like a nightmare. He left you alone, and that too in woods, and still you go to save that bas – boy!" He took a deep breath. "You were recovering – though slowly, but you were coming back to your usual form, thanks to Jake – but again that boy came and everything changed as if nothing happened in the last seven months. Hallelujah!" He threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. He again took a deep breath to not shout at Bella. "Isabella Swan, give me one good reason why you want him back in your life."

"Because I love him."

"Just one second Isabella Marie Swan! How could you still love him?" He nearly shouted. Bella cringed from her father's hostility. Charlie never shouted at her, but thanks to me, it was happening. He also saw that and lowered his voice as he took her one hand and held it between his both. "Honey, how can you trust him? What is the guarantee that he will never do that again? What if he finds another girl and leaves you for her, or if Carlisle gets another job and he again leaves you, just like he did."

I will have to work much hard to build his trust in me again.

"He won't leave me." Bella said as a confirmation to Charlie. At that I was happy that Bella believed me.

"Not that again!" He snarled and punched his fist on the table in anger. For one second he was thinking about calling Renee, but then thought better of it. "This is not safe, Bella. He is not safe for you." He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "Honey, he is not worthy of your love." How can he get more correct? Some fatherly instincts.

"Then who do you think is, dad?" Bella asked, her tone full of conviction. "Because I don't feel like this for anyone other than Edward."

Come on Charlie... Think something... Protect her... not healthy... Maybe Renee... maybe Jake.. yes! "You can give a chance to Jacob." I growled. I can leave Bella for anyone if she wants, but not for that dog. Even Bella had some same thoughts, as she hissed at his name as a option. "I am sure that boy needs the medicine of his own taste." This should work... Only a doubt...

"Jacob is my best friend dad, and he will always be, but I don't see him like that. Never I have, nor I will." She stated.

"Maybe because you have never tried it."

"Dad, please! Not this! You can ask me anything and I'll do that for you. As I promised earlier, I will do the laundry, dishes, cleaning, and I am even ready to get grounded, but you can not stop me from going to him or let Edward come to me."

Charlie huffed. "I can." He declared.

"But you won't, unless you want me to take any step." She challenged and smiled in victory. Blood pooled over Charlie's face and his face turned red, then green, then purple. Bella's smile faltered as soon as she saw Charlie's face and grasped his hand in hers. "Dad, I'm sorry, but please don't make me choose. I love you."

"Fine." Charlie growled and crossed his arms showing how furious he was. Bella's hand fell on the table at Charlie's sudden movement. "Now that you are here, let's discuss your retribution." Bella nodded silently agreeing to whatever Charlie announced, without having a fight or any argument. Why did she thought she deserved this punishment? She deserves far too better but here she is sitting, waiting for her father to announce some restricting rules on her, just because of me.

Can't I do anything better for the girl I love?!

"I would decide what I would do by this evening, but until that you are not allowed to step out of this house. Do you get it?"

"Yes dad."

"And you can rest at home today. I'll sort out things for you at school, and you will be resuming your school from tomorrow."

"Okay." She sighed. "Thank you dad."

"And one more thing. I don't want even Alice to come here today until I think about it. And I am very serious about it." I knew what he meant by 'even Alice'.

I was not allowed through her door yet.

Bella sighed, but nodded anyway – because she knew that she was going to meet me in no time, restrictions or not. "But we will talk about it after you come home today dad." She affirmed.

"We will see about it." If I have a say... never allow... nor in this home... for his whole life... it would be him... my gun... shooting him... all the things... my daughter.

He quickly remembered more images of Bella lost in the woods – looking as if someone had killed her; sitting by the same table; not concentrating on what she is eating; heading to the school in her dazed face as if there was no life. I groaned and again shut my eyes, trying to shut those images from entering my mind, but with fruitless try. Another image – Bella hugging her arms on her chest to hold herself; Bella not able to breathe properly; Bella throwing her belongings all over in her room; Bella crying her heart out in Charlie's arms.

I shuddered even more as I pulled my knees to my chest in a hope that he will shut down images from his mind. I just couldn't see them.

As if Bella sensed my distress, she bit her lip. "Dad, you should go now. You have more important things to think." Bella said anxiously, as if she was the one mind-reader here. She knew what he was thinking, and was trying to save me from this anguish.

Once again she was trying to save me from my misdoings.

"Yeah Bells. But promise me you wouldn't do anything reckless today."

"I would be doing laundry today, if you consider it reckless." Bella suggested and Charlie laughed freely. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. My baby...

I remembered the same topic being discussed in the starting of our relationship and smiled.

It's so good... laugh again... never see her laugh... glad I was wrong... Bella has recovered... allow him again... no... I won't... mistake... hurt my baby... beyond imagination... phoenix... that day... how... could have died... No... won't allow him... near my daughter... but in school... principal... strict orders... Charlie went outside the house, still thinking ways to separate us, and drove away in his cruiser.

Listening to Charlie's thoughts was like reading a picture book. Though his thoughts were always fogged for me to read, everything he remembered about Bella was crystal clear, like he had took a photo of it and saved it, especially for me.

The moment Charlie was out of the driveway, I had Bella in my arms again. I wanted to feel her body against mine, to feel her warmth and comfort myself that the memories I saw were all past. I sat in the other chair, and pulled Bella in my lap. She nuzzled her head in my neck, and kissed my jaw. I pulled Bella more closer to me, but her stomach protested.

We both laughed at her stomach's objection.

She patted her stomach. "Guess my stomach needs more attention." She stood up from my lap, to get her breakfast. I moved along with her, not letting any more distance than two inches between us. She fumbled in the kitchen, looking radiant, exquisite, and unimaginably glorious while she was choosing some pop tarts for breakfast.

I cannot allow her to eat that! She has already lost more weight than she could, but now no more. I will take care of her.

She was about to touch the toaster, but I stopped her. There was no way she would be eating this. She needed proper nutrition. "What?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You need to eat proper breakfast. There is no way I am letting you eat just this pop tarts." I told her factually. She was about to protest but there was a knock on the back door.

Need my help?

Alice came in the room through the back door, with a package in her hands. I didn't hear Alice arriving. I guess I was distracted.

"Hii Alice." Bella greeted her. I raised an eyebrow towards her asking what is she doing here. I was still angry with her for promising Bella to change her, but I was more grateful to her for bringing my Bella to me.

She rolled her eyes. Just stop it Edward. There is no danger. Esme wanted Bella to have proper breakfast, so she made her this. "Hey Bella, this is for you." Alice danced her way to Bella and handed her a package.

"What is it?" Bella asked as she took the parcel.

"Esme wanted you to have a proper breakfast, so she made you this." Alice replied, a matter-of-fact, like it was to be expected. "And Bella, I would be bringing some clothes for you, as you are not allowed to go shopping with me for a quiet good time." Both the girls sighed dramatically. Alice with feigning horror, while Bella with showing her reluctance in this topic. "Seriously, we were gone and you lost all the fashion tips I taught you. I hoped some better from you Bella!" Alice made a face of dissatisfaction.

"But –" Bella's face was coloured with chagrin.

"No buts, Bella. There is no point in discussing this as I am going to win." Don't panic and overreact. There is nothing to worry. "Now, Edward is going to leave you for –"

But before she could say any other word, Bella's face left all the colour. Her hands started trembling and her heartbeat increased along with her breathing. She was looking as pale as me. Even my face felt more colder. Bella gripped the sleeve of my shirt in a death grip.

I shook my head. "I am not going anywhere Alice. Any other time."

Alice sighed. She is overreacting, and so are you. "I am not asking you Edward. I am telling you." Alice stated in her high pitched voice. "Carlisle have talked with Mr Greene and he is expecting us there in nearly thirty five minutes from now. I have already seen the meeting will last for fifty minutes and then you can come back." Bella will be doing laundry for the whole hour. Jasper will be looking after her – don't worry, he will keep a distance from her. He is also worried about her, and sorry too for his lack of control. Emmett wanted to come too, but Rose needs him now more. She still feels guilty. Esme would accompany Jazz in a short time. She has missed Bella as much as she missed you.

I was still trying to tell through my eyes that I will not go, but the sound OK f Bella interrupted us. "You should go." Bella said in a small whisper, confident but laced with anxiety. Her voice was steady, but her hands were still shaking a little. Her heart has not found his steady rhythm yet. "I will be okay. I have laundry to do and some cleaning too. I will be busy anyways, you should go and use your time there." She tried to assure me as well as herself.

Alice also tried to assure me by adding mentally She will be okay Edward, I swear.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Bella, are you sure?" I asked her cautiously. "If you do not want me to go, then I will not. I'll make an excuse." I had already started thinking of any excuse that may work.

Bella didn't answer me. She looked at my sister. "Alice, Edward will come. I will take care of that. You can go now." Bella declared, leaving no trace of disapproval. She was trying to smile at Alice, but it came as a grimace. Alice nodded and left after kissing Bella on her cheeks and promising to be here in thirty minutes.

"I don't want to leave you." I mused.

She shook her head as she looked down at the kitchen counter. "You are not leaving Edward. You are just going for a few minutes." She declared. "It's not like you will not be coming back." Bella winced at her own words and so did I.

I pulled her more closer to me in an action to comfort her. "I will never ever leave you again." At the exact moment, her stomach growled again. We both laughed and I kissed her head before getting up to place all the food Esme sent for Bella in a plate to make it more presentable.

I made her sit on the table while I worked in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Bella asked curiously.

I answered as I opened the tiffin Esme has sent. "Making sure you eat well."

"Was Alice serious about the whole clothes thing?" Bella asked me with a deep brow.

I rolled my eyes. "Love, have you ever seen Alice being less than serious when it comes to fashion." At this both of us chuckled.

Esme had packed whole wheat toasts which had egg spread all over it, caramel apple milkshake, one cereal bar, and some nuts. The whole feast was enough for two person. There was also a rose along with the food, and a note too. I read the note. It read – 'Bella, I know we had made a big mistake seven months ago, but please let me make amends by this. Love, Esme.'

Bella moaned. "I thought if I were grounded, I would be spared from Alice's shopping torture, but I guess I was wrong." She frowned. "Can't I ground her from coming in this house whenever she wants to do shopping for me?" She asked in pleading tone.

I laughed loudly at her request. "I am so sorry ,love. I can do anything for you, but not this."

Bella also laughed. This was her first real laughter since we were together again. It was pure music to me. I couldn't stop but laughing along with her.

I went on the table and placed the plate in front of her. "Here's your breakfast."

I had placed the toasts in the plate along with the nuts and bar, and emptied the milkshake in a glass. The rose – now without thorns, as I had removed all – was placed in the plate above Esme's note. Bella took the rose and twirled it in her fingers with a constant smile. She read Esme's note next and smiled. "She shouldn't have done all this." She murmured in an astonished tone.

"It's Esme's style for correcting the mistake she thinks she made. Let her do what she wants to. Please." I requested. Bella rolled her eyes, but was indebted. I watched as she shook her head and smiled, eating nearly all of it. She hadn't had proper food in the last three days, and maybe even before that.

For the whole time while she ate her food, I just saw her, scrutinised her every movement, her every bite, eyed her every action. I had missed everything about her, even her eating habits.

She finished her breakfast in no time. "I guess Esme is upto spoiling me." Bella said after she cleaned the table. I wanted to help her, but she just told me to sit and watch her. "I mean, if she will always prepare food like this for me, I'm sure I will become fat in no time."

"You will still look beautiful." I said sincerely.

"Yeah." She mocked.

"It makes Esme happy." That was true. "Esme likes to work for us, but as we all were immortal, she never found any opportunity to actually look after us. But with you, she is able to show her true mother nature by taking care of you."

Bella shook her head while she was cleaning the dishes. I stood by her side, to help her in drying the dishes. "You are making me take a guilt trip by saying this."


"You are actually making me feel like I am a small kid who needs to be taken care of by your mother." I laughed and her face turned into a beautiful shade of pink.

There were still five minutes left for the tiny pixie to come and whisk me away from the place I want to be.

"What do you want to do? " I asked her as soon as she was seated in my lap after cleaning the kitchen.

She looked at the watch and her smile turned down. She glowered. Then suddenly she smiled and looked me through her lashes. There was some mischievous in her eyes.

What is she thinking now? The once familiar question again entered my mind. I asked her. "What are you thinking?"

The sudden change in her mood was a good thing because she was smiling again, but it was also a bad thing as she had something in her mind which I wouldn't find appropriate.

She laced her hands behind my neck."I want to do this." She kissed my forehead, my eyes, my nose, every part of my face except my lips, my neck, throat, and every part she was reachable and had access to. Her hand started moving upwards in my hair, and finally she fisted my hair in her delicate fingers.

She brought her lips near mine. When they were almost touching, she whispered "And this." And then she was kissing me like she had never done before – the way I kissed her early in the night – reckless and demanding. I complied, but kept my ground – keeping her safety in my mind. Her lips were shaping themselves around my hard ones, and it was becoming more difficult to not respond to her eagerness. I slipped my lips to her neck and she was gasping for breath.

Luckily, I was saved by my sister. She came the exact time it was becoming dangerous for me and definitely for Bella – who was still not so perceptive in this matter. With my thirst not so intact, it was not in my best interest to kiss her like this. Her blood doesn't appeals me the way it once did, that doesn't means I am not thirsty.

"You have to go now." Bella declared, but she was not ready to leave me, and so was I.

"I'll be back before you get a chance to miss me." I promised.

"We'll see."

"You do the laundry, love. I'll be back in half hour. And then we can watch a movie." I offered. She turned her face to the watch and sighed. She again looked conscious as she looked down and bit her lip. "Is everything all right?" I inquired. She was again guarded – the way she becomes when there is something which would upset me.

"I am fine." She said automatically, still guarded. She forced a smile. "We can watch a movie only if you go and come back soon."

"Are you sure."

"Yup. I am. Just go now, and come as soon as possible."

"I will. You just don't fall over or hurt yourself."

"I'll try my best to do the laundry and that too unscathed." She teased.

"You better do!" I was all serious now. All teasing tone gone. The memory of her birthday party was still alive, and it still gave me goose bumps. I leaned my head against hers. "I cannot loose you again, not now, not ever."

I felt her warm hands stroking my cheek. "You will never loose me Edward." She was trying to affirm me.

I kissed her. There were some words which can only be expressed, and I wanted to tell Bella the same words. So I kissed her hard, trying to say all the wordless words and promises.

I kissed her forehead, and her eyes, then her cheeks, reluctant to leave her. At last I again kissed her.

Our kiss lasted for just three seconds but they were still amazing and torturous.

Amazing because I was able to kiss her again.

Torture because it was becoming more difficult for me to stop kissing her.

Only if she could understand!

Outside Alice was becoming impatient. How much longer do I have to wait for? Come fast! She was blowing my Volvo's horn so loudly that for half of a second I thought somebody may come to see what was all this noise was for.

Come now Romeo. You will have plenty of time for this when you come back.

I reluctantly left Bella's side and went towards the door, still holding her hand. Even she was not able to leave my hand. When I was finally out of the door, I kissed her hand and every finger as she untangled her every finger one by one from my hand.

You two are going to be as bad as Rose and Emmett. She again blew the horn loudly.

"I'll be back in no time."

"Yeah. I know." She was near crying now with her eyes filled with unshed tears. "Just hurry back to me as soon as you can." She whispered. I nodded and kissed her forehead with a "I will."

Edward, you should go now. It was Jasper's voice which was now penetrating in my head. He was sitting on the tree branch from where he can see Bella properly, but she could not. I can feel it. If you don't move this second, she will stop you. Though I didn't want to, but still, considering that Jasper was right, which he was, I left her and walked to my Volvo. Alice was now seated in the passenger seat, leaving the driver's seat for me.

"Be careful Jazz." I warned my brother. Don't worry Edward. There will never be a repeat of my actions in her party. I will be careful. You go, and look after my wife while I look after your girlfriend.

I smiled and was seated in my place in an instant, the car speeding on the road in another second. "Can you please scan Bella's schedule for me while I will be there?" I asked, anxious to check if she will be any trouble while I am away.

She rolled her side. "So anxious." Okay. Lemme see. She said after shaking her her vision I saw her doing laundry and talking to Renee. See, she is safe. There is no need to worry.

"Jasper?" I asked.

"Give him some credit Edward!" She chided. "I know you don't feel any temptation for Bella's blood now, but your leaving had also changed his prospective in many things too."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I defended myself. It was just an unconscious question that slipped out of my mind, but not an unintentional. I was still worried about Bella's closeness with Jasper. I trusted him but not his control.

We were now entering the parking lot of Forks High School. The Cullens' old parking place was still empty. I parked my car there and looked for any thoughts to see if someone had seen us. Apparently no one seen us, as all students were in their respective classes.

"I know." Alice sighed. "I know, if it would have been any other person or myself, even I would have acted so out of practiced."

"I know that..." but was interrupted by watching Charlie's cruise, parked in the first spot near the office. here in the school. "What is Charlie's cruiser doing here." I asked, perplexed and nervous.

"Um, I was trying to hide you from this." She apologized. "Charlie is imposing some security rules for Bella, such as you are not allowed to pick up or drop her from school until he gives the clear symbol." I was shocked to hear this – but not that shocked. I had been expecting this.

Don't be hard on yourself Edward. Give him some time. He will come around. Alice tried to assure me. I nodded.

I tried to hear the principal. He was sitting with Charlie – who was discussing Bella's sudden action with him.

Obviously, I eavesdropped upon them.

"I know Mr. Greene, I am acting a little strange, but please try to understand."

"I can understand Chief Swan. If any of this would have happened with my daughter, I would have thrown him out of the town."

"Trust me, Greene, I want to do much worse, but it is just the thought of Bella which is stopping me from doing any such thing." And then he mumbled quietly which even I had the problem to hear it properly. "I cannot see Bella anymore like that!" He buried his face in his hands, his body visibly tensed.

I was assaulted by more images of Bella – walking lifeless, never talking, always lost – by both Mr. Greene and Charlie.

Mr. Greene was now feeling more sorry for Charlie. Poor Charlie. He has seen so much. Who wants to see his daughter living a lifeless life – never laughing, never taking always lost. If it was my daughter... no, never, I would have killed him. He put a comforting hand on Charlie's arm. "It will all be okay, Charlie. If you think she is better just by meeting Edward Cullen, then you should allow him to meet her." He advised. Charlie's head jerked up at this and I could see through Mr. Greene's mind how furious Charlie was by that opinion. "I mean," He tried to defend himself. "I know what he did was wrong, much wrong, but you can give him a chance – for the sake of Bella."

"I don't want him within five miles radius of Bella." He nearly yelled – there was no tone of police authority there, just the voice of a father who was desperately trying to keep his daughter away from the man he loathed – with his fist on the table and images of a loaded gun in her mind. "I will kill him if he even tries to call her." He deserves it...

We were now entering the reception of the school. Alice had already seen that our conversation with the principal will go well. She was now looking for Jasper. Her vision stopped me in my track.

Alice saw Bella peeking through the window of her room. "Emmett, Jasper, Esme, whoever is there outside, please come in." Jasper heard this and was debating weather he should go or not. He thought of sitting on the tree outside her window. Bella saw Jasper seated there and asked him to come in. Jasper tried to deny, but Bella convinced him. Jasper came inside his room, and apologized. Bella, as her usual self, forgave him and they were now talking about Jasper's time apart.

"Alice." I hissed. "What if Bella gets another paper cut or makes herself bleed."

"Edward, calm down. Nothing like that will happen. No such sharp thing is present in her room to make her bleed, and secondly, Esme is on her way now – she is heading towards Bella." Keep yourself in check – Charlie will be out in two minutes, and Ms. Cope will attend us in twenty seconds.

I nodded, my mind still on Bella, and pulled myself together, though I was a mess internally. We went to the reception, and sat in the waiting area. Just as Alice said, Ms. Cope came to attend us in a few seconds. She saw us sitting here, waiting and looked twice to confirm. Her thoughts suddenly became jumbled.

Oh God! Is this Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen?

"Hello Ms. Cope." Alice and I greeted in unison.

Oh my... They are really here. They are back. The rumours were true... How can I forget how he looks like... He looks bad, almost as bad as Ms. Swan. Maybe I can give him some medical help. But his father is a doctor too... He looks so young. If I was also young. Control Shelly, control. He is as young as your son.

"Um, hello Edward, Alice." She smiled more politely than necessary. "How can I help you?"

"We had a meeting with Mr. Greene." Alice replied cheerfully.

"Okay, I see. You both wait here." She instructed and went in the other room to talk with the principal. Alice had busied herself in a fashion magazine whereas I was still worried about Bella.

"Alice, can you look for Bella?"

"Ugh! You are going to be as bad as Jasper." She growled but looked for her. Bella was now talking with Renee in her vision, whereas Jasper and Esme were discussing about the upcoming hunt they were planning this weekend. Carlisle was also going to join us for the hunt, while Alice will be having a night – over at Bella. See, everything is well. You are becoming anxious without a valid reason.

"Not without a reason." I frowned, "you don't know how it feels to be apart from a person you have just reunited with after a long seven months."

I guess you're right.

"I always am." I shrugged. I smiled as she huphed and crossed her arms.

"Not always." She corrected loudly. I knew what she meant and my smile turned down.

Charlie came out from the principal's office and was about to pass us acting as if he did not noticed us. Through his mind I could say that he saw us, but was very furious with both of us that he decided to ignore us.

But it seems Alice had other plans.

"Hey Charlie!" Alice called enthusiastically, which made Charlie stop in his tracks.

"Oh! Hey Alice." He looked a bit uncomfortable. He glared at me, rumbled, and ignored me as if I was not here listening to him. "How come are you here?"

"We are enrolling in the school again." Alice answered nonchalantly, as if it was expected.

Knew it... "Oh!"

"Alice, can I talk to you? It's important."

"Of course, Charlie."

"Alone?" He suggested.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I offered and went out of their way. Charlie didn't acknowledge me. He grunted and started talking animatedly with Alice for a minute.

He sighed. "Can you answer me for your action of flying away with Bella for three days?" He asked after a minute.

I'll handle it. Don't worry and don't act too nonchalant or too stressed. "It was an emergency Charlie. The best I can sum up is that Edward got the news of Bella doing cliff diving and took it in the wrong way, as he called you but Jacob Black answered, saying you are at funeral. Edward thought he was talking about Bella's funeral, and he ran away." Alice suddenly shuddered and looked at me. "If it was not for Bella, I would have lost my brother for ever, Charlie."

If... not your brother... Bella would be happy...

If it was possible for me to dig a hole and go inside right here, I would have done it. To hear your girlfriend's dad have issues with you was normal, but to be the cause that a person doesn't even says my name, and even if he does, he says like the biggest curse is the worst treatment you can ever get from a girl's father.

"I know I did wrong Charlie for me to swipe away with Bella, but trust me, if I had any other option, I wouldn't have done it." He will be leaving in one minute. As soon as he makes a movement to leave, you come here.

"I trust you, Alice, honey. It's just that I have already seen so much in these months, I don't know if I could handle any more." He shuddered, then he sighed wistfully trying to control his emotions. I closed my eyes as he said this words.

Alice hugged Charlie by his waist and was near crying. "I am really sorry Charlie. More than I can say." Alice begged for forgiveness. Charlie was important to her – he treated Alice like his own daughter and thus she was more attached to Charlie than any other human, except Bella. With him, she could imagine how her human father should have been as she never remembered her human life.

Oh dear!... Alice... forgive her... not her fault... that bastard... all his fault... Charlie smiled and patted her shoulder, a little awkwardly, due to his habit of not showing off his emotions. He could never remain angry with Alice. Just like Bella, Alice had wrapped him around her little finger.

Charlie was never the one for emotional climates. Alice also saw his hesitation and removed her body

"It's okay honey. Just promise me one thing. Nothing like this will never happen again."

She put a hand on her heart. "I swear on my heart and hope to die, Chief Swan." There will no need for this to happen again. Everything will be fine with Bella changed. The smile which was on my face, seeing Alice like this with Charlie, disappeared listening to her thoughts.

"I should leave now. Mr. Greene is waiting for you." He made a movement to leave. I also made a movement and was now standing with Alice. Charlie again ignored me.

"Chief Swan." I started. He snorted. How dare he... leave from here... "I'm sorry for..."

Charlie didn't even stayed for a second to hear me out. "Bye Alice. See you tomorrow." With that he went out.

While he went, he shouted all the bad words at me that he would never day aloud in his mind. "It will take more time than I thought." I. muttered.

Alice looked in the direction by which Charlie just went. "But it will eventually be fine in the end." She promised, for once saying by her instinct, and not any of her vision.

Ms. Cope came towards us and told us to go to the office where Mr. Greene was waiting for us. We both went in the principal's office after thanking her.

Inside the office, Mr. Greene was reading a book. "Come in." He called. We went in and sat on the chair when he asked us to sit. "So I see that you both have decided to continue your studies here." He commented. We smiled. Good for this high school to get it's two of the best students back.

"Well, Esme didn't find LA amusing and we all missed Forks." Alice said casually.

"Okay. I see." This is the official story. Should I ask if there is more. I am not their parent or guardian, they can tell me right? He watched our documents which Alice had forged for this meeting while he battled in his mind about whether asking us or not. "Your grades are all well Ms. Cullen, but your grades have gone a little down Mr. Cullen." He pointed. Well it seems Ms. Swan and he were at the same page.

There were no low grades. Alice had wrote high B's on my sheets to show that I was not able to concentrate on studies while I was away.

"Yeah. I was a little distracted."

I guess he was. Everyone can see this. He looks as bad as Bella Swan. "Okay. You both can join here from tomorrow. I have already talked with Dr Cullen. You can resume your original schedule. Now, if you don't mind Ms. Cullen, can I ask you something?" She nodded. He took a deep breath. You can do it. Remember Chief Swan had asked you to do it. You can do it for him.

"Out of curiosity, can I ask you what was your part in Ms. Swan's sudden departure, Ms. Cullen?"

"When I learned that Edward has wrong information about Bella and ran away, I took her with me to convince him. There was no other way he could be convinced." Alice answered with a slight frown. After all he is a complete psycho when it comes to her. She accused me. I rolled my eyes at her with a slight grin cum grimace on my face.

Mr. Greene considered it and turned towards me. Now comes the big part. "And you Mr. Cullen?"

"It was just a misunderstanding sir. Rosalie got a wrong information, a very wrong information, about Bella being in trouble, about dying in cliff diving, I tried to contact Bella but was not able to, thanks to that dog. Considering Rosalie was right, I ran out of the town, for a suicide mission. Alice learned this and dragged Bella with her – as she was here for spring break – to LA to find me out." And my love really came, without thinking twice about her own life. "That's all." And yes, we were nearly massacred by the worst monsters ever.

"Okay Mr. Cullen." This is the public story, I guess. Only if I could crack the actual story from them for Charlie. "You can go Ms. Cullen. Ms. Cope will give you some documents which you have to fill." Alice nodded.

I'll be right outside. He wants to talk with you alone regarding the rules he will be implanting on you as per Charlie's request. I shook my eyes up and down to tell Alice that I got the point. Alice thanked Mr. Greene and left us alone.

I just wanted to be with Bella – why are they taking so much time?!

Hope he doesn't gets angry and complains to Dr Cullen. I don't want to be in bad grace in front of him. This is all for Charlie. "Mr. Cullen, there are some rules I hope you follow." He said with authority.

I nodded and straightened myself. "The only reason you are allowed to resume your previous schedule is because Dr Cullen requested me to, else Chief Swan asked me to remove you from all the classes of Bella Swan – I hope you understand why." He asked. He better gets it. I nodded.

"So here are some rules for you – If you are seen outside of your class with Bella, without the consent of any teacher, you will be forced to change your whole schedule." I nodded keeping my eyes down. I deserved much more. "Secondly, you are not allowed to pick up or drop Ms. Swan until I get a thumbs up from Chief Swan." I nodded with a wince. This I knew was going to happen, but still it was hard to listen the same. After all, Charlie was furious with me – it was an understatement. "The same doesn't applies for Ms. Alice. She can come and go with Bella Swan, but only her." I nodded still looking down. "Ms. Swan had missed her one calculus test, which Mr. Varner had agreed to take another test for us on request of Chief Swan. If she doesn't gets good marks in this, or her marks get any lower, your schedule will be changed. Do you get it?" Poor kid. He is looking so guilty. I should stop tormenting him now. I again nodded while looking down. Just because of me, she is on the verge of failing in her high school. "That's all for now, I guess." Chief Swan may never know I let him off the hook for some of his other rules. I nodded. "You can go now. Shelly will give you some documents which you have to fill."

I stood up. "Thank you sir."

"You are welcome Mr. Cullen. You should go now, and take care of yourself." I nodded again and went outside the cabin. Alice had already filled the forms for herself, and now my form was left to be filled.

After I filled the form as fast as possible, considering that Ms. Cope was busy watching me fill the form, I finally exhaled. Bella will be waiting for me, just like I wanted to be with her.

We should go now. Bella is waiting for you. Though I was sad for getting all the restrictions, a big smile occurred on my face hearing this. There, now you look better. Come on. Let's go.

With that we left the school premises to get back to my love who was waiting for me.




Facts :-

1. Charlie ground Bella.

2. Esme asked Bella food because she is worried about her health and also because she blames herself too and tried to remedy her mistake by small gestures.

3. Edward and Alice need to register in the school again.

4. Charlie worries because he knows he cannot keep Bella and Edward away in school and thus tries his best to keep them away.

5. Jasper feels it is his fault and this he apologizes to Bella.

More chapters on the way. Stay tuned.

Do read and review.