Jon Snow

Jon stared at the tapestries on the walls. A knight in shining white armor crossed swords with a monstrous man in black armor whilst a battle raged around them. It looked like it came straight out of a song. Jon knew that whoever drew this definitely had never been in a fight his entire life.

A battlefield was never a glorious place. It reeked of shit. It reeked of men whose bowels loosen when they face death. The ugly sound of steel clashing and men dying was everywhere, crawling into your ears. There was no way to shut it out. Jon could still hear the screams of the dying men. Of the men he put to sleep forever. He had nothing against them, nor they him. It was merely a matter of being on the wrong side. That was the truth about war. There was nothing glorious about being a part of that. But the bards would never understand that.

Jon turned and continued on towards the the solar where Lord Hoster lay. It was the only part of Riverrun that he hadn't been to, because that was where Lady Catelyn spent most of her time. But this was no time to be petty. Robb had left him incharge and he was going to be the brave man that his father brought him up to be.

The solar was completely silent. A frail old man lay on the bed, facing the open skies. The chair next to him was empty. Jon looked where the old man face and his breath instantly left him.

It was a sight to behold. Lush green land spanned across the horizon with thick green trees peppering the landscape. The river danced in between the green and continued to the unknown. Jon understood why Lord Hoster wanted his bed here. The beauty and tranquility of the site was enough for a man to forget all his problems.

"What are you doing here, bastard?!" A loud, familiar sharp voice tore Jon away from the tranquility of the scenery.

He turned and lowered his gaze. "Lady Catelyn." He was a man now, one that has killed other men, and yet he still couldn't look her in the eye.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I have some disturbing news, my lady." Jon said in a soft tone.

"Out with it, bastard."

If I had a dragon for every time she called me bastard, I would be richer than the fucking Lannisters. "Lord Brynden returned from Harrenhall, my lady."

"Then why isn't he here to tell me the news himself?!" Catelyn asked sharply.

Jon tried to keep his cool. "Because he left with all haste to inform the king about recent devolopments. The Lannisters have taken Harrenhall."

"What?!" Catelyn cried incredolously. "Any news of Edmure?"

"No word, my lady." Jon said in a soothing tone. "Ser Brynden believes that he was taken prisoner."

Jon thought it was foolish to go after a prize such as Harrenhall. Tywin Lannister wouldn't have left such a grand fortress behind for no reason. But because of Edmure's foolish actions, the Lannisters hold nearly every Lord of the Riverlands. But Jon dare not say any of this to Lady Catelyn. He was her brother after all. And her kidnapping of the Imp was what put them in this mess in the first place.

"Who led the assault?" Catelyn asked in a worried tone.

"Lord Tywin himself."

Catelyn went pale. "Seven have mrecy."

"That's not all." Jon continued. "The Greyjoys have taken Moat Cailin."

"Ser Wendel should be able to take care of that."

"I have no doubt on that account, my lady. But there has been rumors of an assault on Winterfell."

"WINTERFELL???!!!!" Catelyn nearly fainted. Jon felt the same when he heaed the news as well. "Bran and Rickon?!"

"No word as of yet." Jon looked at Catelyn Stark. Gone was the hard woman that was cruel to him. Now all he saw was a woman with a broken family. Her husband dead, her eldest son at war, her younger two sons missing, her two daughters prisoners, her brother captured and the only one to provide her company, other than her dying father, was the son her husband had with another woman. He felt sorry for her. He saw a single tear toll down her face.

"Don't worry about them, my lady." Jon said in a soothing tone. "They are Starks. They WILL survive."

Catelyn nodded as she wiped the tears from her face. "Any news from Robb?" Her voice was softer this time.

"I'm afraid not, my lady." Jon said slowly. "But we should hear from him, soon. He must be closing upon Bitterbridge now."

"What do we do now?!"

"We attack." Jon said with resolve.

"Have you lost your mind, Snow." Catelyn asked. "Harrenhall is nigh impregnable. Lord Tywin managed to get in because he caught Edmure by surprise. But no one has ever caught Lord Tywin by surprise."

Jon smiled. "I wasn't talking about Harrenhall. Ser Brynden's scouts are reporting that Ser Stafford Lannister is gathering another host at Oxcross. We hit there and make sure that we are not stuck in between two armies."

Catelyn stroked her chin thoughtfully. "But that would leave us undefended here. The Lannisters will be free to terrorize the Riverlands once again."

"Ser Brynden brought a thousand men back from Harrenhall." Jon said thoughtfully. "We can garrison Riverrun with them. I will take the rest of the men west."

"Who will you leave in command here?" Catelyn asked curiously.

"Galbart Glover." Jon said after much though. A loyal and cautios man.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow at first light that reduces the chance of Lord Tywin's scou-"

"LORD SNOW!!!!" A voice called from the yard.

"Excuse me, my lady." Jon said apologetically. Catelyn waved her hand dismissing him. Jon rushed outside where a tower sentry was calling him.

Jon ran across the halls of Riverrun as fast as he could. He dodged past a pair of knights as he continued to the guard towers. When he reached it, he saw that the men were on high alert, all of them aiming crossbows into the distance.

"What is it?!" Jon asked one of them.

"We spotted movement in the bushes, my lord." The sentry replied.

Jon exhaled calmly. He thought that something more serious was about to go down. "Then why did you call me?!"

"Herris here-" The man jutted his chin to the man next to him. "Swears that he saw a man in Lannister armor, my lord."

Jon looked to the other man. He was a young riverlander and Jon could clearly see that he was scared shitless.

" 'tis true, milord." The boy spoke in a high shrill tone. "I swear upon my mother's grave."

This was bad news. If there was a Lannister scout around here, he could easily tell Tywin Lannister when Jon and his men march West. He had to take care of this scout right now.

"Where did you spot him?! Jon asked.

"Few miles north, milord."

"You five, come with me." Jon said pointing to the knights who were cleaning their swords. "The rest of you stay here. And do not fire at him unless he does something to show his evil intent."

The crossbowmen looked confused. "As you wish, my lord." The leader said to him.

Jon and his party of six departed Rivverun with all haste, with Ghost following them intently. They rode north, trying to find the Lannister scout that young Herris spoke about.

"I can't wait to kill that fucking Lannister." One of the knights told the other. "And use his red cloak to wipe my ass.

Southron Lordlings. Jon cursed silently. He raised his arm. They came to an abrupt stop. They could all hear the footsteps in the distance now. Jon signalled for all of them to dismount silently Jon drew his sword and moved slowly towards the noise. Ghost treaded silently near Jon. He froze as he saw the Lannister scout.

He was dressed in the normal gold and crimson armor with a Lannister helm covering his face. He had an ornate greatsword strapped to his back. But bine of this shocked Jon. In his arms was a tiny frail girl with hair an all to familiar shade of auburn.


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please make sure to leave your thoughts and suggestions in the reviews as the reviews are what motivate me to write. And feel free to PM me with whatever questions you might have. Have a great day, guys.