1 ONE 1

The sudden sound of an alarm clock filled the small bedroom, effectively waking up a certain American boy.

Is it morning already? According to the deafening beeping, it probably was. Alfred had spent half the night tossing and turning rather than actually sleeping. He could not stop thinking about the summer camp he and his brother would be attending

World Camp. What a weird name.

Alfred shifted in his bed and struggled to shut off his alarm clock. He dragged his hand around the small table until he found what he was looking for. After successfully shutting off that horrible device, Alfred cracked open an eye. 7:02. There was around an hour before the taxi came to whisk them away for the summer. He could get some shut-eye before then...

His thoughts were very rudely interrupted by a thunderous banging at his door.

"Alfred, get up! A taxi is coming to pick us up in, like, one hour. You better get your ass out of bed-" his brother, Matthew, continued to yell, "-or I"ll personally drag it out!

Alfred, although reluctantly, managed to pull himself into a sitting position. He stretched out his arms above him and smiled at the satisfying pop from his joints. He yawned before adjusting his eyes to the bright sunlight seeping through the window. "'Kay, Mattie! I'll be out in a minute!"

Alfred quickly changed his clothes and cleaned up before exiting the room looking fresh. He carried his pre-packed suitcase and followed his nose straight to the kitchen. Matthew stood at the stove flipping some pancakes in his red, frilly apron (Alfred did not dare comment on his brother's choice of clothes, knowing he would be beat).

"Mornin' Mattie"

"Good morning, Al"

Alfred swiftly took his seat at the kitchen island, grabbing his breakfast and drowning it in maple syrup. If he was being honest with self, Alfred was quite excited to what his summer could bring. He would normally jump at any opportunity to make new friends, so naturally, he was giddy at the thought. Not that he didn't have friends, he was actually quite popular at school. Although, none of them were proper friends. Girls would hang around him for his looks and money, where guys hang out with him because of all the girls that swarmed around him.

World Camp was different. It was only for boys and cost a shit ton of money to enter. It was an international program, and he would get to meet people from all over the globe. His bunk buddy could be from Antarctica! How cool was that?

"Hey, Mattie?"

"What is it."

"Is... is Mom gonna see us go?"

Matthew looked at his brother with an apologetic smile. Alfred hated that smile. "You know she's gonna be busy, Alfred."

"Yeah, I know. Just wonderin'."


The plane ride was painfully long, but Arthur knew he could not fall asleep. Francis was sleeping next to him. Sleeping would deem him vulnerable

As to why that idiot was here, he was not sure. Arthur's mother told him he would have to drag his cousin along to the rich boy camp he signed up for in order to get away from his family.

He grumbled. So much for enjoying my summer.

"Francis, get the hell up. The plane landed." Arthur shook Francis violently.

Despite the fact Arthur hated his cousin, he was glad he had to bring Francis rather than any of his brothers back in England. Every single one of them was the spawn of Satan himself. They would manage to turn him into the camp's laughing stock in a week, max. He would kill anyone to get a break from them.

"Francis, you sad excuse of a human being, get up."

"Can you not," he replied in his annoying French accent. "I am trying to get my beauty sleep."

"It's not working. You're only getting uglier."

"How cruel! You're just jealous I don't have to deal with pubic hair growing on my face."

"There is nothing wrong with my eyebrows, you little shit!"


The car hit a bump and Alfred's head was jerked to the side, causing the boy to wince in pain. His head had been propped at an odd angle and it was beginning to cramp.

He was hoping his parents would drop them off at the camp personally, or even come to say goodbye at the least, but they never really had time for him and Matt anymore. To their parents, the twins were just another task to be dealt with until they were 18 and able to provide for themselves.

"Are we there yet?" Alfred asked partially unconscious.

"Just 10 more minutes, Al."

He looked out the window in his sleepy haze, and what he saw was beautiful.

It was exactly what people would dream to see in the wild. Trees and animals roaming the land with mountains to compliment it all. Wildflowers were growing everywhere to the point he could probably drown in them.


"It's beautiful, huh?" Matthew added.

It definitely was. Alfred began to understand why this place was so expensive. The sky was almost as blue as his eyes and so clear: not a single cloud in sight. This summer was going to be one to remember.


"I don't understand why your Mother dragged me to come with you. I could have just spent my summer talking to my Mattieu. But non, I have to spend it with you instead!" Francis continued with his useless ranting.

"Matthew? Isn't he the fellow you met online." It all started a few months ago. Arthur knew there was something wrong when his cousin stopped flirting with every human being he came into contact with. Although, he was quite surprised to find out Francis had finally found someone. Albeit, they met due to an email being sent to the wrong person. "I honestly pity him. He has no idea how annoying you are in real life."

"You're jealous," Francis commented before heaving a sigh. "I just wish he didn't live halfway across the world, you know?"

"Did he not say he lived in America?" Arthur thought out loud.

"So what? It's not like I'm going to see him. He lives all the way in New York. Besides, I don't even know how he looks like." Francis looked depressed.

"Hasn't he sent a picture of himself or something?"

"Non. I sent him one but he never sent one back." He was typing something into his phone. "But before you ask, I know he's real. He is not some fake person just because he refuses to send a picture of himself."

Arthur decided to drop the topic completely and brought up some random conversation, which obviously lead to their usual banter. That was until their taxi driver threatened to kick them out.


Mon Cher

Francis: Bonjour, Mattieu! We haven't talked in a while...

You: Don't be over dramatic, Francis. We talked this morning, remember?

Francis: I know, I miss your voice.

You: ...I miss your voice, too

Francis: I won't be able to talk to you during the summer. I know, very tragic. I'm being forced to go to this dumb camp in America. World Camp. Have you heard of it? You live in America, yes?

Matthew felt his breath hitch as he re-read the message over and over again. Francis was coming to the same camp. He was not sure if he should be happy or completely terrified, so he decided on both.

"What's up Matt? You got a little pale for a second..." Due to a lack of response, Alfred decided to take the initiative to lean over and read the text himself. "Oh shit. What are you going to do?"

Alfred was well aware of the little fling his twin was having online with some guy living in France. He also knew his twin was head over heels for this Francis. He was also aware that this guy had no idea how Matthew looked, since his brother never had the guts to send this guy a picture. 'Too scared of rejection' or something of the sort.

"What do you think I'm going to do? I'm gonna avoid him all summer." Matthew answered, as if that was the obvious thing to do.

Alfred rolled his eyes. "You can't ju- You know what? Do whatever you want."


"Mattieu isn't replying. I think I made him mad." Francis pouted.

"He's a big boy. He'll get over it." Arthur replied.

They were approaching the camp, Arthur could see it in the distance. It was magnificent and completely in the wild, meaning they would not be allowed to use technology throughout the summer. That was quite the price to pay to spend two months rolling around in dirt.

They paid their taxi fee and grabbed their luggage, before marching towards the entrance. There were many other cars lined up, that was expected. They were told around 24 boys would be attending. What was not expected though, was the girl that came out of a car with, from what it looked like, her brother.

Francis followed his gaze towards the car and realized what his friend was gawking at. "They didn't tell us there was going to be any girls allowed."

"There's probably an explanation for it. Let's just hurry and get inside before I melt." Arthur began to drag his belongings towards the camp doors.


The camp was large and almost looked like a cheap resort. Cheap in his standards of course. Considering how much money was paid for this, it was as expected. As everyone was finally settled inside the camp, the lady who ran the place began to speak.

"Good morning boys... and girl..." she began awkwardly, "and welcome to World Camp!" The lady waited for an applause that never came. Alfred was not sure what she expected from a bunch of snobby rich kids who were dragged from the comfort of their own home and into this place.

"I'm Melinda. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." Sure it is, Alfred thought. "We'll give you a few minutes to get acquainted with your surroundings and meet some your fellow campers. We'll meet up in the cafeteria in 30 minutes!"

When she finally left, it did not take long for some people to start up conversations with each other. His brother was already busy talking to some over-enthusiastic guy about... pasta sauces. Weird.

He suddenly heard someone clear their throat behind him, so he turned around to face them.

"I think I am supposed to introduce myself, yes? Um... I'm Arthur Kirkland." The stranger held out his hand. "A pleasure."

It took Alfred a full minute to finally react to what just happened. The stranger, or Arthur, was starting to get uncomfortable. So Alfred said the first thing that came to mind:

"Holy shit-cakes! Your eyebrows are huge!"

Arthur eye twitched as he scowled and he seemed to have a vein sticking out of his forehead. "You ill-mannered fuck! Did your mother not teach you any manners? I honestly can't stand you Americans."

Arthur grabbed his luggage and stomped away.

"Jeez, what crawled up his ass and died?" Alfred muttered to himself.

I hope you didn't expect anything good...

I'm literally a 15 yr old loser who's still in love with Hetalia after, like, 3 years. I was honestly scared to post this since this is the first thing I've ever written. I wanted a Fic with all my fav ships and a Camp AU, so I wrote my own. I'm not proud of it... Please don't hate, but some advice would be welcomed! Some ships you can expect in this include: Usuk, Franada, Spamano, Pruhun, and more!

Thx for reading

- JustAnotherPerson