A huge thank you goes to all who have stuck with this story and I am now proud to say that Until We Meet Again is now complete! It was really a great experience to write this, and I hope that you all enjoyed it as well.

The last few times she saw him, he couldn't see her.

Her legs ached as she made the journey up the small hill. Years of being constantly on her feet had begun to take its toll on her. Her hair, dotted with strands of silver blew freely in the air. She paused to pull it free from her face.

Hermione Granger wasn't old, but in the more recent years she'd often felt that way.

The sun dipped below the tree line as she reached the top. The wind was strongest there, but the chill didn't seem to reach her. A tree towered above and she leaned her weary body against its strong trunk. Tall grass brushed the bottom of her cloak. She rubbed her hands over the cold stone that lay beside her. Dirt and grime accumulated from the last year fell in clumps like rain.

Hermione inhaled deeply. Her eyes were dry, and she wondered if this time they would stay that way. She fingered the heart shaped necklace that rested on her neck. "It's been five years, you know." She stated quietly. The breeze picked up. Leaves skittered across the ground. She wrapped her arms around herself. "Five bloody years since you left." Her voice cracked.

She swallowed. "The Minister of Magic that took my place is turning out to be a right prat. People want me to run again next year." Her heart clenched painfully. "But I can't, Draco." Hermione felt a sob catch in her throat. "I don't think I can handle the stress without you."

Her legs began to weaken, and so Hermione slid to a sitting position. She'd taken off the locket a while ago, and it now rested in her hand. Her fingers shook as she pried it open. Even after the years she'd spent wearing it, the pictures inside hadn't faded. She rubbed a thumb over the recent addition. Taken years before, it showed Draco holding the hand of a younger version of herself. Scorpius, Rose, and Hugo waved beside them.

With closed eyes, she could almost pretend that he was beside her. A cocky smirk played at his lips as he took her hand in his. The sunlight bounced off his hair and warmed her face. With a tearful grin she turned away. The moment disappeared, and with it the cheerful smiles. Hermione opened her eyes to the present times. The world in which she lived by herself and Draco had long since passed away.

"You were my world." She said brokenly. "My everything." The last rays of sunshine started to fade away from the sky. She lovingly remembered the times she'd dragged Draco out to watch the sunset with her. "But I guess I always knew you couldn't just wait for death to find you." Her eyes started to burn. "You had to go and find it yourself."

The times she'd been afraid for him after he'd become an Auror were numerous. The nights she'd comforted their kids when he'd earned himself a spot in St. Mungos had felt like torture. Those times she'd been terrified that Rose, Scorpius, and Hugo would spend their lifetimes wondering who their father was. Harry had always offered a shoulder to cry on, and once Ron had accepted her choices he had as well.

A single tear escaped her hold.

"You always wanted a hero's death, and you got one, so I guess if anything...I'm proud of you." Draco had become an Auror with the wish to prove that he wasn't like his father. Hermione had supported his decision despite her assurances that he didn't need to prove his worth to anyone.

"If not for others, then I need to prove it to myself." He'd say. And so, Hermione had spent days crying over him with a willing heart.

"It's still difficult without you though. Rose took it the hardest I think. And as for me, I...I don't know if I've even really accepted you're gone." The day she had received the notice was burned into her memory. Harry had been with her, and she suspected that he'd somehow known. He'd held her as she'd sagged against him and mumbled soothingly in her ear as she'd cried.

The months afterwards as she'd let her grief swallow her, Harry had stepped in with Ron and checked in regularly. Ginny had made her meals so she wouldn't have to, and had often dragged her on outings to Diagon Alley or to lunch at The Three Broomsticks. Hermione had been grateful and still was, but the ache of loss still burdened her heart.

The wind picked up speed as she let the first of many tears fall. "I miss you," She sobbed. Shadows danced around her as the sun disappeared. Her hands ached with the need for him to grab them and pull her up to stand beside him. She wished for his lips to sweep past hers again; for him to brush her tears away. For him to come back to her.

Hermione wanted this to be a nightmare...some cruel joke. She wanted to wake up and laugh about how silly she was being. About how stupid she was for believing that Draco, her husband, was gone, and had been for five years. But as the moon rose high above her, she could feel her heart sink and her stomach twist in a horrifying crash to reality. The wind howled in her ears as she clutched the necklace to her heart.

She remembered their first kiss,...the day he'd asked her out. Their wedding. The way he'd smiled at her when Rose and Scorpius had been born. The times he'd held her when the Ministry had asked too much of her. The days he'd worried over her when she'd struggled with the deaths of her parents. "More than you know..."

Hermione lifted red rimmed eyes to the moonlit sky. The gusts of wind hit her directly in the face, but she found its touch to be soothing as it cooled the heated flush that'd risen to her cheeks. Slowly but surely the tears started to slow. Her eyes stung, but for some reason unbeknownst to her she felt different. Lighter...relieved.

The world without Draco was dim, but it no longer felt as if her world was falling apart.

The grip on the locket slowly relaxed. "But as much as I miss you, Rose, Hugo, and Scorpius need me." She choked back one last sob. "I can't leave them yet." It was more than true. Rose had four children to take care of, and Hugo's wife was pregnant with their third child. Scorpius was a father of twins. Her children needed her as much as she'd needed Draco.

Her legs protested as she stood. With straightened shoulders, she dried her tears. The night seemed to still as she patted the headstone one last time. Resolutely, Hermione turned her back on the gravesite, and began her descent down the hill. With one final breath she paused and whispered a last goodbye. "Until we meet again, Draco."

Thanks again for all the support you guys have given me! I hope to have a new Dramione story posted within the next month, and if you guys would so kind to check it out it would be much appreciated!
