"Hermione, stop panicking. Merlin, I thought you said you rode before!"

Hermione gritted her teeth to stop them from clattering in fright. It was no use. "I did." She hissed.

Narcissa huffed, clearly exasperated and not quite knowing what to do about it. "Then snap out of it. Don't show fear, they know."

Hermione dropped the reins. "I can't do this" she declared emphatically. "I'm sorry, Cissy, but I just can't."

"I don't understand," Narcissa said, pouting, clearly saddened. "How is it any different?"

Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose, frustrated, but not wanting to take it out on Narcissa. She knew her girlfriend meant well. She had been looking forward to a quiet afternoon riding through the beautifully manicured grounds of the Black family's summer estate in Aix-en-Provence.

When Narcissa had suggested horseback riding, Hermione had been giddy to return to an activity she had loved before she left for Hogwarts and during every summer spent away from her beloved castle. It was not a well-known fact, but Hermione Granger was always at ease on a saddle; be it for dressages, show jumping, or even just a good old-fashioned gallop through endless fields, Hermione not only loved riding, but was quite good at it.

Learning that Narcissa not only also loved riding but owned several prize-winning horses in the French summer villa was like the cherry on top in a relationship that was pretty much already perfect. Hermione allowed herself to imagine long rides into the sunset. When Narcissa had come down for breakfast this morning already equipped with her riding breeches and boots, Hermione's heart melted a little bit.

There was only one little, tiny, miniscule but significant detail that had somehow been overlooked in all of their discussions about horses and horseback riding. Hermione inwardly cursed the Wizarding world for throwing her that particular curveball.

"Cissy" Hermione murmured as kindly as she could muster. "These horses fly!"

Narcissa crossed her arms. "How would I have known you had never been on a winged horse before? You said you loved riding!" She argued weakly.

"Think about how ridiculous that question is for a minute." Hermione deadpanned, hands still shaking over the reins she held just barely. To his due credit, Wind Rider—Hermione scoffed at the name—had been remarkably calm about having a jittery witch upon his back. Hermione's legs were tucked behind his great black wings—she flinched whenever they moved, even if only slightly.

"I'm sorry, Cissy" Hermione said again, sadness and some guilt clearly evident on the Slytherin's face. It was clear Narcissa had been looking forward to this just as much as she had.

"I don't understand" the blonde pouted. "You've ridden a dragon, for Salazar's sakes. And Thestrals!" her eyes narrowed. "I don't buy it. I think you need the right incentive."

"There is no possible incen... hey, lady, what are you doing?"

"Move forwards a bit" Narcissa commanded, and maybe those marvelous boots gave her an added air of authority, because Hermione immediately complied. Narcissa stepped closer to the horse and then, in a swift move Hermione could just swear had to be aided by some kind of magic, mounted it, front pressing against Hermione's back.

Hermione shuddered with the feel of Narcissa's breasts against her back. "This is not an incentive" she husked as Narcissa's arms wound around her waist to take control of the reins. "It's a distraction."

She felt the vibration of Narcissa's hearty laugh reverberate through her body. "Do you trust me?" The blonde asked, tightening her arms around Hermione as she spurred Wind Rider to begin a gentle trot out of the stables. Hermione shivered.

"I trust you" she squeaked; the horse was now speeding to a canter and Hermione gripped the saddle with every fibre of strength she had in her. "It's the horse I don't trust!"

"Don't worry" Narcissa whispered softly, her arms tightening even more around Hermione. Her tone was mischievous when she spoke next.

"This isn't even the mane event."

Hermione turned her head slightly. "Was that a fucking pun!"

Wind Rider sped towards a full gallop, and before Hermione could protest much more, his wings unfurled to their impressive full width. Within seconds, they were airborne.

"That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Narcissa questioned as they returned to the stable. Hermione looked a little green around the edges, but she had to admit having Narcissa's arms around her as they flew on a winged horse had been extremely helpful. Plus, the view of the famous lavender fields in Provence was truly breath-taking from above.

"It was fine" was all she could say. After all, her legs were still a little wobbly.

Narcissa laughed. "Thank you for the unbridled enthusiasm." She quipped, ignoring Hermione's exaggerated eyeroll, twirling the brunette in place so she held her in her arms in a loose embrace. "Thank you for flying with me. I've wanted to bring you here for ages."

Hermione chuckled, returning the embrace. "I had no choice" she joked. "You kidnapped me."

Narcissa dropped a kiss onto Hermione's nose. "It was a spur of the moment decision" Hermione rolled her eyes again, but Narcissa was undeterred. "I think it was worth it," she breathed, moving to Hermione's neck and giving it a playful nip that had Hermione shuddering. "I also think you were very brave, and bravery like that should be rewarded."

Hermione's eyes widened, but she couldn't quite protest. Narcissa captured her lips in a fierce, searing kiss, backing her up until she was flush against the stable wall. The blonde's hands were already under her shirt, and Hermione tugged desperately at Narcissa's beautifully tailored maroon riding coat, nearly ripping its silver buttons away.

"My, my" Narcissa quipped, allowing Hermione to slide the coat over her shoulders, without a care as it dropped to the floor. "Someone's eager for a roll in the hay."

"For the love of Merlin, rein it in with the wordplay." Hermione hissed, hands travelling down Narcissa's back to settle onto the shapely curves of her ass, confined by those terribly, terribly sexy riding breeches that were doing crazy things to Hermione's brain. And those boots, Merlin, those boots.

Narcissa only chuckled darkly, too busy kissing Hermione senseless. She removed the brunette's hands from where they rested, ignoring Hermione's protestations, and pinned them above her head onto the stable wall.

"I think I might rein you in" she challenged, muttering a spell under her breath. Hermione felt the bridles and reins resting on hooks by her sides magically wind themselves around her wrists, just tightly enough to trap her hands in place. Narcissa, happy with her handiwork, pushed herself in between Hermione's legs, her thigh brushing against the Gryffindor's centre in one deliberate move.

"Lovely" Narcissa whispered against Hermione's skin, unbuttoning her shirt and pushing it over the brunette's shoulders. Her nails scratched gentle patterns at Hermione's sides, her waist, under her breasts, her abdomen, lining the waistband of her breeches.

Hermione was too breathless to speak; Narcissa's eyes looked at her with indescribable hunger and desire, shining like beacons in the relative darkness of the stable. She shivered as Narcissa deftly relieved her of her belt, teasingly running her fingers over her waistband in the sweetest form of tortured.

Narcissa kissed her again, a hand delicately making its way into Hermione's breeches. "Ah," she gasped, breaking their kiss momentarily, delighted with the heat and wetness she found there. Hermione trembled in her boots; she feared her legs would give and she would be held only by the charmed restraints on her wrists.

Narcissa swirled a maddening design with her fingers purposefully avoiding Hermione's most sensitive spot, clearly on a quest to draw this one out for as long as possible. Hermione wanted to protest, to whine and beg, but all she could muster was a pathetic whimper.

"Oh, you poor, poor dear" Narcissa murmured huskily in her ear. There was a sudden thrust and Hermione gasped loudly as she felt herself filled with heat; Narcissa's thigh pushed further into her, creating even more delicious pressure over the hand that now thrust steadily into her. "Look at the state you're in."

"Ciss... Cissy..." Hermione managed to breath out, gritting her teeth as her body trembled. Narcissa looked smug, lifting one of Hermione's legs to her waist, holding it in place as her other hand thrust into the brunette with abandon.

Hermione began to gasp loudly, unable to contain her cries as Narcissa inserted a second, then almost immediately a third finger, pacing her thrusts expertly, nipping at her neck and kissing her softly in just the perfect intervals to push her higher, higher, and even higher still.

Her body slammed into the wall as her hips bucked with each of Narcissa's masterful thrusts; her wrists straining against their restraints in a desperate gambit to hold on to Narcissa before she pushed from the edge. Narcissa was relentless, drinking in her gasps with sheer triumph, and Hermione was certain she would not be able to hold on for much longer.

"Darling" Narcissa husked, letting Hermione's leg grip onto her waist as her free hand found the brunette's breast under her bra, giving the nipple a slight pinch that made Hermione shudder. Hermione's movements became more and more agitated, frantic and desperate, and when Narcissa deftly brought her thumb to press onto her clit, just enough, just perfectly, Hermione thought she would lose her mind.

Narcissa's fingers curled deep in Hermione's warmth, sending the helpless Gryffindor careening off the edge of pleasure with a strangled cry. "Come for me."

Hermione cried out, legs bucking with the intensity with which her climax washed over her. Narcissa wound an arm around her waist, propping her up against the wall.

Narcissa waited for Hermione to compose herself once again, dropping soothing kisses onto her neck, her cheeks, and her parted lips. Hermione groaned as Narcissa's fingers were removed, and the blonde smirked, very happy with herself.

"Lovely" she quipped, bringing her own fingers to her mouth in a display that had Hermione shuddering all over again. "Maybe I can make use of my riding crop next time, hm?"